So, Sting still make for a poor heel?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
First of all, say what you will about the culmination of the "Deception" angle TNA is running right now with Sting's heel turn hinging on some still [fully] unexplained frustrations with the Hogan/Bischoff inception, or perhaps about the utter lack of a culmination of it, but why Sting was turned heel (for what was probably the first time in a decade) aside, can any of the original detractors honestly sit back and still say that Sting doesn't work as a heel, that Sting as a character can't work as a heel, or most importantly, that Sting as a heel can't sell worth a damn? I'd sure like to see you try...

Reasons for his turn and whether it was warranted aside for a moment, I for one have been thoroughly impressed with just how well Sting has taken to this heel character and how over it's gotten despite the power of the opposition it had to overcome from the number of people who said it'd never work.

Call me crazy, but I think Sting has proven quite a number of you dead wrong about his potential to go heel – especially those of you who were so adamant about the idea that it'd fall flat on it's face.

Call me even crazier, but I also think this whole "deception" angle has worked well to boot, and even if I'm the only one left, I actually still care to know why it happened in the first place, despite having not been told for months.


That said, it's Q&A Time!

• What are your thoughts on Sting's heel turn? Has hindsight changed your mind as to whether it was warranted or not?

• Even if you feel the turn itself was unwarranted, would you agree that he's pulled it off well regardless?

• Do you think his feud with Jarrett and ancillary issues with Hogan/Bischoff will ever be fully explained – why or why not?
I still dont' think it's worked that well. When I look at Sting I don't see a heel. I see a guy playing a heel. When I look at HHH or Hollywood Hogan or Ted DiBiase Sr., I see people that are flat out evil. There's no questioning it, there's no denying it: those men are evil. With Sting he's coming off as whiny. "WAH Hogan is here! WAH Bischoff is here! WAH I'm beating people up for no apparent reason!" That doesn't make for a good heel. It makes for a guy that is just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. He's simply not a natural heel and he's trying to compensate for it. He's not awful by any means, but it's just not clicking.
Unfortunately I don't have cable so I haven't seen Sting's heel turn, but without seeing it, I'd have to be one of the people who would agree that it couldn't work. Sting as a heel, to me, is about as believable as Shawn Michaels or Mick Foley as a heel. But again, I haven't seen it. If you are right that he's gotten over as a heel, I think that's awesome.
I still dont' think it's worked that well. When I look at Sting I don't see a heel. I see a guy playing a heel. When I look at HHH or Hollywood Hogan or Ted DiBiase Sr., I see people that are flat out evil. There's no questioning it, there's no denying it: those men are evil. With Sting he's coming off as whiny. "WAH Hogan is here! WAH Bischoff is here! WAH I'm beating people up for no apparent reason!" That doesn't make for a good heel. It makes for a guy that is just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. He's simply not a natural heel and he's trying to compensate for it. He's not awful by any means, but it's just not clicking.

That I won't deny, KB. Couldn't even try to fake it even if I wanted to.

Sting is most certainly playing a heel, and he's far from a natural heel at that, but this is working as far as I'm concerned, even if it's not working to it's maximum potential. It's maximum potential is an irresponsible expectation IMO, since as you already noted he's not a heel by nature – only by in story.

I just feel that in story, he's pulled it off really well all things considered.
He's not awful at it. He really isn't. My problem with this is simple, and a lot of this comes from the last days of WCW mind you: Sting should not be a heel. Period. He's one of the most charismatic and likable guys in the history of the sport and he can still go today in the ring. Why in the world do we need to make him a heel? This is like Russo's mission in life and the best he can do is ok. Like you've said, Sting is not a natural heel. WHy try to make something that doesn't naturally work work? It's not like Sting was marginally successful or something like that. He was by far the most popular guy in WCW for at least five straight years and has had probably the second or third best career in TNA. Sting is such a great face and is such a force in wrestling that there's no need to try to make him a heel. That's where my problem with it comes from: it's just not needed and it's more of Russo trying to do something becuase RUSSO thinks it's a good idea, not because the fans react to it or it makes sense or anything else. He tried it in WCW and it completely bombed and it's arguably working here, with heavy emphasis on arguably.
While I originally thought this turn would go very poorly, I am now actually willing to say that I was wrong, or, at least, not entirely correct. Though not a great heel, the fact that Sting's actions remain unexplained and he seemingly has a grudge against everyone make him more of a villain than ever. The biggest problem with this, though, is that without the focus that a one on one feud gives, his actions seem far too sporadic. That could be argued as being part of his character, that he could attack anyone at any time, but I don't quite see it that way.

