Some Match Types That We Should Have, If We Already Don't

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Occasional Pre-Show
I'm new here, so I don't know if we already have these match types. But we should have a Royal Rumble type match. You know, a match that should decide who takes on the World Champion at the biggest show of the year.

Or maybe a kind of match where people are randomly selected to participate in some kind of number one contender match. A match that could give the lower card people a chance to rise up the card quickly, so they'd have an oppurtunity to look forward to.

Or even perhaps an All-Star match where every active former World Champion is in an elimination match to decide the World Champion. If there's too many former World Champions, there can be qualification matches.

Maybe we could have something like WWE's breakthrough battle royal.

Or better yet, have a random tag team tournament. Pair up two guys, kind of like TNA's that resulted in Samoa Joe and Magnus.

These are just some match types that I think could make WZCW better.
I'm closing this. You can talk about in the discussion thread. Besides, we have pretty much done all of your suggestions.
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