So Who else is tired of Non-Wrestling fans doing this....

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Dark Match Jobber
So...I personally am tired of non wrestling fans when they watch wrestling with you or when they find out you watch it. Why is it that every single person feels the need to remind you that wrestling is fake. Hello you ******s, everyone knows its fake. We just like watching it. Or how they call you a child or gay for watching it, and than you turn around and they are watching Grease. Not dogging grease but seriously. If your not a fan of wrestling...than cool...just shut your mouth and let us watch. Dont' be a J@CK &SS!!!! and try and point out things we already know, like you were the first one to realize those things.
yea i agree with that.My brother did something like that to me the other day (which is ironic cause he used to watch wrestling with me years ago)my brother was like you know that's not real right? so i responded with a casual f*ck you.The next day he was watching the fast and the furious and it was one of the end scenes were the supra beats the dodge charger and i said 'you know that's fake dont you? No way in a hell a supra would beat that charger in real life) i like to think he got the point since he hasnt said anything about me watching wrestling lately or about me digging out my OLD wrestling shirts (old nwo wolfpac and my Ol' school vintage DX shirts which btw are so much cooler than the new dx shirts:p)
I really don't watch much wrestling anymore, but still enjoy reading and talking about it on the internet.

But you have to understand that is the perception to the non-fan. Either don't admit to it, or deal with the perception that they have.

I haven't watched much Wrestling since the fall of 02, my freshman year in college. For one, when you are a freshman at a major U.S. University, there are a ton of more fun things to do on a Monday night than watch wrestling. Secondly, my roommate was a bit of a fanatic. I collected VHS tapes and things like that, but dude apparently recorded and filed EVERY episode of Raw and Smackdown. I found this out when I taped over Raw on a Thursday night after he watched it twice on Monday, once on Tuesday and Wednesday. Dude went ballistic.

There is a point where an obsession with ANYTHING to that degree gets ridiculous.

I think the other problem with wrestling fans is that they assume some HUGE percent of the population is as obsessed as them. I've seen kids waiting outside EB to pick up the latest videogames and things like that. Without realizing they released a new game, I was able to pick up one a few years ago ON release day with no problem. I just think that stuff is kind of silly, and obviously will be looked at with a smirk by non-fans.
well, one thing that i do is bring up a certain sport that they watch and dog on that. for ex. this one guy at work used to talk crap about wrestling, but i brought up about baseball, cuz he's a fan, and i just tell him what fun is watching that. just waiting for someone to hit a ball. while you're waiting to see someone hit and run, some guy in the outfield is grabbing his nuts, thats probably the only action you see. i mostly just tell people that its just entertainment for me.
well, one thing that i do is bring up a certain sport that they watch and dog on that. for ex. this one guy at work used to talk crap about wrestling, but i brought up about baseball, cuz he's a fan, and i just tell him what fun is watching that. just waiting for someone to hit a ball. while you're waiting to see someone hit and run, some guy in the outfield is grabbing his nuts, thats probably the only action you see. i mostly just tell people that its just entertainment for me.

Again, that is probably the absolute worst way to gaining any respect from a non-wrestling fan.

I don't like baseball, but I respect certain instances. For one, a pitcher throwing in the high 90s, or the movement on their pitches. Secondly, the ability of catchers to play the position. Thirdly, when athletic play occur like a runner scoring from first on a hit to right field.

Another negative with that argument is, I am fairly sure with proper training and dedication at least a few MLB players could wrestle professionally. I really doubt there are any wrestlers that could play baseball professionally. Simply if they were good enough, they would be stupid to pass it up.

Baseball is a long season, but is not particularly rough on the body. I'm sure 162 games isn't easy, but I don't know too many past major leaguers that are paralyzed because of past baseball injuries like the Dynamite Kid is.

Also, economically, baseball players make far more than wrestlers.
It's VERY annoying that most non-wrestling fans always feel the need to make themselves appear smarter by pointing out that wrestling is fake. It has been public knowledge for over two decades, yet they think they are the only ones that know.

Usually when somebody tells me wrestling is fake, I ask them what their favorite TV show is. They'll usually say something like "Law & Order: SVU" or whatever it is. Then I'll tell them, "You know that's fake, right? The crimes are fictional, the cops are actors, and the violence is just special effects."

dxfan23 I agree with you as well about the baseball thing. Something else that's funny is that most traditional sports fan look down on wrestling for being "fake" but pro wrestlers are way more athletic than other sport athletes.
It's VERY annoying that most non-wrestling fans always feel the need to make themselves appear smarter by pointing out that wrestling is fake. It has been public knowledge for over two decades, yet they think they are the only ones that know.

