Some help for a friend..


aka JuanJuanson
One of my best friends, that I grew up with, is currently my room mate. In school he was always quiet and didn't have many friends outside of my friends. There are a few problems he has.

1) He is currently 25 years old and just refuses to do anything. At his last job, he was a janitor for 5 years and hated it. He worked crappy hours and barely made over minimum wage. The whole reason he kept the job was because he just didn't want to put in applications. I told him one day that tomorrow I would sit down with him and help him with a resume and putting in applications. He said no, it's just not the right time for it. I moved out when I was a teenager, and he stayed at home. I kept trying to tell him he should get out there on his own. He always replied now's not the right time. He has no motivation to do anything, and quits anything the moment it becomes hard. If you ask him for an idea he will just sit there staring off into space. He refuses to put thought or effort into anything. I finally convinced him to move to Austin with me and figured that would really help out. I got him a job as a security officer because it is the easiest job in the world and pays more than his last job. But still, no motivation. He doesn't leave his room unless it's to get food or use the restroom. I constantly try to get him to come out. We live in a nice area with a beautiful parkway that is great for walking. The weather has been beautiful lately. I ask him if he'd like to go walking. He says no. I ask if he'd like to sit in a dark room and watch YouTube. He says yes. In high school he always said he wanted to work on computers. But he never took any college classes and never makes any effort to. He has never ahd a girlfriend and refuses to talk to them, yet expects me to get him laid. When I bring him around friends, he usually stares off into space and refuses to talk to anyone. When I try to help him with his conversational skills, I usually tell him to start a conversation with me(we've been friends for 17 years and have similar interests). He sits there and thinks for about 2 minutes, then mutters out a simple non open ended question. When I respond he just saus oh and goes back to being silent.

How do I get him to come out of his room? How do I get him off of the computer for a little? He spends all day on it. How do I get him to talk to people?

2)He is a diabetic and takes shitty care of himself. He doesn't ever want to drink water and I always have to tell him to drink water. I had to explain hydration to him, because he thought simply chugging a glass of water before the gym, while not having any water the rest of the day, counts He doesn't check his blood sugar anymore, and when he did it was usually in the 2-300s, and I've seen it go as high as 500's(it should be less than 120). He eats candy, cookies and fast food everyday. I drink only water and alcohol at the house so there are never fruity drinks or soda in the fridge. The guy goes to the store buys large bottles of soda, Hawaiin Punch or some other artificial juice and hides it under his bed. One day we were cleaning and I went in his room and he had like 6 empty bottles under his bed. He filled an entire 30 gallon trash bag with bottles and fast food bags/boxes. I'm constantly finding candy wrappers around the house, and I don't eat candy. The guy is killing himself. Not only that, but he buys fast food every day and it's killing his wallet. All of his money goes to fast food and snacks. Then when it comes time for bills, he either has nothing left or I have to cover for him a little. He currently owes me over $1000, and just the other day needed $25 for gas to get to work because he went broke. The guy takes home more money than me since his bills are less(his car is paid off) but I'm always having to carry him. I keep explaining to him that it's ruining him, and that I need that money back. He always has some excuse each payday though. He can never do anything because he doesn't have the money for it. Then he'll say things like he's going to go a whole month without fast food. Then when I ask what he ate, he'll say the leftovers in the fridge, which is an obviously lie when I took the leftovers with me to work. He even swore on his dog's(who he claims to love) life that he didn't eat fast food one day only to later admit that he did. It's gotten so bad that at one point he came home, and I was sitting on the couch, and I see him scoot out of sight and start making rustling noises. Then I see him with his work shirt suddenly untucked and a big lump under his shirt that he is holding, as he snakes off upstairs rustling with each step.

I've tried everything, from encouragement, to cooking him meals everyday to threatening him with physical violence. Nothing seems to work. How can I drive the point home and get him to quit ruining himself?
I've tried that too. He won't do anything. Even when I don't see him for a half a year at a time, he does absolutely nothing but sit in his room during that time and run his health further into the ground.
What's that movie cliché? You can't save people from themselves?

Screw that, we can save him with better movie clichés.

Johnson, you have to find him a manic pixie dream girl, STAT.

Traumatic experience might do it too. Have you considered having your mercenary cleaning crew faux-kidnap him?
Nothing you say will work & past actions have proven that. Being lazy & unmotivated is one thing- but the fact he blatantly ignores the health issue is another. Something has caused him to give up & you cant pry it out of him because that is just making him shut down more.