To answer your questions in order:
-No, I don't feel the turn was warrented originally.
-Yes, Sting has pulled this off far better than I expected.
-No, unfortunately, I don't have enough faith in TNA's creative team to give an explanation, at least not a logical one.
He's not awful at it. He really isn't. My problem with this is simple, and a lot of this comes from the last days of WCW mind you: Sting should not be a heel. Period. He's one of the most charismatic and likable guys in the history of the sport and he can still go today in the ring. Why in the world do we need to make him a heel? This is like Russo's mission in life and the best he can do is ok. Like you've said, Sting is not a natural heel. WHy try to make something that doesn't naturally work work? It's not like Sting was marginally successful or something like that. He was by far the most popular guy in WCW for at least five straight years and has had probably the second or third best career in TNA. Sting is such a great face and is such a force in wrestling that there's no need to try to make him a heel. That's where my problem with it comes from: it's just not needed and it's more of Russo trying to do something becuase RUSSO thinks it's a good idea, not because the fans react to it or it makes sense or anything else. He tried it in WCW and it completely bombed and it's arguably working here, with heavy emphasis on arguably.

But that's just it. The fact he shouldn't be a heel aside for a moment – that I already agree with –*he's actually pulled this off well all things considered. I know it's contrived and forced, but when you take into account the level of opposition facing him from the start of it, he's made out quite well in spite of it, no?

I haven't quite ruled out the idea of this "heel turn" actually being more of a tweener-like heel turn, either. Think Bret Hart's anti-hero angle when he verbally attacked the US and defamed them to no end. Hart was booed out of the arenas in the US – he has garbage thrown at him, was spit on, cursed at, etc, but when he went back to Canada they cheered him. Obviously this wouldn't share the same regional and nationalistic affiliations, but I do think that same divide could develop among the fanbase if Sting manages to put together an effective case against Hogan & Bischoff.

While he might be booed when he enters the ring, he may not necessarily be when he leaves as well if it's done right.
He's a good heel. The problem is how he's being booked. He's a good guy, doing bad things, for a purpose he believes is right. Two rights and one wrong. He believes Hogan and Bischoff are just being deceiving and in it for the profit, so Sting is taking down anybody who believes Hogan over him. However the fact that, he's still doing something that technically is good, is hurting the turn. He's drawing heat, but not because of his persona, but because of who he hurts. However if it were that he gave up on the people and was just doing it because he was mad and "wants it all back", maybe, just maybe, it could work. That's sort of how the Mafia turn started, but the booking fell through there.
But that's just it. The fact he shouldn't be a heel aside for a moment – that I already agree with –*he's actually pulled this off well all things considered. I know it's contrived and forced, but when you take into account the level of opposition facing him from the start of it, he's made out quite well in spite of it, no?

I haven't quite ruled out the idea of this "heel turn" actually being more of a tweener-like heel turn, either. Think Bret Hart's anti-hero angle when he verbally attacked the US and defamed them to no end. Hart was booed out of the arenas in the US – he has garbage thrown at him, was spit on, cursed at, etc, but when he went back to Canada they cheered him. Obviously this wouldn't share the same regional and nationalistic affiliations, but I do think that same divide could develop among the fanbase if Sting manages to put together an effective case against Hogan & Bischoff.

