Smackdown feels empty

Alright I'll get straight to the point. On RAW you have Lesnar, Reigns, Strowman, Joe, Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Balor and Miz.

Smackdown has Styles, Owens, Orton and Nakamura. Roode just debuted. That's it. That's literally all the star power Smackdown has.

The ratio is almost 2:1. I get it. RAW is the flagship show, but I think Smackdown's writters are having a hard time given the depth they have. It's interesting to see how SD moves forward, because a) I don't see Nak becoming a champion and b) there's no face left for Jinder to face, outside of Styles who is the US champ.

The fact that Rollins and Ambrose are a tag team and are feuding with Cesaro and Sheamus is mind blowing as well. Yeah, it's entertaining, but you have 3 former world champions in the tag division and no actual tag teams. On the other side, they have nobody else other than New Day and The Usos and those have been feuding since June.

Even Elias Samson, a low carder, has more value right now than Corbin, Rusev, Zayn, Kanellis and Ziggler.

RAW was suffering last year, SD seems to suffer this year. Styles and Owens are literally carrying the show on their backs. Literally. Charlotte, after 5 months of being on SD, has just now started to find a footing.

I don't know guys. I don't what Smackdown to turn into what it used to be at the end of the final brand split. I also try to think what matches SD could give us for 'Mania and the only ones that pop to my head are Styles/Nakamura and Orton/Owens and maybe Cena/Roode or Roode/Y2J.

I'm not complaining. Just worrying.
I totally agree. The Superstar Shake-up messed up Smackdown badly. And the land of opportunities stuff doesn't work when Jinder Mahal is the World Champion.

About 3 World Champions in tag division, the situation gets worse when you see the pre mature breaking up of tag teams like American Alpha, Enzo-Cass etc. Revival getting injured worsened it more so Ambrose and Rollins had to go to tag division.

I think that sending Rollins to Smackdown could've worked. Not to forget that the booking hasn't done Rusev or Sami Zayn any favours. Plus, the "main event" feud between Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton.

Only positives have been AJ Styles and Kevin Owens.

Women Division didn't matter much since Naomi was the champion and Lana of all women challenged her at least 3 times.

Tag Division is literally being carried by New Day and The Usos. Also, expect Hype Bros to be the next one to break.

In nutshell, Smackdown is messed up. Someone who shouldn't be even Midcard Champion is your World Champion. How cool. So much opportunities missed...
Personally I believe that the smackdown live talent is there it's just the writers do not know how to use them. You cannot tell me that with a roster of Orton, styles, Nakamura, Owens that they are not a fantastic main event talent. You can not tell me that zayn, rusev, Corbin, dolph, mahal would not be a great mid card division. You cannot tell me that a women's division that has Charlotte, Becky, Natalia, maybe Naomi would be good. The problem and it is something I have been saying since the shake up is that the writers on smackdown do not know how to use their talent.
I mean look at the top of the card... We have Jinder who was just a jobber 6 months ago and had an awful Orton feud and an awful Nakamura feud.
We had LANA vs Naomi 3 times, I would not even have had it 1 time but smackdown writers are idiots
The US title picture was great because you have main event talent like Owens and Styles fighting over it.

It all starts with booking. You want to know why smackdown worked last year cause we had MAIN EVENT talent fighting in the main event and MIDCARD talent fighting in the midcard. You cannot tell me that if jinder was US champ and AJ was WWE champ that the division and show would not be better
I totally agree. The Superstar Shake-up messed up Smackdown badly. And the land of opportunities stuff doesn't work when Jinder Mahal is the World Champion.

About 3 World Champions in tag division, the situation gets worse when you see the pre mature breaking up of tag teams like American Alpha, Enzo-Cass etc. Revival getting injured worsened it more so Ambrose and Rollins had to go to tag division.

I think that sending Rollins to Smackdown could've worked. Not to forget that the booking hasn't done Rusev or Sami Zayn any favours. Plus, the "main event" feud between Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton.

Only positives have been AJ Styles and Kevin Owens.

Women Division didn't matter much since Naomi was the champion and Lana of all women challenged her at least 3 times.

