So, erm, who are the Frontline?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
It seems that everyone that isn't in the Main Event Mafia is referred to as the Frontline. Who are the core group supposed to be? Who should they be? I was under the impression that it was meant to be Rhino, Team 3D, AJ and Joe.

Doesn't seem that way any more. AJ's still doing all that crap, I guess. He beat Booker for that glorified mid card title. Great.

Team 3D... what are they doing? I forget. Oh yeah, tag team titles. Really giving it to the old, established guys by beating up Beer Money. No, wait.

Rhino. Give a shit.

Joe... sweet Jesus. Don't even get me started. What in the fuck did he look like at Destination X. He looks like he escaped from a mental asylum. At least he had the presence of mind to take the uniform off and dress in something suitably mental, shave his head and start stabbing people. Much better mental patient than Abyss.

AJ's really the only one that's stayed true to the cause, yet his feud with Booker has been underwhelming. I'm always for bringing in LAX and establishing them as real contenders. Then again, I always am. It's too late for Joe, sadly. What in the fuck is up with that? Just have three members then. AJ and his boys.

I honestly don't care any more. This shit has got so, erm, I can't even describe it. Shit. That's the one.
Looks like the only one associated with the Frontline is Styles. Joe's too busy with Steiner and 3D are busy with Beer Money, and Rhyno.....Well it looks like the Mafia/Frontline angle has bombed and I don't think there's a winner in this. At least AJ has the Legends title so he possibly can further the storyline.
Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles. Everyone else are bullshit filler who used it to spring board (early, mind you) into secondary feuds. See: Lethal Concequences, ODB.

The real Front Line should have been established through the return of Christopher Daniels as a run-in save (a few weeks after the firing of Curry Man, as MEM were taking out FL members left and right), AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, and potentially Matt Morgan (or a stand in 5th).

3D were an OK temp spot if a double swerve were written in, but otherwise were a waste of time IMO, as were MMG, Lethal Concequences, ODB, and especially Eric Young.
This whole angle almost reminds me of the Invasion angle in WWE. The Mafia has 5 maineventers(or former maineventers)and is an all-star team. Frontline on the other hand isn't even a unit. While the Mafia storyline is working out pretty good, the whole Mafia vs. Frontline fizzled out before it could get off the ground.

You can't have one group have top stars, and then have the other group be made from tag teams(3D), random X stars who are mostly jobbers(Creed/Lethal), and a career midcarder(Rhyno). Joe and Styles and maybe Daniels along with maybe Jarrett and Foley could be a decent unit, but it never happened.

I don't even think TNA should bother calling the other's "frontline" since it's obvious now the show doesn't care about that faction, and is only going to focus on the mafia. TNA dropped the ball on what could have been a good faction war since they made one team look incredible weaker and have no real "stars"(minus Styles). The storyline could have still worked if they would have made guys like Petey, Creed, Lethal, and others look credible but they didn't.

So who are the frontline? The answer is a mismanaged, group or jobbers and midcard talent and will most likely fade away soon enough. TNA probably just countinue to use the term "frontline" to sell merchandise and what not.
nobody really knows

i t started with aj and joe then 3d and rhyno and the rest, mcmg,lethal consequenses, eric young and ODB








I think this MEM/FL feud is going to shit they had a decent idea MEM was originally tweener and you sort of understood where they were coming form now Sting is gone, Joe is just trying to shank steiner and 3D's only hope of making them core FL is to challenge the MEM to a tables match for the tag titles. this feud tanked. The good things are that it allowed some people to actually do something i.e. Shelly x-division champ, lethal consequences tag riegn and it was really good starting out. Styles is the only FL member that's against the whole MEM not just one.
Do we really even recognize the Frontline anymore? AJ Styles keeps sneak attacking Booker T, and stealing his legends championship. Then he gets hauled of to jail. Then you have Team 3D feuding with beer money. Samoa Joe has gone crazy, and keeps threating to kill Scott Steiner each week. I like OBD, but seriously what did she ever do that had anything to deal with the MEM/Frontline storyline? Petey Willams is gone. Jay Lethal and Creed have been made a tag team, and I have no idea what the hell they're trying to do with Eric Young. The core group of guys for the Frontline are just off doing they're own thing. There hasn't been any mention of who's winning the battle of respect, expect for a few weeks ago on Impact when Nash mentioned it breifly, during the whole Sting VS Angle promo. TNA has been getting so caught up in the Angle/Sting it seems like they just dont give a shit about the Frontline anymore.
it started off as just joe. styles, 3d and rhyno but then went on to being pretty much every face in the company except for a couple and now it's just short, they can't make their damn minds up and now people don't know whats going on with any of them
The following have all been part of the Frontline at one time:
AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Team 3D (Bubba and D-Von), Rhyno, Jeff Jarret, Mick Foley, Petey Williams, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Abyss, and LAX. Thats 15 people! How the hell have the not destroyed the MEM?!?!?!?
Frontline should consist of - AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Jarrett & Abyss.