While he might be booed when he enters the ring, he may not necessarily be when he leaves as well if it's done right.
Don't get me wrong: it hasn't been a failure. The Hogan/Bischoff thing aside (as it's one of the most idiotic and illogical angles with more plot holes than I can remember in a long time) it just doesn't fit. There's no reason to make Sting a heel other than for shock value. That's not thought out or well booked anything. It's a turn for the sake of a turn for a great face. Sting just woke up one day and was a heel, which is where the explanation needs to come in. WHY is he doing these things? If we know that, then it gets a lot better in a hurry. The problem is it's been like 4 months and we've gotten a crumb of "It's because Hogan doesn't have protection" here or something which also makes no sense but whatever. It's just a badly booked turn that makes no sense because we haven't been told anything abou tit and it wasn't needed. He's doing ok with what he's been given, but it's not working very well at all for me.
I forgot to mention, he actually accomplished a very similar role with the Main Event Mafia not two years ago when he played the same tweener-like heel who perhaps wasn't actually a true heel but acted as such because he was a good man doing bad things for a cause he thought was right. In that case, it was respect. In this case, it's likely to be integrity, though that hasn't been entirely drawn out just yet.
Don't get me wrong: it hasn't been a failure. The Hogan/Bischoff thing aside (as it's one of the most idiotic and illogical angles with more plot holes than I can remember in a long time) it just doesn't fit. There's no reason to make Sting a heel other than for shock value. That's not thought out or well booked anything. It's a turn for the sake of a turn for a great face. Sting just woke up one day and was a heel, which is where the explanation needs to come in. WHY is he doing these things? If we know that, then it gets a lot better in a hurry. The problem is it's been like 4 months and we've gotten a crumb of "It's because Hogan doesn't have protection" here or something which also makes no sense but whatever. It's just a badly booked turn that makes no sense because we haven't been told anything abou tit and it wasn't needed. He's doing ok with what he's been given, but it's not working very well at all for me.

Would it be because he's working with the wrong people? I like the heel turn, but other than filling the gap while Abyss turned heel, was there really a reason for him to face RVD? Is there a reason for this current character of his to be near the title? He's supposed to be targeting Hogan. Things were going a lot better when he was working with Jarrett because Jarrett was standing up for Hogan. Because his turn is directly associated to Hogan's involvement in TNA. There is zero reason for him to go after the TNA Title. The whole "Deception" thing was just a pretty mask for it. RVD had nothing to do with Hogan other than being the Champion of a show he runs.
I've never been a big Sting mark so I didn't really mind seeing him go heel, but the problem here has been the execution rather than the idea of it. First of all, him coming out and beating everyone up with his signature bat was just stupid, and he even threatened Dixie Carter. There were no repercussions for his actions for some reason, and he got his TNA title shot against RVD. The Deception angle could have been cool if the story actually got continued, but Jarrett came back and helped RVD win and boom angle over. Now we have to sit through a shitty feud between two middle aged dudes. Oh well, that's TNA I guess.
How was this the first time in probably a decade? Whatever happened to his heel turn and involvement in the Main Event Mafia, which wasn't exactly years ago. Sure it didn't last long because it didn't work and the other members of the Mafia turned on him, but still.

Honestly, I don't really view Sting as a heel. I think parts of this angle with him have been done pretty well, have even been interesting, most notably some of his promos from the week before Slammiversary... but that being said, I don't view him as a heel. I feel as if this whole angle is predictable in the sense that Sting is doing all of this because he believes Hogan/Bischoff are the heels and everything that's wrong for TNA, and I actually believe in the end it's going to turn out to be true and those siding with Hogan are going to be the fools falling for the 'deception' and Sting will actually be right all along, and have always been the true 'face' of the angle despite his actions. That's how I view the angle based off the promos, the development of the angle, and everything that's been happening since it started. So either I'm right or I feel the writers and the characters involved are doing a very poor job getting the actual angle over.

Is Sting's heel turn really successful if the crowd is still reacting to him as a face and not at all booing him and responding to him as they would a heel? I don't think so. I think for a heel to be successful they have to get heel responses, they have to become a credible heel in the eyes of the fans who are buying into it, and I don't feel like that's been happening at all. When Sting attached other wrestlers, including Abyss with the bat weeks ago right up the ramp the crowd wasn't against him in the least in doing it. Even this week in his face to face with Jarrett he didn't come across as a heel to me or the crowd that was reacting to the entire promo. When you look at top heels from the past like Flair in the 80's, Ted Dibiase or Jake the Snake in the 90's, even Bret Hart before he left the WWE or Triple H in more recent times and then compare all of them to Sting right now, how his character is being recieved and just the presence he has there's a HUGE difference. I think that's why I'd argue this "heel" Sting isn't really a success in my eyes, even with some good things happening with this angle as a whole.
I disagree wholeheartedly. Is Sting really supposed to be THE heel? When I think of TNA's top heel, I think of AJ Styles and Ric Flair. I think of Sting as a step below them on the money-drawing heel list. Now, whether or not AJ styles is a credible heel is another topic. But I believe that AJ Styles and now Abyss are the top heels. I never considered Sting to be the top heel, and if you put his angle in that perspective, I think it's worked out perfectly. Is Sting a believable heel? Yes. Is he TNA's Top Heel? No. And He was never meant to me in my opinion. Of course, if that was TNA's intention, then it's failed. Or this whole angle could just be Russo's way of trying to prove Sting can be a credible heel. But all in all I believe people won't pay money to watch Sting be a 'villain'. I consider Sting to be in that Top Face of All Time discussion, purely because he's never been a believable heel in the sense that he was a threat to the title as a heel.

