Soap Opera Emmy winning Writer joins WWE

I'll be the first to say... GOOD! Let's not pretend professional wrestling isn't one giant male soap opera, having someone who has an award winning understanding how soap operas work will be a welcome addition.

There will probably be a few people who say that this is the beginning of the end, how this is Vince's first move to make the WWE less of a wrestling company and more of an entertainment company. Newsflash, from Hogan to Austin to John Cena, it's always been driven by the stories being told, not the wrestling. The wrestling is definitely what brings in the viewers, but it's the stories that keep people coming back.
As long as we Don't end up seeing cole walking down the ramp with an "I shot JR" t-shirt on him, I'm down with that.
Soaps have more twists and turns in them than hogan has in his back. So if the writer can bring some flair to the creative room I think this is a good move. Its a good sign seeing them hiring this guy as it shows they want to make a change, and hopefully make the product's storylines a bit fresher.
Guys, WWE goes through writers like every 3 months. Listen to Dave Lagana's Formerly Creative podcast where he talks to former creative members at WWE. Some last years, some months, some don't last long enough to remember their names. They come from all over the place, whether wrestling backgrounds or media backgrounds. Lagana himself was head writer for Smackdown and wrote for Friends. Just because this person won an emmy doesn't mean they will be able to keep up with the insane hours or travelling or adapt to writing for wrestling and discussing bumps etc.

Hopefully Steph has got the best she can find and keeping Vince far enough away that he isn't just spooking them all the time.
this could be a great thing for the storylines i hope we can get some new stuff going and things are played out well
JGlass hit it right on the head here. Wrestling is often referred to by many outsiders as the "male soap opera". Whether it's Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler, John Cena VS. the Nexus, Stone Cold VS. Vince McMahon, or Hulk Hogan VS. Randy Savage over Elizabeth, wrestling has long been about the stories told by many wrestlers. How many of us cheered our asses off when Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage reunited, or when Stone Cold finally stunned Vince McMahon for the first time? How many of us smarks love just forgetting about our limited backstage knowledge and dirt sheets and just love wishing we could reach through the TV to slap the taste out of Michael Cole, and cheering on Jerry Lawler to finally be the one to do it?

Fans might remember memorable matches, but great storylines contribute greatly to these matches and give us a reason to be emotionally involved. Good storylines let us forget about all the crap going on in the outside world, and let us gather with other wrestling fans and just have a good time.
yay for having good story lines!!!
but this is whats wrong with wrestling, now your gonna discuss about a WWE WRITER??!!
wrestling used to be a live action comic book but the last ten years it has become male soap opera which is not good. soap operas are love triangles and over dramatized crap and never has any connection to things current or in pop culture. soap operas suck and thats why they have been cancelled left and right for years. read the news vince. and vince is still hanging on to it lol...there is a reason why sopas are being ended and why wwe ppv buys are not where they should be.
This means that we may actually get GOOD storylines with the Divas! That is what I am looking for. But having a soap opera writer on the team, only means we may see twists and turns in programming. Maybe we will finally see who the GM of Raw is? How about we have a storyline where someone gives birth to a hand or have sex with a dead person. Wait those last two already have happened.
I too hope he's capable of not only writing good, multiple stories for most of the roster but also that he can keep pace with the WWE life. On a side note, if you don't have good wrestlers to go with the story lines, the story lines don't mean much. Not to say that the WWE doesn't have some great talent, because they do.. But they need to work on enhancing the talent first.
Good move from WWE, even if he only lasts a few months then he should be able to provide a new perspective, new ideas, new storylines.

I for one remember when Freddy Prinze Jnr first came onto the WWE Writing team, people complained that he was just an actor etc, but his arrival coincided with there being no general manager, CM Punk cashing in MITB and the few weeks of chaos which surrounded Punk becoming champion. Who knows whether it was Freddy who created it, but it seems a bit of a coincidence that while he was there Raw was at its most unpredictable and enjoyable, and when he left it levelled out to the same old stuff...
Someone else mentioned this, and I'd agree. Wether or not a soap opera writer is a good thing for the WWE (I think it is), it at least shows they are branching out a little bit and trying to change things. Its exciting. However, isn't Freddie Prinze, Jr part of creative?
As long as Cena does not get Melina(nice unintended rhyme) pregnant and fight Morrison just to find out that Morrison is really his long lost dead brother.

A fresh mind is always a good thing. Hopefully he's good and can last under the pressure of Vince.
I think a lot of this also has to do with WWE films. With hiring a Soap Opera writer they can have that person write WWE shows and can do the screenplay for any WWE Films needs for production.

I guess who ever this Tom Casiello is its probably a steup up in their career since, whatever what the image of the WWE, is still better than writing for daytime soaps which is even lower in the mainstream foodchain.

Personally though I would rather get someone who has experience in relatity TV over Soap Operas. Soap Operas actually lack any dynamic edge while people with experience in reality TV will be able to adapt to a live audience and constant changes faster.
I think that he would be a welcome addition to the writers, we need someone with experience in writing story lines. WWE is already likle a man opra so a good opra writer can only help the WWE, as long as there are no switched births with the divas or anything.:)

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