Tag Division is literally being carried by New Day and The Usos. Also, expect Hype Bros to be the next one to break.

In nutshell, Smackdown is messed up. Someone who shouldn't be even Midcard Champion is your World Champion. How cool. So much opportunities missed...

Wyatt on RAW was a mistake as well. Rollins, Wyatt, Balor should have been to SD. Can you imagine? Rollins/Styles, Styles/Balor, Styles/Wyatt and Balor/Wyatt and probably Club vs Wyatt Family. Rollins became from the MAN to #4 on RAW, behind Reigns, Lesnar and Strowman when he should have been what Batista was to John Cena. Zayn should have stayed on RAW, away from Owens, or vice-versa.

I guess they just planned the entire year on Jinder being the champ and Lesnar being the champ so they just shaked things up so they could feed the right people to Brock and the right people to Jinder.
Personally I believe that the smackdown live talent is there it's just the writers do not know how to use them. You cannot tell me that with a roster of Orton, styles, Nakamura, Owens that they are not a fantastic main event talent. You can not tell me that zayn, rusev, Corbin, dolph, mahal would not be a great mid card division. You cannot tell me that a women's division that has Charlotte, Becky, Natalia, maybe Naomi would be good. The problem and it is something I have been saying since the shake up is that the writers on smackdown do not know how to use their talent.
I mean look at the top of the card... We have Jinder who was just a jobber 6 months ago and had an awful Orton feud and an awful Nakamura feud.
We had LANA vs Naomi 3 times, I would not even have had it 1 time but smackdown writers are idiots
The US title picture was great because you have main event talent like Owens and Styles fighting over it.

It all starts with booking. You want to know why smackdown worked last year cause we had MAIN EVENT talent fighting in the main event and MIDCARD talent fighting in the midcard. You cannot tell me that if jinder was US champ and AJ was WWE champ that the division and show would not be better

I completely agree with that. Last year SD had a former NXT writer. I read that he was gone this year. The change in quality is visible. Everybody had something going for them last year. From the lower talent up to the highest everyone felt important over on Smackdown. This year? Everyone feels unimportant.
I guess they just planned the entire year on Jinder being the champ and Lesnar being the champ so they just shaked things up so they could feed the right people to Brock and the right people to Jinder.

This is the problem in a nutshell. The year was already planned out when Lesnar won the Universal title and everyone else has been in a holding pattern since then.

Everything is building to Reigns/Lesnar at Mania, the rest of the roster on both shows has been booked like shit. Styles and Owens are carrying SD Live which is ridiculous when you could have so much more going on. Wrestlers like Harper have been totally ignored for the last few months so Owens can feud with Shane McMahon, of all people.

If you watch RAW and SD Live, it's the same old every week. Rusev has been totally wasted as well as Bray Wyatt. Rollins and Ambrose, while they make a good tag team, were put together just to give them something to do. Established tag teams were broken up, it makes no sense. The superstar shakeup didn't help anyone especially the fans.
It feels empty because the seats are literally empty each show. The seats are empty because there isn’t much reason to tune in or show up. Mahal is the worst champion in probably my entire life and I’m old enough to remember when Bob Backlund was champ in the early 90s. They have devalued that title to be a joke along with Mahal. The rest of the talented guys that people care about are saddled with serious feuds with Shane McMahon, or trying to carry Baron Corbin to be interesting. They have had brilliant moments of writing on Smackdown but right now they feel forced into booking the boring ethnic champ and the boss’s son.

Then you have all the unused guys like Harper and Sami. Both very servicivle guys who, in Sami’s case, are only on TV to make KO look good.

The tag division is the lone bright spot only because New Day and Usos have been fire. They can’t even keep up with The Fashion Files, one of the best segments in recent years. The Hype Bros have been breaking up for months now.

The women basically suffer from only having two actual faces in Becky and Naomi on the roster. Charlotte is being pushed as a face but she is much better as a heel. They will allow her to win the title then have Carmella cash in and he are back to heel champ. At least she has more of a character than Nattie.

