Slammy Awards 2015

Who is your Superstar of the year?

  • Roman Reigns

  • Dean ambrose

  • Brock Lesnar

  • John Cena

  • Kevin Owens

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Undertaker

  • Rusev

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Ryback

  • HHH

  • Cesaro

  • Seth Rollins

  • Other let us know!

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Last night WWE did the exact opposite with what they did last week..
The opening segment alone made the statement that tonight RAW is gonna get stale..
I mean why is Roman Riegns laughing like a 12 year old everytime he is in the ring..That makes him look stupid..He should be a bad ass and he should have speared Steph into half towards the end of that segment instead he stands there looking like he just came out of disney land or something..

As far as the slammys goes WWE did everything wrong and nothing right..
Not even one surprise return except Santino and SETH..
I dont care about Santino but they should have not made Seth Rollins appear on Raw like that. Seth Rollins return should be made epic and presenting him like that at slammys made it look dull..Instead Steph or J&J shouldve accepted on his behalf but thats done and dusted..
Im fine with Lesnar not showing up and agree with everything Paul Heyman said and also with John Cena as he is advertised next week....
But they couldve made STING appear for atleast some little bitta surprise on 'the most prestigious award show'.
I don't mean the viewers, although that is probably true as well. Half the Slammy winners didn't even show up. While it isn't surprising that Sting, The Rock, and Lesnar weren't brought in for the Slammys. Surely they could have done some fake 'via satellite' thing. If the votes are real they could have sent in a 'via satellite' package saying 'Thanks for the award'.

I did end up laughing at it quite a lot though, 'the most prestigious award show.' They couldn't even get John Cena to show up for it. The guy they claim works harder than any other wrestler in the company. Heyman at least made a good excuse for Lesnar. Lesnar is a guy who looks like he wouldn't care about that type of award.

Every time a new award was given to a guy who wasn't there the crowd got more and more annoyed. It was also a not so nice reminder that most of the memorable moments of the year were delivered by injured or part time superstars.

Unfortunately all you said is true! Although they were saying it "Most Prestigious" , Yet it looked like just a Filler Absence of the award winners just worsened the show more.... And Yes! most of the awesome things which happened in 2015 are done by either part-timers or now injured wrestlers! It was too stale :shrug:
What was the point of that LON attack on The Usos just to look weak 20 minutes later? I'm still scratching my head over that one. Plus cage matches with doors are stupid.

Kayfabe wise The point of LON attack on The Usos was to prevent them from helping Dean Ambrose when LON tries to interfere in the match itself...
Reality wise The point of LON attack on The Uso were to write them off the show and make us believe that Roman Reigns can handle and even dominate the LON singlehandedly :banghead:
I cannot believe the Uso's won over New Day. This is an outrage of epic proportions. #NewDayScrewed

This is one I can't believe either. The Uso's were out for the better part of the year with Jey Uso getting injured just before Mania. What a crock of shit. New Day has been one of the most entertaining parts of RAW and well the fans are just stupid.

The other one I couldn't believe was Neville won over Owens. Now I like Neville, but Owens had the clean win over Cena in his debut, and he won the IC title in his first few months. Much more than Neville has done all year. Another crock of shit.

EDIT: As someone said on the live discussion thread last night, the lack of people showing up to actually receive their awards killed the show somewhat. Especially Lesnar not being there in his home town. But at least we got to see Rollins and the fans on hand looked like they were happy to see him. Nikki Bella looked pretty good for someone that was injured as well.

Oh and as usual my predictions sucked as I knew they would. LOL
They need to just get rid of the Slammy Awards on Raw altogether. Why don't they hold it as an actual awards show, like they used to way back when? Have everybody commit to showing up for one night in a suit and tie. You want to be able to call it the "most prestigious award show in the world"? Make it akin to the HOF ceremony. Make it fucking legitimate.

I mean this idea was cool in 07, but it's really run it's course. WWE has shown that they can't produce an award show and a wrestling show simultaneously. They shouldn't try anymore.
It wasn't handled brilliantly, but there were some refreshing wins in there all told... Neville winning breakout star was a nice nod, as he got forgotten a little bit once Owens was on the roster - but he's had more 5 star matches than many on the roster.

Rollins winning Superstar was a good "don't forget me" moment...

At the end of the day they're fake awards in a soap... so they can only ever be dull.
As far as the slammys goes WWE did everything wrong and nothing right..
Not even one surprise return except Santino and SETH..
I dont care about Santino but they should have not made Seth Rollins appear on Raw like that. Seth Rollins return should be made epic and presenting him like that at slammys made it look dull..Instead Steph or J&J shouldve accepted on his behalf but thats done and dusted..
Im fine with Lesnar not showing up and agree with everything Paul Heyman said and also with John Cena as he is advertised next week....
But they couldve made STING appear for atleast some little bitta surprise on 'the most prestigious award show'.

