So Velvet doesn't want to be KO champion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK so as we all know TBP defeated Angelina Love & Tara at Lockdown to capture the Knockouts title and retained their Knockouts tag titles. With Madison Rayne pinning Tara to win the KO title.

But the question is shouldn't Velvet Sky be pissed about Madison winning the title and not her? First off Velvet on the night she won that open contract to have any match she wanted got mad at Lacey for supposely upstaging her by dancing in the ring in her lingerie.

Well if that's the case shouldn't Velvet be pissed at Madison for upstaging her on one of TNA's biggest PPVs to win the main title of their division? As well as do something she's never done win a match on a PPV?

Velvet not being mad about it goes against her character and the promo she cut the night of that Lockbox episode. In which she said the KO title is the most prestigious title a woman in a wrestling can win.

So why wouldn't Velvet want it? Why would Velvet settle on being a tag champion and having to carry Lacey Von Erich as a team than be the top woman in KO division by holding the KO championship?

It's bad enough they booked Velvet to waste her open contract on that Leather & Lace match instead of making it a title match against Angelina.

That type of booking just makes no sense to me.
Its plain and simple. Velvet is doesnt have th skills to be women's champion. Im not bashing her or anything but its the truth. Madison Rayne is better skilled in the ring
Its plain and simple. Velvet is doesnt have th skills to be women's champion. Im not bashing her or anything but its the truth. Madison Rayne is better skilled in the ring

How does Velvet not have skills? Everyone says that about her. What is so wrong about what she does in the ring?

Velvet may not be that technically sound in the ring but I think she is a good worker.

As for Madison I'm not going to say she doesn't have any talent but I honestly don't see how she's better in the ring than Velvet. I really don't and she's certainly not better than Velvet character and promo wise.

Also it makes Velvet look bad from a character stand point not to be KO champion especially with that fact that she is the head member of TBP. So if anyone out of that group should have gotten the Angelina treatment it should have been Velvet.

Plus Velvet did gain some momentum and had some great heel heat on her and I feel they wasted an big opportunity by not having her beat Angelina for the KO title at Lockdown.
We all know wrestling is scripted so I doubt her not being KO champion has anything to d0 with her wanting it. It's up to the Booker and management who gets a title run.

I think Velvet is by far the better of the two. I don't get why Madison is the champion. I read on the main page her win vs. Tera at last ppv was her first singles win after being in the company for over a year. That makes no sense to me that she's the KO champion.It's just more horrible Russo/ TNA booking.
Velvet doesn't need the push like Madison does. Velvet's over and is very popular already. Why put a belt back on someone who can't benefit from it? I'm all for having Madison as champion. Eventually, I'd LOVE to see Lacey Von Erich end up champion. She's becoming more polished in the ring. Plus she's damn sexy. I mean we're talking 10 territory here.

So Velvet may WANT to be champion, but TNA probably doesn't think she needs to be champion to be over.
Well, Velvet Sky doesn't really need the push in quite the same way that Madison Rayne does. To some degree, Madison Rayne is still sort of thought of as the girl that was the third wheel beside Angelina and Velvet when TBP were at their peak. As to who is better in the ring, I'm afraid Madison has the advantage. Velvet Sky isn't terrible, but I wouldn't really categorize her as being good either.

Velvet Sky hasn't really needed to be good in the ring to get over. Skimpy outfits that show off those sweet curves is a contributing factor to why segments featuring Velvet Sky, or really TBP in general for that matter, are typically the most viewed segments of TNA iMPACT!.
Well I think Velvet did need to win the KO title. She was the one was getting the focus and build up and then at the last minute they gave it to Madison. Personally I still think they gave it to Madison for the shock value.

Now Madison winning the KO title at Lockdown would have made some sense if Velvet was KO champ before but she has never even held it once. Also if TBP was finally going to win a match on a PPV why not let Velvet be the one to get it. Especially as long as she has been in TNA. I think she deserved that.

That would have finally made Velvet legit. Because that's one of the main problems with her character is that she is never made to be a legit threat to anyone in the division. Her winning the KO title and being the one to retire Tara would have helped but no they just couldn't do that for Velvet.

That's one of things that makes me mad with TNA. They have no problem pimping Velvet on TV because they know she gets ratings but when it comes down to giving her a real push they don't show any faith in her.

I have noticed they have been trying to push Velvet out of the spotlight in TBP for Madison. Maybe it's part of a storyline but with TNA who the hell knows anymore.
Its to show how strong the group is. Velvet, being the leader is willing to allow Madison to be the KO Champion above her even though she's the leader. I think the idea is to show the group is very united and is willing to put these differences aside. Which is something I truly love. It kill the wrestling cliche of partners getting jealous over anything.

