SmackDown greater than Raw?

Dirty Spamchez

Pre-Show Stalwart
What if SmackDown was switched to a better channel that was more publicized like USA is and was put back to Thursdays?

Now, I know most of you guys like SmackDown more than Raw but what if the ratings start to meet the Raw ratings and start to exceed Raw ratings? In my opinion, SmackDown has the right combination of promos, feuds and matches to make a perfect show. But the ratings don't show it due to the publicity of the MyNetwork TV station and the day it's shown, Fridays. Do you guys think that SmackDown would be more concentrated on if this happens, because it's extremely capable of happening.

Your thoughts.
The ratings for the show were fine until the switch to an undesirable network. But this is old news. Would the show in it's current state of being a more wrestling based product on a better network produce ratings? Well that's really speculation. I don't know, maybe or maybe the show's ratings would've fallen on CW because of the shift in booking philosophy, frankly I don't care. Smackdown is the only show that's bearable and even that I barely watch. Ya I guess if there was any justice in the world it would get better ratings but better wrestling hasn't always produced better ratings.
WinstonDeckard has a point, having more wrestling content doesn't necessarily score ratings.

Although, I think we all would agree as wrestling fans that SmackDown! is indeed a more satisfying show to watch than Raw.

But, the poorer network aside, SD! still has a number of things working against it if there was a race against Raw. For one, SD! isn't live and people just get jacked for the live atmosphere for televised wrestling. How often do we hear about edited segments on SD! whenever a spot is botched or something else goes not quite the way WWE wanted it go? As much as the WWE tries to deny it, but, the IWC DOES INDEED make up a bigger portion of their audience than they will ever admit. So, news about editing and even spoilers affects the ratings when it's all said and done.

Another factor is that Raw is like the favorite child of family. It'll always get the bigger food portions at supper time, it'll get to stay up late when it's siblings have to go to bad, and Raw, in WWE's eyes, will never do no wrong. So, Raw gets all the hype, attention, and promotion while SD!, ECW and Superstars will fight over the leftovers.

With all of that promotion, Raw will always attract the attention of casual wrestling fans and others while SD! will always have it's following of die-hard wrestling fans, but really wont enjoy an "expanded" audience under it's current format. That's not a bad thing though... save SD! for ourselves, I believe.

I gotta admit though, I would LOVE to see SD! go live and move to a stronger network (such as USA or something bigger) and just beat the crap outta Raw in the ratings. Especially if both shows kept their current format -- SD! being the wrestling show and Raw being... uh... whatever the hell it's trying to be.

Vince would lose some sleep if the numbers revealed that his "vision" of what he thinks WWE is as being demonstrated on Raw (guest hosts aside since NBC is forcing the guest host concept on Raw... but that doesn't excuse the trainwreck that Raw has been for the past 8 years before) to what the fans REALLY want... which would be SD! . But, I dream...

But then, again, if SD! suddenly became a ratings powerhouse, Vince would suddenly be more interested in the brand and then go on to micromanage the hell out of SD! turning it into another clusterf---k that Raw is.

Double edge sword!
I definalty agree. Like first off, not alot of places get MyNetwork. Second off, ud have to be either a DIE-HARD wrestling fan, or have virtualy no life to stay in every Friday Night and watch it. lolz..I mean like lke Smackdown much better than Raw and honestly, the only reason why i dont watch it as much as i would like to is the fact that i dont wanna stay in on a Friday when i can be doing better/other things. its the truth and im sure im not alone on that wun. Smackdown has a better roster, WAY better matches and MUCH more interesting storylines than Raw. Put Smackdown back on CW and move it to Wedsnday. Nothing else worth watching comes on on wedsnday, its on the middle of the week and nowun typically "goes out" on wedsnday and pretty much everywun gets CW so yeah. If they did that, then no bout Smackdown wud get more publicity and it would show in the ratings.
Yes, Smackdown is better than Raw and I do agree with most of the above. However, CW kicked SD off the network hence the the shift to MyNetworkTV. That being said. SD would be better live, on a different day and on a stronger network where SD wasn't the one and only tentpole for that network.

IMO the reason Vince doesn't give as much attention to smackdown is because of 'The Rock'... yes The Rock.

While Raw is Vince's baby and brainchild, the Rock was really the one that made SD famous. It was apart of the rocks catchphrases, and his unique punches in the ring were opened handed SMACKS or slaps and before he left and before the 'SVR' was just SMACKDOWN! His face was front and center on every game not to mention SD had their highest ratings when the Rock was present on the show. To add more fuel to the fire, the rock would come out week in and week out and proclaim Smackdown as his show. And in many respects, it was.

Then the Rock left and never looked back... and so did the ratings and VKM's interest in really making SD the contender we all know it could be and should be. You all can say what you want but that's my theory.
Smackdown is far superior to RAW. I am so aggravated by the horrible comedy segments, guest hosts and gimmick matches on RAW, I wish I could just fast forward; or I don't even watch it. Smackdown is wrestling oriented, with younger, faster, more exciting guys. They have unique styles with more than just the four formulaic wrestler moves. Guys like CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and John Morrison are the reason I make sure not to miss Smackdown. Not to mention, I also greatly enjoy seeing Kane and Undertaker. (but not when they're fighting Kali though...)

