WWE's truly mainevent level guys-how many are there?


Championship Contender
I'm talking about just the level of a John Cena, Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton-with all possible variations that exist between those three, they would still be considered that, and perhaps CM Punk as well(between 2011-2014).

If you look at Raw, Brock Lesnar's a part-timer, 41 yrs old with not much to offer in the years to come.

John Cena's now a part-timer and a rare attraction so not even him.

Randy Orton hasn't done amazing work or been relevant on a mainevent level for quite some years now, so by all means, he's not the future either.

Who carries both Raw and SDL?

Who do you think can the WWE rely on? IMO, the top two names that come for Raw are Roman and Braun and beyond that Seth Rollins.

Bobby Roode is old, Kevin Owen isn't quite that guy and the rest are just unproven(like Elias). None of them really stand out.

On SD, WWE has relied on AJ Styles. Also, Bryan, Joe, Nakamura are all about 40, or soon to be 40.

Who do you think will carry the WWE on either Raw or SDL in the years to come, once AJ Styles, Joe, Bryan, Lesnar, Cena and Orton are no longer there? And I'm talking about THE MAINEVENTERs, at which level most of us would really agree are Lesnar, Cena, Punk, Styles, and Orton. Would you consider either of Roman or Rollins to have that potential to be like any of those 5 guys?
You're acting like 40 is past it... it isn't.

Realistically, look at the life cycle of a main eventer in WWE. They need to be positioned first with a mid-card run of at least 2 years, normally 3-4. In that time you'll likely have at least one tag reign and multiple IC/US runs.

It then takes a period of time to "move them up" into that spot where they're considered a challenger for the top belts... that usually means MITB or the Rumble, so there's always a period of a few months... they don't decide on someone in the month of those PPV's, they're already well on the way by that time and it could be decided as early as the night after Mania. So that's at least 3 months if they're gonna win MITB or 9 if they're gonna win The Royal Rumble...

Then they hold the briefcase or go on the Road to Wrestlemania (or Summerslam) so that is anything up to 9 months...

All this is just the main roster... factor 2-3 years in NXT and the path to the top for a TRUE main eventer who hasn't got a name from outside like AJ is 7 years with the company. In that time, a talent can pay their dues, build their resume, experience the schedule and thrive in it, get over and win Vince over as someone around for the long haul. THEN you get the title...and they're looking at you being in that main event for anything up to 10 more years!

Look back and you'll see that 7 years is kind of the optimum time for the best talents... Both Bret and Shawn had 7 years served when they got the World title... Taker got that 3 day run but it was 7 years in he got the run that made him a legend. So factor all that in and a talent getting a World title BEFORE 38 or so is going to be more of a rarity going forward.

During the Attitude Era, it was easier to push someone quickly and for a good spell they managed to create at least one bona fide main eventer every year, starting with Shawn in 96 and ending with Cena and Batista. That only worked because you had bona fide main eventers for new ones to beat. Recent attempts to fast track people have generally failed. Jinder didn't work, Finn got injured, Owens didn't quite get over enough... even the ones they have invested time in like Seth, Roman, Ambrose and Bray haven't worked in the way they hoped.

Right now the only TRUE main event players in WWE are:-

AJ - There on merit, he earned this spot and there isn't many people who are better right now.

Bryan - On sheer popularity, even if he has lost a step in the ring

Brock - Like it or loathe it....he sells

Cena/Orton/Triple H/Taker - The veterans who can be called upon at a moments notice and fill a main event slot.

Seth Rollins - Only one of the SHIELD to truly make it so far... Ambrose was far nearer than Roman has ever been... his "B" shows were outdrawing Roman's... that's telling.

Ronda Rousey - Can sell any show.

That's it...

Everyone else, with perhaps the exception of Jericho when he is around are basically in the same position guys like Jake Roberts, Big Bossman and Earthquake used to hold... they are popular, they may even get title matches or the odd run but they're never there for the long haul...

Some, like Braun are on the cusp of it... they WILL pull the trigger on him and it will likely work... they're being smart, rather than building a heel who people then hate after the inevitable face turn once he gets the belt (they ALWAYS do this), they've found a way to make him goofy but a monster... so he'll go over as a face when he wins that title..

