Slammiversary: King Of The Mountain

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
There is one, isn't there? There always is at this show. I love the punny title* of this show.

King Of The Mountain is such a great concept**. Put the belt on a hook. It's like a ladder match, only not quite. It's really unique***.

I hear Jeff Jarrett qualified. I assume Mick Foley automatically qualifies. Sting get's in because he's an icon. Kurt Angle will be in it even though it'll lead to his death. And A.J. Styles will be added just so it's not the slowest Ladder match of all time.

* This is not true.
** I don't believe this.
*** Not really though.
AJ beat Daniels on iMPACT! this week. I didn't watch the show, but TNA put it up on YouTube. I have nothing better to do on Saturday mornings.

They'll have Foley retain. I know this for a fact. How? The same way the cat knows there's Tuna about; she can smell it. I have no idea what I'm saying. Maybe Sting will win... but he won't. They should just have AJ win. I'd watch TNA if AJ was champion.
Mick Foley WILL NOT RETAIN, it was a clear giveaway when he said after slammiversary he will only defend the belt ONCE a year. so that's never going to happen obviously.

i hope AJ wins it personally but i bet TNA will make Jeff Jarret win -sigh-
Foley can´t retain cause he is not the champ.... i think sting will win the kotr match.

Foley is the champ, and it would be KOTM. So far the only three qualifiers are Foley, Jarrett, and AJ Sting's not in it.

There's a match for next week's Impact between Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash for one of the remaining two spots, so one of them is going to be in it.

I don't think Sting or Angle will be in the match, as something may happen between the two of them, or perhaps one of them will face Matt Morgan, who has been bugging them to let him join the mafia. Since Sting's the godfather now, it'll probably be him, leaving the final spot in the KOTM to Angle.

There's also going to be another KOTM tournament for the X-Division title, but they haven't had any qualifiers for it. I honestly just think it'll end up being the MCMG and Lethal Consequences as the 4 other opponents. It seems that Daniels may have a match against Shane Douglas.

With the way the MEM storyline is panning out, it doesn't look like Nash, Booker, or Steiner are going to be on the card. Joe has a Lethal Lockdown match against Nash, and will more than likely "take him out", as he promised he'd do to get to Angle. He may just take out all the members one by one in the next few weeks. I can see Booker T interfering in the KOTM match to screw over AJ, but I don't think they'll officially be on the card.

Same thing with Eric Young. They've been building him up with a possible heel turn, so either he screws over Jarrett (which I would enjoy but probably would ensure a full heel turn), or they make a multi-team tag match with some sort of combination of Bashir, No Limit & Kiyoshi, and the British Invasion. That sailor from a few weeks back is going to make his wrestling debut, so it's setting up a sort of American vs Non-American deal. At the PPV he debuted on singing the national anthem, Rhino came to his aid when Bashir insulted him, so Rhino could be returning as well. TNA likes to have big tag matches, especially with X guys involved. To save time they could throw Daniels and Shane Douglas into the match also. Hell, even throw in the Amazing Red for the faces.

Another possible match would be a gimmick match between Raven and Abyss.

For those who hate reading, I see the final card looking like this, winners*:
-Main Event: KOTM for TNA WHC - Foley* vs Jarrett vs AJ vs Joe vs Angle
-KOTM for X - Suicide* vs Alex Shelley vs Jay Lethal vs Consequence vs Sabin
-Tag Team Title Match - Team 3D* vs Beer Money (30 min)
-Knockout Title - Angelina Love* vs someone (or possibly a #1 Contender match or big tag team match)
-Sting vs Matt Morgan*
-Daniels vs Shane Douglas
-Raven* vs Abyss in some sort of hardcore gimmick match
-Big "heels vs faces" tag match to open (TNA likes having most of their roster on a ppv), most likely involving Bashir, British Invasion vs Amazing Red, Rhino, Sailor guy, Eric Young* (4 on 4)

Also, I'm really glad this thread was started by someone who actually wanted to talk about the PPV***.
I'm pretty sure Foley will retain the title. I am also sure Samoa Joe will be in the KOTM match, but he's not going to win because he's involved in the storyline where he's going to take out the MEM one by one. I don't think they would have AJ as TNA legends champ and heavyweight champ at the same time because it would make him seem overwhelmingly dominat. JJ won't win because it seems he's headed for a feud with Eric Young. And if Kurt Angle gets in, he wont win because he's going to be on Joe's hit list. Foley will be champ for a while, because I think this whole thing with him wanting to hang on to the belt for so long will make who ever beats him for it a huge win, maybe Jeff Jarret later on down the line?
There's no way Foley retains here with the whole "defend the title once a year" thing. I'm thinking it's time that AJ wins it and they let their young star have a run with the title for a little. I could also see Samoa Joe winning it, which I would like.

