Slammys: Who is the Superstar of the Year?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This year has felt very spread out. Usually, it feels very top heavy. It always feels like the top superstar will come down tot or three superstars. This year, however, it feels very different. Nobody has really hard a stellar year. Most of the notable names have missed significant time. There are more than a few pay per views without a WWEWHC match, whether it be when Bryan was injured, or Brock on leave, it just feels like nobody has stood out for the entire year.
It feels like we are heading toward another year of Cena "winning" the award, maybe Brock, breaking the streak and winning the title, but the competition seems thin.

So who do you guys think will win? And who should win?
If Bryan hadn't of been injured so soon after winning the WWEWHC I think he'd have been odds on favourite to scoop the award, seeing as he literally overcame the odds at the grandest stage.

But now? Well he could still be awarded with superstar of the year, but I have a feeling they'll go with Brock Lesnar. Despite not showing on TV AT ALL since Night of Champions, I think they're going to give it to him.

Not only did he defeat the Undertaker and break an unbelievable 21-0 undefeated streak, but he also completely destroyed John Cena at Summerslam. Something that left a lot of us surprised.

I could be absolutely wrong, but who else is there besides those two that really warrant it?
I think it should go to Seth Rollins; he's been the most visible performer in terms of personality (mic time) and ring appearances. Included in the consideration would be his two former Shield partners, but Reigns has been out injured while Ambrose isn't carving his way with personality; he does it with insanity, which doesn't play when coming up with a winner for this type of award.

But Rollins has been given everything; the support of a bunch of prominent people (Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, Mercury, Noble....and for a time, Randy Orton). He's on every Raw and Smackdown, talking and fighting.....and managing to piss off everyone he comes in contact with. He worked for the Authority, yet gave the impression they were working for him.

When considering the Shield as a team, who ever thought Seth Rollins would come out as the dominant force? I think he has...... enough to be Superstar of the Year.

His acceptance speech will be fittingly obnoxious, too.
Rollins has been given everything; the support of a bunch of prominent people (Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, Mercury, Noble....and for a time, Randy Orton). He's on every Raw and Smackdown, talking and fighting.....and managing to piss off everyone he comes in contact with. He worked for the Authority, yet gave the impression they were working for him.

When considering the Shield as a team, who ever thought Seth Rollins would come out as the dominant force? I think he has...... enough to be Superstar of the Year.

I don't know why I didn't think of Rollins, but I definitely agree with the points you made, not to mention the fact he won Money in the Bank too. It's funny but whenever anyone would discuss the eventual disbanding of the Shield, we all saw:

Roman Reigns as the breakout Babyface

Dean Ambrose as the breakout Heel

Seth Rollins as the... errr... something something

We never anticipated that he would be the one to turn heel and betray the team and we never thought he'd be in the spot he's in now. We all just seemed to lose him in the shuffle for some reason.
There has to be some reason as to why they scheduled Lesnar to be at the Slammy Awards and then took him off... I definitely think Lesnar is going to win Superstar of the Year, with Paul Heyman accepting the award on his behalf and announcing his return the next week.
The easy answer would be Rollins but I think this one will go to Lesnar as well. If you look at this entire year, who's had a better year than Lesnar? No one. Sure, WWE could award Rollins for being there consistently. But after listening the the Vince/Austin interview, it looks like Vince really likes superstars who feel like a big deal when they show up. Heyman accepts this award on behalf of Lesnar as always and announces the return of the beast, whenever that'll be. Brock broke Undertaker's streak and is the current WWE WHC. Despite showing up part time, he's had a huge impact on the landscape of the WWE. Heyman's promo will consist of him telling everyone how Lesnar didn't need to be around a whole lot to gain this award. Or even go far as to call it the Brock Lesnar award. Either way, the Slammys are usually a pretty decent show, so here's hoping it isn't terrible.
If it's Brock Lesnar I'll do my nut. I'm sorry but the guy has had all of four matches this year if I'm not mistaken.

He fought Big Show at the Rumble, broke the streak at Mania, destroyed Cena at Summerslam, and almost had his ass handed to him at Extreme Rules. If I've made a mistake on any of those, please correct it's too early in the morning.

Now they have been important matches, but to me Lesnar is a part timer and no way should be superstar of the year. That honour should go to someone like Rollins or Cena,

Rollins was part of the best faction ever, The Shield. He turned on his teammates, won the MITB, and spend most of the rest of the year as part of one of the most interesting feuds with Dean Ambrose. Cena well enough said about him. Both Cena and Rollins have done more this year than Lesnar has and either one of them deserve it.
Lesnar I can see but apparently he's not even going to show up till the Raws before Rumble and I would hate to see it go to someone that's not even there, although I'm sure Heyman would have a nice speech ready.

Cena also had a pretty darn good year outside of SS. Winning the vast majority of his matches, the title at MITB, seemingly seconds away from winning back the title in his rematch, becoming #1 contender in a HIAC match and of course being the captain of the team that got rid of the Authority.

Rollins I can see as well. From WM onward the Shield has been dominate as they steamrolled Kane/NAO and from there beat Evolution twice in a row. Backstabbing his former teammates was one of the biggest moments of the year and since Brock isn't around holding the MITB briefcase is the closest thing to having a world title.
If it's Brock Lesnar I'll do my nut. I'm sorry but the guy has had all of four matches this year if I'm not mistaken.

