So What is the Plan for Matt Hardy?

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
Ever since Backlash, Matt Hardy has been reduced to being a jobber. We heard reports that they had plans to try to make him into a main event player. What the fuck happened? He hasn't even won a match(to my knowledge) since he jumped to Raw, and the little alliance with Regal is done, so what now? What do you think? What would you do?
Well to be fair he hit Goldust with the cast and won a match but do you count the current Goldust as a win?

If I had control over Matt Hardy I would not put him in the main events theres more deserving people right now(Miz, MVP, Kofi) I would try to find him a tag parter that would work for him. Maybe like Brian Kendrick, Shelton, or another Mid-card heel. Then they could go after the Colons. But if Priceless wins the belts next week this wouldn't work. So having Hardy win the US belt from Kofi and pushing Kofi to world title contention in the future wouldn't be a bad plan.
Ever since Backlash, Matt Hardy has been reduced to being a jobber. We heard reports that they had plans to try to make him into a main event player. What the fuck happened? He hasn't even won a match(to my knowledge) since he jumped to Raw, and the little alliance with Regal is done, so what now? What do you think? What would you do?

Very good question, Nate. It seemed at first they were simply going to cover his arse for all of the losses by pointing out that he has a broken hand, but now he's beginning to use it as a weapon, so it doesn't seem like thy're going with the broken hand as a reasoning for why he's jobbing.

I'd wait to see what happens after the cast comes off. After all, his work seems to have been limited by the cast, and there's certainly a few things he can't do with that broken hand. If I were the Vince, I'd have them play up this broken hand more, and add it more as a weakness to Matt, rather than an advantage as a weapon. I know the heel tendency is to use the cast, but ultimately, if you're going to have Matt job so much, then I don't see why he doesn't play the cast up more as a hinderance, rather than a tool. I'm also curious as to what's going to happen now that Vickie's gone. Matt and Regal all pretty much acted on her wishes, in order to suck up. A great heel tool, absolutely, but now it happens to be gone.

To be honest, I'm not sure what Creative has planned for Matt, if they even have any plans for Matt. But all I can hope is that as soon as his hand heals, he'll start racking up wins again
I am thinking it is because of his arm. He is probably just reduced to light work. His matches dont even last that long. I think MVP and Miz are deserving of the spot tey have, these guys seems to work hard.
Yeah I realize his hand would slow him down, but I still don't think thats a reason to job him to everyone he faces. If anything he should be winning more by cracking skulls with the cast like a good heel. I just don't like what they are doing. I hope they get it straight. And I forgot about the Goldust match, but I have actually been impressed with Goldust lately.
I would love to see HBK -VS- MATT HBK have done a great jobb with people that cant wrestle ( VINCE,CENA,BATISTIA ) dont get me wrong Matt can wrestle what I am tryying to get at is HBK can put him on top as a main eventer player[/B]
First off Matt Hardy isnt Main event quality.. Seocnd to whoever mentioned Kofi is should take a second and actually watch Kofi he hasnt even spoken on a mic more than a handful of times so we do not even know if he is ready for it.... I think that they should make Regal the new GM and have Hardy continue to suck up for opportuniteseventually winning the US title then having regal re screw him out of it for himself or for someone else.
The plan is for Matt Hardy to actually get some time on the card with all the bull shit Vince has on RAW right now.With HHH back and a lot of other talents coming up into the main event scene,Matt wll have no time to make a name for himself,he'll probably be back on Smackdown! in a few months after a loser leaves RAW match.
Matt Hardy is absolutely worthy of a main event run. Make no bones about it, if his less-talented, less-interesting, freakish brother is worthy of one then Matt is as well.

As far as Matt right now goes I think he's a victim of the show he's on. Unlike SD there's a clearly defined line between main eventers and upper midcarders on RAW. Cena, Batista, Orton, Hunter, HBK and Show are main eventers. Hardy, Kofi, Regal, Miz and Kendrick are a step below. The only person that blurs that line right now is MVP. On the flipside, the SD roster is full of guys who are known for constantly switching between the main event and midcard. Matt Hardy has to fight for airtime and constantly prove his worth.

