So, is The Undertaker essentially confirmed for WM31?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
We saw that he's pictured on the WM31 trucks. He said at a recent charity event that he hasn't ruled out WM31.

In my opinion, he'll be there since there have been reports every year since 2009 that his status for the event was uncertain. It's become a way to garner fan intrigue. Also, if he were done, we'd have heard. A legend of that magnitude doesn't just walk away with... literally nothing.

So, do you believe he'll be there?
Yes. I do.

As you said, for the past several years we always read the "reports" of his Wrestlemania status being "up in the air" and his health is in question. Except I do remember reading before Wrestlemania XXX that he gave the word he'd be there months in advance.

I do expect 'Taker to be at WM31 and I do think it will be against Sting. Although, I am willing to admit, I am a mark for both guys, especially Sting. While obviously the match would've been better over a decade ago, I still think it could be fairly well done and be a very fun story to watch on TV.

I don't think the match needs a ton of build either. Simply have 'Taker come out a few weeks before WM31 and say "The Streak is done and now so am I". Then out comes Sting who says, "Not so fast, Deadman." I like Jr's idea that they should build it up as a double retirement match. Win, lose, or draw, both are done.

I just don't like hearing about how these 2 "old guys" are taking up a spot for a young buck. Wrestlemania is a 4 hour show and I see no issue with giving a half hour or a little over to 2 legends like Mark Calaway and Steve Borden.
I'm of the opinion that he'll be part of WrestleMania XXXI in some way, just not sure if it'll be as a wrestler. It wouldn't surprise me if Taker winds up headlining the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2015 which, all things considered, MIGHT be the best route to go.

Taker's streak is dead, so there's no real reason for him to continue wrestling. When it's all said & done, Brock Lesnar will be the only guy who goes down in the history books as the one who ultimately got the better of Taker. Aside from Lesnar, Taker's beaten every big & legendary name to come through WWE in the past 25 years. Also, after what we saw at WrestleMania XXX, from a physical standpoint, I'm of the opinion that Taker just doesn't have it anymore. The wear & tear has finally caught up to him to such a degree that it's beyond difficult for him to put on a competitive looking match. The wear & tear has also made it more difficult to stay in shape, as if the aging process in & of itself doesn't make it difficult enough as it is, because Taker was probably in the worst overall shape I can recall seeing him. For the first time, he struck me as "old" in his appearance. He was lacking significantly in muscle tone and his cardio most definitely wasn't up to par, though, to be fair, Taker sustaining a concussion early on in the match didn't help his performance either. I respect the hell out of Taker for his work ethic and for literally trying his best but, in my opinion, he's at a point where he's not physically able to compete at the sort of level to where he wouldn't be an embarrassment to himself. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. By the time WrestleMania XXXI comes around, Taker will officially be 50 years old, plus the wear & tear of the business has caught up to him with a vengeance the past 5 years or so and it's only gonna get worse as he gets older.

Of course, there's also the possibility of a match with Sting for WrestleMania XXXI. The streak is a nonfactor now, obviously, but I suppose there could be the possibility of Taker vs. Sting as nothing more than a special attraction. The match would be a novelty as the first & probably only meeting of the two most overall respected stars to debut in the last 30 years in American pro wrestling. The novelty of the streak being on the line may not be necessary because, let's face it, it was HIGHLY unlikely that Sting would have ended the streak. As we all know, Sting is the biggest star in American pro wrestling to have never wrestled a match in WWE, Vince McMahon had absolutely no hand in cultivating Sting's career or his rise to stardom and, as a result, the notion that a wrestler who succeeded and made a superstar career for himself in the United States without any association with Vince McMahon whatsoever ending the streak would be blasphemous in Vince's eyes. So, I suppose they could do the match just for the sake of the novelty of it being Taker vs. Sting. Neither guy has anything to gain or lose really and it could be a huge, nostalgic moment in the eyes of a lot of fans. The downside to this match, of course, is the genuine possibility of it completely, 100% sucking ass due to one or both men being in such piss poor physical condition that they can't engage in a physically entertaining bout.
Time's pretty much run out on Undertaker. He may "feel" like he has another match in him, but I'm sure he felt that way with Lesnar too. Sting may still be able to go but he's over 50 now, and doesn't move as well as he used to. It's tough to remember that Sting is 6 years Undertaker's senior.

I think the best scenario may be at this point a Hall of Fame induction for the Undertaker and special appearance at WrestleMania, and Sting Vs. either Cena or Triple H for a match. I know that'll drive many people crazy, but they'd probably be better matches at this point, and they would also be first time matches.
I wouldn't have a problem whatsoever with Taker vs Sting at Mania 31. I think just the possibility of seeing the two square off would get the majority of pro-wrestling fans who grew up following both guys off their seats.