Bizarrely they WON'T do the obvious with Roman in making him heel... the time for it has now past and it will cost him.

Guys like Balor, Roode, Owens, Reigns, Ambrose and Jinder will be around for a long time... but they're never going to be true main eventers.

Some COULD step up over time... Drew McIntyre seems the guy most likely to at the moment, along with Alisteir Black and potentially Tommaso Ciampa...

By the time they get there... they will all be pushing 40...and will have a lot of years served, probably 7... it seems to be the magic number.
Right now, i think for some of the veteran like Balor, Styles, Joe & Bryan, it all depends on where they see themselves after they're contract are up and also if they can stay healthy enough to perform on that level. Because these 4 guys and i would put Owens in that category as well could be top level guys for years to come if they wanted to.

But having said that, i don't think WWE have a main event guy at the level of Cena or lesnar right now, you have main event guys, like Reigns, Rollins & Strowman on Raw and Styles & Joe and Bryan on Smackdown, but they're not at the level of a Cena or Lesnar that you just by mentioning there names to a non wrestling fan and they know exactly who they are.

The fact is WWE is marketing the product primarily for kids first and then for the hardcore fans base so who we see as main eventers in the company isn't as relevant as who the kids see as main eventers. For Them, Reigns, Strowman, Styles and Bryan seem to be the top full time guys they see as big time superheroes and main event talents, we might not see it the same way but the difference is that kids buy merchandise, the hardcore fans base doesn't so to determine who is a main event talents they go more toward who kids like most or dislike the most.

So right now, you could make a case for pretty much anybody that's actually getting air time on Raw and Smackdown, but none of them will get on the same level as a cena or lesnar because it's not the same type of crowd that you had when those guys started.
Yeah that age thing is a teensy bit overplayed among us fans. So what if they're pushing or about to be 40? Hogan was 43 when he had his heel turn and formed the NWO. Just because a few wrestlers aren't young guns doesn't mean they're not main eventers and won't main event in the next three years.

Roman and Lesnar are the main attractions of Raw, with Braun Strowman catching up. Smackdown has Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles. Arguments can be made for guys like Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins but I just don't see it right now. The product itself is bigger than any name except perhaps the occasional John Cena.
A Main Eventer is someone who has some combination of the following:

1. Being Able to Draw
2. Selling Merchandise
3. Ratings Booster
4. Strong Crowd Reaction Heel or Face
5. Makes others better
6. Receives a push from the Top
7. Gets Mainstream/Crossover Attention

On Raw:
1. Roman Reigns
2. Brock Lesnar
3. Braun Strowman
4. Seth Rollins
5. Rhonda Rousey

On Smackdown:
1. AJ Styles
2. Charlotte Flair
3. Asuka
4. Miz

IMO that's it. On the cuffs is Baylor, Joe, & maybe McIntyre. WWE blew it with Nakumura as he just couldn't get over. Hardy could be a factor but either injuries or outside problems have always derailed him.

I know it seems like a strange list, but google search any of those 9 outside of Cena or Undertaker, they get the most pub, the most google hits, they generate the most reaction outside of Rusev one way or another.

Again, not talking talent, or whether you like them or not, but these are the guys/gals who are pushing the WWE needle and will be somewhere around the mainevent until someone definitively takes that spot, which right now centers around Lesnar/Reigns.
ok....on Smackdown there's Daniel Bryan, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles and there's potential for Nakamura and The Miz and Rusev to be joining them....i also am a fan of Eric Young's future if WWE puts him in the top spot

on RAW you have Braun, Rollins, Balor and Owens who are main eventers.

then you have veterans like Cena, Orton and Brock who can be used when needed and you have guys with potential if pushed right like Lashley and Roode and even Roman is a main event talent, just isnt pushed like the right main event talent and same for Drew McIntyre.

