Smackdown Journal


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Smackdown! Journal 6/17/11

This is a thread to recap the events of Smackdown and discuss the events of Smackdown. Beneath my time breakdown of Smackdown are a few discussion questions about the show, should you care to answer them. I plan on doing this weekly, and they will all be in this thread.

8:00- We open with a Christian vignette. He’s going to be a damn good heel, I think much better than his heel run towards the end of his first WWE run. Jeeze the WWE can put together a good video package.

8:03- Randy’s out, sounds like he’s being universally accepted by the arena, though a Peep or two manage to get a boo heard.

8:04- HOLY SHIT! IT’S HULK HOGAN! Oh wait, it’s just a guy dressed as Hulk Hogan in the audience.

8:05- Seeing Orton work a crowd this way is odd. Trying to pump them up by throwing his hands in the air and posturing for them… it doesn’t quite fit in my opinion. The fans don’t seem to care. They also don’t seem to mind his horrible beard.

8:07- Teddy Long comes out as Randy talks about how he wants to beat down Christian tonight… like that’s gonna happen. Teddy says he still hasn’t gotten the medical clearance for Orton, so he’s not gonna wrestle tonight. Christian comes out to give his two cents. Christian has the perfect heel smirk. Christian does another audience poll, which is quite funny.

8:10- Sheamus is in the house, and he’s insulting everyone! He’s not getting much of a crowd reaction, but he’s doing a hell of a job working the mic. Christian calls Sheamus strawberry shortcake, and it becomes obvious that they’re going to have to wrestle each other.

Heel vs. Heel main events are not my favorite. Jericho and Edge had one on Smackdown a year or two ago, and it was awful, just each man trying to out cheat the other, and the audience didn’t know who to root for. Still, Christian will probably be the face as he doesn’t have the heel track record that Sheamus does, at least as of late.

8:14- Cole says it’s unfair to put Christian in a match just two days before his title shot, and it is! It seems like Christian never gets the proper rest before his title matches. What worse, if he loses he’ll be worn down AND have another competitor to worry about.

They announce a 6 man tag match with Zeke, Bryan, and Sin Cara vs. Barrett, Rhodes, and DiBiase. Something tells me we might get two Capitol Punishment matches out of this match, and that might be ALL we get. 6 man tag matches generally suck, though last week’s was pretty good.

8:18- It sounds like Zeke outpopped Cara and Bryan. I like Zeke just fine, but over Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara? Come on now. Cody’s bag men are so emotionless, it’s perfect! They should start wearing some sort of mask too, Phantom of the Opera style or something.

8:20- Apparently DiBiase was the jerk of the month. The bigger story, though, is that BOOKER T IS ON TWITTER! MUST FOLLOW! Can you dig that, suckas?

8:26- Best overall wrestler in this match? Easily Cody Rhodes. He makes Sin Cara look phenomenal, and then takes control, exhibits his mean streak, and then Flare Kicks Sin Cara. He’s on fire right now.

8:29- Sin Cara does some signature botches, and then tags Daniel Bryan in! He heats the audience up within seconds, and starts to kick some heads in. He pins DiBiase after a VERY questionable three count, and everyone in the arena, including the wrestlers, seem very confused.

8:31- Sheamus cutting a promo backstage with Mr. Striker. He’s kinda goofy sometimes.

8:35- DiBiase CLEARLY got it up at two. I hope this is part of the storyline.

8:37- Well, Jinder Mahal appears to be about Kozlov’s size, just much much slimmer. I like Jinder, but he’s not very fluid in the ring yet, it’s kind of like he just puts move after move without any flow.

8:40- Jinder Mahal gets another win, and the mystique continues to grow. I’m vey interested to see what the WWE has planned for him. My guess is he’ll never get above the midcard, but what do I know.

8:45- Big Show is on Smackdown to talk to Josh. He tells us that he thinks Del Rio is in the house, so it looks like Big Show is going Mexican hunting. Other than that, Big Show is not very talkative. Josh Matthews looks scared for his life.

8:49- Teddy Long tells Show that he can’t fight Del Rio because criminal and civil charges are being contemplated. I love the WWE, but this is a little ridiculous. The audience cheers when Teddy Says he could lose his job, but then sends his former client, Mark Henry, to wrestle Big Show. This should be a match of the year candidate…

8:55- Big Show appears to have knocked Henry out cold. Big Show puts his hood up and walks away from the ring like a boss. They bring out a tiny little stretcher to take Mark Henry away on.

