So, who would you like to see turn heel/face?


The hardcore casual fan
Pretty simple, guys. Who would you like to see become a heel? Who would you like to see as a face? I know everyone's gonna probably want to see John Cena turn heel but let's face it, it's not gonna happen. There isn't really many people I'd like to see turn face, as whoever I have in mind is already doing well as a heel, and why kill all that momentum? As for someone turning heel, I would love to see Kofi Kingston turn heel. Just to see where he could go with it and what his reason would be. Maybe something along the lines of: "For years, certain people have held me back. Certain people have held me down. No longer. If no one is going to give me the opportunity I need, then I'll have to take it for myself." Something like that, anyway. So now I throw it over to you guys. This oughta be interesting.
Would be absolutely brilliant if Sheamus went Full Heel whilst Cesaro went Babyface(first step will defo. be to bring back the swing).

Unlike Del Rio who had almost nothing going for him. Sheamus I feel has all it takes to be a Main Eventer from time to time, especially in the manner of Kane or Mark Henry as a tough Monster Heel character.

Actually, it would have been great if Cesaro won the US title and Sheamus slowly went heel and eventually Triple H unleashed him as Seth Rollins' "Bodyguard" against Cena and Ambrose. Something like that would have shaken up the Main Event scene after NoC.
In b4 Cena Heel :p

Anyhow from the current roster I'd be happy to se Neville turning heel, since as a face he's a bit charismaless, and that seems to be happening, so yay.

Adam rose should be heel because he clearly has a heel gimmick.

As mentioned in another thread the Wyatts would be amazing "face by proxy" if feuding with a heel.

Also I hope that at some point they'll turn Ambrose back to heel, only if he's allowed to push his gimmick/promos to the level of psychoticness his indie persona had though.
Luke Harper to turn into face, modern day Mick Foley character can work pretty well.

Other than that i don't think anyone should turn before Mania.
I'd like to see Ryback get another face run and really see if he can find the momentum he once had. He's much more polished than he was during his first run and can actually cut a better promo than I ever expected. I'd also like to see Cesaro get a face run as it seems to be what everybody is waiting for.

As for heels, I wouldn't mind Roman Reigns turning. He just seems like a much better heel than face and it might be what he really needs to finally break out of his shell.
I would love to see either Orton or Kane, maybe both turn face and quit doing the authorities bidding to protect Seth Rollins, he is such a joke, makes me want to quit watching everytime he's on!!
The main three on my turn list would be:

- Randy Orton: Desperately needs a character change!
- Cesaro: Has lost all momentum as a heel, and needs to turn and start building back up

-Sheamus: Has moved beyond irrelevant in my book. His face person has become so stale, and directionless. WWE needs more heels with credibility, and Sheamus would be perfect.
Hm...lets see if I can do 5 each


Cesaro - He's been someone people been wanting to cheer for quite a while now, and the sad truth is his latest heel run has been worse than his last one with Zeb and Swagger. And it's long past time for the King of Swing to actually start swinging ppl again.

Ryback - Ever since he turned heel the only direction he's been going is down. While I doubt he can get as hot as he was during his last monster face push it has to be better than where he's at now.

Titus - Another heel turn gone badly, he's not going to put on great matches either way but least on the mic he's better at getting cheers than boos.

Sandow - Honestly I'm not sure how he would do as a face since he plays the extremely arrogant guy role very well, but it's not like it would be hard to top being a jobber in stupid outfits. Of course the Mizdow role is working well but once that's over it couldn't hurt to see how Sandow would do as a face.

Fandango - OK at this point a total repackage might be what's needed to salvage the man's career but if we have going to stick with the fake dancer thing might as well at least try to get some cheers since people don't really want to boo him.


Kofi - As the late great Owen Hart would say, it's time for a change. Especially for someone that's been playing the same midcarder role his whole WWE run.

Henry - As many will say around here his best days was his heel HOP run, and while he's not going to get that kind of push these days at least it'll be a lot more fun for us to watch.

Sheamus - His current run has been adequate, but that's just about as far as his current friendly brawler gimmick can go. Make him a Authority heel since people like to associate him with HHH anyway and give us some new blood besides Kane/Orton all the time.

Y2J - Would be a nice change of pace, not to mention I miss his heel promos.

Natalya - I can't recall her being a heel, so perhaps she would make a better one than a relatively boring face. Also the whole "my husband's a jerk" thing has a very short lifespan, might as well let her do things like help Kidd cheat some wins since that would make both of them more noticeable and as a heel she'll have more chances to get some good matches against AJ.
Softcore Holly said:
Natalya - I can't recall her being a heel, so perhaps she would make a better one than a relatively boring face. Also the whole "my husband's a jerk" thing has a very short lifespan, might as well let her do things like help Kidd cheat some wins since that would make both of them more noticeable and as a heel she'll have more chances to get some good matches against AJ.

Last time I remember Natayla being heel was when she was part of the "Divas of Doom" with Beth Phoenix when they feuded with Kelly Kelly and Eve...pretty sure Natalya turned face when Beth retired from WWE..

Might be wrong...

And for the purpose of this, since his gimmick change, he has sort of became a tweener as he is a guy people love to hate, so why not go the full distance and turn Wade Barrett face, as long as he doesn't fall down the ladder like he has in the past...
Cesaro should have been face during the time he started largely employing the giant swing in his matches. That was seriously getting him a lot of pops. It feels like all of that momentum has been lost since he sustained his heelish behaviour. Sure, he's acknowledged for his wrestling abilities, but he's not exactly climbing the ladder to bigger and better things either as far as storylines go.