Other possible Frontline memebers should be James Storm, Robert Roode, Homicide & Hernanadez.

MEM should consist of Kurt Angle, Sting, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner & Mick Foley.

Other possible Main Event Mafia members should be Team 3D.
Scott Hall, DDP & Sid Vicious would be interesting additions to the MEM if TNA could sign them. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley should join the MEM as traitors of the Frontline
I don't understand the fascination with Abyss. Why is Abyss so well loved by so many fans? He's incredibly boring. He'd have been awesome for the WWE in 1999. Monsters are ******ed.
The Frontline is AJ STYLES , SAMOA JOE , TEAM 3D , ERIC YOUNG , JAY LETHAL , CREEDE , ODB and the MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS once in a while . Their main goal is to battle the Maine Event Mafia yes but they are also fighting for TNA in general . Fans that can't see that are one of two things Blind or stupid which one are you ? If TNA made every Impact and every PPV about MEM -VS- FRONT LINE Striaght up and down the card fans like ALL OF U would shit all over it like you are now so stop ur bitching and watch TNA !!! CROSS THE LINE and PLEASE I BEG OF ALL OF U PLEASE STOP MARKING OUT TO THE SHIT VINCE FORCE FEEDS U 5 HOURS A WEEK AND FOR 3 HOURS ON PPV !

I always thought, or I guess hoped, that the MEM/Frontline angle would be a way for TNA to make some new main eventers to help them into the future. So even it may of needed a face turn I thought it might be the perfect chance to start pushing Storm and/or Roode as possible main eventers.

I always wanted the Frontline to be something like Joe, Styles, Daniels, perhaps Roode and Storm and Matt Morgan possibly as the muscle of the group. It would perhaps make the crowd give more than 2 shits about Morgan.

But instead we have the MEM against the MEM light with Styles and Joe tagging along. Do we really need to see Jarrett, Foley, Team 3D and Rhino sticking up for the new up and comers? Or should they be sticking up for themselves?

I see the Mafia/Frontline as being basically over. Once 'original' Frontline members like Lethal, Creed (both of whom shouldnt been in it to start with) Young and MCMG went away to do seperate things it got shaky. Joe and Styles were the first victims losing to Sting when, if there were no new main eventers, they should of been the last ones to have a crack at Sting and take his title. Then crappy title defences against 3D and Rhino. Followed by the teasing of the Mafia breaking up, despite dominating the 'Frontline' things just seemed dead to me.

Now we have Joe running around murdering and raping people.. awesome face work. Lets stop the evil Mafia by killing the whole lot of them.
The Frontline is AJ STYLES , SAMOA JOE , TEAM 3D , ERIC YOUNG , JAY LETHAL , CREEDE , ODB and the MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS once in a while . Their main goal is to battle the Maine Event Mafia yes but they are also fighting for TNA in general . Fans that can't see that are one of two things Blind or stupid which one are you ? If TNA made every Impact and every PPV about MEM -VS- FRONT LINE Striaght up and down the card fans like ALL OF U would shit all over it like you are now so stop ur bitching and watch TNA !!! CROSS THE LINE and PLEASE I BEG OF ALL OF U PLEASE STOP MARKING OUT TO THE SHIT VINCE FORCE FEEDS U 5 HOURS A WEEK AND FOR 3 HOURS ON PPV !


Ok...that was a perfectly rational response. I can assure you, I'm neither blind nor stupid. However, after watching Destination X(thank dog I wasn't paying for it or I would have been pissed off.) I'm inclinded to believe that the people behind the creative process of TNA are both of those things.

