Sly vs IC25


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Crazy debate in the LD / Spam Zone on the SNME ratings. Poll now up where you can vote on the winner of the debate. Please be honest - this is not a popularity contest, and neither of us will hold your vote against you.
CRAZY it what you would have to be to read through all that. SUCH dry reading. You guys are both far more charismatic.

Well, you agreed with me at first Norcal, so just vote.

And for anyone else, here's the short of it.

A WZ writer made a comment that SNME's rating, which fell in line with other SNME ratings and other NBC ratings was "disastrous". IC25 has agreed that SNME's rating falls in line with other SNME and other NBC ratings.

Which means that there is no way that it can be disastrous.
It was one of those debates where you side with the person who posted last LOL.
Strange how you didn't wait for me to post last before voting.

I voted for you sly. I agreed with you originally, and still do. I think we just went an absurdly over the top drawn out direction to get back to the original point. the reporter jumped all over something like flies to shit in a hurry to call something the WWE did "diasasterous" which was stupid, and overdramatic.
I voted for you sly. I agreed with you originally, and still do. I think we just went an absurdly over the top drawn out direction to get back to the original point. the reporter jumped all over something like flies to shit in a hurry to call something the WWE did "diasasterous" which was stupid, and overdramatic.
And I agree with you. Both that the reporter jumped all over something and that the debate was WAY too involved.

Like I said, the simple fact is that if SNME falls in line with expectations, it can't be disastrous.
The rock is fine. Over sold quite a bit. but thats fine. Involved in one of my favorite matches ever, Austin Vs Rock at WM 19
I voted for you sly. I agreed with you originally, and still do. I think we just went an absurdly over the top drawn out direction to get back to the original point. the reporter jumped all over something like flies to shit in a hurry to call something the WWE did "diasasterous" which was stupid, and overdramatic.

That's journalism, NorCal. Sensationalism is what makes journalism successful. People read emotion.
That's journalism, NorCal. Sensationalism is what makes journalism successful. People read emotion.
It also is what makes WZ so laughable in the rest of the message board community.

I've yet to go to a forum that didn't laugh at the "news" reported by WZ. And that's just fact.
That's journalism, NorCal. Sensationalism is what makes journalism successful. People read emotion.

I understand that. Just took it a tad far. Emotion is fine, but calling something that is par for the course, or BARELY sub par "diasasterous" is stupid.

If its just journalism, then why did so many of us immeadiatley notice it as being stupid??
I understand that. Just took it a tad far. Emotion is fine, but calling something that is par for the course, or BARELY sub par "diasasterous" is stupid.

If its just journalism, then why did so many of us immeadiatley notice it as being stupid??

1. And jumping on someone's subjective use of the word "disasterous" by calling that person "stupid" or even calling their comment "stupid" is naive.

2. Because many people on this board have a revolutionary complex with the main site and jump on whatever the headlines post just for the sake of rebelling against the establishment. FACT.
That's journalism, NorCal. Sensationalism is what makes journalism successful. People read emotion.

Isn't a news site to report facts and unbiased news, not become an editorial for someones slanted views?

Use the news site for news, use the columns for personal biased editorials.
Easy poll. I chose Sly. :)

And as far as "sensationalism" goes if there's one thing I learned in my Journalism class is that even if it is done, it doesn't make it right. A good editorial, op-ed, features article, news article, etc, etc doesn't need it.

Flames Out

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