Smackdowns reloaded


Occasional Pre-Show
Vince McMahon has been getting tired of all the low ratings for smackdown.
Looking to try something new he thinks of a new GM. After demoting teddy long he brings in a tyrannical new GM who seems to take after VKM himself. Making new matches and new ideas he may be the person that is needed to save the WWE.
there is no changes to the champions or the superstars.

Alicia Fox
Candice Michelle
Gail Kim
Michelle McCool
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Curt Hawkins
Dolph Ziggler
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Wang Yang
John Morrison
Kung Fu Naki
Mike Knox
Rey Mysterio(C)
Ricky Ortiz
Shelton Benjamin
The Great Khali
The Undertaker
Mr. McMahon makes his way down to the ring.

McMahon: Its time to shakes things up again. Long underneath your reign as GM our ratings have been as low as they have ever been. I have a surprize for you come on out right now.

Teddy Longs music hits and he walks down to the ring

McMahon: I think everyone in the WWE knows about the poor viewership as of late. So i have two things to say to YOUR...........DEMOTED.

Teddy Long looks bewildered.

McMahon: Thats right your being demoted back to your old position of assistant GM.

Long: Assistant. Then whos the GM.

Down with the Sickness byDisturbed plays and a young and cocky man walks out.

McMahon: Meet Tyler Spivey a man i met a couple of years ago. Now i believe my work here is done Spivey make me proud.

long looks on in disbelief as spivey smiles and we go to commercial

JR: Wow interesting turn of events huh Todd

Todd: Its started out an interesting night but we still have plenty to go.

Shelton Benjamins music hits and he comes down to the ring.

Kane music hits and he comes to the ring.

bell rings:kane and shelton charge in. For the first few mintues kane dominates and overpowers shelton. Kane attempts to throw shelton over the top shelton grabs the top rope and swings back in. Shelton gets a few punches and kicks in but is uppercutted in the face. kane picks him up and sidewalk slams him. Kane goes to the top shelton gets up and does a running jump on top of the turnbuckle he then does a belly to belly slam off the top. Shelton gets up and waits for Kane to get up.Kane weakley gets up and turns around and nearly walks straight into the pay dirt as soon as shelton gets to the top of his jump Kane reverses and chokes shelton he lifts him back up and slams him in a thunderous chokeslam. he covers him and gets the 123

Kanes music hits and he walks back with an evil grin.

commercial break

JR: Up next we have a match and Umaga will make his in ring return

Todd: Thats not all for our 1 hour main event Our new GM will make his first apperance

Umaga music hits and he comes out.

Jimmy wang yangs music hits and he comes out to applaus.

Bell rings: Jimmy wang yang goes for a ddt and umaga reverses it into a samoan drop. Umaga picks him up and Samoan spikes him. Umaga covers him and he gets the 123.

Down with the sickness plays and Tyler walks out.

Tyler: Thank you. As you heard i am the new GM of smackdown

Tyler: I know you people may not like me

there are deafining boos

JR:Thats an understatement

Tyler: so tonight how would you like to see a title match

the crowd cheers.

Tyler: Tonight the world champion Edge(boooooo) vs CM Punk(cheers) for the world heavyweight championship.

Down with the sickness plays as Spivey leaves the ring

Commercial break

JR: we are back and we are getting ready for our next match

Rey Mysterios music hits and he comes out to big applaus.

Chris jerichos music hits and he comes out

Bell rings: they circle each other and chris goes in for a suplex rey lands on his feet and kicks him in the shins. chris goes down and rey drop kicks him in the face.

commercial break

Smackdown resumes and Chris has rey in a chokehold. rey reverses and huricaranas him out of the ring. Rey dives over the ropes and lands on Chris. Rey puts him back in the ring and gets a 2 count. Rey does alot of high flying moves and goes for a hurricanrana but it is reveversed into a walls of jericho. Rey writhei in pain and tries to get to the ropes. Rey makes a lunge and gets to the ropes. Chris refuses to let rey go until the ref gets to 4. Chris picks Rey up and Rey reverses into an an leg sweep sending Chris into the middle of the ropes. Rey goes for the 619 he hits it. rey waits on the outside of the ropes waiting for Chris to get up rey springboards on the ropes and jums toward Chris he reverses into a codebreaker and pins rey for the 123.

Chris walks back up the ramp smiling

Edges music hits and he comes out to heavy boos.

CM Punk comes out to a huge pop. he smiles at the crowd and puts his money in the bank briefcase outside the ring.

JR: We are getting ready for the main event. Todd Tonight we could crown a new world champion.

Todd: but remeber who edge is he will do anything to keep his title

JR: We Will see when Smackdown returns

Commercial break

Bell ring: edge starts off punching and cm punk starts kicking edge in his mid section punk kicks him in the face and knocks him out. Punk waits for edge to get up and sets him up for the gts edge reverses into the impaler and puts him in the sharpshooter.

commercial break

Smackdown resumes and punk is dominating. Punk throws him into the turnbuckle and hits the shining wizard. He then goes for and hits the springboard clotheline. Cm punk sets him up for and hits the GTS.

Todd: Were gonna have a new world champion

Down with the sickness plays and Tyler runs down to the ring. As he runs into the ring he grabs the money in the bank case. the ref looks on and tells Spivey to get out. Spivey raises and hits CM Punk over the head with the case. The Ref goes to ring the bell.

Tyler: I am the GM you ring that bell your FIRED.

Cm Punk slowly gets back up and is speared by Edge. Edge covers CM punk.
the Ref has no choice he counts the 123 and Edge retains.

As the Ref helps CM Punk to the back Tyler and Edge celebrate in the ring.

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