So Aparrently Someone Thinks They Can Sue Me...


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Last May me and my 2 Roommates moved in with one of their friends, we were there for about 2 weeks before lightning struck the roof and set the place on fire, needless to say we needed to move again, we were not their long enough to sign a lease, and didn't pay any rent. One of my roommates and myself were able to get all our stuff (that was still salvageable) out, my other 2 roommates were not, as they had nowhere to store it in the meantime, our "landlord" then decided she was going to change the locks, so when we finally found a place and they could move their shit, they could not get to it, and she refused to give it back unless they paid $100, now 3-4 months later she has decided to sue the three of us who were not on the lease for $4000...

:wtf: we've tried to get into contact with her several times over the past couple months and she never returns our calls, so how the fuck are we suppose to get what's left in the house out, and further more how the fuck is it our fault lighting struck the fucking roof!?!?!, I have no idea how the fuck she can possibly sue the three people who were NOT on the lease, This is complete bullshit!!
If you do not have any sort of contract with them, I don't THINK they can sue you.
But if you got the supoena already and some lawyer is suing you on her behalf, I guess you can b sued.

You will probably end up settling for half.

Was there any type of verbal/written agreements on your behalf?

Where you were living was the landlords unit and to reclaim her property (changing the locks) she would have to name everyone that lived there in order to keep them out.
Get a no win, no fee lawyer, they only take 90% if they win your case, which is win-win imo.
You can't really do much aside from countersuing her for something like emotional distress, like Doug said. She has no basis to sue you though, never signed a thing. Verbal contracts don't mean jack shit. If have to take a bunch of time out of your day to deal with this you could sue her for that too. You'll win.

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