Sly...Please help

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
My internet browsers are running piss poor. When I type, there is a very big lag, particularly on Facebook. Sometimes webpages won't even load, saying that the server cannot be found. I don't think it has anything to do with my connection, as it does it sporadically and then later it finds the webpage. It's ridiculous. Furthermore, I still have these kind of issues when I am connected to other networks. I generally run Firefox, but this problem exists when I run Internet Explorer too.

Any ideas?
You should probably run your Spyware and Virus Scanner. Some viruses hijack your internet connection and can slow your speed down. Also rebooting your router/modem usually helps with connection interruptions.
Still no luck from earlier Ricky, huh?

That sucks, man.
try rebooting your modem/router or both. then restart your computer after the modem/router boots back up. Sometimes that helps too. Other than that I'd need to see your computer.
If you know the directory the detection is in and you trust the file don't get rid of it then put it on ignore. Those scanners sometimes report false positives. I've had that happen with some of my CheatHappens trainers. if that happens just put the file on the ignore list.
I've tried malware before. How do you know what to get rid of and what to not get rid of?

MOst of the time it will tell you the profram that uses it or at least a description of what it is before you get rid of it. If it doesnt look right get rid of it, most malware wont show anything needed to run the cpu corerctly but if u have a program that might pop up you should recognize it.
First thing I would do, if you're just noticing this when you are trying to do things on the Internet, is test your Internet connection. You should know the speed to which you SHOULD be able to download things, so measure and see if that's what you are getting.

Go to a free Internet speed check site, like for example, and see what kind of download and upload speed you are getting. If it is much slower than usual, the problem is with your Internet connection. If you get the speed you're supposed to have, it is a computer problem.

I'd say do that first.
Do what I did and get Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Explorer and Safari. Then use them all at once. If one is moving slow, end it.

You'll be badass.
Ok Sly...did that. Now I've run I need to back up my registry before I delete this stuff? If does one do this?
And you've run Spybot and Malwarebytes? What versions of the browsers are you running? How much RAM do you have?
I'm running malwarebytes now. Haven't run spybot, but i've got realtime protection for spyware.

I have 1983 MB of RAM. 32 bit processor.
Also, have you disabled IPv6 in Firefox?

Do you have a good connection to your router/modem? There's a difference between fast Internet and a good connection to a router.

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