Someone in this roster needs a heel turn


King Of The Ring
The WWE roster at the moment seems oddly imbalanced between the good guys and the bad guys. In the short run this works but it isn't sustainable. We have got to the stage where there doesn't seem to be obvious feuds for some wrestlers and we are getting Orton/Sheamus which is a tad underwhelming.

As it stands the babyfaes on the roster are:

Lesnar - I suppose his booking will tend to go either way

Plus others such as Cesaro. Also, Bryan is out injured but he may come back at any time.

The heels:

Rusev (injured)
Big Show

There is Stardust but I'm guessing he will be in quite the transitional stage. Moreover, the character was going nowhere. Also, Barrett has lost all his credibility.

The faces clearly have greater star power as well as, overall, being greater in number. In Cena, Orton, Brock and Bryan the four biggest stars in the company are all good guys and that can't be smart. Furthermore, the most likely call ups from NXT are Zayn and Balor who are both, you guessed it, faces.

A solution to almost everything is " turn X heel/face". In this case, I just think the roster needs something fresh. Rusev being injured hurts but having Orton/Sheamus and Ambrose/Kane is such a shame when the roster is so talented. If Bryan was to be cleared tomorrow, then there would be no-one for him to feud with. Other than Mark Henry of course.

As for whom? Orton is an obvious choice. I don't care if he just turned, it's where he is best. Plus, he is credible. Ziggler is another. He has been a good guy for two years and he needs to freshen it up. If he were to make the switch there would be a greater chance of him being at the top. A new character, a new look and a new attitude would make him more entertaining and would definitely increase his role on the roster.

To me, this roster seems imbalanced and that doesn't really work in the long run. I have loved the work of Seth and Wyatt. Sheamus too. While they have done a great job with Owens, they need to have more bad guys on this roster even if it is just to work with the top babyfaces.
If we are to go by recent rumors, Rollins will be making a face turn soon. A double turn between Reigns and Wyatt could be interesting.
Well, what happens when you have a traditional face? Sucks chants. Rocky sucks, Angle sucks, Cena sucks, and New Day sucks. Or you get booed like Reigns. So if you take a gimmick as a good guy, its almost a certain transition to heel or you lose your job. It's hard to keep strong faces when that's what happens.

Owens is doing a lot to become a top heel. The attacks on Cena and MGK are doing good for him. He is a monster heel in the making, and is able to generate genuine heat and can alomost suspend disbelief. He could really be as much of a prick as he acts like. And I know it will be a few months, but Samoa Joe is on the way and he could certainly be a quality heel. I agree with OP that Orton should switch, out of all the guys that wanna be heels, he truly is a natural.
With those 3, the heel stable should be strengthened greatly. Also, I think a Kane switch to face could actually strengthen the heels also. They would not keep teasing a return to the big red monster if they weren't gonna do it. I hope this angle involves Taker, as he has twice now been confronted with his past and he over reacts severely.
I'd turn John Cena heel. Lately on this forum, we've been reading a bunch of comments from folks who admit appreciating everything the guy has brought to WWE + his ability to work fine matches with just about everyone he faces.....but they say he needs to re-invent his character.

Turning him super-evil would sure do that. You wouldn't leave him bad permanently, no. Just long enough to turn WWE on it's head.

By the way, to balance things by bringing someone over from the other side, I'd make Wade Barrett a face and push the hell out of him. It's the only way he's ever going to get back to winning ways in WWE. He's really too talented to keep as a loser forever, yet how do they suddenly turn him around without making him a good guy?
I'd also turn John Cena heel and it would actually make sense considering how much the crowd boos him even when he's saying and doing inspirational things. It's too soon for Orton. Quick face or heel turns can burn out a wrestler. I had gotten bored of him as a villain.

I kind of want to see Ziggler turn heel, but it wouldn't likely stick.
I also would like to see JOHN CENA turn heel..But not very soon. Keep him off TV for a while..Maybe make him injured at summerslam against Owens..