I can't believe that someone is complaining about Rollins showing up. We all know he's injured and I for one was glad to see him up and about. The crowd popped for him as well. Out of all the people that didn't show I'm glad he did.

And I'm not fine with Lesnar not showing up. It was in his home town and the fans were annoyed that he wasn't there. They could have put him in a match last night it wouldn't have been hard. But yea the Slammy's aren't to be taken seriously.
They need to just get rid of the Slammy Awards on Raw altogether. Why don't they hold it as an actual awards show, like they used to way back when?

Indeed, especially with the advent of the network. There is really no reason to not transition it to a self contained network special, possibly as the first hour of a Smackdown taping.

If you insist upon it being a live show, why not use it to get people over (besides the fact that such a thing is not done in the WWE anymore) and have a common thread throughout the night...IE Owens interrupting pretty much EVERY presentation and then finally having to fight someone at the end of the night, or same for such a thing with the New Day feeling disgruntled.

ESPECIALLY on a show that featured so many "such and such isn't here tonight, so some person no one cares about will accept the award"
Am I the only one that dislikes R. Truth now? I just don't find him funny, or the Steve Harvey parody he did to Paige.

I agree the Slammys looked useless last night and shouldn't be apart of the Raw programming if the winners aren't going to be present. The Rock is understandable if he doesn't show for it. I was looking forward to seeing Damien Sandow on TV last night only to see him and other winners weren't.
Not even one surprise return except Santino and SETH.

Well, then I guess there was not one....but two....surprise returns, right? :)

The Slammys aren't the big deal they used to be and they aren't really necessary anymore; they're simply a diversion between matches. The fact that almost none of the award winners were there to accept the tribute was a clear sign that the company isn't going to waste too much time on the production.

I enjoyed the Kevin Owens segment; I figured he'd win the award for his segment, and when he didn't, one had to know he'd be out there anyway. He and Dolph did a great job.

Still, watching last night's ceremony reminded me of Owen Hart jumping around and making all kinds of noise when he won his Slammy. Owen also carried the statue to his matches the whole year following.

Those were the days.
Indeed, especially with the advent of the network. There is really no reason to not transition it to a self contained network special, possibly as the first hour of a Smackdown taping.

If you insist upon it being a live show, why not use it to get people over (besides the fact that such a thing is not done in the WWE anymore) and have a common thread throughout the night...IE Owens interrupting pretty much EVERY presentation and then finally having to fight someone at the end of the night, or same for such a thing with the New Day feeling disgruntled.

ESPECIALLY on a show that featured so many "such and such isn't here tonight, so some person no one cares about will accept the award"

This here was the real problem, lMO. Just script most of the awards to advance storylines apart from a couple that would actually be legit, and actually make something happen.

Last night was a fun show, obviously a step down from the wk before, but it is clear that having the "Slammy Awards" allowed WWE "Creative" to be as lazy as can be and it showed.
Onto Jan 4th, 2016, when things can hopefully follow on properly from the Post-TLC RAW.
Last night WWE did the exact opposite with what they did last week..
The opening segment alone made the statement that tonight RAW is gonna get stale..
I mean why is Roman Riegns laughing like a 12 year old everytime he is in the ring..That makes him look stupid..He should be a bad ass and he should have speared Steph into half towards the end of that segment instead he stands there looking like he just came out of disney land or something...

I disagree with this, sorry. Reigns is apparently being pushed to be the face of the company, right? I say apparently because I've personally haven't read that it's the case but basing it off assumption and how they've went about pushing superstars in the past.

As much as you'd like for Reigns to play this quiet bad ass, he CANNOT. How many people that have been elevated into this role have remained quiet? He was reacting in the ring based off the crowd's reaction. He has to play to the crowd. Even Diesel had to pick up the mic some during his push to the top.

Limit the ridiculous pre-teen remarks but it's not wrong if he's laughing. Him laughing in the ring kills his credibility in what way? What did he have to be defensive about last night and spear Stephanie? He is the world champion, he currently has the upper hand on the authority. They tried to screw him, next night he got even. Plan backfired for Authority.

All I got out of that statement is; "Roman Reigns sucks because he's laughing. He supposed to be this bad ass with no personality and isn't supposed to talk." How many stars in the last 30 years have got over as the face of a company without playing to the crowd, without showing personality or talking on the mic? Even by end of show he still showed how a 'bad ass' he was by getting the best of LON.
I disagree with this, sorry. Reigns is apparently being pushed to be the face of the company, right? I say apparently because I've personally haven't read that it's the case but basing it off assumption and how they've went about pushing superstars in the past.

As much as you'd like for Reigns to play this quiet bad ass, he CANNOT. How many people that have been elevated into this role have remained quiet? He was reacting in the ring based off the crowd's reaction. He has to play to the crowd. Even Diesel had to pick up the mic some during his push to the top.

Limit the ridiculous pre-teen remarks but it's not wrong if he's laughing. Him laughing in the ring kills his credibility in what way? What did he have to be defensive about last night and spear Stephanie? He is the world champion, he currently has the upper hand on the authority. They tried to screw him, next night he got even. Plan backfired for Authority.

