So I gave up drinking soda after being a fat guy for 10 years...

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've basically been drinking at least a bottle of soda most days since junior high, when I started making money and had access to vending machines. But since I have a pretty decent desire to live past 35, I decided to cut it out of my diet, after more than 10 years of consuming probably a metric ton of sugar.

Holy shit. For the first three days I could not control my emotions. I didn't understand what was happening. I was totally fine one minute, then the next I wanted to murder the mail man for getting my package slightly damp in the POURING RAIN. Like, the things that set me off weren't even remotely logical, or things that I would normally be even vaguely upset about.

At first I thought maybe it was just some new form of anxiety, which I have had major issues with in the past, and have mostly dealt with in a healthy, productive way. Then I realized, I'm basically taking a major chemical - sugar - that I've been literally pouring into myself at a rate of at least a liter of soda per day, and completely cut it out of my system. I talked to my doctor this week about an unrelated issue, and mentioned it to him; he said I was lucky I didn't hurt myself altering my blood sugar that drastically. Kind of melodramatic, IMO, but it's nice to know I wasn't just crazy.

It's been two weeks now, and I'm more or less sane. The pros are that I have less trouble sleeping, can wake up and function almost immediately (instead of needing an hour to "wake up"), and I feel much healthier. My metabolism seems to be working better, I'm actually losing some significant weight in just two weeks. The blood pressure issues I was having are almost non-existent.

The cons are that I'm still REALLY tired about mid-day. If I wake up at 8AM, by about 2PM I'm ready to fall asleep. I try and drink a cup of coffee to stay away, but I think it's just going to take a few more weeks of being constantly exhausted to get my body used to having normal sugar levels.

SO....long story short, if you're like me and drink way too much soda/sugary beverages every day, I highly encourage cutting it out altogether. It's such a dumb reason to be slowly killing yourself.
Well I don't look forward to the day where i take this path now. I'd currently consume about 1.5 litres of coke or pepsi max a day but i still have a decent metabolism and excercise enough to the point where i maintain a healthy weight.
Edit: Never mind. Just forget I was here.

Well, while I'm here, let me just say that I stopped drinking soda when I was a kid - I can't drink the stuff now. I'd rather drink a glass of water, juice, or whatever.
One day in February of 2010 I just gave up eating any sort of packaged crap (like crisps, Pringles, popcorn, Doritos you know those types of things) but it wasn't for health reasons; I got annoyed at how it all gets stuck in your teeth. Ended up gaining 15 kilos (roughly 33 pounds) because it turns out eating those crap foods made me need to clean my teeth which forced me to stop eating every now and then.

Lessons to be learned: eat a carrot, drink a ton of water, get a bike, ride it for an hour every two days, and clickbait thread titles suck balls. Solves every problem you have and then some.
Are you sure you aren't getting your period? :)

Seriously, good for you. Soda can mess people up. It is basically a dessert in liquid form. I still imbibe now and again but I've mostly cut it out of my diet.
That's a start. Next on the list should be all fast, oily and greasy food. Don't get addicted to coffee now btw, the sleep problem will go away on its own.
Good for you, man. How did Diet Soda and Kel take the news that you're leaving their club? Hope the guys are okay.
Soda is not a drug. You ever suck some dick for soda?

There have been people who have said they've sucked dick for coke.

I stopped drinking soda (or pop as we call it in the UK) a while back. I just couldn't be bothered anymore. I only really have it when I have a takeaway which is about one day a week.

Yeah don'y get addicted to coffee Killam it's just as bad. Have juice or a smoothie or something.
While I am not one of life's over indulgers, with a few exceptions like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, promiscuous sex, fry ups and bacon in general, crisps, chips, fatty foods and take-aways. I stay away from fast-food (except pizza), only drink fizzy drinks when I have the worst kind of hangover, get some excersize, do a physical job and play sports semi-regularly and I am in really good shape and I still find time to geek it up on here. I swear, with the right lifestyle you can have the shittest lifestyle you want, although I am possibly rotting inside but I can't see that so who cares?
Don't listen to your doctor. Listen to Dr. Pepper. While your doctor was wasting his time in medical school fucking around with dead bodies, Pepper was tag teaming hot bitches with his buddy Capt. Morgan.

Now would you rather hang out with that cool motherfucker once in a while or the old guy who tries to stick his finger in your butt?
I'm also trying to cut soda out of my diet, but I'm doing it little by little. I'm down to about 2 bottles a week as opposed to 2 a day.
If you ask enough people, everything is bad for you in some way. At least diet soda won't pack on the calories.

Then restrict your questioning to people who have the slightest clue what the are talking about. Drinking diet soda for health reasons is not dissimilar to switching from crack to powder cocaine because you want to live longer. Technically an improvement, but one that rather misses the greater point.

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