So yeah, the writing has just been shit despite having name guys. Maybe it’s just because the NFL is going and this time of year typically is slow for WWE, but neither show feels that fun right now.
It feels empty because the seats are literally empty each show. The seats are empty because there isn’t much reason to tune in or show up. Mahal is the worst champion in probably my entire life and I’m old enough to remember when Bob Backlund was champ in the early 90s. They have devalued that title to be a joke along with Mahal. The rest of the talented guys that people care about are saddled with serious feuds with Shane McMahon, or trying to carry Baron Corbin to be interesting. They have had brilliant moments of writing on Smackdown but right now they feel forced into booking the boring ethnic champ and the boss’s son.

Then you have all the unused guys like Harper and Sami. Both very servicivle guys who, in Sami’s case, are only on TV to make KO look good.

The tag division is the lone bright spot only because New Day and Usos have been fire. They can’t even keep up with The Fashion Files, one of the best segments in recent years. The Hype Bros have been breaking up for months now.

The women basically suffer from only having two actual faces in Becky and Naomi on the roster. Charlotte is being pushed as a face but she is much better as a heel. They will allow her to win the title then have Carmella cash in and he are back to heel champ. At least she has more of a character than Nattie.

So yeah, the writing has just been shit despite having name guys. Maybe it’s just because the NFL is going and this time of year typically is slow for WWE, but neither show feels that fun right now.

2016 was the tits. Literally. It had so many moments. Ambrose's rise against Brock, Shane coming back, Styles vs Cena, Rollins' return, Shield triple threat, the creation of the Universal Championship, Owens and Styles becoming world champs, Jeri-KO, Goldberg squashing Lesnar.

What has been the biggest moment of 2017? Undertaker retiring (possibly, who knows) and Cena becoming 16 time world champion. That's it. Nothing else stands out. Oh and the Reigns Strowman feud.

But keeping things Smackdown only, are they blind? They must be able to see the empty seats and the bad booking. 2017 might go down as one of the most uninteresting years of recent memory. 2010 at least had Nexus.
Personally, I feel the complete opposite of about, this, I think smackdown did a better job in creating main event stars then raw did. On raw, if you take lesnar out of the picture, the only one that feels like big stars right now are reigns and strowman because that's who they are focusing on right now. The rest of the name mention like balor, joe, ambrose and rollins feel like mid card players right now and are really boring

Smackdown as aj styles who as become a bigger star because of being on sackdown, owens who was becoming a joke on raw became a main event star on smackdown. Nakamura is on his way to becoming a big star for the wwe, as much as it pains me to write this, even jinder mahal was able to sheed is jober status and as become a pretty good midcard guy. You still have orton and rusev that are really interesting as well and with roode on his way. Smackdown as been the most entertaining show most week.

Again that's just my take on this but I feel that raw might have the more stars power but they don't captalize on it as well as smackdown does with their roster and I rather see a 2 hiur smackdown with guys that are tryig to become stars then a tree hor raw that as hard to watch as a old 3 hour nitro because of the lack of trying in making their main event stars feel like stars.
Personally I believe that the smackdown live talent is there it's just the writers do not know how to use them.

I can't really buy into that because the blue brand was killing it just before Jinder Mahal became WWE Champion. While the slump that's going on can't all be laid on Jinder of course, the fact remains that Jinder may well be the worst WWE Champion in history and that has to be a drag on things.

SmackDown's head writer is Ryan Ward and Ward is the guy who, along with Triple H, established NXT before he was moved to the main roster. Prior to the summer, the blue brand was kicking Raw's ass almost every single week when it came to quality and overall interest so what's changed? Well, I know this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory, which it is as there's no evidence as it's just a gut feeling, I can't help but wonder if Vince McMahon has purposely wanted the blue brand to be made to look inferior to Raw once again. I know, it doesn't really make any sense as you'd think it's logical that Vince would want both brands to be as strong as possible but there are times in which logic isn't a major factor. Sometimes, Vince simply wants what he wants and he's going to get it regardless if he has the rest of the entire company telling him he shouldn't; sometimes, not often but every once in a while, Vince wants something and the reasons only make sense to him.

