Sometimes I amaze even myself


Excellence of Execution
So, last summer I bought a brand new computer. The thing was fucking smoking, paid $1000 for it (which was the most expensive computer in my area). It has:

Windows 7, 64 Bit
Quad Core Processor Q9300 @ 2.50 Ghz
8 GB of RAM
1000 GB (or 1 TB) of Hard Drive space
An HD video card with 1.5 GB of dedicated memory with HDMI output
Wireless N network card built in

Needless to say, this computer is totally kickass. Which is great, because I've recently gotten back into gaming. Allow me to provide a list of the games I'm currently playing:

Lord of the Realm 2
Released: 1996
Min Requirements: 66Mhz processor, 8 MB of RAM, 34 MB Hard Drive, MS-Dos or Windows 95

Champions of Krynn
Released: 1990
Min Requirements: 5 1/2" floppy disk drive, MS-Dos or C64, EGA graphics card

Pool of Radiance
Released: 1988
Min Requirements: 5 1/2" floppy disk drive, C64 or MS-Dos

Released:...oh fuck, you all know this is a card game

So, for those completely inept with computers, my computer playing these games is roughly the equivalent of bringing a bazooka to a thumb wrestling contest. Good thing I spent all of that money. :thumbsup:
You really should be introduced to some newer games Slyfox.

Pretty firm specs on the computer although. I'm curious - What motherboard, DD2 or DDR3 RAM and what graphic card?

Just to see if you seriously should update your gaming library.
My computer is just reaching the end of its usefulness when it comes to newer games that I want to play but I am in no rush to upgrade it as I cannot justify that kind of money for something that would only be for gaming as the work I do on my computer only requires Word and an internet connection.

Games like Empire: TW and Shogun II: Total War will just have to wait a little longer
Wait a little longer? Dude Total War in general is stuff you do not neglect.

Don't worry, Ferbs. I get my fix from Rome:TW Europa Barbarorum and Medieval II:TW Stainless Steel.

In fact, as I am reading Byzantium and Its Army 284-1081, I am tempted to start up a campaign as the Byzantines and try to recreate the Roman Empire at its height

All while watching RAW
Reading about history. As well as when I was reading up on Warcraft lore back in the days always gave me an urge to play the games and create scenario's of those I read about.

That's why I love the Total War series. With a bit of cheat codes (cause I'm a cheating bastard. I'm too impatient to play through properly the first time) and the right combination of teams. Total war is perfection.

The same goes for Age of Empire. I loved the Age of Kings game. I played that for years when I was a kid. Sadly I misplaced the CD.
The historically accurate and map expanding mods for both RTW and M2TW are excellent.

Never get tired of the Parthia campaign in RTW EB as it adds the extra dimension of quickly amassing a huge debt and relying on revolt within the Seleucid Greeks for you to get anywhere at all while even on the most simple setting, you could be wiped out by the Greeks at almost any moment should you annoy them

M2TW has numerous theatres to fight in, whether it be the Reconquista in Spain, the Hundred Years War between France and England (with Ireland and Scotland on the periphery), the emergence of eastern European kingdoms and their squabbles with the Holy Roman Empire, the scramble for Italy between Genoa, Venice, Sicily and the Pope, the growth of Russia and the Northern Crusade of the Teutonic Knights, the internecine struggles of the Muslim factions and their Jihads against crusading Westerners and the attempts of Byzantium to rebuild all in the shadow of the approaching storms of Genghis Khan's Mongols and then Timur

Great stuff
I never really sat down and enjoyed Rome: Total War. However I enjoyed Napoleon: Total War quite a lot.

Also a reason why I enjoyed Age of Empire so much. Due to it's historical accuracy. Now I'm clearly not half the historical brain you are. But I'm not completely lost behind a wagon. Mostly WW2 although.
You really should be introduced to some newer games Slyfox.
I play them on my Playstation 3.

Pretty firm specs on the computer although. I'm curious - What motherboard, DD2 or DDR3 RAM and what graphic card?