If I do miss it, I just watch it on WWE really needs to do their better show justice and put it on a better day/ network.
I suppose it depends from what standpoint you're talking about here.... Are you talking from a show standpoint, or as a ratings grabber?

Because if we're discussing the ability for the show to get ratings on the USA Network... I just don't see it working like that, Honestly. Sure, it has a better show at the moment, but all of the star attractions, minus The undertaker, appear on Raw. Do you seriously mean to tell me that more people would turn into Smackdown as opposed to Raw, if Shawn, John Cena, Trips, and company all are regularly being seen on Raw? Besides that, Raw is the cornerstone of the WWE. It's more or less what Monday Night Football is for the NFL. Sure, the quality of games have diminished, due to their inability to have a flex schedule, but it's innately attached to the NFL, and always will. That's the case with Raw and the WWE. As great as Smackdown is now, Raw is simply iconic. When people think the WWE, they think Raw. Besides that, airing Smackdown on Thursday on USA is somewhat a moot point. Raw can be the focal point of attention mainly because very few people go out on a Monday Night. After all, when's the last time you went clubbing on a Monday? People are far more comfortable easing into their recliners, and watching television to deal with the stress of their first day back at work. Raw has been a Monday for as long as anyone can remember. You take away that iconic connection, and a bit of WWE's legacy is lost.

In short, an interesting theory, but no.
I just think Smackdown should be exposed to more wrestling fans. It is on a pretty terrible network at a time that most networks reserve for stuff that's about to be canceled. I don't ever expect Smackdown to get Raw's ratings, nor would I want it to; it would turn into Raw all over again if that happened.
And to think that the orignial concept for SmackDown! was to be an all women's wrestling show...

Just to date myself, when I think of the "cornerstone of the WWE" I tend to flashback to WWF Superstars of Wrestling and Wrestling Challenge. Raw is still "the 3rd new show" to me in a lot of ways.

It'd be the 5th or 6th if we received Wrestling Spotlight or Primetime Wrestling.

As long as Vince markets Raw as his "A" Show and sublimally tells his audience this, then Smackdown will simply NEVER be comparable to Raw. I do think Vince appearing on Smackdown more frequently is better for the show, but it isn't going to make the show comparable to Raw.

In order for Smackdown and Raw to be seen as equals, Smackdown must not only get on a better network, but it also has to be live.

My other actual problem with Smackdown is that it isn't actually differentiated enough from Raw to the naked eye. Sure it is to people like us, but the show still has the same look and feel to it as all of WWE's other programs. Having that same set on every show, having the announcers in the same places, and all of those other factors just makes all the WWE shows look the same to Casual Fans ... and those are the fans who it really matters for.

That is why my vision for these two programs is to be polar opposites from one another, with different sets, different script formats, and a totally different tone from each other .... to give the fans two uniquely different products to look forward to on a weekly basis.

As far as fans who are bitching about Raw in the thread because it isn't enough wrestling .... with all due respect, can you please shut the fuck up? Not all wrestling fans are the same and want solely nothing but wrestling like the ROH bots do. Some of us like what WWE has traditionally stood for, and that is Sports Entertainment on the weekly shows with the major matches taking place on PPV, which gives all of us something to look forward to each month ... rather than seeing the same matches between the same stars every single week (although Raw has problems in that regard, as well).

If you watch Smackdown for just the wrestling, then why do you honestly care if it is on a better network, or not done live, or anything like that? Watch it and analyze the technical matches to your heart's desire.

Bottom line is that you have a product that you like, and the other fans have a product that they like. Deal with it.

Or, you can always create a petition over it, if you feel strongly about the matter. But quite frankly, I really don't see where you have a leg to stand on because you have at least one show for you. Let the fans of Sports Entertainment have theirs.
My other actual problem with Smackdown is that it isn't actually differentiated enough from Raw to the naked eye. Sure it is to people like us, but the show still has the same look and feel to it as all of WWE's other programs. Having that same set on every show, having the announcers in the same places, and all of those other factors just makes all the WWE shows look the same to Casual Fans ... and those are the fans who it really matters for.

That is why my vision for these two programs is to be polar opposites from one another, with different sets, different script formats, and a totally different tone from each other .... to give the fans two uniquely different products to look forward to on a weekly basis.

The BIGGEST problem is that Kevin Dunn has grown incredibly lazy throughout the years and there's no chance in hell that we're going to see the general "feel" of any WWE TV production change any time soon which is a good thing as far as that WWE maintains it signature in TV production... but also a BAD thing as WWE maintains it signature in TV production.

Remember when WWE first toyed with ECW and tried to give it a different look production wise?

Kevin Dunn HATED the idea! He fought tooth and nail against ECW having a different look than the rest of WWE programming. He even hated that the bug at the bottom of the screen was the ECW logo and not WWE's.

I don't know why Dunn was so dead set against the difference in production for ECW at the beginning, but, I suspect that it was motivated by Dunn's laziness.

Let's face it, there's been nothing new or interesting in WWE's TV production since the late 80's. Camera angles, the order of camera angles, the general format of WWE TV shows and PPV are all paint by numbers now and it's stale.

Maybe it's time to replace Kevin Dunn?

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