WWE has main event level talent that they need to just either use or use correctly. mostly the issues with the use of talent is on RAW. Owens is a main event talent who's booked weak, McIntyre is a main event face who's tag teaming with Ziggler, Lashley is pushed as a smiling babyface.....book him similar to how he was on RAW. lashley isnt a smiling goody too shoes face, he's a fighter. Roode is an amazing heel, NXT used him properly as did TNA...he's a cocky type of heel, he should be in the role that Owens is in...Owens should be more of a Joe type of heel in the ring and himself on the mic. and finally Roman would be best used as a heel who's angry at the fans for hating him. if they fixed these issues, then WWE would have plenty of main event talent on RAW, while Smackdown has a big 3 that could/likely will expand.
A returning repackaged Dean Ambrose may do wonders if played well..He has a new look and making him a heel would do a lot of good to him in the long run..He is iny opinion still the best shield guy except lacking some in ring technicality..On the mic and delivering promos I think he is second to none..
Also Big E is one I see some money in..He is big..He can talk and has great charisma and if given some freedom he can play out as one long term main event guy..
Right now WWE's true main eventers are Lesnar, Cena, Undertaker, Triple H, Orton, Reigns, Styles, Bryan and Rollins. These guys are guys that fans pay to see.

Bruan, Owens, Ambrose and Miz are one level below them. They are over but still haven't quite broke out in the top tier.

Then follows: Balor, Nakamura, Joe, Roode, Zayn, Jeff, Bray, Lashley etc. These are guys who are still finding their footing and climb the ladder.
What's happened is in the past so many years they've failed to build those new main event stars that would be putting over the new stars of today. Now Bryan was on the shelf for the past couple years and CM Punk quit. Plus when guys were starting to get over you'd have a Cena, Orton, Kane, or someone (not gonna use bury) but rather stop the momentum and it wouldn't be the same. Combine that with improper booking and bad to no storylines and you have this predicament. Guys like Stone Cold, Rock, HHH got help from feuding with Taker, Bret, Michaels, etc. And in turn, Cena, Bautista, etc got help by feuding with some of those guys. WWE has to get back to the old formula of building guys up through the IC title picture and then stepping them up to the main event after just like Bret, Shawn, Austin, HHH, Rock, etc. They were IC title champs before WWF/E champs. Too many cut corners these days.

Here's who you have:
Rollins-he should be Universal Champ right now
Reigns-turn him heel and align AOP with him and you just elevated his main event level

Guys to elevate:
Strowman-kind of there
Elias-needs IC title first
McIntyre-be ruthless
Balor-stop smiling and kick ass
Roode-needs to be heel
Jeff Hardy
Nakamura-get US title on him
Owens-feud in IC title pic

Guys who should've been there already:
Ziggler-messed him up a long time ago
Wyatt-should've had a stable like Ministry of Darkness but uncreative failed
Ambrose-natural heel/way too stale but still can recover with heel turn on Rollins
Actually, in WWE there is a big problem as we don't have a really big "Heel" in main event.

In RAW, main event talents are Brock Lesnar(part time), Roman Reigns (booked bad), Braun Strowman (starting to be annoying) and Bobby Lashley (not sure if Vince is gonna push him)

In Smackdown, main event talents are AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan (if he doesn't go away) and Samoa Joe (heel/badass)

We have the legends of Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena or Randy Orton who are likely to be in the top of the card or in high card, even Orton and Cena have been playing for the Secundary titles.

And we have the most likely to be main events but they are upper card, Seth Rollins (even I think they protected him of the Lesnar reign and he is moving to Main Event soon), Finn Balor (needs to be a heel), Kevin Owens, The Miz (Bryan feud is gonna move him to it), Rusev (extreme popularity), Dean Ambrose (hope, in fantasy booking, Roman turns on Seth, with AOP, and he helps Seth only to turn on him), Big E (they are starting to push him) and Drew McIntyre (looks as one now).

Sami Zayn, Elias, Bobby Roode, Jeff Hardy, Shinsuke Nakamura, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Bray Wyatt or Matt hardy are over but I don't see them, maybe one more time.

In the Women division, obviously Alexa Bliss, Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair and Asuka are the top division superstars, but with Sasha, Bayley, Becky, Ember, they have a lot of talent, hope they use it to make them feel again as Main Event
Roman Reigns
AJ Styles
Brock Lesnar
Ronda Rousey
Nakamura (not really a permanent main-eventer)

They don't have very many that feel like main-event stars. They have Strowman that feels like a main-eventer, but he's really not right now.
For today’s WWE true Main Event level SuperStars, I count:

16 males
7 females

10 males
5 females

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