Songs that mean a lot to you

Pretty self explanatory. I apologize if there's already been a thread like this, I was too lazy to check. I'll go first.

Around last Thanksgiving, a friend of mine in New York was walking home from a dance rehearsal. Her boyfriend was there with her and they went their separate ways home. Before anything else happened, a driver hit my friend and she died in her boyfriend's arms. Her name was Delilah.


The first time I tried to play this song after what happened, I played the first note and I couldn't hold anything back. And I'm normally not that kind of person. AT ALL. I've played and sang that song at least once every day since I heard about the accident. I will never forget her.

So how about you guys? Which song means the most to you personally?
I'll go a little more positive with my next one.


1. The first song I learned how to play on guitar (Not the solo, obviously)

2. Virginia Tech. My sister goes there, I wanna go there, and this is why.


^^^^ That, my friends, is the GREATEST entrance in college sports.

Anyone gonna jump in? (no pun intended)
I should warn you all that this is going to be very corny, read at your own peril.​


I had 1 girlfriend throughout High School. Outside of my family she is to this day the only one I can say i love and mean it (no we're not dating anymore. We called it off when I left for college). Spending time at her house she played 'Dilemma for me and that became 'our' song. A while after that we wre at my house and I played Angel for her and that also became 'our' song. Even though I haven't seen her in 5 years I still care for her deeply and both these songs will have a special place in my heart, probably forever.​
Quite touching Milenko. Not corny at all.

There Goes My Baby
By Usher

This song came out in the summer of 2010 and me and my current girlfriend had just celebrated our one year anniversary together. Me being a dumbass, came very close to losing her around this time. I started acting like an ass and what not. One day, she came and picked me up because she "needed to talk", and this song came on the radio. Our first time ever hearing this song. We both knew we had tons of problems (at the time) but once this song came on, those problems simply went away. she began crying and the song has kinda become our unofficial song.
The meaning behind this song isn't very emotional or anything, it just generally reminds me of a certain time.

My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade

This song came out in 2006 when I was in year 10 at school and then, my life was perfect, school was great, I didn't have to worry about looking for a job or looking for a new course with Uni or Tafe, I had great friends, I wasn't failing at school, I was very, very stress free and they are my faveourite band. There's no emotional attachment to a person with this song, but it just reminds me of a time where I didn't have to worry about anything and everything was ok.

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