Usually when somebody tells me wrestling is fake, I ask them what their favorite TV show is. They'll usually say something like "Law & Order: SVU" or whatever it is. Then I'll tell them, "You know that's fake, right? The crimes are fictional, the cops are actors, and the violence is just special effects."

dxfan23 I agree with you as well about the baseball thing. Something else that's funny is that most traditional sports fan look down on wrestling for being "fake" but pro wrestlers are way more athletic than other sport athletes.

I like your comparison to TV shows, but to actual sports? Come on. You might really believe that, but it isn't really true and the majority of the population is going to laugh at your opinion on that.

Like I pointed out in this thread, if Wrestlers had the athletic gifts to play professional baseball, soccer, football, hockey, basketball, or any other high paying sport they would. The wear and tear in those sports (maybe not football) is not as great, and there is a season instead of travelling year 'round.

If you want the rest of the world to take you seriously (and it seems like you do) than you shouldn't down-talk competitive sports. It is silly, unless you really believe Chris Benoit is more athletic than Michael Vick, or Jeff Hardy is more athletic than LaDainian Tomlinson, at which point I can't help you.
When someone says that is usually reply with my favourite. "IT'S REAL TO ME!" and start crying running around the house.

But seriously if someone doesn't like wrestling thats all well and good not everyone on earth understands the fullness of what they're doing.
Most non-wrestling fans that knock it (especially ********s like Phil Mushnick) have no genuine appreciation for what it takes to become legitimately respected and to be a top performer in the business and know abosolutely squat when it comes to the nature of the business. They know nothing of what is involved as well as the rigors of the business. Hell, the next time I hear about an NFL player being on the road for 300 days out of the year and playing a game for a majority of those days, I'd be beyond amazed. It's not that I don't respect genuine sport, because I'm a fan and I do respect it. But most people are uninformed and don't have a clue in hell as to what the wrestling business entails, and what the cost, whether physical or otherwise, is to the performers involved. I've actually sat people down who don't understand it and I've run them through a match, while explaining them all of what the wrestlers have to do as well as what is real and what actually is dangerous and/or causes legit pain. Every one of them I've sat down comes away with a newfound understanding and at least a modicum of respect for it. Some people are just narrow-minded. Hell, my dad hates hockey and soccer because he thinks they're boring. Yet, he'll sit through a twelve-round boxing match that doesn't even end in a knockout. Go figger.
Like I pointed out in this thread, if Wrestlers had the athletic gifts to play professional baseball, soccer, football, hockey, basketball, or any other high paying sport they would. The wear and tear in those sports (maybe not football) is not as great, and there is a season instead of travelling year 'round.
A lot of wrestlers have played professional sports in some capacity. Randy Savage, Mark Henry, Goldberg, JBL, and Ron Simmons to name a few went into professional and collegiate sports in some capacity...and that's just scratching the surface.

If you want the rest of the world to take you seriously (and it seems like you do) than you shouldn't down-talk competitive sports. It is silly, unless you really believe Chris Benoit is more athletic than Michael Vick, or Jeff Hardy is more athletic than LaDainian Tomlinson, at which point I can't help you.
Athleticism is dependent on what activity you're talking about. I wouldn't expect Benoit to be a better football player than Vick. Football is Vick's territory. However, I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck that Vick couldn't pop a wrestling crowd for $hit on a regular basis if he laced up the boots tomorrow. Same thing with Hardy and Tomlinson. Ladainian would run circles around him on the field, but I seriously doubt he'd have the wherewithall to take some of the crazy bumps that Hardy does night in and night out. Besides, wrestling also incorporates aspects of entertainment that most athletes will never have to even touch on. Promos are the key thing there. You don't see Roger Clemens hopping on the house mic talking about how he's going to kick some ass and get some k's, tonight! Comparing the athletic gifts of professional wrestlers to other athletes, or vice versa is comparing apples to oranges at best.
If anyone says to me you knwo wrestling is fake, or how sad are you watching wrestling, or what are you twelve?, i usually just say, look i watch wrestling because it is good TV. Wrestling is not a Sport, it is not Tv drama, It is not a Sitcom, ....its...Wrestling and Wrestlers, are very talented performers who put there body through alot of strain. They are not great actors, and you know the storylines are very basic, and sometimes overblown, but do i its wrestling and i like it for what it is.
When people say wrestling is fake I ask them if they could fall on there back and not hurt themselves. Amazingly nobody ever throw's themselves down.
Ok we all know that ''Most'' wrestling is fake I said ''most'' man for people that heard of mercurys nose injury at armageddon that was real and lots of ecw is really
Man...all great posts, except for Big Fella. He is posting like a gay guy who is in the closet who would talk bad about gays but try and be nice in ways, eventhough he secretly wants to hump another guy. That being said, there is nothing wrong with that. like watching wrestling, and god damn it, it is a whole lot funner than baseball and I am an avid baseball player, watcher, etc. And the pain they put themselves threw is amazing.
yeah i hate this, and that's why I don't openly say i like wrestling but i dont hide it or anything
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