Songs you know within 15 seconds


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

Yet another music thread brought to you by my iPOD. This one is obvious if you can read the thread title, but i digress.​

When you listen to the same music over and over you kind of know the songs after a while but having an awesome intro doesn't hurt. I mean just listen to the first 5 seconds and tell me it's not pretty epic. IT starts with an orchestrea and you get the chorus warming up and at the 15 second mark you have the instruments start. Quite possibly the most epic intro to a song I've ever heard and that's sayng something when you listen to the amount and different kinds of music i do.​
System of a Down - Sugar

This is one of the songs that I immediately recognize within a matter of seconds. As soon as the bass kicks in at the start then Serj's crazy vocals kick in I know I'm in for a treat. System are one of the bands that fall under the 'aquired taste' genre apparently. They're different but they're still awesome. What's better is that they've reunited to play at Download, which is fucking awesome.

System have alot of better songs than Sugar, but Sugar is one of the few that I recognize almost instantly.
I went with my Ipod for this one as well.

Breaking Benjamin: Medicate

It may not be as epic as Sympathy of Destruction or even Sugar, but this is one of their songs that actually has a different feel to it. It starts out heavy, and by the time the drums kick in, youre already engaged. This was off their first major album, before they were filtered and neutured to become more mainstream, and the song they wanted to use as their first single, and was shot down by the record company. Just an epic beginning to a kick-ass song.

Metallica-Master Of Puppets

This is one I know after literally the first note. Definitely one of the most recognisable starts to any song I know, and from the first second of the riff kicking in, you know you are in for something special.

Every time I am in a rock club and this comes on, the whole crowd roars straight away, as its not just me who recognises this after 1 note! Great song from a great album by a great band
Blink 182's "First Date" As soon as i hear that drum snair i know that im about to hear one of Blink 182 best songs and you know one of their best songs is going to be killer because all their songs are F#cking Sick

Alice In Chains...need I say more

An absolute fucking beast of a tune, one of the greatest songs of all time and instantly recognisable. Layne is on top form here, and I love the alternative lines sung by him and Jerry Cantrell.

Perfection IMO

Need I say why?? This is Smells Like Teen Spirit, pretty much the anthem of annoyed youth, the song is legendary and the intro is probably one of the most famous ever, a simple guitar riff used really well.

Need I say why?? This is Smells Like Teen Spirit, pretty much the anthem of annoyed youth, the song is legendary and the intro is probably one of the most famous ever, a simple guitar riff used really well.

Another great choice dude, an absolute classic. Even non-rock fans know and love this song. Hell, I first got into it through my Dad, who doesnt even really like that type of music, buying Nevermind just for that one song.

Not as good as the DDP WCW version....SELF HIGH FIVE though! ;)

Another choice from me...


Yeah, I know the piano intro does sound extreeeeemly similar to John Lennon's "Imagine"... and Oasis are wearing the Lennon style glasses, but dammit its still awesome!!

Even though the 2 songs do sound alike in their intros, I never get unsure of which is which. For me DLBIA is one of the most instantly recognsible pieces of music I know, its still played regularly on the radio to this day and as Oasis gigs, as soon as that first piano note was played, the crowd knew what was coming! Awesome
as soon as the first note of the opening hits, I know this. The acoustic guitar they use places this song into the category that people should k ow this song well before the song starts.

Another one of my choices.

This was one of the 1st rock songs I fell in love with, and so as soon as I hear the riff kicking in I know exactly what song it is. I love it as much now as I did when I was 13-ish haha.

A great track by a very underrated band
This song gets me pumped up i can notice anyday its a awespme song and first 15 seconds is just amazing this is a great song and the intro ibetter then 90%of mainstream Music[YOUTUBE]rlcBVVdxByY[/YOUTUBE]

Its crazy that I know this song literally from just the little tapping on the symbol. Most people I listen to it with don't even know a song has begun its so quiet, but I do.

And then when it kicks in....fucking mayhem haha

Going with an obvious one though i didn't see it listed. I don't think there is anyone in the world who hasn't heard this song before. It's a prime example of classic rock and it's enfluences to bands & singers all around the world. Just the simple few seconds of Angus Young playing guitar has everyone know the gravelish voice and the heavy drum beat coming up.

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