All I got out of that statement is; "Roman Reigns sucks because he's laughing. He supposed to be this bad ass with no personality and isn't supposed to talk." How many stars in the last 30 years have got over as the face of a company without playing to the crowd, without showing personality or talking on the mic? Even by end of show he still showed how a 'bad ass' he was by getting the best of LON.


The script was cringeworthy for Roman last night(lMO), but the segment made sense overall, given that Roman is clearly on top against the Authority as a whole with the WWE WHC in his possession and all.

He smashed HHH at TLC, smacked Vince last week on RAW, and given he can't physically hurt Stephanie; this week, he trolled her defiantly and showed that he doesn't "sweat the Authority" regardless.
As mentioned above by J.J, at the end of the show, he destroyed the entire LoN to show that he is indeed on top and has the advantage against the Authority and they now have to come up with an elaborate plan if they are to control him.

lMO, the Roman Empire vs the Authority is well set going forward.
I, for one, am interested in seeing if HHH will go after Roman himself, or will they contact a 'mercenary' to do the job on their behalf.
Superstar of the Year (Seth Rollins)
Rollins winning this was fine. I've stated before that this is a stupid award, but I liked having Rollins back onscreen for a night declaring that he's coming back in the future for HIS Championship. I was convinced Reigns would have won it, so this was better.

Rivalry of the Year (Undertaker VS Lesnar)
Yeah, no. I disagree here. The Undertaker VS Lesnar rivalry was forced and idiotic. They got lucky with the Hell In A Cell match exceeding expectations, but I was dreading that Summerslam match during the shows this summer leading up to it, and it sucked. There should never have been a rematch at all, let alone a third match.

Double-Cross of the Year (Mizdow eliminating Miz at the Andre Battle Royal)
Disagree here. Considering they did absolutely NOTHING with this and couldn't even give Sandow the win in the match, I can't call this the Double-Cross of the year. Paige turning on PCB should have won this.

Surprise Return of the Year (Sting returns, posing as Seth Rollins’ statue)
I don't really agree with this one, but there were worse options.

Best Original WWE Network Show (Stone Cold Podcast)
Disagree. I like Stone Cold as much as the next guy, but how did Breaking Ground not win this? Seriously?

Tag Team of the Year (The Usos)
Absolutely not. The New Day should have won this. I've given The Usos a lot of criticism over the years and they are slowly winning me over as a fan, but they were NOT the tag team of the year. Not even close. Ridiculous.

Hashtag of the Year (#SuplexCity)
I didn't care before the winner was announced, and I still don't care. Twitter is idiotic and I refuse to ever have any involvement with it.

Celebrity Moment of the Year (Stephen Amell dives onto Stardust at Summerslam)
Yep! Good choice. He did very well, and this is coming from someone who hates seeing celebrities wrestle.

"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Moment of the Year (Brock Lesnar coins “Suplex City”)
Agreed here too. The other options were mostly dumb.

Best John Cena's U.S Open Challenge (Cesaro on Raw, July 6)
No, I'm sorry, but no. Sami Zayn should have won this. It had the best match quality, the best story, the best introduction, and remains the most memorable Open Challenge moment.

"This is Awesome" Moment of the Year (The Rock and Ronda Rousey confront The Authority at Wrestlemania 31)
Awesome indeed. Now, WWE, when's that mixed tag team match happening? I want to see it.

Breakout Star of the Year (Neville)
Neville is fine winning this I guess, he's excellent in the ring and I love his finisher, but he's not really being booked like a "star". Owens probably should have won.

WWE Diva of the Year (Nikki Bella)
Oh, good grief, don't EVEN get me started on this. Paige or Charlotte should have won. I will leave it at that and move on to the next Slammy.

Extreme Moment of the Year (Roman Reigns levels The League of Nations and Triple H at WWE TLC)
Yeah this made sense. The other options weren't really extreme other than Rollins breaking Cena's nose, and the only "extreme" thing about the Taker/Lesnar brawl was how extremely dumb it was. 100% fine with Reigns winning this one.

Match of the Year (The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar at Hell in a Cell)
Seriously? It was good but it wasn't THAT good! Cena and Owens should have won this easily.

The OMG Shocking Moment of the Year (Kalisto’s Salida del Sol through a ladder at WWE TLC)
Sorry Kalisto, but I disagree. I'm a fan of the guy so I'm glad he won this.... however he should not have. Seth Rollins cashing in his MITB briefcase at Wrestlemania 31 was the most "OMG shocking" moment in quite some time.

LOL Moment of the Year (R-Truth misunderstands his status)
No. That wasn't funny. Unless they changed the meaning of "LOL" to "this is stupid" then R-Truth shouldn't have won this.

The Hero in All of Us Award (John Cena)
Yeah I agree here. It's unreal how much he does offscreen. Cena's a true role model.

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