But when he returns i would like to see JOHN in a new outlook. Let him have some badass look. Grow some facial hair and be more intense..Then turn into a super heel who attacks every young talent and cut super heel promos..
I guess Brock Lesnar perhaps is a face right now. He probably is getting and will get a lot of positive reaction from the crowd. People love him. Just like how they love Kevin Owens but the difference is Brock is gonna fight against the top heel of the company. So apparently that makes him a doesn't it?

Amongst the others I don't personally want to see anyone to see the character change. But if you're gonna turn someone into face just go back to Bad News Barrett and bring back that bloody gimmick!

I don't think you need so much of a heel turn as much as you can just start to elevate talent. Kofi and Big E have enough talent to challenge for the IC/US titles. Or have Bo shave his head and join Bray, kind of like when punk did the Straight Edge Society. Or have Cesaro shove Nattie and start bullying people.
Ambrose should turn heel.. His character would work a lot better a heel, instead of a corny crazy babyface. Those crazy characters should never be babyface otherwise it looks very cheesy.. Reigns is the last person who should turn heel since he's finally getting over with the audience, something WWE wanted since he won the Rumble, and he's not being shoved down our throats right now which is helping with his popularity.

John Cena shouldn't turn since he's still the biggest draw in the company, people might be getting tired of hearing that but it's the truth. It's too big of a risk for WWE and they probably don't have the balls to pull the trigger on that.. It could benefit them huge if they do it right though, or maybe not..
The WWE roster at the moment seems oddly imbalanced between the good guys and the bad guys. In the short run this works but it isn't sustainable. We have got to the stage where there doesn't seem to be obvious feuds for some wrestlers and we are getting Orton/Sheamus which is a tad underwhelming.

As it stands the babyfaes on the roster are:

Lesnar - I suppose his booking will tend to go either way

Plus others such as Cesaro. Also, Bryan is out injured but he may come back at any time.

The heels:

Rusev (injured)
Big Show

There is Stardust but I'm guessing he will be in quite the transitional stage. Moreover, the character was going nowhere. Also, Barrett has lost all his credibility.

The faces clearly have greater star power as well as, overall, being greater in number. In Cena, Orton, Brock and Bryan the four biggest stars in the company are all good guys and that can't be smart. Furthermore, the most likely call ups from NXT are Zayn and Balor who are both, you guessed it, faces.

A solution to almost everything is " turn X heel/face". In this case, I just think the roster needs something fresh. Rusev being injured hurts but having Orton/Sheamus and Ambrose/Kane is such a shame when the roster is so talented. If Bryan was to be cleared tomorrow, then there would be no-one for him to feud with. Other than Mark Henry of course.

As for whom? Orton is an obvious choice. I don't care if he just turned, it's where he is best. Plus, he is credible. Ziggler is another. He has been a good guy for two years and he needs to freshen it up. If he were to make the switch there would be a greater chance of him being at the top. A new character, a new look and a new attitude would make him more entertaining and would definitely increase his role on the roster.

To me, this roster seems imbalanced and that doesn't really work in the long run. I have loved the work of Seth and Wyatt. Sheamus too. While they have done a great job with Owens, they need to have more bad guys on this roster even if it is just to work with the top babyfaces.

Turn Ambrose and Ziggler heel.

Ambrose has peaked as a face - main evented multiple PPVs in non-championship matches, main evented PPVs for the WWE WHC, competed for the IC title, feud with The Authority and Bray, there's nothing really left for him to do. Atleast as a heel, he could feud with Reigns, Orton, Cena, etc.

Ziggler peaked as a face - He's been a face since mid 2013, he's done a lot, won the WHC, feud with The Authority, won the IC title and it doesn't look like he'll ever compete for the WWE WHC anytime soon as a face. The angle with Lana will get stale once the inevitable Rusev vs. Ziggler feud is over with.

Turn Wyatt heel.