It's not blind allegiance to Vince Mcmahon that hurts TNA, it's the fact they have the wrestling equivalent of Robot Chicken writers scripting their stuff.

TNA Frontline vs. Main Event Mafia is supposed to be the big angle that TNA is running. Yet, when pressed, most people so far on this board can't even remember who the Frontline is. This was supposed to be a way for the established veterans to give the rub to the young talent who are going to be expected to carry the company after the MEM have all left. Unfortunately, Sting didn't want to be a heel and since everyone in TNA is too gutless to tell him to suck it up and do the right thing for business, he get's his way. And now we've Sting in a feud with Kurt Angle, which does absolutely NOTHING for anybody. You've taken two possible programs that could have elevated Joe and AJ as an example, and instead combined them into an inter-MEM feud, which won't elevate anything(especially buyrates).

The Frontline should be those who have been there before the big money contracts, standing up to the greedy ****es who are making big paycheques off of their hard work. That should be the central idea. And yet, the Frontline is consistantly been booked to be the most ineffective, useless, pointless, gutless, brain dead, bullshit excuse for a faction since the Spirit Squad. These guys wouldn't be a threat to the Cabbage Patch Kids.

How are we supposed to get behind the Frontline when TNA is constantly pushing the MEM's as "cool heels". Here's a wrestling lesson for all of the fans who joined us post NWO: heels are not supposed to be liked. We aren't supposed to laugh at them, and we aren't supposed to think they're cool. We see week after week that the MEM are given more tv time than anybody else, and then sends a very powerful subconscious message: these are the people you should care about. Now, in a perfect world you should care about both the heroes and the villains but most importantly, the audience has to care about the heroes for the story to work.

What kind of message does it send, that rather than come back from his injury and face the MEM in the ring, Samoa Joe comes back and starts attacking people with a machete? You ask any average Joe(no pun intended) on the street and tell you that that's the mark of a total pussy. There's nothing heroic about putting a knife to someone's throat. Standing up to evil and beating them even after they have cheated is the mark of a true hero.

How about a few weeks back when the Mafia took over the show and in the latter half, Foley came back and stacked the deck against them and the Frontline still couldn't get the job done. Without realizing it(because he has no real knowledge of how wrestling is supposed to work) Vince Russo made the MEM the babyfaces...which is what helped kill WCW by the way. The young guys need to go over strong because they are going to be expected to carry the business, it's simple wrestling logic.

I can obviously tell that you don't like what Vince puts out and really like TNA, but to excuse utter incompetence just for the sake of going against Vince is rediculous and I would submit that the one who is blind is you.

In my mind, the central TNA angle should have been the Main Event Mafia(as heels..if Sting doesn't like it, tough titty) vs. the Frontline(which should have been comprised of people who were there before TNA became a cash cow for aging veterans: AJ, Joe, Daniels, Abyss for some muscle, and I would probably turn Beer Money face and have them join, with 3D going to the Mafia for a tag feud).

The whole point of this angle should have been to elevate the next generation of stars to that next level. But so farr, all it's elevated is my blood pressure.

This is why TNA will be seen as a second rate WCW(1999), until they make some major changes.

There...rant over.
Okay, there are a few main things that need to be focused on in this discussion.

1) TNA never said that the Main Event Mafia vs Frontline angle was supposed to create new main eventers. That's what it seemed like, thats what the Internet said, but TNA never said it. It could have been to send Sting off on a high note, it could be a way to bring together Foley, Jarrett and whomever else. I would think it would be a way to bring up new stars but none of that was ever confirmed.

2) The talent that many said needed to be elevated, are in fact stars that TNA don't see as main eventers yet. ODB, Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, COnsequences Creed, Petey Williams and Eric Young. While I disagree about a few of those names, we can say TNA wasn't confident elevating these stars to Main Event Status.

3) The Talent TNA does see as its future main event stars (who aren't AJ Styles and Samoa Joe) aren't involved in the MEM vs Frontline feud therefore haven't been negatively affected by the storyline. Hernandez, Matt Morgan, Kaz, possibly Christopher Daniels and Beer Money are the names I have heard TNA is very high on and see alot of potential in. Maybe not Christopher Daniels

4) The storyline isn't over. Yes, they lost focus but it still isn't fair to make a good opinion until the storyline has been completed.