8:57- Booker T says he never thought he’d see Mark Henry carried out on a stretcher. Rep for anyone who can find another example of Henry being wheeled out on a stretcher.

8:59- Christian just had a forgettable interview with Matt Striker, and now we have divas. Natty is wrestling! Color me a happy man.

9:01- Natalya is SO good. Tamina is not. Natalya countered a leg lock into a SWEET Sharpshooter. Rosa makes the save, and a short scuffle later, Tamina counters a crucifix attempt by AJ into a Samoan Drop. Not bad for a divas match.

9:07- Johnny Curtis is here with a fresh batch of word play. He’s playing put put, and bends down to pick up an ace in the hole. Oy vey.

9:10- Another horrible Capitol Punishment video package played. I counted 12 Obama tie changes.

9:15- Nobody likes a bully… VINCE!

9:16- The Usos come out to heel heat despite assisting Big Zeke last week. Their opponents are Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater NOT of the Corre. They come out to an even bigger heel reaction. One of the Usos starts popping and locking, but they get CRICKETS.

9:19- For those of you keeping score at home, Jay has a tattoo on his chest, and Jimmy does not… or does Jimmy have the tattoo, and Jay does not…

9:20- The Usos pick up the victory after an EXTREMELY impressive match. Seriously, they might have put on the best show of the night. Consider me a fan.

9:24- A John Cena/R-Truth video package wraps up. It’s crazy how the name “Jimmy” has carried R-Truth from midcard hell to main eventing a PPV.

9:30- Here’s Alberto Del Rio, and he STILL claims that it’s his destiny to be the next WWE Champion. I’m so tired of this guy.

9:35- Del Rio has spend five minutes telling us that Ricardo Rodriguez has a family and is a good man. Booooooooooooring. Big Show comes out to make the save.

9:37- Holy CRAP! Big Show is missing shit UP. He’s going Nexus on ringside, except worse. The ring ropes are all messed up, the announce table is down, he even ripped the security barrier right out of the ground. I would be terrified if I were Del Rio, Big Show is NUTS. They’re going to have to make some serious ring repairs if they want to have Christian vs. Sheamus.

9:44- It was actually Del Rio that broke the ring rope when he went sliding out of the ring. Very interesting.

9:46- Christian comes out to a mediocre reaction, as does Sheamus. A kid in the audience holds up a sign that says, “Christian needs to be RKO.” Your sign is grammatically incorrect, IDIOT.

9:48- Doesn’t look like we’ll be getting the same type of main event we got last week. Only 12 minutes until we go off the air, and I’m sure there will be some room for posturing at the show’s end.

9:52- 6 minutes into the match and Christian is just starting to get control for the first time. The audience seems to have no idea who to root for. Sheamus is already back in control after Christian gets about 20 seconds of offense.

9:54- Sheamus is putting Christian to shame tonight. Christian has done nothing to impress me yet, and Sheamus has looked strong throughout the entire match. It might be because he hasn’t gotten the chance to use much offense, but Sheamus just looks very good, and Christian looks to be having an off night.

9:56- Christian calls for the spear! But Sheamus counters it with a Polish Hammer.

The Broughkick makes for so many interesting counters, it’s really a great finishing move for many reasons, that being one of them.

9:57- Finally Christian comes out of his shell and does a sort of hot shot where he pulls Sheamus’ face onto the steel pole! Absolutely vicious! He gets the win with that. No sooner does the ref count to three than Orton runs into the ring to attempt to assault Christian, but Christian runs away.

9:58- Orton teases punting Sheamus… and he does. I sincerely hope this doesn’t mean Sheamus is going to be going anywhere, because he, Christian, and Cody Rhodes would make a hell of a heel trio.

This weeks Smackdown was pretty weak. The best match was easily the Uso’s tag match. Christian/Sheamus was too one sided, and nothing really stood out. None of the mic work was any good, and very few stories were developed. My high points were Big Show destroying the ring side area, the Usos match, and Daniel Bryan’s bit in the tag match, and those were pretty much the only things I like.

Here are some discussion questions…

1) What was your favorite moment of the night?

2 Christian looked sort of lackluster tonight and Orton has a concussion. Can they replicate their OTL success at Capitol Punishment?

3) Was the questionable match finish in the 6 man tag match bad officiating or a storyline? If you think it’s a storyline, where do you think the Daniel Bryan/Rhodes & DiBiase feud goes from here?