Now: to answer your questions:

- He needed a fresh start, so yes, it was warrented.
- He's done well with diddly poo, so yes, he's done well as long as you don't consider him a top heel.
- Yes, because I feel like Sting is in the right and Hogan is the bad guy, but I could see Sting being written off for a whileby having Hogan secretly pay off the top guys to take him out and having it be revealed down the road that he did it, and wa-la! Sting gets a monster push and a very feel-good title run before he rides off into the sunset for good.
• What are your thoughts on Sting's heel turn? Has hindsight changed your mind as to whether it was warranted or not? I get the feeling the origional turn was done for shock fact, sort of like Hogan joining nWo or Austin joining McMahon, just no where near the same level, sort of like Samoa Joe joining Main Event Mafia. I personally don't mind his heel turn, but I really don't think was needed as Sting, as he is clearly a rear breed in a wrestler that is actually better as a face.

• Even if you feel the turn itself was unwarranted, would you agree that he's pulled it off well regardless?Sort of yes and sort of No. Yes in that I enjoy watching him, No in the fact he comes off to cool to be a heel, sort of like Randy Orton.

• Do you think his feud with Jarrett and ancillary issues with Hogan/Bischoff will ever be fully explained – why or why not?Yes, I reckon this will all end up being fully explained leading up to one of TNA's big PPV's probably ending up in a Hogan vs Sting rematch, or someone taking Hogan's place, I would not be surprised if this leads to another Hogan heel turn. If they didn't have intentions of this leading anywhere why would Sting keep enforcing that there is a secret motive behind all this... Then again this is TNA we're talking about.
Unfortunately I don't have cable so I haven't seen Sting's heel turn, but without seeing it, I'd have to be one of the people who would agree that it couldn't work. Sting as a heel, to me, is about as believable as Shawn Michaels or Mick Foley as a heel. But again, I haven't seen it. If you are right that he's gotten over as a heel, I think that's awesome.

Umm HBK got famous being a Heel.
So did Mick Foley

And for the original poster it would appear you have forgotten his run at the head of MEM when he was a Heel. So its not the first time in 10 years its more like the second time in a couple.

Either way I think its fail.
Umm HBK got famous being a Heel.
So did Mick Foley
They weren't the All Star name they would become back then. Of course they could work as heels, they weren't as famous or as loved. Ricky Steamboat was never a heel. But he spent all of his career never booked as one. Nobody gave it a try. They are with Sting.

And for the original poster it would appear you have forgotten his run at the head of MEM when he was a Heel. So its not the first time in 10 years its more like the second time in a couple.
He pointed it out. Try reading the other posts he made. Although it was a badly booked heel turn. This one has gone much better and has lasted longer.
Either way I think its fail.
Why? Because he has trouble drawing heat from the smark infested crowd? Is it because you don't buy the reasons behind it? Do you like him too much? Specify.
The title and the general tenor of the original post suggests that this is basically an "I told you so!" thread. Basically, this seems like the place where all the TNA apologists are supposed to band together to reassure each other that despite Vince Russo's horrible, horrible, god-awful booking, TNA is still watchable.

So, to answer your question, this heel turn has not worked for me, only because I really don't care about Sting's character at all. I have no idea how this kind of threadbare booking appeals to anyone, because it's completely predicated on the idea that there will be some kind of brilliant pay-off in the near or distant future, which in reality will just be another illogical swerve like the one that started the current angle.

To be fair, I'll give Sting credit for selling the hell out of his part. But that doesn't change the fact that he's basically spent the last 4 months beating people up with a baseball bat, as if that's supposed to distract us from the fact that he NEVER ACTUALLY WRESTLES. Not counting his match this past week, which was mostly brawling to cover up his injuries, Sting hasn't wrestled a real match since September of last year, over 9 months ago.