5) Most importantly, let's pretend that TNA wanted to elevate stars, let's look who has been elevated and who has been hurt.

Rhino- He had Christian Cage's role as leader of the Frontline. He went from a midcard feud with Sheik Abdul Bashir to a World Title chase of Sting. Rhino cut some pretty good promos and looked good against the Mafia. Now he has apparently been forgotten and is back to getting beat up by Bashir, and I can't say I could blame them.

Team 3D- The 21 time tag team champions were looking to feud with Beer Money back in December/January before they were recruited by the Frontline. Both Ray and Devon got a new attitude and created some very fun television for a while. I still remember the Kurt Angle vs Brother Ray fight and Brother Ray's return to TNA. Hell both got shots at the TNA World Championship.

Samoa Joe- While some may disagree with me, I think Joe's new attitude will benefit him. The fans completely shat all over him following his World Title run and he needed a new fresh start. While I didn't contemplate modifying his gimmick or look it could help him. Yes, I could do without the knife but the new gimmick could give life to Joe. It's still too early to tell.

Motor City Machine Guns- Both Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin were completely forgotten before the Mafia angle. When this thing started Shelley grew a heelish cocky punk attitude and it elevated both him and Sabin enough where Shelley would win the X Title. Not much was followed up on which again is disappointing but at least these guys were higher than they were when this thing started.

Eric Young- Young is a weird case because before the Mafia angle, he had one of the best win-loss records in TNA but nobody cared about him. People like him a little more but now his win-loss record has fallen. Young has been helped by the more serious attitude as he nearly won the X Title twice. Young has represented the Stinger and has held his own in brawls against Kurt Angle. His loss to Brutus Magnus has nothing to do with the Mafia so that doesn't count.

Petey Williams- The innovator of the Canadian Destroyer has badly been hurt by the Main Event Mafia feud. He played second to Scott Steiner was turned on and beaten down by Big Poppa Pump, continued to look like him, never got his revenge and was constantly embarassed by Steiner. Petey is no longer in TNA and it is embarassing to talk about a talented star like Petey Williams being treated like this.

Lethal Consequences- I think the main thing that hurts these two is the fact that Kurt Angle always beats these guys down. They aren't booked strong enough to have fans care about them.

Despite this some have been booked to not effect them or to make them look great (Foley, Jarrett). We shall see. I wish things were better but I can't make a real judgment until the end.
Ive said from the start the MeM v Frontline angle,like the Invasion angle.coulda been great albiet obvious,vets v originals.It started with Sting wanting respect,now He,S the one thats gonna implode MeM.From the start you had vets Jeff.Foley.Dudleys & Rhyno on the side of the originals,rendering the angle pointless,Joe the expected leader goes mental & sides towards his own angle,MCM implode on Creed/Lethal while AJ (a TnA original) fights for the VetS title.I hope us wrestling fans DO have short memories cause I dare say come the end of year show,TNA,ll make this all seam unmissable .
Frame this bit,cause the only one looking good in all this IS ANGLE (I said something nice about him-feint) whose grabbed the lackadacical MeM by the neck & is dragging this disappointing storyline kicking & screaming through Impact & PPVs albiet with lots of mic work & ME time.In ThaT respect Kurt,they aint paying you enough!
I also feel the same about WWE having all them sons of legends & the best they can do is Legacy,but thats another thread for another day.Dads vs Sons anybody?
I was under the impression that the main guys in the FrontLine were Rhino, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Team 3D. Other members included Lethal Consequences and Eric Young. It's hard to tell now because the storyline these days is the implosion of the Main Event Mafia. The MEM vs FrontLine thing was going well for a while but then all of the sudden they stopped it. Styles vs Booker and Joe vs Steiner are the only remnants left because Team 3D is busy with Beer Money and who knows where Rhino is! Right now it looks as if this whole storyline is a colossal failure unless they fix it soon possibly with Jarrett screwing everyone and revealing he was the real leader of the MEM and then Foley will jump ship with Sting to the FrontLine and then they start a war for overall supremacy. They need to do something.
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