Just to see if you seriously should update your gaming library.
I don't like to game on a computer, computer chairs aren't as comfortable as my couch.

Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 230, I THINK it was DDR2, and don't care to look for the motherboard.

You should have invested in a Core i7 Sly.
They hadn't come out yet when I bought this...and I didn't know about them when I bought this.

Believe me, I've regretted that multiple times. But, really, the i7 isn't that much better than what I have, and considering what I use my computer for, what I have is more than enough.

Барбоса;2189286 said:
My computer is just reaching the end of its usefulness when it comes to newer games that I want to play but I am in no rush to upgrade it as I cannot justify that kind of money for something that would only be for gaming as the work I do on my computer only requires Word and an internet connection.
Don't buy Microsoft Word and save yourself some money.

Games like Empire: TW and Shogun II: Total War will just have to wait a little longer
I have Medieval 2 Total War...I have it installed, but just when through the tutorial thus far. I'll get more into it later.

The same goes for Age of Empire. I loved the Age of Kings game. I played that for years when I was a kid. Sadly I misplaced the CD.

Just download a cracked version. You've already paid for the game, so in my mind, it's justifiable.
I play them on my Playstation 3.

Very well. I've never been much for console playing unless it's fighting or sports games. I can't do the controls on a shooters game or RPG game.

So what kind of games do you play?

I don't like to game on a computer, computer chairs aren't as comfortable as my couch.

That's true. All a matter of taste after all. Stationary computers can be moved so that you can sit at the couch anyway.

Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 230, I THINK it was DDR2, and don't care to look for the motherboard.

That's a pretty decent graphic card. Definitely a little overkill for some of the games you play.

DDR2 DDR3 not really that big of a difference anyway unless you're playing rather demanding games.

Believe me, I've regretted that multiple times. But, really, the i7 isn't that much better than what I have, and considering what I use my computer for, what I have is more than enough.

Sure. Not for what you use the computer for. But the majority of the I7 processors should be able to run a few circles around your processor, and bully it into submission if compared. - Wonderful site for comparison. Also has for hard disks and graphic cards. In case you would need to upgrade some day (doubtful. But possible)

Just download a cracked version. You've already paid for the game, so in my mind, it's justifiable.

You seriously think I haven't formated my computer multiple times since? I had it back when XP was at it's peak. I've been through XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Very well. I've never been much for console playing unless it's fighting or sports games. I can't do the controls on a shooters game or RPG game.

So what kind of games do you play?
Sports and shooters...Red Dead Redemption.

Sure. Not for what you use the computer for. But the majority of the I7 processors should be able to run a few circles around your processor, and bully it into submission if compared. - Wonderful site for comparison. Also has for hard disks and graphic cards. In case you would need to upgrade some day (doubtful. But possible)
Look up my processor on the high end. It's not that far down the list, once you get out of the server processors.

You seriously think I haven't formated my computer multiple times since? I had it back when XP was at it's peak. I've been through XP, Vista and Windows 7.
What does that have to do with getting a cracked version?
Sports and shooters...Red Dead Redemption.

Never seen the appeal for Red Dead Redemption. But then again I shouldn't be one to talk *Cough* World of Warcraft *Cough*

Look up my processor on the high end. It's not that far down the list, once you get out of the server processors.

Yep it's definitely up there. But it's not gonna be that comparable to the I7 ones. I got a 9550 and the I7's still kick my ass.

What does that have to do with getting a cracked version?

I might possibly have mistaken cracked version for a cracked file just so I could run the "by assumption" already installed game.
Never seen the appeal for Red Dead Redemption. But then again I shouldn't be one to talk *Cough* World of Warcraft *Cough*

Yep it's definitely up there. But it's not gonna be that comparable to the I7 ones. I got a 9550 and the I7's still kick my ass.

I might possibly have mistaken cracked version for a cracked file just so I could run the "by assumption" already installed game.
I meant full cracked version. Or you can buy it for like $10-20.
Yeah I know. Just have to find it somewhere. The primary game shops from my town doesn't have it anymore. At least I can't seem to find it.

Tried Steam as well. They should expand their library.

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