However, I bet that Jarrett wins it and continues a confusing and stupid feud with Foley. It is his "namesake" match, and he hasn't won a title since coming back. Also, it's a big PPV for TNA, so you know that they'll put one of their older guys over.

The match will probably be pretty stupid and clusterfuckish as usual though
There's no way Foley retains here with the whole "defend the title once a year" thing. I'm thinking it's time that AJ wins it and they let their young star have a run with the title for a little. I could also see Samoa Joe winning it, which I would like.

However, I bet that Jarrett wins it and continues a confusing and stupid feud with Foley. It is his "namesake" match, and he hasn't won a title since coming back. Also, it's a big PPV for TNA, so you know that they'll put one of their older guys over.

The match will probably be pretty stupid and clusterfuckish as usual though

I always enjoy these matches, not so much as MITB, but I never thought they were "stupid". Definitely "clusterfuckish", but not as bad as 8 guys in MITB.

I think Foley will retain because of what he said on Impact about rarely defending it. It's a stretch, but that Feast or Fired briefcase could come into play, since Foley theoretically can't turn down that match contractually. I think the only other person who logically has a shot is Angle, because that would make him gunned even more by Joe, ultimately leading to a big title match between the two, possibly at Bound for Glory, but probably sooner. It puts a younger guy in the spotlight against a more well known veteran, which they seem to be shifting towards (Jarrett with Eric Young, Booker with AJ, Sting with Morgan, 3D with Beer Money, etc). Even bringing in Shane Douglas and Raven and Richards to elevate Daniels and Abyss. It would definitely be an interesting storyline if Foley does retain, and see how that unfolds.

The only reason I don't see AJ holding it is because of the legends title, which someone already mentioned. Having Foley "sit" on the TNA WHC title would elevate the importance of this new title that hasn't pretty much done anything, and so far has only been feuded over by AJ and Booker. Since they know Foley won't defend, it'll have the non-X guys going after this other title, which would fit even more the dynamic of veteran/"original", since it'll probably rotate between the two types.
Ahh, the King of the Mountain. One of the weirdest ladder match variations ever. Still, it usually amounts to the same thing as a regular ladder match, just a little...different. I'm expecting it to be solid. Okay. Foley, Jarrett, and AJ are obviously in. It's Joe vs Nash next week, and that's a no brainer - Joe. He can perform in a ladder match, and is the reigning King of the Mountain (though I doubt anyone really cares about that stat). This means the Mafia will need representation, and I think that rather than Angle or Sting, it'll be Booker. Booker is in good shape and he can do alright in a ladder match, and he matches up with AJ (and to some extent, Joe) to add a little more heat to things. So, I see Foley vs Jarrett vs AJ vs Joe vs Booker.

The winner out of this field...well, it can't possibly be Foley. There''s no way that he'll retain after the "one defense a year" stipulation. Joe's just not ready for it again, but he is picking up steam in his return. Booker is a dark horse (no pun intended), and it would throw a huge kink in the Main Event Mafia if suddenly, while Sting and Angle are the focus, here comes Booker as WHC. Still, I doubt it. AJ and Jarrett are the likely options, and my heart says AJ, but my mind says Jarrett. The fact is, AJ is the best young guy in TNA - and, vying with Angle, potentially the best in TNA. He's the right man to put the title on, but TNA just can't figure this out, apparently. With all hope, they get their shit together and put the title on AJ. But, they probably won't, and will put it on Jarrett. Jarrett will go on and on about how great TNA is, how wonderful he is, etc., etc. And it will be another lackluster title reign from a guy way over the hill. Hopefully, at least, AJ will get it off Double J.
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I always enjoy these matches, not so much as MITB, but I never thought they were "stupid". Definitely "clusterfuckish", but not as bad as 8 guys in MITB.

I guess I just think most TNA matches are stupid. And yes, most multi man matches would fall under the clusterfuck category.

I think Foley will retain because of what he said on Impact about rarely defending it. It's a stretch, but that Feast or Fired briefcase could come into play, since Foley theoretically can't turn down that match contractually.

