So how do you find VG Tournaments?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Like for the MLG, WCG, and stuff like that, where would you go to find gaming tournaments? I've been doing research on google and bing with stuff like "Joining gaming tournaments" "how to join MLG" and stuff like that but I could never find anything about them except finding one about a Halo Reach tournament in Atlanta.

Like, I don't play much online cause XBL is expensive and PS3 is out of my price range right now (seriously, that's a down payment on a new car in my state). So I can't exactly do Online tournaments, so I'm looking for more like physical tournaments with actual "arenas" or "venues" if you will.

Anyone that can help me out?
Well normally you have to start with the online tournaments and if you get good at those you can go on a pro circuit which is a live event. Since you said Xbox live isn't an option then that really only leaves one choice. Some Gamestops host a tournament on occasion and I know of a few places that are around where I live that host them. You really just have to look around. If I were you i'd go to a Gamestop and ask someone there if they know anything about one. That'd be your best bet.
You don't have to be online to do tournaments. If you live in an area that has a lot of potential competitors for your tournament, try handing out flyers by your local GameStop or on campus if you are in college. You'd be surprised at how many people might show interest because chances are they are bored and want something fun to do, nothing is as fun for a hardcore gamer as a competitive tournament with other gamers. You meet a lot of friends/rivals that way too, it's great. You could host it at your home or try to get other places like GameStop, your school (if you're in school), or perhaps an organization you are a part of might be willing to host it. You have to be willing to look for more options, you'll find one. It's loads of fun when it works out and a successful tournament is held.

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