sorry but had 2 get this out

haha i never really liked tazz, but he has a lot more talent than batista does. HHH made batista look great but when he gets into a match with JBL it sucks, because batista really has no wrestling ability, vince just likes him because he is over with the crowd
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
tazz suck wow they made him big in old ecw
Your totally incorrect. "They" didn't make Tazz. Tazz made himself into what he is today. He made his legacy. He knew what he could do. ECW fans also helped Tazz, because they respected him for what he brought to ECW and in his matches. If you were ever at an ECW event, watched it on TV, watched on video, etc... then you'd know ECW fans weren't always nice to wrestlers. Unlike other wrestling promotion fans, ECW fans at the time were alot different than your average wrestling fans, but Tazz earned there respect. Very early into Tazz's ECW career he proved to the fans what he could do and ever since they respected him for what he did. I will say this Tod Gordon and Paul Heyman also helped Tazz when no other wresting promotion believed in what Tazz could do. Tazz earned everything he did. He's one of the few Triple Crown winners of ECW.

I would really like to debate with you, because it makes threads more interesting, but I think you should put more into your posts, so theres more to debate about. I can't tell you how to post, but I'd like to see the reasons why you think what you think other than the fact you wrote "tazz suck wow they made him big in old ecw" I know this isn't a contest and I don't expect you to write a one page essay, but I think you should be more elaborate on the reasons in your opinion why you think "Tazz sucks". I'm not telling you to listen to me. It's just a suggestion.

ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
he had no skill and he had no character
I don't know what you've seen or been watching, but Tazz has alot of skill. I'm not a Tazz "Mark" or a mark for any other wrestler, but I will tell you when I see a wrestler that has talent. Tazz may not have been as popular in his ECW days as other wrestlers in other promotions with a similar wrestling style to Tazz's, but thats because of the lack of money ECW could spend at the time, tv deals they didn't have, traveling to other arenas, fan bases, etc... ECW couldn't expand there fanbase as well as other wrestling promotions for example WWE,WCW, etc... because of mainly money and for some of the reasons I stated above. There's alot more reasons, but I only named a few.

Tazz showed his skills by his technical mat maneuvers, submission holds, and his judo related moves, because he holds a 3rd degree black belt in judo. He used many different moves such as Tazmission (Katahajime), Tazmissionplex (Katahajime suplex), Head and Arm Tazplex (Overhead head and arm suplex), Super Head and Arm Tazplex (Top rope head and arm suplex), Tazplex (Modified side head and arm suplex), Capture Tazplex (Capture suplex), T-Bone Tazplex (Exploder suplex), Release German Tazplex (Release German suplex), Release Dragon Tazplex (Release dragon suplex), Release Tiger Tazplex (Release tiger suplex), Release Northern Lights Tazplex (Release northern lights suplex), Wheelbarrow Tazplex (Wheelbarrow suplex), Angry Man's Clothesline (Clothesline), Brooklyn Boot (Running big boot), and many other mat based moves, submission moves, and wrestling related moves. People claim Tazz is fat, but Tazz in his ECW days was pretty much all muscle and he was very powerful for his size, but he didn't use many powerful moves, because that wasn't his wrestling style.

I suggest you watch some of these matches he had with Sabu, Shane Douglas, The Triple Threat, Kurt Angle, Mike Awesome, Raven, Steve Austin, and many other people. If you want me to get more in depth with his matches or want any suggestions on any matches I will give you some. He had an impressive undefeated streak, but it was eventually broken. Not only that, he held every ECW championship that they had to offer and the FTW championship he created. He held the ECW World Heavyweight Championship for almost a year, which is pretty impressive considering how many quick title changes we've seen in other wrestling promotions.

In 1995 at an ECW show he teamed with Eddie to go against 2 Cold Scorpio and Dean Malenko and he broke his neck from botched spike piledriver and he continued the match until it was over. Some people may not think this is big, but not many wrestlers have done this. After the match he went to hospital, and doctors there couldn't believe he was walking and doing the things he did, because they told him he had a broken neck. During the time of the match when the botched spike piledriver occured Tazz and pretty much everyone didn't know he had a broken neck, but many thought he did suffer an injury. He found out later when he went to the hospital that he had suffered a broken neck.