Maybe, but I don't see Brutus Magnus cashing that it so quickly. There is just no way the top title in the company is defended only once a year, but there are always ways to get around it, of course.

I think the only other person who logically has a shot is Angle, because that would make him gunned even more by Joe, ultimately leading to a big title match between the two, possibly at Bound for Glory, but probably sooner.

Maybe, but I don't think Joe trying to "kill" Angle needs a title to be involved in order to make an interesting stoyrline.

It puts a younger guy in the spotlight against a more well known veteran, which they seem to be shifting towards (Jarrett with Eric Young, Booker with AJ, Sting with Morgan, 3D with Beer Money, etc). Even bringing in Shane Douglas and Raven and Richards to elevate Daniels and Abyss.

Booker and 3D are actually putting guys over, but Jarrett is just going to squash Young, they seem to have ignored Morgan, Raven has already faced Abyss like a million times, and Daniels doesn't need a fatass like Douglas to get over.

It would definitely be an interesting storyline if Foley does retain, and see how that unfolds.

It would be, but I think it would only lead to more crazy and borderline insane booking by TNA.

The only reason I don't see AJ holding it is because of the legends title, which someone already mentioned. Having Foley "sit" on the TNA WHC title would elevate the importance of this new title that hasn't pretty much done anything, and so far has only been feuded over by AJ and Booker. Since they know Foley won't defend, it'll have the non-X guys going after this other title, which would fit even more the dynamic of veteran/"original", since it'll probably rotate between the two types.

This is a good point, except for I think that TNA has all but scrapped the importance of the Legends Title. Really, it serves no purpose. It's just like an accessoray for AJ, and is pretty much never mentioned. Maybe if AJ win the WHC he can unify them to make some kind of super title.
I always get confused with King of the Mountain matches. Not because it's a reverse Ladder match, but because I can't ever remember if it's meant to involved 4, 5 or 6 guys. I swear the original only had 4 guys.. and most involve 5 guys, but for some reason I swear I heard something on this one having 6 guys. (3 separate feuds all in one)

So, if it's 6 guys. I see it being the following set's of feuds.

Jeff Jarrett v. Mick Foley: Obviously both of these individuals are a lock to be in. Why? Even without knowing (and seeing) Jarrett defeat Eric Young (really? He was a contender??) to qualify.. the match is based on Jarrett's entire gimmick. And Foley's the Champion. It'd have zero point to have a reverse ladder match for the title - without the actual Champion involved, huh.

Sting v. Kurt Angle: Sting went through the M.E.M and reformed it in one standing. No more over-weight security. No more nagging, annoying bitches. And (hopefully) more purpose and direction, instead of just taking up Main Event spots. (likely not though) Neither individual have qualified yet, but if one does - the other likely will.

A.J Styles v. Samoa Joe: Styles defeated Daniels to qualify. Moments before this contest, Joe wanted to speak with Styles for some unknown reason.. despite being at each other's throats and Joe no longer wanting any friends for like the previous two months. My guess is Joe was telling Styles that it would be nothing personal, when he killed Styles and everyone else in this match - when Joe qualifies.

Overall Thoughts: If it's only 5 individuals, and someone has to be taken out.. I see Joe being taken out. He can still feud with Nash, Steiner and Booker T. And with Styles definitely IN - that means the Legend's title won't be defended, so M.E.M won't have anything to do. (outside of feuding with each other; Booker v. Nash that is) Might as well put Joe against all three in a first blood death match.

As for this match in general, if it's all 6 it looks like the most solid line-up this type of match has ever gotten. The only problem is, Foley ran his mouth about never defending the title (except once a year) if he retains, so we're assured (more or less) of crowning a new Champion. Who?

Sting?? No - he just lost it, and his run was lame. Besides, this isn't Bound for Glory.

Styles?? No - he already has one title he doesn't defend, his waist isn't even big enough to support holding up two. He'd have to hire someone to carry one to the ring when he comes out.

Joe?? Why? He's content with killing people. You don't need to be a Champion when you have a lame ass storyline like that.

Angle?? Well, it might help him take some balance of power away from the new leader of M.E.M (Sting) but my guess is Angle won't win, either.

So that leaves.. Jeff Jarrett.. once again, (not surprising) the original King of the Mountain. I rest my case.
Hot Damn I named them all. Foley, Jarrett, Angle, Joe & Styles are the five individuals who'll compete for the Championship.