Ryback should turn face and come back stronger and better than before. Like I said in another thread, he deserves a second chance and a proper slow build-up to eventual Main Eventer status, although winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship doesn't have to be one of his accomplishments. He should elevate the Intercontinental Championship by defending it successfully multiple times in meaningful storylines. I'm not sure if they'll invest in Ryback all that much though.
The following should turn face:

The Wyatt Family - They get a face reaction anyway, they should just make it official before much longer. They need more babyfaces with Bryan and Reigns out. We could have a great feud on our hands with The Wyatts and The Authority. 6 man tags of Wyatt, Rowan & Harper vs. Rollins, Orton & Kane could main event quite a few Raws. Eventually Wyatt would go solo and Rowan & Harper would turn on him. Wyatt vs. Harper could be a good feud as well, possibly even a Mania match. I think what they're going to do instead though is turn Orton face and put him against Rollins at Mania. You can kind of see the groundwork being laid where Orton has been tired of cleaning up Rollins' messes.

Cesaro - He and Wyatt were just on fire during the road to Mania and the couple months directly after. Then WWE basically pulled the carpet out from under them. While Cesaro and Heyman together looked great on paper, it just fell flat. The night after Mania is where Cesaro should've turned face. I'll never get why WWE wants to fight against natural crowd reactions for certain guys. If they had just gone with it, the sky would've been the limit for him. He may have even been the guy to take Bryan's place in the main event once he got injured.

Ryback - I really think there is still a glimmer of hope left for Ryback's career once he returns from injury. Hopefully they won't stick him with Axel upon his return to the ring. Rybaxel was going nowhere, so put him back into singles competition. There's nothing to lose by turning him face again and seeing where it goes. I would seriously consider giving him the US Title and putting him in a feud with Rusev, culminating in a match at Mania where Rusev would go over.

The following should turn heel:

Sheamus - He is in need of a character change in the worst way. He's one of the most stale wrestlers in WWE and has been for a while. I'm surprised that he gets any reaction at all, regardless of whether it might be from young children or not. We know from experience that he makes a much better heel, and there some new faces in WWE for him to feud with since the last time he was a heel.

Kofi Kingston - Another one of the most stale guys on the roster, if not THE most stale. Kofi has all the talent in the world in the ring, but zero personality. He's just one of the misused wrestlers in all of wrestling, not just WWE. I was very interested and hopeful when I saw what seemed like a heel stable form between him, Big E, and Xavier Woods a couple months ago. Of course it led nowhere, and Kofi continues to job. Kofi and Big E could form a heel tag team (the division needs more talent, but that's a whole other story) or Kofi by himself could make a great opponent for Ziggler.

Big E - See above.

Mark Henry - The wheels may have already been put into motion for this, with Henry showing a more aggressive side towards Bo Dallas. Henry plays an awesome heel character, so I hope this is where it's heading. He could put on a good feud with Roman Reigns, putting Reigns over on his way to a probable championship win at WM31. If Cesaro were to go face, then he and Henry would be another program I wouldn't mind seeing.
The only substantial change in WWE would be a Cena heel turn. Nothing else would be of the ame consequence or magnitude.

I would like to see Kofi Kingston become a heel - a cocky bad ass; leader of a faction and dominate his babyface opponents!
If I had to pick I would say for face turn: Cesaro he could do very well as a face the fans kind of like him right now and his swing is a face kind of move. Randy Orton he is going nowhere with this authority thing and always cleaning up Seth's messes, the fans want to cheer him and some do like him already. Titus Oneil I just added him in there because I see potential there with a little work he can be awesome he is not going anywhere right now. Heel turn: Sheamus he is getting so stale and for being the U.S. champ not much there he can be a very good heel. Kofi Kingston & Big E. this would be very interesting I could see future Tag Team Champions. John Cena it would be interesting but he does to much for the WWE and himself outside the ring it would not work. Another face turn could be Ryback now this would work very well he could be the one to beat Brock. Last but not least turn Mark Henry heel he is not going anywhere as a face.
Luke Harper to turn into face, modern day Mick Foley character can work pretty well.

Other than that i don't think anyone should turn before Mania.

I would love this a lot! The Wyatts as face to take down The Authority should happen. Hopefully, the vignettes doesn't mean that they are split for good and means that Rowan & Harper will be in more singles competition while still being connected to Bray. It will be dumb as hell in my opinion to bring up The Ascension for Bray to use because The Ascension should be heels by default. Bray sitting in that chair with Harper & Rowan (sheep mask) is an iconic look for sure!
I know he's a part timer but would love to see Jericho go heel again.

His face turn was a welcome change of pace as he hadn't been face in a long time. But now that we've gotten that fix, I'd love to see him go heel again. He's just such a great heel, and he ALWAYS gets a bigger push when heel. It's uncanny. In fact of his 6 world title wins, I think he was a heel for every single one of them. Weird.
Cesaro - He has no direction. The fans like him. All he's been doing past few months is chasing the US and IC titles and not winning them.

Stardust - He had star potential last summer. It's nothing really left for him to do with Goldust after they lose the titles.

Damien Sandow - He's being wasted as a sidekick after being a previous MITB winner. He should turn on Miz and chase the US title himself.

Randy Orton - Rollins taking his spotlight away as top heel and has yet to get his rematch clause.

Sheamus - He has no direction as US Champion. He could take Kane's spot as the muscle of The Authority.

Ziggler - Fans love him but they're booking him weak as IC Champion. He could be in The Authority too.
If I'd like to see someone turn heel I'd go with Kofi Kingston. He is a wasted talent that can talk and wrestle great styles of matches. He needs something and if this new stable never debuts then he should go heel solo. Darker attire, different music, different taunts and some damn mic time. This could do Kofi some good if it was ever to happen.

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