Again, to the questions you asked, Sting's run as a heel isn't working for me because the entire narrative structure in which he's performing doesn't work. What you're doing is like trying to praise the performance of a side character in a straight-to-video action film. Sure, it may be some crusty old fuck you just can't help but love, but it doesn't change the fact that the product as a whole is total crap.
my bad if i repeat something someones said...i just got back from the supershow and about to sleep but saw this thread and decided to give my opinion.

First off...i like the fact that someone in tna creative had the balls to turn sting heel. When it comes to sting he is in the same boat as the undertaker. A guy that should be heel but will always be a face to anyone in the wrestling community. Nothing about sting looks face-ish...he dresses in black...wears a trent coat....face painted in a ghostly manner and oh yea has beat people with a bat for over a decade. But instead of being a heel when he became this character he became a threat to the NWO making him a face when instead he should of been heel.

I must say i wasnt buying into this whole change though until about a month ago when he actually started talking and added this deception angle. I feel he could get good heat from the fans making him a credible heel if wasnt in the impact zone. Sometimes i think they have a sign telling the fans whether or not to cheer, boo or laugh and 95% of the time the sign is broken. If sting was doing this in a wwe ring he would no doubt get heat and would of got it fast.

I feel that Sting has been around long enough to even if he hasnt done it before, can pull off being a heel. I really hope there is a solid reasoning to this deception angle and explanation of this feud he's gotten into with jarrett hogan/bischoff
I think Sting's heel turn has worked out great. People in here speak on the reaction he gets not being a heel reaction but have we forgotten that TNA is in the Impact Zone? Does the Impact Zone reaction necessarily prove if someone is truly over as a face or heel or not?

And I like how people point out his MEM run. Sting was not a heel during that run. He was a tweener more on the face side. The whole MEM angle was blurry from the start but when the pieces came together and when MEM was formed, Sting never did anything significant to solidify his heel turn. All he did was have a toast with the MEM in Vegas and next thing you know he's a heel. He never did any harm to the faces he faced unless warranted and was never part of any hits/beatdowns so no Sting was not a true heel during the MEM era. He was more of a face aligned with heels for the same purpose.

This here is Sting's real heel run. To answer the threadstarter, yes it was warranted. Sting has pulled off the character well and just looks like a great villain doing it. And yes, this is TNA's big money angle that has centered the show for quite some time. TNA drops the ball from time to time but they won't drop the ball on this and will fully explain everything when the time is right.

Don't get me wrong: it hasn't been a failure. The Hogan/Bischoff thing aside (as it's one of the most idiotic and illogical angles with more plot holes than I can remember in a long time) it just doesn't fit. There's no reason to make Sting a heel other than for shock value. That's not thought out or well booked anything. It's a turn for the sake of a turn for a great face. Sting just woke up one day and was a heel, which is where the explanation needs to come in. WHY is he doing these things? If we know that, then it gets a lot better in a hurry. The problem is it's been like 4 months and we've gotten a crumb of "It's because Hogan doesn't have protection" here or something which also makes no sense but whatever. It's just a badly booked turn that makes no sense because we haven't been told anything abou tit and it wasn't needed. He's doing ok with what he's been given, but it's not working very well at all for me.

What do you mean there's no reason for Sting to be a heel. Yes there is reason. Sting said it himself that every action he takes, there is reason behind it. It's not just a random heel turn. Everything Sting does has a purpose. That is part of the character Sting as a whole.

If we knew Sting's purpose from the jump, then what would be the point? What makes this storyline the bit intriguing that it has become is the underlying mystery behind the mans actions but fans like you don't let things play out. You want things in a hurry and when it doesn't come at your pace, you get disgruntled and start to deem things as a failure. You're really proving that your part of the microwave generation. You want things in an instant instead of having the patience virtue. As time goes on, the story will unravel. It's very obvious to those that know Sting's character that Sting is anti-Hogan & Bischoff. He's been anti-Hogan & Bischoff for years. That is part of his makeup and literally what shaped his Crow in the rafters character. From my assumption, Sting's role this time is the same thing except he may have more of the smart fan - shoot stance approach and be the guy who feels Hogan & Bisch. r ruining TNA like how they did WCW which may explain why he's going after Hogan's posterboy RVD.

Really, there is a lot of history there and there is plenty for TNA to work with but I am enjoying this. This is something different from the norm that needs to be done. Imo it has made Sting more interesting and I'm glad TNA is exploring different traits and experimenting with the Sting character before the man leaves the business for good.
He's trying to pull off the "justified vigilante".