Isn't Styles still the Legend's Champion as well? I've been watching, but not truly paying as much attention these days. I think he is though. Are Joe & Styles best friends again, or still arguing?

I seen Angle beat Sting with Matt Morgan's help, which means Sting and Morgan are goign to feud - what the fuck is up with pushing Morgan?! The fat guy in the former M.E.M Security team has more talent than Morgan, push him.. well, try at least. Anything but Morgan.

Jarrett and Eric Young are also feuding, yet Young truly is being held down. And I guess I read on the main site that Joe is severely injured. So will he be replaced in this match? He's trying to kill Angle and such, right? Wouldn't this be a great opportunity for Umaga to step up and replace Joe, debuting as Joe's brother or some shit? I think so.

So what's the end result of this match?? If Foley wins, he claims he'll never defend the title for a full year. If Angle wins, he can reclaim the Leadership role of the Mafia perhaps? If Joe wins, he'll still continue attempted murder. If Styles wins, he'll hold two titles he likely won't defend much. And if Jarrett wins, Young gets the first title shot - turned squash match??

I'll pass. Foley might as well retain, because the Championship is becoming useless enough to not be defended for a year as it is, anyways with those types of possible outcomes.
As for this match in general, if it's all 6 it looks like the most solid line-up this type of match has ever gotten. The only problem is, Foley ran his mouth about never defending the title (except once a year) if he retains, so we're assured (more or less) of crowning a new Champion. Who?

Sting?? No - he just lost it, and his run was lame. Besides, this isn't Bound for Glory.

Styles?? No - he already has one title he doesn't defend, his waist isn't even big enough to support holding up two. He'd have to hire someone to carry one to the ring when he comes out.

Joe?? Why? He's content with killing people. You don't need to be a Champion when you have a lame ass storyline like that.

Angle?? Well, it might help him take some balance of power away from the new leader of M.E.M (Sting) but my guess is Angle won't win, either.

So that leaves.. Jeff Jarrett.. once again, (not surprising) the original King of the Mountain. I rest my case.

Congratulations on guessing the 5 that would be in the match out of the 6 names you put forward.

Now addressing your post above:

He's still Legends champion but TNA is building Slammiversary as one of its big 4, and wants to showcase their two prospects in the main event. AJ was in a feud with Booker involving the Legends title, so they combined storylines and had Joe take out the mafia, so as of now AJ has no one to feud with. I'm sure after the PPV that'll change. He's slightly involved with Shane Douglas, but I hope that doesn't happen, since it's a downgrade from Booker. Joe apologized to AJ, who is still upset with him for his way of handling things, but for the most part they're on the same page.

Apparently TNA disagrees, as do I, with you on Matt Morgan. They immediately throw him into the mix with the MEM and show him as being dominant. Granted he lost to Angle, it was still a great match that got him over. There will probably be a Sting vs Morgan match for a spot in the MEM at the PPV. This is Sting's final year (so they say), and if they're serious about pushing Morgan, they should eventually have him "hired" by Kurt Angle to retire Sting. It would be a huge boost to his career, and fit the mafia motif.

Eric Young will probably take Joe's place if he can't participate in the match, since he and Jarrett are in a feud. And yes he is being held down, which is probably the reason for his heel turn and feud with Jarrett.

Foley actually changed his original statement this week on Impact. He talked about only defending it at the big 4 PPVs a year. I do like this, since it'll make the Legends title something more active, but also because it allows for enough time to be built for a true #1 contender(s). There have been a ton of complaints about how WWE has too many PPVs and you end up seeing the same main event for the title for 3 or 4 straight ones, so maybe TNA decided to try and avoid that. This allows other titles to be showcased more and elevated in prestige.

Hot damn, you had Jarrett winning, now I guess Foley, but that seemed more sarcastic. I think Foley should win it, as what he's doing right now is highly entertaining and allows for the veterans to enter feuds with the younger prospects (AJ/Joe/Young/Morgan/Daniels), while still screwing people over whenever he feels like it. What a nice turn of events as well if he ends up being the mentor of Joe?
Gather the motherfuck round! I'm a motherfucking genius, motherfuckers! I've only gone and motherfucking broken the motherfucking code! I'm like motherfucking Einstein or some shit.