At the end of the day, the buck has to stop with Vince McMahon because that's how everything is structured. When things go badly, he may do all he can to pass the buck and he gets away with it because he's the only one in WWE with any real power; anyone else only has any power because he allows it and sometimes things go down not necessarily because they're the right move but because it's what he wants to happen. For instance, if Jinder Mahal comes out of Hell in a Cell as WWE Champion, it'll purely be because Vince wants it as Jinder isn't a draw, attendance for SmackDown shows is down significantly, he doesn't move any merchandise to speak of and there's just not much of anything positive about the man outside of his physique. Logically, there's no reason why he should be WWE Champion and if he remains champion, it'll simply be because Vince likes him as champion and the primary job of the writers isn't to make the fans happy, it's to make Vince McMahon happy.
Jinder Mahal is what made me tune out of Smackdown completely. He won the title, I watched a few weeks after that just to give a chance, and it bombed. How in the world did someone read Jinder Mahal vs Randy Orton and think "wow that match should get 3 pay per view main events!" Such snoozefests. I stated I don't watch Smackdown anymore but I still watch the pay per views. Also think about this: Jinder Mahal was the first one to pin Shinsuke Nakamura on the main roster. I really hope WWE wakes up and just has Shinsuke knee Jinder's head off in about 5 seconds at Hell in a Cell for the title.

Baron Corbin is shit and it's crazy the best midcard they can come up with is Styles vs Corbin/Dillinger. Owens vs Styles had potential, but they dragged it out too long with too many matches and it never quite hit that gear we all expected it to. Re-doing Rusev's rampage with the US title and Chad Gable eventually dethroning him for America sounds a lot better, move Styles back to the WWE title where he belongs. Unless they are saving Nakamura vs Styles for WrestleMania (understandable) I'm not sure why Owens, Zayn, Styles, Nakamura, Orton can't be tearing the main event scene up. Though judging by WWE in recent months, we will probably get Styles vs Nakamura on a random Smackdown in December.
Money in the Bank should be the reason why people don't follow Smackdown! anymore.

Your MITB winners are Carmella and Baron Corbin the least deserving people from their respective MITB matches. And your WWE World Champion is Jinder Mahal.

I would like to think WWE is trying to save their big money matches at WM like Nakamura vs. Styles but that's still a long ways away to hope you will get a program like this.

Of course it didn't help that your Smackdown! Main Event at WM was Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt.

Roster wise Smackdown isn't too bad when you have Styles, Nakamura, Owens, Orton, Sami Zayn, Rusev, and Bobby Roode but when your top guy is Jinder and he's the main focus of the brand it does bring the product down.
There is certainly a dearth of talent on the Blue Brand. I never considered SD the lesser brand for the first year or so but after they let Cena walk over to Raw it became clear that Vince is putting more resources in to the Red Brand. That's not to say SD is bad. At times it is still more entertaining than Raw. Not consistently like last year but still sometimes more entertaining. I'm not even sure which is the better show right now, both have their flaws and successes but I certainly see the OP's point. Raw is clearly the more important brand. When a milquetoast guy like Corbin is so high up the card you can see where problems may arise. Throw in the length of time Jinder has spent with the title and SD feels kind of exhausted.

I don't know what the answer is. Roode has an opportunity to entertain. I'm one of the few that likes what Ziggler is doing. AJ is still AJ like Charlotte is still Charlotte. This Owens/Shane feud has worked. But Jinder has gotten stale, other than his music Nakamura doesn't really feel like he is doing the right thing. Tye Dillinger feels like Sami's lesser self. I'm not sure what happened to the Fashion Files. Weren't they supposed to reveal something about a month ago? I could watch New Day and the Usos fight forever but at the same time I totally understand why people feel like New Day and the Usos have been fighting forever. I wish they had a team to pick up the load and let The New Day take on more singles matches/feuds. I really dont like Elias' shtick, and that Vaudvillian guy is more boring than him.

Maybe it is the change in the announce team that has taken away from my enjoyment. Nah, I don't really pay attention to announcing.

But yeah, there are problems.
Smackdown was a lot better before the Shakeup. They haven't done anything right here lately.