And in my opinion he's doing a good job. I believe he and Flair want one more dance together. I thin they might be trying to pull off a Flair face turn. I'll hate that.
You see this is the problem with TNA, does Sting make for a good heal ? Sure he is doing a good job, but at the end of the day how long is this "deception" going to carry out for ? And what is going to happen at the end of it when he finally speaks that is going to be so earth shattering thats going to make it worth a damn ?

So probably he is going to blame Hogan and Bischoff for WCW and say they will ruin TNA, ok so what ? Is Hogan and Bischoff going to turn heel ? The way Hogan loves be superface right now i dont see it. So what is this really setting up and by the time it pays off are we really going to give a shit ?

This almost reeks of the Hogan/Bischoff split tease angle that all of sudden just never happened after they teased it for 2 months. And sadly this will probably turn into the same thing. So is Sting a good heel yes, will TNA let it mean anything that we care about, probably not ....
He's trying to pull off the "justified vigilante".

And in my opinion he's doing a good job. I believe he and Flair want one more dance together. I thin they might be trying to pull off a Flair face turn. I'll hate that.

i would hate it to. flair against sting has to have flair be the heel. their matches, even the very last one on the night vince bought wcw were epic. if they ever have one last program between these 2, i truly hope they do it right and give both wrestlers a lot of creative control since both have faced each other many times.

that being said, i think the angle is ok. i think the person who says sting is a good guy doing bad things because he feels they are right is spot on. unfortunately, the true heel role will never work with him because he is still over with the fans.

to be honest, i don't know what sting could do to push himself to true heel status. he's been beating the crap out of good guys and is still getting cheered.
Oh IDR, you are such a TNA mark they could spoon-feed you diarrhea and you'd call it honey... more or less of which is happening right now.

Anyways, you my friend have the patience of a god. I, along with the majority of the IWC, have all but given up on caring why Sting has been doing what he's doing. TNA constantly drags angles out for way too long with no discernible payoff. Who were Samoa Joe's kidnappers? Are they going to tell us? Do you honestly still even care? It's been months and they don't even mention it anymore. I really want TNA to succeed, I really do. But this is not the way it's going to happen.

To answer your questions I'm not a fan of this heel turn but bless Sting's heart he's doing his damnedest. Hopefully it shouldn't matter either way because I'm hoping the payoff is Hulk and Bischoff deceiving us and Sting being the good guy all along.
Oh IDR, you are such a TNA mark they could spoon-feed you diarrhea and you'd call it honey... more or less of which is happening right now.

Well, Bubba The Love Sponge, if he were a "mark" he wouldn't be too pleased with Sting turning on the fan's we wouldn't know its fixed. At least that's what my diccionary says.

Anyways, you my friend have the patience of a god. I, along with the majority of the IWC, have all but given up on caring why Sting has been doing what he's doing. TNA constantly drags angles out for way too long with no discernible payoff.
4 months. You have the patience of a schoolgirl needing to take a leak. You also want to complicate the simple. He hates Hogan. The fan's or "marks" don't seem to care about a reason. They just want Sting to stop beating up people. You want to find the bulls other ass.

Who were Samoa Joe's kidnappers? Are they going to tell us?
I really don't care. He's back and being solid. Why derail him with what would probably a failing story?

Do you honestly still even care? It's been months and they don't even mention it anymore.
Then its unimportant and just a way to get him off TV. Why do you have to complicate it?

I really want TNA to succeed, I really do. But this is not the way it's going to happen.

To answer your questions I'm not a fan of this heel turn but bless Sting's heart he's doing his damnedest. Hopefully it shouldn't matter either way because I'm hoping the payoff is Hulk and Bischoff deceiving us and Sting being the good guy all along.

That's kinda what he's been trying to tell. Truth is, why? Just what is Hogan gonna do if he turns heel? Or Bischoff? Nothing. They are mangement. Other than being jerks, there is nothing to go with. So Sting should stay as he is and eventually get along with Hogan. We never got a reason as to why Austin sided with Mr. McMahon or The Alliance. We never got a reason for Matt Hardy feeling sorry for almost killing his brother several times. Stings a heel. He beats good guys up and needs to be stoped. The basic premise of a heel. If you want a reason to know why he's being evil, keep speculating. His reasons are the drive of his character right now. If he reveals them, there really won't be a point for it.

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