So apparantly I have Pringles...

Yeah, and for those of you that don't know, this isn't some random STD (although funnily enough the pills I have also treat gentile herpes). It's a virus that only people that have had chicken pocks as a child can get... it's something to do with the nerve endings (in this case on my back) that the chicken pocks virus lays dormant in, it causes a really (and I mean really) painful rash. The virus is bought on by stress, and I've had a boat load of that over the last few weeks/months.

So I have to sit at home and do fuck all for the next week, because I'm contagious to anyone that hasn't had chicken pocks. Urgh, I fucking hate this year already.
I know people that had this before. The rash is usually gone in like 4 weeks, which is very long. It causes nerve pain, that can last for a while?

What did they give you too treat it? When my mother had it they gave her some anti viral drug, and pain medication..
I'm not sure what it's called, but its to stop there being long term nerve damage or something like that. The tablets are bigger than my face.
I'm not sure what it's called, but its to stop there being long term nerve damage or something like that. The tablets are bigger than my face.

That isn't good. Did they give you like vaccine shots? My friend had one, he said they did it right through the rash.

I had to stay away from everyone i knew that had it because i never had the chicken pox.
I didn't have to have any injections or anything, she just gave me some pills and said I couldn't go back to work until the "blisters had popped" ewwww.
I didn't have to have any injections or anything, she just gave me some pills and said I couldn't go back to work until the "blisters had popped" ewwww.

yeah it gets bad because the skin gets discolored, and it usually spreads for a couple days.

Well anyways,
Hope you get better..
Sorry about your 2008 so far Jonny, but glad to hear your condition wasn't caused by your midnight "kiss."

As for shingles, be careful. If not treated, Shingles can turn into the dreaded "Aluminum Siding."
At least you get to stay home. My boss tried to come to work when he had it (apparently I can't handle the gym on my own) and he fell asleep at his desk in the middle of filling out the bank deposit. He was out so cold I thought he was dead.

Good news is he was back in two weeks.
Never had chicken pox. Stay the fuck away from me.

Hope your 2008 improves. Don't see how it could get much worse. Some good news at last, huh?
You'll be fucked up for months. I've worked with two people who've had it. Both were gone for 6-p months.


I'm joking. I hope you don't die. It's makes you impotent by the way.
So now I'm going to shoot blanks? Thats fucked up. Oh well, I never wanted kids anyway.

Could get you outta having to wear condoms. Either that, or the ol' "I'm allergic to latex" routine. You should ask a girl if she's ever been shot in the face with dead babies before.. :lmao:

When she says no (like theres EVER a chance she'd say yes) ask if she likes new experiences.
Could get you outta having to wear condoms. Either that, or the ol' "I'm allergic to latex" routine. You should ask a girl if she's ever been shot in the face with dead babies before.. :lmao:

When she says no (like theres EVER a chance she'd say yes) ask if she likes new experiences.

:lmao: You're so evil!
Could get you outta having to wear condoms. Either that, or the ol' "I'm allergic to latex" routine. You should ask a girl if she's ever been shot in the face with dead babies before.. :lmao:

When she says no (like theres EVER a chance she'd say yes) ask if she likes new experiences.

:lmao:ROFLMAO!!!!!, now that's just funny...evil, and just wrong, but very funny, LOL

Thanks for the laugh, I really needed that, I'd rep you if I could:thumbsup:
Could get you outta having to wear condoms. Either that, or the ol' "I'm allergic to latex" routine. You should ask a girl if she's ever been shot in the face with dead babies before.. :lmao:

When she says no (like theres EVER a chance she'd say yes) ask if she likes new experiences.

:lmao: Will you funny S.O.B!

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