He fought Big Show at the Rumble, broke the streak at Mania, destroyed Cena at Summerslam, and almost had his ass handed to him at Extreme Rules. If I've made a mistake on any of those, please correct it's too early in the morning.

Now they have been important matches, but to me Lesnar is a part timer and no way should be superstar of the year. That honour should go to someone like Rollins or Cena,

Rollins was part of the best faction ever, The Shield. He turned on his teammates, won the MITB, and spend most of the rest of the year as part of one of the most interesting feuds with Dean Ambrose. Cena well enough said about him. Both Cena and Rollins have done more this year than Lesnar has and either one of them deserve it.

It was Night of Champions, not Extreme Rules, but your point stands.

I'd personally give the vote to Rollins. If you don't count not winning the Royal Rumble, his only PPV losses were being on the losing team to The Wyatt Family at Elimination Chamber and the losing team at Survivor Series, two matches people are talking about at match of the year. He won MITB, he was part of The Shield team that dominated Evolution, he has two PPV wins over Ambrose(Three if you count his forfeit win), and has played the part of a cowardly heel to near perfection.

That said, if they script the awards like I'm highly suspicious they do, I could see them giving the award to Orton, who makes his return. Orton was WWE Champ until Wrestlemania, and took part in both the Evolution reunion and was The Authority's golden boy for a time until Rollins came along.
What about Dolph Ziggler? He's been very impressive this year. He's finally getting over. Winning at Survivor Series was big for him. He's learned a lot and has definitely improved with the stick.
What about Dolph Ziggler? He's been very impressive this year. He's finally getting over. Winning at Survivor Series was big for him. He's learned a lot and has definitely improved with the stick.

I was thinking about Dolph but he had a uneventful first half of 2014. He was still the jobber that he was for a good chunk of 2013 and it wasn't until BNB got injured that Dolph started to pick up steam. The latter half of 2014 was great for him as he had a lot of amazing matches and did a lot with the IC title, plus of course his great performance at Survivor Series. He certainly finished the year off strongly and if the award is fan voted I could easily see him winning it, but for me I would pick someone who had a overall great year and other people just tops Dolph there.

There is no way that Dolph isn't getting a slammy this year, I just wouldn't give him that one. Although it would help continue the momentum he's currently riding from SS so I wouldn't be opposed to it either.
For me, it will boil down to Rusev, Seth Rollins or Dolph Ziggler. Like the OP said, this year hasn't been stellar in terms of outstanding superstar performance, although, I wouldn't be surprised if Lesnar or Cena won the award.
If the fix is in your Super Star of the Year Slammy will belong to Brock Lesnar. What would make this especially funny is they’ve pulled his name from appearing at next week’s RAW. How fitting would it be for Brock to not even be in attendance to accept his Super Star and Moment of the Year awards?

There are really only two viable options for the award. Two men have maintained a regular position beneath the brightest of spotlights, Seth Rollins and John Cena. I would give the edge to Rollins as his rise has been quite remarkable. The Shield continued as one of the hottest acts in the business, their split was a major story line and Rollins association with the Authority has made him the top heel in the company. Rollins major deterrent is his portrayal of the classic villain type. It has worked perfectly for him but could be used as “he didn’t really earn anything.” Cena on the other hand has continued with his super face act. He struggled with Orton and the Authority early in the year but never looked weak, dominated Wyatt, won the vacated title, bounced back against Brock and ousted the Authority. The ass kicking he received at the hands of Brock could simply be twisted into a “Never Give Up” moment.

Be it Lesnar, Cena or Rollins it will add to any development between the three over the next few weeks.
Gonna be Brock Lesnar, no one else has a chance and even storyline wise, it would make sense given how angry people are with him already, especially smarks, given his lack of appearances.

He was advertised for next week's show but last I heard, he has been taken off, which could well mean that Paul Heyman will be accepting the award on his behalf with yet another accolade on top of a no show by Brock once again.
Who I'd pick: Seth Rollins

He's a full-time superstar. He's consistently been apart of MOTY candidates like facing The Wyatts at EC, Evolution at ER and Payback, winning the MITB match for the MITB briefcase and Ambrose at Summerslam and HIAC.

He's really broke out the shadows of The Shield. I worried he'd get lost in the shuffle because he didn't talk as much as Ambrose and wasn't a big guy like Reigns. To my surprise, he exceeded my expectations and continue to be the top heel.

WWE probably will have Lesnar win. He did beat The Streak and beat Cena like nobody has before.
Seems to me that it would have to be Cena. He's the only person who's been consistent this year. Bryan only wrestled about four months out of the year and other than his losing effort to Bray Wyatt and his Wrestlemania performances he didn't do a whole lot. Seth Rollins is a possibility. He's had a good year. Ziggler's performance at Survivor Series was great, but it's too late in the year to give him the nod seeing as he was pretty much invisible the rest of the year. Reigns has done nothing. Ambrose is a breakout star in the making but he's just now coming on at the end of the year. Really it has to go to Cena. If not Cena, Rollins but there's no denying Cena's had the bigger year.

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