Matt and Jeff should switch shows. For whatever reason I still don't understand fans absolutely love Matt's coked up brother so he'd get a massive on RAW. On SD Matt would be allowed to let his in ring work do the talking and he'd get a nice push as a result.
I think they should continue the team up with Reagal. It keeps them both on T.V with something to do, and i think they work well together. It could be a great antagonistic relationship. Then after his hand heals, a nice, long, well-written feud with Kofi or HBK.
I've been worried about that too. I hope his hand injury doesn't slow his momentum, but plans get discarded. I only hope someone has their foot in the door for Matt when he gets back on top. I don't know how much of a main eventer he could be, but AT LEAST he should be a strong upper-mid carder. He needs a strong feud again that can test him and see if he is indeed ready or capable to main event. Only time will tell.
I've always been a real big Matt Hardy fan and I couldn't wait to see him in the Main Event. My concern is that, would fans buy Matt Hardy? Jeff has the high-risk moves that got him where he was. People love to see Jeff fly. Matt has the association, but what is there really for Matt Hardy to be sold over?

Matt's a great worker, don't get me wrong. He's an extremely good wrestler and like I said, he's one of my favourites. Ignorant fans these days, (especially the kids for not really knowing better), dont exactly appreciate the wrestling side of the sport - which is something that Matt Hardy can do very well. I might be called on suggesting Matt Hardy is the greatest ever... which I don't think he is, but he's passionate, dedicated, motivated and has fuggen worked his ass off and has been ready for something like this since 2001-2002 times. Matt Hardy isn't overrated, because Matt can carry other wrestlers. That comes with experience, and to be honest, I dont know of many other (even Main Event) wrestlers that can carry a match by themselves and make an opening bout or a match with a nobody, the best match of the night.

For the times that wrestling has come by my way, I've seen Matt wrestle five times, and each of those times I have thought his match was a standout and they're always really good to watch.

Oh, and also - in 2005! There was a perfect spot to push Matt to the top with Edge, then break them away from each other and continue their main-eventing. That was the most refreshing and kickass fued in years. However, Edge was pushed and Matt was essentially burried... that was kind of a waste. Yeah, okay, Vince might not be a fan of the Hardys, but I do believe they sell, they are over, and they can work fucken good matches.

Matt should be on his way to the top.
Matt Hardy: Oh, the push that could have been. Compared to his brother, he's a great wrestler. Matt Hardy is over, I believe the WWE fucked up with his push. They had it all there for him, but he's lost every match for sometime now. Matt could be champion in a couple years, but if this keeps happening, expect the matt hardy of the early 90's for the rest of his career.
Matt and Jeff should switch shows. For whatever reason I still don't understand fans absolutely love Matt's coked up brother so he'd get a massive on RAW. On SD Matt would be allowed to let his in ring work do the talking and he'd get a nice push as a result.

Allow me to explain why I prefer Jeff Hardy to Matt Hardy. Jeff has limited mic skills, but when he performs, he's doing it at 100% no matter who he's facing, his spots are almost always dangerous, and I get the feeling that one of these days, he's going to pay the consequences and really mess himself up, so in a sense, each time you watch Jeff Hardy compete, it could be the last time, that makes it special. Then you have the charisma issue, Jeff has tons of it, Matt has almost none, simply put, I care about Jeff Hardy because he's different than the cookie mold corporate endorsed loyal employee that performs to brownose the boss and further his career, Jeff seems to perform for the audience and I can appreciate that. I hope this gives you some insight as to why some fans absolutely love Jeff Hardy.

Peace out.
First off Matt Hardy isnt Main event quality.. Seocnd to whoever mentioned Kofi is should take a second and actually watch Kofi he hasnt even spoken on a mic more than a handful of times so we do not even know if he is ready for it.... I think that they should make Regal the new GM and have Hardy continue to suck up for opportuniteseventually winning the US title then having regal re screw him out of it for himself or for someone else.