Jinder is a jobber and awful at everything but has somehow been WWE Champion for over 4-5 months. Orton has been boring since he left the Wyatts. Corbin was buried. Zayn has done nothing. Rusev is just an evil foreigner and not very interesting without Lana. Nakamura hasn't done much. Harper and Rowan have done nothing. Roode hasn't done much. Ziggler is... well Ziggler.

You can say I'm just hating on the product, but I don't see how you could argue against anything said above.

Regardless the bright spots are Owens, Styles, the New Day, and the Usos, but you can only do them feuds so many times until no one cares. We're well past that point.

I also completely forgot about the women, which shows you what they've done. You got Becky and Charlotte doing nothing while Naomi and Natalya have been champion.

The entire company is a mess right now. Obviously the writing needs to get better, but that goes without saying. I'm not really sure what they can do outside of that.
Smackdown has definitely had a decrease in quality in recent months. That doesn't mean I would call it empty. From the start of the new brand split up until around when Jinder won the title it was by a far margin the better show. I am not blaming Jinder entirely, however that was when the quality went down drastically compared to previously. Some might argue it was earlier than this, but I thought the blue brand was great through Wrestlemania. Jinder's been a horrible World Champion and there is no way around it. I tried to give him a chance. He sucks plain and simple. He sucked in 3MB and even if you ignore his time as a jobber he's still done nothing to justify this title reign. The only good thing about it has been laughing at his two sidekicks when they get attacked by challengers like Orton in matches. In the women's division we had to endure a Naomi reign as Smackdown Women's Champion which was downright painful to sit through. Her matches with Lana are contenders for the worst matches of the year. How Becky and Charlotte have gone so long without holding the title is beyond me.

At least the midcard and tag team scene have both been doing well. Styles has been doing an awesome job with the US Championship making it a prestigious and relevent belt. Say what you will about Owens VS Styles and New Day VS The Usos. They have been entertaining feuds. I'd like to see Breezango get another shot at the belts though other than that the Smackdown undercard has been fun to watch. My theory is that Vince may have purposefully "sabotaged" (for lack of better words) Smackdown to make it to where Raw looks that much more like the clear "A Show". I wouldn't say that the blue brand is empty at all. Is it as good as it was a year ago? Nope. Not at all. It's still the more fun brand to watch compared to Raw. The red brand has a better women's division and that's about it. Smackdown's still better in everything else. They have a full-time World Champion. Yes Jinder sucks, he still defends the title monthly at least. They have a tag team division that's not primarily made up of singles stars pushed together. They don't have Roman Reigns. I could go on. Smackdown remains the better brand. If Shinsuke and Charlotte win the World Heavyweight and Smackdown Women's Championships respectively, it will only continue to get better.
It's pretty clear who got the best of the Superstar Shakeup last time. And maybe that was to re-strengthen Raw as the top Brand. Which is all fine and good but clearly some tweaks could be made to make both products flourish.

Raw = The Roman Reigns Show (whether you like it or not it is what it is). So after Survivor Series WWE should do this....

To Raw -
1) AJ Styles - he's almost gotten stale for Smackdown (Maybe and IC run on Raw?)
2) Rowan & Harper (Wyatt Family needs to get back together w/Bo Dallas to)
3) Jinder Mahal (a monster type challenger for Reigns, he needs more of these).
4) Charlotte (Charlotte vs. Asuka at Mania should be booked)
5) Randy Orton (adds credible depth to the top of the roster)
6) The Usos (more depth to the tag division)
7) Chad Gable (re-unite American Alpha)

To Smackdown
1) The Miz (he deserves a Main Event Push, he won't get it on Raw)
2) Finn Balor (he will never be champ on Roman's show)
3) Cesaro (he and Sheamus are solid as a tag team but Cesaro deseves the singles push)
4) Samoa Joe (could get better booking on Smackdown for sure)
5) Sasha Banks (let the Boss dominate the division on the B Brand)
6) Anderson & Gallows (could be booked much better on Smackdown)
7) Neville (he's ready to leave the Cruiserweight Division)

Imagine a Mania Card with.....
Reigns vs. Lesnar (Universal Title)
Nakamura vs. Miz (WWE Title)
Cena vs. Stroman
Charlotte vs. Asuka
Balor vs. Roode (US Title)
Rollins/Ambrose vs. The Hardy's
New Day vs. Owens/Zayn
I'm not sure another roster shake up would really matter for there is good talent on SD Live but for the most part, it's roster of smaller guys with all of the
larger guys on Raw. Raw has the #1 attraction in the company in Braun Strowman.
It's pretty clear who got the best of the Superstar Shakeup last time. And maybe that was to re-strengthen Raw as the top Brand. Which is all fine and good but clearly some tweaks could be made to make both products flourish.