He's done it all as a heel - feuded with Bryan, Cena, Jericho, Ambrose, and Taker, now Reigns. They won't let him win at WM and he can't compete for the WWE WHC right now since Rollins is a heel. If Bray is feuding with Reigns is an indication that he wants the WWE WHC, he has a better chance going after the title as a face. They should have turned him face after WM last year, fans were behind him.
i like the new thought of turning john cena heel.. trunks knee pads, boots, keep him super jakked & ripped like he is now just adda lil more orange juice.. then become vicious.. leading up to Defeating Undertaker at Wrestlemania 32 in texas in a CAREER THREATNING MATCH... and do it right like HBK vs FLAIR wm24 EXCEPT instead of hbk crying saying i'm sorry i love you b4 hittin final super kick.. John Cena spits in his face & says something very disrespectful.. then pins him in the undertaker style puttin arms across chest stickin out tongue...

that should increase his real heel heat, we just need a face to take his place.. i see Seth Rollins becomin red hot babyface by or after summerslam.. but hes more of a punk face.. i'm the best then back it up..& can easily switch at any time & make it matter and make it work..

i feel the number 1 change WWE NEEDS sorely right now is added stables.. it can help get others not only OVER but in to decent programs instead of floating thru ..
Plus i see excellent talent like balor & zayn doin better with a veteran leader & a strong big thug.. for example look at NEW DAY.. i wanted to puke at first, but the E actually spinned that into a program refresh HELLO thats how its done! i just feel new day would be that lil bit better if they had a world title contender in their group, not to say 1 of them can't, they can, just not now! tag titles on Kofi & Big E, ic belt on Xavier who could be the champ with a good mouth, good look.

i have a really fun idea.. Curtis Axel and Sandow contiue the ripoff powers, but it works as a fun time angle and they can work.. now add a tag team rip off ..HMMM.HMMMM.. HMMMM ( as he points at ascension!) not as LOD. but as demolition ripoff.. Connor & Victor become CON & VIC the CONVIC-TION " here comes the CON & here comes the victor, the conviction, walkin disaster..battery & burgurly are our middle names.. THE CONVICTION, You better show your warrant at the door!..

ok that was fun! but seriously, i do wanna see more factions put together with meaning.

and get more DIVAs involved with feuds, it will help utilize the talents besides the 2 feuding for the title..

and it just makes sense.. the simple why did you text my man a picture of your BLEEP king yells Puppies! up next on raw, the match to see which diva fandango really wants to take home!!

in closing, just stop creating segments on TV that have connection.. it feels like each segment is Uber Controlled and only has to do with one exact storyline.. segments should inter twine.. like during a ambrose-rollins match, the tron shows breakin news, and we go live backstage to see the authority's office on fire and once its put out , the special case holding Kanes mask was broken into and the mask is gone!
---- this doesnt have to ruin the match if done right, allows the boys more rest hold time, it creates a " U NEVER KNOW WHATS GOIN TO HAPPEN' which is MUST SEE TV
I'd say Reigns gets taken over by Bray Wyatt and goes "Monster Heel" whilst in the control of the new Face of Fear within the next few months. It'd be a great change of pace for the programming and who knows, we might get to see a Wyatt controlled Reigns going after the Authority before settling scores with each other early next year around Rumble time.

In the end, the Main focus has to be getting that Huge SHIELD 3-way to work itself out come WrestleMania 32, and for that, I just can't see Rollins turning full babyface at all going into the big event in Dallas. Just the way I see it at this point.
the biggest and much awaited heel turn is john cena. I want wwe make that in a grand and big manner. after turning heel he break ric flair record.
by the way ziggler is pure heel with female manager. ziggler benefits more as heel.
An Ambrose heel turn is absurd. He's the most over babyface they have right now, arguably even moreso than Cena.

If they need heels, and I don't really think they do - unless there's a babyface run with the title some time soon which they haven't had in over a year now - Then Roman Reigns makes the most sense. He's not setting the world on fire as a babyface and could get some great heat as a heel before his ultimate babyface run.

Kevin Owens has easily stepped in as a top heel. Sheamus and Barrett have also done well lately as upper heels. And let's not forget about Seth Rollins. The guy is getting nuclear heat. So much so that it seems like a feud between him and HHH means HHH ends up being a face instead of Rollins.

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