Tazz, may not of had that great of WWE career, but due to injuries he decided not to wrestle anymore. Many fans may hate the fact that he didn't to quit wrestling, but its alot better than seeing a wrestler suffer a career ending injury or even death, so I respect Tazz for his judgement on what he wanted to do with his career whether he continued wrestling or quit wrestling.
He also was one of the Tough Enough Trainers, so he had to have atleast some wrestling skill to be considered for the position. Look at everyone who WWE could of picked from there entire roster or basically anyone in the world who they thought fit the job and they chose Tazz over everyone who could of had that position.

ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
and now he has no announcing skills nither
Tazz may not be the greatest announcer in the world or for that matter he may not be the greatest WWE annoucer, but he brings alot of experience in wrestling knowledge to annoucing. He knows the ins and outs of wrestling, different promotions such as ECW and WWE, knows alot of knowledge about the currect wrestlers, because he had matches with alot of them, He knows most or if not mostly all the moves in wrestling and how to use them, and brings much more to wrestling related things for which fans should know about. Also atleast he knows what hes talking about. I much rather see Tazz annoucing, than seeing an annoucer that can talk good on a mic, but has no clue or any knowledge of the wrestling product.

With all this said, I'm not telling you to change any of your beliefs on wrestling, wrestlers, wrestling promotions, etc... Your entitled to your own opinions. Some people may like it or other people may dislike it, but this what this Forum is for and if everyone liked the same thing and had the same opinions about everything, then that would be boring. I didn't write all this for you to change your mind on how you feel about Tazz the wrestler, but atleast maybe taking into consideration for respecting Tazz for what he did for wrestling and what he did for the fans.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
first off i would say i have been a fan longer than u i have wach it since i was 3 and iam 23 now but any way i give credit when its due i have arguments with tna fans they send me stuff on tna like ppv and i have alot respect for some of the guys in tna now but i have seen old ecw every fri back in the day and tazz sucks and when he was in wwe he suck so get over it

Old ECW was on f*cking saturday night, on paid programming. I waited for it weekly, make shit up else where.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
ok u pick one thing suplex who cant do that batista could do it way better than shaort fat tazz and yes i have seen his matches he sucks
Some people maybe able to perform wrestling moves better than other wrestlers. I'm sure theres wrestlers out there that can do better a better suplex than most wrestlers, but this isn't a "Who Can Do The Wrestling Moves" thread, so what is your point?

ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
first off i would say i have been a fan longer than u i have wach it since i was 3 and iam 23 now
Where does bragging get you? We all know theres wrestling fans out in the world and even wrestling fans on this Forum that have been watching wrestling longer than others, but really what does bragging about how long you've been watching wrestling really solve? The number of years someone has been watching wrestling really means nothing other than you've been watching wrestling for that long. People would give you more respect if you shared the knowledge you've gained upon being a wrestling fan for that long and sharing what you know in wrestling threads on different topics, your opinions on different wrestling products, helping others with questions, etc... This is what this forum is for discussing wrestling, sports, entertaintment, whats going on in the world, and many other things. Many people joined this Forum to learn more things that they didn't know, share what they know with other members, state there opinions on different topics, debating, chatting, maybe even meet some people to chat with, and theres many other reasons why people joined this Forum, but I was naming a few.

Believe it or not, but for how many years people have been watching wrestling is like a "Forum Post Count". The quality you put into your posts is much better than how many posts you make.
The WWE has definitly gone down and up but you can't put your company around a 40 something yr old guy and wrestling stiff like Batista they will never get another superstar like Hogan,The Rock,Austin,Hart,Angle and they tried to build up Brock Lesnar and look he wanted to go to the NFL. They have to slowly breed these new characters instead of just throwing them out here like this and come up with new gimmicks Chris Masters (Lex Luger?) Umaga (Kamala? Samoa Joe rip off?) The Great Kahli (Giant Gonzales?) but John Cena is not what wrestling fans want that gimmick has flown especially when b2 left and Edge we know you scrud matt hardys girlfriend thats becoming old his rated r crap personally its pg 13 to me. The Tag Team Division ? THERE ISNT ONE! They brought in the highlanders(smart move) spirit squad brought jeff back hardy boys reunion the mexicools and kendrick london but its still not clicking and when Vince needs ratings he always brings back the legends always brings back the hulkster how bout instead of bringing them back you bring back wrestling the way it use to be!
This is the most ridiculous discussion I've ever seen. Batista a better wrestler than Taz? Yeah...and Hogan's a better wrestler than Bret Hart.
kapp said:
Some people maybe able to perform wrestling moves better than other wrestlers. I'm sure theres wrestlers out there that can do better a better suplex than most wrestlers, but this isn't a "Who Can Do The Wrestling Moves" thread, so what is your point?