Raw = The Roman Reigns Show (whether you like it or not it is what it is). So after Survivor Series WWE should do this....

To Raw -
1) AJ Styles - he's almost gotten stale for Smackdown (Maybe and IC run on Raw?)
2) Rowan & Harper (Wyatt Family needs to get back together w/Bo Dallas to)
3) Jinder Mahal (a monster type challenger for Reigns, he needs more of these).
4) Charlotte (Charlotte vs. Asuka at Mania should be booked)
5) Randy Orton (adds credible depth to the top of the roster)
6) The Usos (more depth to the tag division)
7) Chad Gable (re-unite American Alpha)

To Smackdown
1) The Miz (he deserves a Main Event Push, he won't get it on Raw)
2) Finn Balor (he will never be champ on Roman's show)
3) Cesaro (he and Sheamus are solid as a tag team but Cesaro deseves the singles push)
4) Samoa Joe (could get better booking on Smackdown for sure)
5) Sasha Banks (let the Boss dominate the division on the B Brand)
6) Anderson & Gallows (could be booked much better on Smackdown)
7) Neville (he's ready to leave the Cruiserweight Division)

Imagine a Mania Card with.....
Reigns vs. Lesnar (Universal Title)
Nakamura vs. Miz (WWE Title)
Cena vs. Stroman
Charlotte vs. Asuka
Balor vs. Roode (US Title)
Rollins/Ambrose vs. The Hardy's
New Day vs. Owens/Zayn

Love the idea but by doing that you're are taking what'S left of the star power on smackdown and replacing it with stale performers.

AJ Styles is pretty much the reason why people loved watching Smackdown over Raw every week, he's the top babyface on Smackdown, why would you send him to Raw where he would be just another guy on the roster.

Jinder is better on a smaller roster and can be a pretty descent mid card heel when his run as WWE champion is over so i would keep him on smackdown as well.

Charlotte as been a better character on smackdown then raw because she not over expose on smackdown and it's better for her to stay on smackdown then raw.

Orton, just bring the star power that smackdown needs right now so i would only trade him if smackdown get Cena on a more permanent bases.

Personally instead of trading Harper and rowan to raw, i would trade bray to smackdown. Bray as been lost since being sent to raw and smackdown would be a better fit especially if you have rowan and harper back with him.

I wouldn't mind the uso's changing brand mostly because they pretty much face everybody on smackdown and it would make new matches for them on raw.

Chad gable, personally i'm starting to really loves american alpha 2.0 with shelton benjamin and i would love to see this team go on so as much as i liked the original version with jason jordan, i don'T want to see the new version split up quite yet so would get him on smackdown for now.

As for your raw list

Miz is one of the highlight of Raw and he's pretty much the only guy that can make Angle entertaining right now so let's keep him on raw for now.

Finn Balor, like the guy, a really great hand and good give some great matches down the line with reigns but i rather see him go to smackdown and try to get the wwe title then go for the universal title on smackdown so i agree with you that finn could be a good fit on smackdown plus you could do the aj styles vs finn balor match that pretty much everybody in the IWC as dream of since both guy join WWE.

Cesaro, either let him stay on raw or switch him to smackdown with Sheamus. At this point cesaro as proven that he'S a better tag team wrestler then a single star and they could have some great matches with some of the smackdown teams. The last thing i want for Cesaro is being another sami zayn on smackdown because they don't have anything for him as far as a single run is concern so either send both sheamus and cesaro to smackdown or keep them on raw but don't split them up.