Purely a match for Nostalgia purposes, and might still end with people asking what if?(they did it in their primes) However, just like seeing Hogan, Stone Cold and the Rock in one ring was one of the most brilliant sights at any Mania and pure nostalgia also, an Undertaker vs Sting match-up/feud would have much the same effect, regardless of how good the actual match ended up being.

I'd be down for a Wrestlemania 31 card like:
Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns

Triple H vs Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose

John Cena vs Dean Ambrose/Daniel Bryan

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins

the Undertaker vs Sting

AtG Battle Royal

Divas Battle Royal

Pre-Show Tag title Match
I am in the same mindset that the undertaker will be indeed be a part of WM31. But not as a wrestler. His wrestling days and iconic career are over.. The way he looked at this past WM. He looked Old,Slow,and helpless. Granted his concussion didnt help matter any,but the wear and tear in the ring have caught up with Taker..

Numerous injury after injury have taken its toll.. The streak is dead. If the undertaker is this beat up right now,its only going to get worse as he gets older.. Lets not forget he is 50 years old..

Taker should take his spot in the HOF, I will go as far as to say he should be the only inductee in the HOF! Just have him and him only. No other wrestler past or present deserve to share the same stage as the DeadMan. I know HOF is a special night,but just have him go in alone that would draw tickets. Show his matches,his promos.

If you want to have Kane induct him seeing as how Paul Bearer is no longer with us,no better person than Kane to induct him. I dont want to see him anywhere near a ring again. That dream match with Sting should have happened 8-9 years ago..
I could see Brock and Heyman in the ring talking shit about the Undertaker around WM season and Taker coming out and instead of attacking maybe kneels before Brock and Heyman and Brock Slowly exiting ring. As undertaker grabs a mic and begins to call it quits the lights go out and strobes fill the arena. We see Sting sitting up in the rafters/on too of Titan tron, the arena goes dark and a spotlight goes up to wrestlemania Sign as the show goes off the air.

I think in the build up we could see Undertaker say no, the streak is over, therefore Undertaker is done. Sting could demand a match saying there's only one man that will get him in the ring for the WWE and that's undertaker. Maybe even have Vince come back and plead for Undertaker to do it, so Vince can finally claim every big star has wrestled inside his ring. Then have Sting maybe tell Vince he's not doing it for Vince or the money- he's doing it for himself and true wrestling fans. Vince can maybe get in Stings face and say, I own you. As Sting gets frustrated he goes after Bince which cause undertaker to choke slam sting and then it's on.

I just would like to see more than just, hey it's undertaker vs sting for no reason.
It seems likely that Undertaker is going to try to work Wrestlemania 31. He hasn't officially retired yet and it is still months away. He has plenty of time to heal and get back into ring shape.
I'd like to see him work with Bray Wyatt in some compacity. There gimmicks would compliment each other perfectly and I would imagine there would be some cool video packages. They could face off one on one or maybe we could see a tag match would be less of a work load for the Undertaker. We could see a handicap match with The Brother's of Destruction vs The Wyatt Family. Kane hasfinished business with the Wyatt's and could come to his brothers aid.
If they are still a Trio by then, the most logical is a 6 man tag... Taker, Kane and Sting vs The Wyatts.

It would allow both Taker and Sting to have that match, if not against each other then it's a "dream team", allows Kane a final "big match" and win lose or draw the Wyatts all come out better... Harper can turn on Bray after the loss for example...
So, do you believe he'll be there?

Yes, if for no other reason than to say goodbye, which is something he should have done after WM30. I still can't believe he never appeared on Raw to address the crowd about his loss, whether he intended to ever wrestle again or not.

As for people saying there's no purpose in his stepping into the ring again because his streak is over, I counter by saying there's no way Mark Calaway's career should end with a loss. I think he should get his body sufficiently in shape so he can step in there one more time......with Sting.

Steve Borden, unlike Brock Lesnar, knows how to wrestle a match without causing bodily damage to his opponent (although I still secretly wish he could have gone on with his TNA main event match against Jeff Hardy and beaten the living shit out of shoot fashion).

Undertaker and Sting could coax a realistic looking match out of each would be a fitting close to Undertaker's career to pin a mega-star like Sting.

But you know what? Even if Calaway shows up at WM31 only to step in the ring and say goodbye, I'd love to see someone come up to pick an argument with him.....get clocked for his trouble.....and then Undertaker can bid us farewell. That would be just fine, if he doesn't want to engage in a match.

Yes, I think he'll be there next way or the other.
Yes, I believe he'll be there, and work against Sting.
As Mustang Sally stated, Stinger is experienced enough to work with a guy with some physical limitations. He'll work around Undi's issues.

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