Where does bragging get you? We all know theres wrestling fans out in the world and even wrestling fans on this Forum that have been watching wrestling longer than others, but really what does bragging about how long you've been watching wrestling really solve? The number of years someone has been watching wrestling really means nothing other than you've been watching wrestling for that long. People would give you more respect if you shared the knowledge you've gained upon being a wrestling fan for that long and sharing what you know in wrestling threads on different topics, your opinions on different wrestling products, helping others with questions, etc... This is what this forum is for discussing wrestling, sports, entertaintment, whats going on in the world, and many other things. Many people joined this Forum to learn more things that they didn't know, share what they know with other members, state there opinions on different topics, debating, chatting, maybe even meet some people to chat with, and theres many other reasons why people joined this Forum, but I was naming a few.

Believe it or not, but for how many years people have been watching wrestling is like a "Forum Post Count". The quality you put into your posts is much better than how many posts you make.
u pick me out i was defending my self on a topic if u read all of the post i gave my oppion on tazz becouse i have seen alot of his stuff so dont give me that we should all get along stuff people are not going to get alone when it comes to sports people have there fav and the ones they hate there going to take up for the ones they like and boo the ones they hate thats what makes it fun have u ever been to a live show or wach it on tv with alot of friends i am sure u have done one of them diddnt u have fun cheering your fav and trash talking the ones u hate and u cant say no becouse every one dose it its what makes it fun so iam sure u have seen more people on here talk more crap than me i get attact on here all the time for not likeing fat joe but it dont bother me thats what i think i dont figure people will agree with me just ask some of the people that argue with me we all make are points evently just ask some of the people on this tread
Originally Posted by scalizi
LOL@Douglas sold out...

(((Thak you 4 all the Tazz support but this post was not just to hype Tazz up, I posted this because (SCALIZI) posted this crap.))) ->(everybody left ECW to get paid...not just Douglas...your favorite champion TAzZ held the ECW title as a WWF(E) jobber....hahahaha...when you think of the most identifiable "extreme" era ECW champion there are the same names mentioned...and they all left ECW before the dam fuck anybody narrow minded enough to believe that Douglas is a "sell out"... )

And what i think about that
(so fuck anybody narrow minded enough to believe that Douglas is a "sell out"...) OK Bro let's Look at this 4 a min. Douglas was the man who help start the EXtreme era right? So why was he the 1st to sell out and 2 times at that now I love this guy but come on open your eyes bro. he jump ship when the company he help start and who help star him, needed him most. now if that's not a sell out iI don't know what is.

Now on to Tazz he was and is the most Feared ECW champ
your boy Douglas when he was champ back in the day ducked and ran from Tazz cuz at the time Tazz was a killer look even Sabu at one time was 1st and is now the 2nd most feared man in ECW and Tazz made him TAP 2. And talk about a wwe or wwf jobber did you 4-get Dean Douglas 1 of the bigest jobbers of all time 2 HBK. Now Tazz is viicious and would kill any and all who needed a good ass kickin

and that's that's Bro sorry.
yeah well all in all....Taz does suck at commentating. Maybe if he could speak right without studdering his words. Sometimes he'll start to say one word but then say a totally different word lol But I prob couldn't do better with all the people in the back talking to you through your head set. But still...I'm sure they can find someone better.
"Now on to Tazz he was and is the most Feared ECW champ
your boy Douglas when he was champ back in the day ducked and ran from Tazz cuz at the time Tazz was a killer look even Sabu at one time was 1st and is now the 2nd most feared man in ECW and Tazz made him TAP 2."

i'm proud to say i was at the ppv when Douglas lost the belt to Taz. it was an amazing title run and ended in an amazing match. how does a wrestler "duck and run" from another performer LOL. Douglas was a main eventer from the get-go, Taz had to work his way up. and remember Taz hurt his neck and i believe he was hurt through alot of Douglas' last title run. once he came back he had main event status and they feuded.
i loved ECW but it was a minor league (albeit more entertaining than the big leagues). certain guys were destined to move on after awhile, Shane being one of them. where else could he have gone in ECW? where else could Taz have gone for that matter? or Perry Saturn or the Dudleys or any other "sell outs"? money talks and these guys were top notch talent.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said: heres a linkif u think tazz is so great rvd putting him in his place