Joe, at his age with the amount of injury he as i think he could be a great hand in the main event level on either Raw or Smackdown, again it depends on who you replace him with on raw. i could see him go to smackdown and send somebody like corbin or rusev to replace him on raw but again you need stars on raw to feud with Reigns and Joe can be somebody that could have a good match with reigns.

Sasha banks, you need to turn her heel as soon as she shows up on smackdown. The boss character works better as a heel then a babyface and like i mention with charlotte earlier, don't have her be the focus of the show, that's why she'S starting to get booed on raw, because she been over exposed and fans are finally getting sick of her.

Anderson & Gallows, yes why not, they could reform a edgy babyface version of the club with Aj Styles and i think this would be interesting especially if you put them in a feud with the wyatt.

Neville. Keep him in the cruiserweight division, he'S good in that role and at less he's a major star in that division, if you take him out, he's right back to being a forgotten character even if they send him to smackdown.

So personally, here who i think should switch brand after survivor series if they do want to do another shakeup.

to Raw

1. the uso's: you need to shakeup both tag division and sending the uso's to raw would accomplish that

2. American alpha 2.0 (Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin), i think you have some potential with this team and sending them on raw would make sense plus you would get the natural feud between Jordan and gable.

3. Baron Corbin: The guy as a great upside to him and he'S been lost in the shuffle on smackdown, sending him to raw would give another option as a big monster heel that Reigns could compete with.

4. Becky Lynch: i think it's time to have her change brand, she still has some star power and you could have some really good match with asuka and other in that division plus you still have the un resolve feud she had with Emma before Emma got injured last year.

5. Tye dillinger: He's pretty doing the same thing that he's ben doing in NXT which is being the popular job guy, i think sending him to raw and maybe put him in the cruiserweight division would help his career. The guy is to much over to be wasted on in that role.

6. Bobby roode: Again nothing against him but if you send him to raw, modify his theme song so that the fans don't want to sing along with it and have him be just the really old school type of heel, they actually got somebody that can be a top guy on raw and maybe get a run as universal champion.

7. Carmella and James Ellworth: i think it would be fun to see them both leave smackdown with the briefcase and go to Raw then try to cash in the briefcase on the raw women's champion. Plus, when Cass comes back, they could put them together and be this power couple that threat Ellsworth like they slave until they finally just get rid of Ellsworth altogether.

To Smackdown

1. Samoa Joe: Joe like mention before is a asset to either brand but his best day are behind him so, he could be big help as a top guy on either brand but i would love to see him on smackdown just so we could get another aj vs joe match

2. Finn balor: again same as joe. He doesn't have a lot of years left on his career but can pretty much deliver as a main event caliber wrestler plus i rather see him go for the big belt then the red belt.

3. Bray Wyatt: Pretty much just because i would love to see him back with Harper and rowan plus he's always been a better character as the leader of a group then as a single star.

4. Sasha banks: bring her in as a heel and don't put her on tv every week. If she not the focal point of the division she could be a top character in that division.

5. Anderson and Gallows: mostly so that you can reform The Club with Aj Styles.

6. The Hardy's: The smackdown tag team division really need a boost and when Jeff comes back you can do the dream match between the hardy's and the new day.

7. Mickie James: i think right now, if you're a veteran especially in the women's division, you're better off being on smackdown because you will get more exposure on smackdown then raw. Mickie does have some good years left on her career and it would be sad to see them wasted on Raw where she's not being use at all.

So that's how i think WWE should shakeup the roster if they really want to do a roster shakeup, you don't move you're key guys on each brand but you replace some of the underneath characters that are becoming stale on their respective brand.
Your probably right about Miz staying put. It's just a shame he has no shot at the Universal Title as long as he's on the same show as Reigns & Cena.

Moving Wyatt back to Smackdown is a great idea to. They could move Balor and The Club to and start a Wyatt Family vs. Club Feud. That would help ratings for sure!!! Maybe add Corbin to the Wyatt Family and then you would have Bray, Corbin, Harper, & Rowan vs. Styles, Balor, Anderson, & Gallows!!!

And Banks as the top heel of Smackdown is a no-brainer for sure!!!

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