This is not an attack on you for posting but WHY does mic skills mean so much to so many fans now??

You know why??? Guys like The Rock

Personally i think its ******ed to judge if someone if ready for a push based on the mic skills.Its a wrestling show not American Idol or some stand up comedy show.

As far Hardy i say once his cast is off(or his injury is healed-he could pretend to still be hurt allowing him to use the cast as a weapon after his hand is actually healed like a typical heel would) he will be pushed better.Its hard to really give someone a main event title push or even a mid-card title push with an injury.You never know how long a broken hand could really take and if not given plenty of time to heal it could be easily re-broken.

Breaking both my right thumb and having a boxers fracture(middle finger bone in the same hand)on two seperate occasions i know how delicate those injuries are and im sure WWE guys get much better medical care then i did but my injuries took 4-6 weeks to heal taking things easy.I can only imagine how hard it is for Hardy to keep that hand safe while still actively wrestling.The slightest miscue = a rebroken hand and another month to month and a half with the cast on.
So...Matt can slam a tornado, but can't fuckin' counter that stupid ass finisher from MVP? Matt's been scrapped. Notice the match on Raw with him and MVP. The crowd was dead. I mean, noticeably dead.

It's just the WWE doing what it does best. Not knowing what to do with two talented wrestlers. And if Matt's injury isn't legit healed, he doesn't need to be wrestling. He needs to heal up, that way he'll be useful to the roster instead of jobbing to MVP and Kofi.
Here's a little food for thought. Did it ever cross anyone's mind that they're using Hardy's time to heal to have Regal take him under his wing so to speak and teach him how to work a more heel-ish style in the ring? Not to mention the vast experience in ring psychology that Regal can share. Matt has been heel before, but this turn is much much different. I honestly see it as a young guy that has all the tools necessary to become a huge Main Event heel that simply needs a veteran to offer insight and help him get his ducks in a row before they shoot him to the moon. Much like Jericho was doing for Cade, I see that in Regal and Hardy. Also, in order for a heel to draw true heat they have to do something horrible to a pure face. That kept in does a face worker get over? They beat the shit out of the heel. Matt's current losing streak is building up MVP most of all, in turn benefiting Matt for the eventual defining moment when he gets that one big win with something important at stake.
It's very possible they're de-emphasizing Matt while his hand heels. At the same time, I keep thinking that management is sticking it to him for allowing himself to grow a pot belly.

Wrestlers make their living with their bodies, and today's performers have to look good. This isn't the 1970's where guys with guts get pushed. It's one thing for a giant like Big Show to have a pronounced stomach, but Matt's body shape is much more streamlined.....or should be. For years, Matt looked sleek, lean and mean. It was one of the main reasons I enjoyed watching his matches. Now, his build makes him look sloppy in the ring.

Two words, Matt: Slim-Fast (or is that one hyphenated word?)
Personally, I am a huge Matt Hardy fan and I think it is crazy what is happening to his career at the moment. Here are a couple of things that I believe have caused this to happen, some of which has been mentioned already, some are off the top of my head:

1) RAW - initially I believed that being drafted to Raw would have been great and to be honest, when he came out on the 3 hour special and taunted John Cena, I imagined him calling out Cena in the following weeks - i.e. The Miz's storyline. That storyline would have been perfect for Hardy. It would have elevated him to semi-main event status, which is what is happening to the Miz, and probably people would have bought it more because of Hardy's history and reputation compared to Miz. However, he is now lost in the shuffle of the mid-card.

2) PHYSIQUE - Mentioned already, it doesnt help that Matt has put of a few pounds of 'comfort' instead of maintaining the physique of the old Mattitude days. He looks chubby and unfit.

3) PUTTING OVER HIS BROTHER - Jeff Hardy is over - full stop. If he had lost 3-0 to his older brother he would have lost none of the heat he already had, plus it would have elevated Matt as the better Hardy. Also, if Jeff hadn't have done that stupid spot with the tied hands and leg drop, resulting on Jeff SITTING on Matt's unprotected hands from 10 feet, it wouldn't have resulted in ...