Bro ok that's nice now your boy batista got his ass kicked by goldberg and by d-von now what, come on now that's just 1 match you have no point. Man Bro I was worng you have no wrestling (I.Q) what so ever. keep drinking the hater-aid bor it's ok Tazz is the man he was WHWchamp and RVD who I love was not that's that's :suckit: :fuckoff: :headscratch: :schild13:
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
u pick me out i was defending my self on a topic if u read all of the post i gave my oppion on tazz becouse i have seen alot of his stuff so dont give me that we should all get along stuff people are not going to get alone when it comes to sports people have there fav and the ones they hate there going to take up for the ones they like and boo the ones they hate thats what makes it fun have u ever been to a live show or wach it on tv with alot of friends i am sure u have done one of them diddnt u have fun cheering your fav and trash talking the ones u hate and u cant say no becouse every one dose it its what makes it fun so iam sure u have seen more people on here talk more crap than me i get attact on here all the time for not likeing fat joe but it dont bother me thats what i think i dont figure people will agree with me just ask some of the people that argue with me we all make are points evently just ask some of the people on this tread
Read my first reply to you on page 3 of this thread, unless you already did.

perfectfan91 said:
they will never get another superstar like Hogan,The Rock,Austin,Hart,Angle
How do you know WWE will never get another "superstar" like any of the people you've stated? That's a very bold prediction, since you never know what the future will bring.

perfectfan91 said:
when Vince needs ratings he always brings back the legends always brings back the hulkster how bout instead of bringing them back you bring back wrestling the way it use to be!
Well, Vince McMahon right now doesn't have to worry as much as he used to about the wrestling product, because theres no other wrestling promotion out there that has a fan base as big as the WWE right now. I know he still tries to compete with other promotions by doing certain things, but thats how it is.

Also wrestling fans and the Internet have a big part in the situation also. In the past there wasn't as many wrestling forums, wrestling spoiler websites,etc... so over the years the Internet has gotten alot bigger, more wrestling fans started using the Internet and going to spoiler websites, forums, etc... and they started reading all this and over time wrestling fans were expecting to see more than what they were getting.

Don't get me wrong, but wrestling may have been better then, but if "then" was "now", you would still see wrestling fans complaining as much as you do and having there opinions on different things, so this is a large part of why people don't seem to be getting out of wrestling as what they did in the past. I only named a few things, but theres many more reasons you could consider.

DXiRoNMaN said:
certain guys were destined to move on after awhile, Shane being one of them. where else could he have gone in ECW? where else could Taz have gone for that matter? or Perry Saturn or the Dudleys or any other "sell outs"? money talks and these guys were top notch talent.
Some of them could of gone longer with the ECW promotion. They didn't necessarily have to do anything more to try to gain more status than they've already achieved. It's just some ECW fans believe that you should stay true to your roots and where you came from.

Before anyone calls any ECW wrestlers "sellouts", you have to think of it this way on one hand you have the ECW wrestler and maybe he/she thinking more about there family than the promotion and saying "I can support my family more with more money, than if I stay here in ECW" and on the other hand you have the ECW fans and there saying "You should stay in ECW, because you were here for years." Don't sell out to another company for more money" So really there is no perfect answer on what some of them should of done. You just have to respect what they've done for ECW and there decisions, whether its a good thing or a bad thing for the company.
No. There talking about strength "right now" and it was just for a second. Please don't turn this small thing into a pointless debate. Eternal dragon
wp2 4 life said:
Bro ok that's nice now your boy batista got his ass kicked by goldberg and by d-von now what, come on now that's just 1 match you have no point. Man Bro I was worng you have no wrestling (I.Q) what so ever. keep drinking the hater-aid bor it's ok Tazz is the man he was WHWchamp and RVD who I love was not that's that's :suckit: :fuckoff: :headscratch: :schild13:
It's funny how some people actually beleive that they "told you" sometimes. And if you don't respond that means that that did? lol. I would'nt even respond to this if I were you cereb assas
ESeeDubbya said:
yea it was on fri it came on tnn
it did come on tnn before it was over it might have been a rerun i dont know but any ways to all the people on here that says i dont know any thing becouse i put down your stupid fat wreslters u say its every ones oppion but i cant help u have poor taste
^erm ...ok lol

Can ECW do better on another network than Sci Fi?
if tazz couldt wrestle then why did he teach the ecw wrestling school?

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