4) Big Show and Del Rio got some significant airtime tonight despite the fact that they are both Raw wrestlers. Does it bother you that time that could be spent on Smackdown superstars is being spent on Raw storylines, and if you could, what would you have done in place of the Del Rio/Big Show segments?

5) Randy Orton’s punt generally puts wrestlers out of action for an extended period of time. With no rumors of injury, suspension, or any reasoning for time off, do you think we’ll see Sheamus in a non-wrestling role for weeks to come, or will he keep on wrestling?
They also don’t seem to mind his horrible beard.

I will act like I didn't read it.

1) What was your favorite moment of the night?
Big Show acting like a Knucklehead(Pun Intended) and running after Del Rio like he's training for the London Olympics, also, him going Nexus on the ringside area was funny.

2) Christian looked sort of lackluster tonight and Orton has a concussion. Can they replicate their OTL success at Capitol Punishment?
If Christian looks lackluster tonight than he'll look even better at CP, as for Orton, I can imagine WWE playing it safe and making sure there isn't any oddoties in the match which might further concuss him. I don't think they'll have as good of a bout as their two previous, but I believe that they will have a good match.

3) Was the questionable match finish in the 6 man tag match bad officiating or a storyline? If you think it’s a storyline, where do you think the Daniel Bryan/Rhodes & DiBiase feud goes from here?
I honestly don't know. If it was bad officiating I guess that dude is probably fired for fucking up, and knowing WWE they'll play it off into a storyline anyway.

4) Big Show and Del Rio got some significant airtime tonight despite the fact that they are both Raw wrestlers. Does it bother you that time that could be spent on Smackdown superstars is being spent on Raw storylines, and if you could, what would you have done in place of the Del Rio/Big Show segments?
They could have added another time to the other matches. The Uso's/Heath and Gabriel match could have been better given some extra time, same with the main event. Could have got an extra promo in there if needed also. To me it made the draft look redundant, what's the point if RAW guys still show-up on Smackdown?

5) Randy Orton’s punt generally puts wrestlers out of action for an extended period of time. With no rumors of injury, suspension, or any reasoning for time off, do you think we’ll see Sheamus in a non-wrestling role for weeks to come, or will he keep on wrestling?
If Orton and Christian go for one more month with the feud, with no-sign of Sheamus, then I could see him possibly interfering and costing Randy Orton a match at some point, starting a feud between the two. But I think he'll have to miss at least three weeks top.
Nice thread idea JGlass.

2 Christian looked sort of lackluster tonight and Orton has a concussion. Can they replicate their OTL success at Capitol Punishment?

This is bothering the living shit out of me. There's no doubt in my mind that Randy Orton will compete this Sunday at Capitol Punishment. With that said, the quality of the match will be suckish if he does. The WWE will probably keep the match short --maybe ten minutes. I'm hoping something of a miracle happens so I can get my money's worth of a pay-per-view i ordered last week. There's no doubt that Randy's concussion will affect the outcome of the match and maybe even future plans. I say give Orton a few weeks off -- three or four-- and let Christian have a heel run with Heavyweight Championship.
Just thought I'd discuss how I've been enjoying Johnny Curtis. I like the word play he has been doing lately, and I enjoyed his segment tonight also. It was a funny little segment and fun to watch, and I think it can help him get over very well. The Ace in the Hole thing worked, and it was slightly clever. I didn't pay too much attention tonight, but Christian and Sheamus had a solid match as well. A good episode overall, very solid.

EDIT: Show going Nexus on ringside was great too. Most intense I have seen him in awhile and it has me interested in him and in his match Sunday.
Just thought I'd discuss how I've been enjoying Johnny Curtis. I like the word play he has been doing lately, and I enjoyed his segment tonight also. It was a funny little segment and fun to watch, and I think it can help him get over very well. The Ace in the Hole thing worked, and it was slightly clever. I didn't pay too much attention tonight, but Christian and Sheamus had a solid match as well. A good episode overall, very solid.

I didn't see any of Curtis' work in NXT, so I have no idea what to expect from him. In these backstage segments, though, he's been very smooth, very natural, so I hope it carries over to his ring work. He has heel charisma, but I honestly don't know what he'll debut as.
Smackdown! Journal 6/17/11

Here are some discussion questions…

1) What was your favorite moment of the night?

