Slyfox, I Thank You.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
So, I wake up this morning, what do I find, I log into WZ Forums, and a Pop-Up comes up saying, "You have a new Private Message". Then I thought, "Hang on, I know that I can't receive those." Then I went to the PM's and BAM! There it was.

......I'M FREE.

Well, all I can say, is a HUGE thank you to Sly and/or any other mod who may have made the decision to release me. I'm more than appreciative of this and I will not make any bad of it. The only thing Sly said in his PM to me was "Don't mess up again". I guarantee and promise to you that I will not.

So Jenks, for now, this will be my last Prison Thread, until I see reason fit to create another. However, I've all faith you'll be out soon, so very good luck in that.

This is J4L, signing out of The Prison.
Well I though, what with the PM being from Sly, I thought it would've been him.

But if it happened to be KB, then thanks to him.
I said it in the cage, but I'll say it again here, I'm happy to see J4L released. He made some mistakes and he paid the price, but now that he knows the rules I hope to see him become a solid regular here on WrestleZone. Perhaps he can be the next prison success story.
I'd like to think I've already made myself known & have attempted to become better whilst in Prison.

However, I will only continue to do this on the outside.
Congrats man, I wasn't here when you got busted (LOL), but I'm happy to see you out of the prison.
I hope that Fungus Head and Jenkx can be out too someday.
The Prison will become boring without you I'm pretty sure :D

Now, go post every in every thread boy, and go request a sig to our fantastic sigmakers :D
You think Fungus Head should be released? Ouch. If I hadn't already given out loads of Rep to people who deserved Green, I probably would've redded for you that.

But thanks for the enthusiasm, I won't post in every Thread, that's just excessive, but I will do my very best to post everywhere I would like to.
I know, I know Fungus Head was a prick, but as far as I see is trying to change that, don't be mean.

You really don't like me, but I want to see you as the regular posters here in WZ, you are the first Prisoner that I saw getting out, so best of lucks!!
J4L, dont just do 1 or 2 line posts, thats a good way to end up back in the prison.

Post quality, and try to get your point across and explain it. Good look homie
Congrats J! You've earned it and I'm sure you felt good as hell when you came on to see you had a normal account again. Sly's PM said it best ... "Don't mess up." Have fun and enjoy the forum and all the perks that come with it.

I'm really glad you got out. And I guess that makes me "The Last Outlaw" :cool:
Not sure what the prison is going to be like with you gone since you attracted a number of posters aside from your own posting. Maybe we'll meet up again on the main boards, maybe not, but it's been a good time (or as much of a good time we could make of it) serving out time with ya. Your sweet ass will be sorely missed :lmao: Heh, Had to throw in a prison joke.

Cheers mate.
Thanks very much Jenks. It's a shame you're still in there, I tell you that.

You're are now "The Last Outlaw" indeed, out of Me, Yourself & Macios. Good luck on your quest on getting out. Who knows, maybe that tunnel you're digging with that Spoon will have you out before you're released ;)
J4L glad you got out. But you've already made a day 1 mistake. The GSD is NOT for wrestling threads and I see you've already made a ask me questions thread. This should go in the Wrestling Spam Zone....

Anyways glad you got out.
Dude, it's an "Ask Me Questions" Thread. Ask me questions about ANYTHING.

Just so happens that the guys who are asking me questions, are asking me Wrestling Questions. But it's for anything you wanna ask me.

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