Something New

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
There's a lot of shit talking here. Let's be productive. Rather than anyone getting another praise thread or anyone letting us know who they think is good or shit, how about some constructive criticism for ourselves.

Name one criticism you have about YOURSELF. I got green rep from somebody that thought I was knocking another poster, when I wasn't. Especially when the person who issued the rep should really count their teeth and not say anything.

I'll start. I wish I was a better thread starter in the wrestling sections.

Your turn.
I used to be too concerned with increasing my post count, and got rather arrogant about my recent posting spree.... sometimes I put myself over too much.
I wish I wasn't shit. More so I wish I could be bothered to post more than I can, either if they aren't very good.
I hit 500 posts and haven't really been bothered much to contribute to the forums more. Plus i'm way too much of a smartass.
Are you really complaining about a negative rep comment Armbar? Trust me- you are always going to find some people who dislike something you wrote on a site this size. Its the natural order :)

I don't tend to contribute a lot, especially in the GWS. If someone has written something close to what I believe I don't see the point in making a similar post.
I wish I could post more often, and occasionally write short novels on here but my computer freezes alot so I tend to keep my posts occasional and to the point.

On a side note, I'm the one who coined the phrase "Siddy Boy" which long story short caused an admin to change Lord Sidious' official username to Siddy.....ROFL

true story too
The worth of my posts in this section is somewhere near negative infinity. Rarely do people laugh at my jokes because they are remotely funny.
Sometimes I feel I whine too much and am hypocritical when it comes to dealing with people.
My main criticism with myself is that I wish I would put more time, thought, and effort into my non spam posts.
Name one criticism you have about YOURSELF. I got green rep from somebody that thought I was knocking another poster, when I wasn't. Especially when the person who issued the rep should really count their teeth and not say anything.

I guess I should stop giving green rep to Via, and spread my one point of green love like herpes.

28 teeth too.

I don't care who you where "knocking" I left you rep with a joke, you didn't agree, so you called me out in a thread. Right after you just finished making a thread, calling out someone, who never showed up.

So, any other advice, to make my wrestlezone experience more enjoyable :icon_rolleyes:
1. My stamina during sex is far too much for my fiancee to handle
2. I know way too much about hip hop
3. I can easily talk in slang, switch it around and talk professionally
1. My stamina during sex is far too much for my fiancee to handle
2. I know way too much about hip hop
3. I can easily talk in slang, switch it around and talk professionally

:lmao: at 1.

in all seriousness, I wish I wasn't so lazy. it takes way too much time to try and school smarks in the WWE and TNA sections. I also wish my grammar wasn't as shitty as it is.
I have problems to make my posts long enough in the non-spam forums before I run out of material or if I don't have enough of an opinion about the subject, hence giving up to actually post unless my material or opinion reaches beyond atleast 10 or 20 lines of reading..

Edit: And I tend to be lazy when some forum thread that looks worth reading comes up in the "new posts" and it's a non spam thread where there's already numerous replies, I tend to fail reading more than the first page, and then loose interest in the whole thread anyway.
I have problems to make my posts long enough in the non-spam forums before I run out of material or if I don't have enough of an opinion about the subject, hence giving up to actually post unless my material or opinion reaches beyond atleast 10 or 20 lines of reading..

I wouldnt worry about post length, it's a waste of time, why write 20 lines when your point can be made in 3? I've made one line posts plenty of times and havent got the infractions to show for it.

Some people seem to think that the length of someones posts makes them a good poster, those people are strange.

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