2 Christian looked sort of lackluster tonight and Orton has a concussion. Can they replicate their OTL success at Capitol Punishment?

3) Was the questionable match finish in the 6 man tag match bad officiating or a storyline? If you think it’s a storyline, where do you think the Daniel Bryan/Rhodes & DiBiase feud goes from here?

4) Big Show and Del Rio got some significant airtime tonight despite the fact that they are both Raw wrestlers. Does it bother you that time that could be spent on Smackdown superstars is being spent on Raw storylines, and if you could, what would you have done in place of the Del Rio/Big Show segments?

5) Randy Orton’s punt generally puts wrestlers out of action for an extended period of time. With no rumors of injury, suspension, or any reasoning for time off, do you think we’ll see Sheamus in a non-wrestling role for weeks to come, or will he keep on wrestling?

1) My favorite moment of the night was seeing AJ as a diva. She is one sexy diva and honestly she might be sexiest of all time in WWE. The divas match seems 10x better then normal with her in it. I could see her being Divas champ soon enough.

2) No they cannot. Considering it is the same match same stipulation I fear for the worst. The match at OTl was amazing and frankly repeating it would be very very hard to do. And considering that Orton has a concussion i don't see any mark out moments.

3) It was bad officiating that they attempted to cover up by making it see storyline however he just screwd up. The instant replay was a cover-up especially considering Smackdown is pre-taped.

4) It does bother me that Raw stars are getting Smackdown time. It is quite annoying considering the fact that there was so much more that could have been done like this: Mark Henry vs Brodus Clay. Now I am unaware if Brodus is injured or jst not being used by how cool would this actual heavyweight match would be.

5) They discussed this in Aftermath which air directly after Smackdown. And the truth is he WILL be at Capitol Punishment and in some way or form be involved in the title match in a way to shoten it so Orton doesn't get too injured.
1) What was your favorite moment of the night?

In the six-man, there was a spot in which Sin Cara kicks Wade a few times before hitting a spinning back kick on Wade. Wade is selling it like it hurt. Seconds later, Wade gives him a receipt for that kick and you can see that Sin Cara wasn't just selling it. haha

2 Christian looked sort of lackluster tonight and Orton has a concussion. Can they replicate their OTL success at Capitol Punishment?

No. The biggest difference between the upcoming match and last month's is that there is that heel/face dynamic. Orton is awful, awful as a face in a traditional sense. He doesn't sell or emote well and is as sympathetic as a menstrual cycle. Christian hasn't gotten the crowd into what he is doing at all since the heel turn.

3) Was the questionable match finish in the 6 man tag match bad officiating or a storyline? If you think it’s a storyline, where do you think the Daniel Bryan/Rhodes & DiBiase feud goes from here?

I think it would've been better if they had something short about how the company is favoring Sin Cara/DB considering they took the effort to explain it. One thing that really bugs me about SD is that unless it has to do with the WHC, a lot of times when something happens in a match that progresses a storyline, you have to wait to next week to see how it progressed it. I.E., that first week when Wade walked out on Gabe and Slater. What harm would've it had done just to have a quick "Hey, I did this cuz blah blah" between the three?

Interesting enough, in the six man, the only guy they didn't talk about was Zeke. They talked about Wade having a lot to prove now that he is on his own. They talked about DB being a very good wrestler. They talked about Cody trying to help Teddy get back on his feet. They talked about Sin Cara being exciting to watch. I think DB gets a IC feud with Wade. tbh

4) Big Show and Del Rio got some significant airtime tonight despite the fact that they are both Raw wrestlers. Does it bother you that time that could be spent on Smackdown superstars is being spent on Raw storylines, and if you could, what would you have done in place of the Del Rio/Big Show segments?

It doesn't bother me about the Raw guys on SD and vice versa. What bothers me is that they did it with an angle no one gives a shit about. Big Show is popular, but he isn't must see while Del Rio is heatless and as equally not must see.

I would've had Wade cut a promo.. Preferable on how he spent the last year looking out for other people but now he ain't taking no one's shit. haha

5) Randy Orton’s punt generally puts wrestlers out of action for an extended period of time. With no rumors of injury, suspension, or any reasoning for time off, do you think we’ll see Sheamus in a non-wrestling role for weeks to come, or will he keep on wrestling?

I am hoping for a Sheamus face turn. The guy is the best ass kicker in the whole company, but at the same time he doesn't come across as mean. Just as an intense dude you want to see fight.

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