Slyfox696, How we appreciate thee


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think it's about time that the man with the golden dick gets his own appreciation thread, here in the prison.

If there's one thing I can say, it's that I've always liked Sly and have trusted in him. I'm keen too liking the really intelligent posters, of which Sly is obviously one of them. Sly really is the equalizer of this forum, in that he balances everything out.

The purpose of this thread is to show your appreciation to Slyfox696, for being a hell of an admin. Without Sly, I would never have been given a chance to return to this forum and been able to take part in the things I have and try and redeem myself.

So from myself, I'd like to sincerely say Thank You Sly.

In closing, I will leave everyone with a tribute video.

I don't think this will increase your chances on getting out. kb's the one that takes sexual favours.
Have you ever heard the saying "The pen is mightier then the sword?" It's actually an inaccurate/ misunderstood statement.

The story first originated from an incident when a group of people witnessed the genitals of Slyfox. A couple of women fainted as they saw thee unveiling, while a young warrior shouted "HIS PENIS IS MIGHTER THEN THE SWORD" therefore meaning, his penis is longer and harder then a sword.

Anyway, I hope I've cleared all of that up.
Depending on how this goes, Kb would be next. I'd seen positive threads about individual posters before, but from what I'd seen, I hadn't seen admins.

Well, the thing is, as much as people wanna call Sly a dick (whatever else they call him), he's a lot more compassionate then people give him credit for.

There are a number of people with a reputation of being "nice" on the forum, who eventually show their colors. Sly may be strict at times, but he does not do it for the sake of doing it.

Where some would say "Fuck Lord Sid, he deserved perm ban" Sly would be like "I'm sorry Sid had to be banned, I wish him the best."

Sly's a good man.
Sly's a straight shooter. If I ever needed an honest answer about anything, I would ask him.

But he really doesn't care about all of this. This forum's about 2-5 percent of his life at BEST. Just do what you're told and don't be a moron and you'll be out before too long.
Oh, I dunno. At least he's pulling out all the stops and doing everything he can think of. That's dedication. Plus, I think the kid really does mean what he says. I think it sounds pretty genuine considering he's not getting bent out of shape at the naysayers. Seems to me if it was just a ploy he'd be getting more defensive. Just my opinion, though. :shrug:

P.S. Look, Jenks, I used your quote. Hope ya don't mind.
Sly would probably appreciate good posters with good posts as Jenks is but this won't do shit. He's a pragmatic admin, this sort of thing is redundant and pitiful, no offense intended.
Oh, I dunno. At least he's pulling out all the stops and doing everything he can think of. That's dedication. Plus, I think the kid really does mean what he says. I think it sounds pretty genuine considering he's not getting bent out of shape at the naysayers. Seems to me if it was just a ploy he'd be getting more defensive. Just my opinion, though. :shrug:

P.S. Look, Jenks, I used your quote. Hope ya don't mind.

Not at all lol (about the quote.)

As far as Sly is concerned, I am genuine in what I say about him. The thread was partly made so he'd come in the prison and hopefully post a thread.
One of the cons of the prison is that no one really starts threads aside from prisoners.

Anyway, why I like Sly is this. I was banned from the site. I didn't feel my ban was fair and my first attempt to rectify it was by contacting the site (if your on the wrestlezone dirt sheet main page.) I think you write something and leave your email. When that didn't work after a while, I felt I had no choice but to make an alt and PM Sly.

I have always been against breaking the rules (I've been a dick on the site, but I wasn't breaking the rules because I did it in the cage) but making an alt and contacting an admin was my only hope of being let back on the site.

So I would make an alt and say right in my subject lines that "This Is Jenks."
I wasn't trying to break rules or get myself into any hotter water.
I just wanted to see if anything could be done for me to be let back on too the site.

If you don't know my situation, I was perm banned for monkey porn because I posted a vid of a monkey jerkin' off in the cage. The vid I posted is allowed on yt(since YT doesn't allow porn) so I did not feel it would be a problem.

Anyway, it was in that time that I realized Sly was a good dude.
If you are ever banned from the site for any reason, Sly really is your only chance of ever being let back in. I'm not saying you will be let back, but if you don't try and figure something out with Sly, you have no shot.

Sly will give you a chance to say your peace, and if you have a good case you might be un-banned. If you deserve the ban, that's a different story.

My point is, Sly showed sympathy (at least what I consider sympathy) or a better word might be understanding once I was banned. And Sly is the man who did un-ban me and gave me the chance to redeem myself in the prison.

There are others who when they see your alt pop up, or you PM them trying to explain the situation or apologize, they will not even read your PM (you will know b/c your PM will be 5 minutes long and you are banned as soon as you sent it. This is the case if your like me and say "Hey this is Jenks* or w/e your blocked name is.)

Eh, anyway this is one thing Sly must be given credit for. If it weren't for Sly, I would still be perm banned.

Btw, I am also a fan of Sly's posts which is why I'd like to see him more in here.
Jenks, I agree with you there, Sly let me back in, even with the alts, and how pissed off he was, he still let me stay. I was fuckin' surprised with that, so I gotta say thanks to the man for that.

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