Zino said:
But the question is shouldn't Velvet Sky be pissed about Madison winning the title and not her? First off Velvet on the night she won that open contract to have any match she wanted got mad at Lacey for supposely upstaging her by dancing in the ring in her lingerie.
She upstaged Velvet by being her dumb (but hot) self and took all the focus from the fact that Velvet won a contract and would get revenge on their rival. She changed the overall mood. On the other hand, at Lockdown The Beautiful People finally succeeded in gaining both of TNA's female titles. The highlight there was for all 3 at the same time. I'm just glad they didn't decide to use this to senselessly split them.
Of course the main reason why they made Maddy Rayne the KO Champion is so I would be happy!!! Hahaha!!!...ha...(ahem)...

It's quite simple really. Velvet Sky doesn't need a title to be popular. She's smoking hot and that's all she really needs to be put over. Not to say my dear Maddy isn't attractive because she is, but in the year plus that Maddy has been in TNA, she hasn't really had the ability to get something to really get her over. She'd been TBP's punching bag in the beginning and hadn't gotten wins for most of her time in TNA. Not to mention she had been incredibly overshadowed by the sheer awesomeness of Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. But I think TNA knew how good she was in the ring, and I believe by giving her the title, it gives her an opportunity to shine. As a result, all three members of the Beautiful People have something special that separates each member apart from one another. Velvet is the smoking hot one every wants to see, Maddy's the Champion, and Lacey is the one who makes out with midgets.
Simple...i don't think she WANTS the title, nor does she need it...she still has the knockouts tag long as TBP are ruling the KO division in TNA, they're fine with who's got what titles...

It's just like LayCool, who are on top of smackdown...but well they are co-champions...
I think the sole reason Velvet isn't the KO champ is because she's carrying the load with her and Lacey as the Knocked Up Tag Champs. The BP Tag Team wouldn't quite work in my opinion if it was Madison and Lacey, one is green and the other not popular enough. Velvet also compliments Lacey more as she's more ground and pound and Madison is technical. With Lacey being the muscle of the group her lack of in ring skill doesn't show as much coming in after Velvet for a high impact spot, even in this thread people said she was improving. I think it's more a confidence thing rather than lvl of skill though.
Velvet will definitely get a chance with the belt but the Guns will win the Tag Titles first.
I think its because madison is a better singles wrestler the original bp was great but it was because of angelina being the drivin one and velvet the other pretty girl. Don't get me wrong I love velvet in ring and her persona but I think madison is a better singles wrestler
It's very simple, Velvet is not KO champion because she's crap in everyway, she can't wrestle, she can't sell, how does that equal KO champion??? Madison is the only member in the beautiful people who can wrestle worth a damn, look at her match with Tara at Sacrifice, that was an amazing match, do you think velvet would've pulled out a match like that??? HELL No, the woman is only eye candy

Madison wrestles is shimmer as Ashley Lane, she was the first ever shimmer tag team champion, she knows how to wrestle and she's also hot and sexy

I do feel Velvet was originally supposed to take the title from Angelina at Lockdown, TNA was obviously grooming her every week heading into the PPV. BUT after watching her weekly and seeing how bad she is, it's obvious TNA changed their minds and decided to pick Madison, the real wrestler of the group. I'm not complaining, Madison deserves that title way more than velvet and I'm looking forward to her match against Roxxi at Slammiversary, i bet it's going to be amazing
I agree with you, velvet is a much better worker in the ring. Also much better performer in promos, in the ring and especially her entrance (even though they enter together, u would concentrate on velvet). For me madison rayn is horrible. Alissa flash was much better, at least she knows how to hit. Hamada is also better than madison rayne in all aspects , so why madison rayne. Scott D'amore you are hugely missed!!

You are so wrong it's not even funny.

Velvet can sell very well and she might not be that technical sound in the ring she is a damn good worker. Even if people don't want to admit it or not.

Honestly I don't think Madison Rayne isn't that much of a better wrestler than Velvet. Madison's in ring skills aren't that amazing either and she sure as hell isn't better on the mic, or have a better character or more charisma than Velvet. Because everytime Madison's says something it sounds really forced whereas with Velvet it seems to come natural.

Also since Madison's been KO champ she doesn't even get much or a reaction especially when she is by herself. That right there tells that TNA should have just went through and gave Velvet a run with the title.

Another thing I don't think Madison deserved a KO title run more and especially one before Velvet.
Getting back to the topic.

I don't buy for a second that character wise Velvet would not want to be Knockout Champion. It goes agaisnt her character of wanting attention and fame.

A good way to accomplish those goals is to be the main champion of her division. So why the hell would she not want it?! What does Velvet gain by allowing Madison to have the KO title and her settling for being a tag champion?

Also just based on Velvet being the head member of TBP she should be KO champion over Madison. Because it makes Velvet's character look bad not to have it IMO.

It's just stupid.

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