His family will step in if there is a serious problem. You want to help, but really cant. Problem is that he will die if he lets the diabetes go too far off balance. If you really want to help, leave him alone about touchy subjects unless he approaches you with something. Let his family deal with it.
His family has been trying to get him to take care of himself as well. He just acknowledges the problem, says he needs to fix it, and then goes right back to the same behavior. Also, he and I practiaclly are family. We are just about brothers and consider each other as such.

Danger Burger. I actually have considered kidnapping him before, funnily enough. Not to scare him into fixing anything. Just me and some friends wondering if we could successfully execute a proper kidnapping. His name was the first name that popped up in the conversation lol.
Then its one of those things where he will snap out of it on his own time, or keep killing himself. You have to accept that sometimes you just cant help those that want to be miserable. One day his fruit punch & candy habit will land him in the hospital & maybe thats what he needs.
Introverted, self-destructive tendencies, and possible depression due to his health condition are some of the more glaring issues your friend has when I read this post. That ***** doesn't need a friend he needs to see a psychiatrist.
I think you might be right. Another thing to note is his mental condition...

In school he was a pretty average student, but then after graduation, he didn't do anything but sit at home and play video games. He was never a decision maker, always just went along with the rest of the group. I've noticed a change in his mental abilities over the years. Pretty much since graduation, he has never been presented with a mental challenge, because everything was either done for him or the daily tasks were remedial(such as washing dishes). For instance, I tought him how to pump gas at the age of 21, because the first couple months he had a car, his parents filled it with gas. I think the last 7 years of never really engaging himself mentally is causing him to grow less intelligent. Also I read that too much sugar, especially for a diabetic, causes lesser brain functionality. Back when we were in school, he came across as an average guy, who had aerage grades and was just quiet. He wasn't what one would have considered dumb. But over the yeas he's gotten worse and comes across as being mentally challenged. People often ask me whether or not he is when first meeting him. He also seems like he doesn't retain much information anymore. An example, the other day I asked him how many planets were in our solar system, to which he replied "Aren't there like a bunch of them, right?", and also stated that the sun(which is smaller than the moon) revolves around the Earth. Now the even weirder part, is while forgetting things like that, he can tell me the month and year of anything that we ever did together. I don't even remeber that. He recalls direct quotes of things I've said over a decade ago, and even recalls incidents that I don't remember at first. Pretty much anything else he doesn't retain seemingly. It has become a bit of a problem for me, because he was hired on with my company based on my recommendation alone, and management is telling me to work with him at home because he seems to have a hard time retaining information and making decisions on his own. He needs to be directed for everything he does. So management wants that to improve. Also we are both financially bound to the same lease, so it's definitely a cause for concern.
Sorry, that last one was jolting.

Force feed the guy laxative for a few weeks then find him some fat girlfriend that'll kick his arse.
So his functionality has dropped to almost nothing? Yeah, he has a big problem.

The shit is that he can only do something if he wants to.

But keep in mind that you are not responsible for him. Cruel as that sounds, he is his own person. Also, one person isn't a support system. I'm sure his family is just as concerned as you are and it would be more effective to try to reach him as a team.

Also, you don't have to help him on your own. There are people who are not only more qualified, but more experienced in dealing with this sort of problem.
Come on, John. Between your obvious obsession with me and your feminine need to fix your friend, people are going to talk.
So his functionality has dropped to almost nothing? Yeah, he has a big problem.

The shit is that he can only do something if he wants to.

But keep in mind that you are not responsible for him. Cruel as that sounds, he is his own person. Also, one person isn't a support system. I'm sure his family is just as concerned as you are and it would be more effective to try to reach him as a team.

Also, you don't have to help him on your own. There are people who are not only more qualified, but more experienced in dealing with this sort of problem.

Thanks for the advice. Me and his dad discuss a lot of these things. His mom tries to reach him a lot, but he ignores her messages for some reason. I think some therapy will be best for him. He himself says that he is not happy with the way he is living his life, and that he wants to get in shape, have money, a girl friend, and a nice car.

Come on, John. Between your obvious obsession with me and your feminine need to fix your friend, people are going to talk.

Coco!!! Let them talk.
So his functionality has dropped to almost nothing? Yeah, he has a big problem.

The shit is that he can only do something if he wants to.

But keep in mind that you are not responsible for him. Cruel as that sounds, he is his own person. Also, one person isn't a support system. I'm sure his family is just as concerned as you are and it would be more effective to try to reach him as a team.

Also, you don't have to help him on your own. There are people who are not only more qualified, but more experienced in dealing with this sort of problem.

Are you like training to be a doctor or something?

But yeah, John, you're going to need a lot of help with this. Don't try to go at it alone. I know you're trying to be a good friend and stay at it but get assistance. Have you ever tried to speak to him when his parents were there, rather than just going at it individually?

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