4) THE BROKEN HAND - Undeniably, this has held back Matt's Raw progress. Creative could have done something with it, i.e. Owen Hart and Cowboy Bob type story, but instead they use it as an advantage for all other opponents to beat him by.

5) THE LONG PANTS - Ok, this is a personal annoyance, but why the hell has he changed to tights?! I understand seperating himself from Jeff, however being on seperate shows will do that enough in time. For example, Owen Hart never changed his attire after feuding with Bret, so why should the elder Hardy? This makes him look worse due to his physique as you really need to be in top condition to pull off tights. Plus, the Mandarin jacket just looks awful with tights, so either/or. The tried and tested Kickwear pants worked with Matt, so put him back in them.

Possible solutions:

WWE Championship tournament - already discussed in previous threads (sorry), with Cena v Show and HHH v Orton occupied with themselves (no reason to put the strap on any of them at the moment because their storylines don't require it) this is a great opportunity to get the big names out of the title race and build up a smaller name - i.e. Matt Hardy, MVP, Miz, Kofi, DiBiase, etc - hell, even throw HBK in there to put over someone like Hardy in the final, or an MVP v Hardy final with Regal helping Hardy to win. This will benifit both MVP and Hardy, not to mention giving Regal a rub as a mentor (again, previously mentioned).

Any further comments?
Hopefully they will put him in a nice programme with Kofi Kingston over the US title, giving both men a bit of mic time and the US title a bit of exposure and credibility. But thats probably just wishful thinking. However, I dont think he'll job, if he does it'll only be to main event faces.
Sadly matt has been constantly messed with and will never get a main event push. I think of him as a kenny dykstra with more credibility because of the tag team belts. Matt was awalys second fiddle to his brother. His moveset has awalys been limited in some extent but he has the credibility where he can easly recieve a push. I awalys wonder who did he piss off backstage to keep toying with him like this. Did he piss of HHH or Vince because hes played with more then anyone. They probly will eventually dress him in a turkey suit and have him run around the ring clucking because thats what I see comming.
I guess I never really answered my own question. Honestly, I don't think Matt is neccissarily main event material. He is definitely capable of stepping into the limelight occasionally, but he could never be a mainstay. Still, he is more than deserving of being a solid upper mid carder. If it was up to me, I would have him in a program with Kofi Kingston. Two people who are essentially doing nothing at the moment and could probably pull off a good feud. In the future, an HBK feud has a ton of potential.
Sadly matt has been constantly messed with and will never get a main event push. I think of him as a kenny dykstra with more credibility because of the tag team belts. Matt was awalys second fiddle to his brother. His moveset has awalys been limited in some extent but he has the credibility where he can easly recieve a push. I awalys wonder who did he piss off backstage to keep toying with him like this. Did he piss of HHH or Vince because hes played with more then anyone. They probly will eventually dress him in a turkey suit and have him run around the ring clucking because thats what I see comming.

I am a Hardy fan(I like both of them, but I always liked Matt more) & I too wonder who did he piss off cause the beginning of his heel push was fantastic, his mic work was great at the beginning & ever since the ladder match he had with Jeff, he has been given the shafted as his character is more played with than anybody elses. I do hope that once they get that damn cast off his hand, then maybe they will push him, but until then I don't know what the hell is gonna happen & that's a shame cause Matt is a great in-ring talent & he definitely deserves to get pushed
They've got him floating in the mid-card. At least it's not the under-card. That's where he deserves to be, honestly. I've never really liked his ring style. It's like he's trying to be a Jeff Hardy that wrestles exclusively on the mat. I mean, he has the heel psychology down. Other than that, he has nothing. Oh! He came out in a weird coat thing Monday. Must mean he's heel.

Something will happen with him after they test out MVP and Miz. They can't bring the entire mid-card up at once, you know. They need Kofi and Hardy to act as anchors for when they get Santino up there. ..And i think a Goldust journey through the mid-card is a possibility. Be patient, and something will happen with him. They're simply juggling too many balls at once.

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