Foley says he'll defend the title for a year if he wins, so he definitely can't win, right? Wrong. As wrong as walking in on your dog fucking your cat. Pretty wrong.

No, Foley wins. He wins and he retains that belt and he holds it high and everyone's like, "Oh shit, mang! We ain't gon' see another title reign for, like, a year or some shit!". And everyone cries and that.

But then, gunshots. Oh shi--! It's Hernandez! Aw fuck, he's ripped off Foley's head, devoured it and is pinning the corpse. New world champion! New world champion!

I certainly hope nobody has suggested that already. I'd look pretty foolish.
Gather the motherfuck round! I'm a motherfucking genius, motherfuckers! I've only gone and motherfucking broken the motherfucking code! I'm like motherfucking Einstein or some shit.

Foley says he'll defend the title for a year if he wins, so he definitely can't win, right? Wrong. As wrong as walking in on your dog fucking your cat. Pretty wrong.

No, Foley wins. He wins and he retains that belt and he holds it high and everyone's like, "Oh shit, mang! We ain't gon' see another title reign for, like, a year or some shit!". And everyone cries and that.

But then, gunshots. Oh shi--! It's Hernandez! Aw fuck, he's ripped off Foley's head, devoured it and is pinning the corpse. New world champion! New world champion!

I certainly hope nobody has suggested that already. I'd look pretty foolish.

Don't worry Sam, I thought you didn't look foolish at all. Well, lil' bit, not much.

Here's the negative on that scheme though - Punk just cashed in. If T.N.A were to let Supermex do that, on a show they're building as one of their Top Pay per views, (I'd venture Summerslam-like) they'd look horrible and copycat-ish for sure.

Now that's not to say Supermex won't return in style and win himself some new bling to melt down and put around his.. wait, fuck, wrong Hispanic.. what I meant to say was, it's T.N.A and they won't have the Championship change hands until iMPACT!, Yo!

Also, to the guy who seemed unappreciative of my accomplishment of guessing the participants.. dude, WZ's main page originally had this match determining SIX other participants, making it a SEVEN man match.

I guessed six, thinking they'd misprinted and heard something I didn't know. It's not my fault the writer's from the main page are thinking Money in the Bank, and not King of the Mountain.
I'm going to see how many times I can defend myself by simply saying "It's TNA."

Don't worry Sam, I thought you didn't look foolish at all. Well, lil' bit, not much.

...It's TNA.

Here's the negative on that scheme though - Punk just cashed in. If T.N.A were to let Supermex do that, on a show they're building as one of their Top Pay per views, (I'd venture Summerslam-like) they'd look horrible and copycat-ish for sure.

It's TNA. In their minds, it makes them look just as good as the WWE because, look, we've got a surprise champion, too.

Now that's not to say Supermex won't return in style and win himself some new bling to melt down and put around his.. wait, fuck, wrong Hispanic.. what I meant to say was, it's T.N.A and they won't have the Championship change hands until iMPACT!, Yo!

I'll concede that it is more likely for Hernandez to cash in on Foley on the next 'iMPACT!'. Inverted commas save me the embarrassment of having typed that out. It's TNA.

Also, to the guy who seemed unappreciative of my accomplishment of guessing the participants.. dude, WZ's main page originally had this match determining SIX other participants, making it a SEVEN man match.

It's TNA.

I guessed six, thinking they'd misprinted and heard something I didn't know. It's not my fault the writer's from the main page are thinking Money in the Bank, and not King of the Mountain.

Money in the Bank is an eight man match, isn't it?
I'm going to see how many times I can defend myself by simply saying "It's TNA."

I wonder if I can defend myself by saying "I Know.. But". Let's see.

...It's TNA.

I know.. But.. uhm, fuck.

It's TNA. In their minds, it makes them look just as good as the WWE because, look, we've got a surprise champion, too.

I know.. But.. no, seriously though, I agree.

I just don't think Hernandez, who has been reported as being just cleared to return to Wrestling, is going to be instantly thrust into the Heavyweight title - when the British Invasion still need to meet their untimely doom at the hands of Supermex and his trusty side-kick, Suicide.. err, Homicide. Definitely too many cide's in the Company right now.

I'll concede that it is more likely for Hernandez to cash in on Foley on the next 'iMPACT!'. Inverted commas save me the embarrassment of having typed that out. It's TNA.

Isn't the next few sets of Pay per views from T.N.A just kinda no-nothing slap-together shows? Hard Justice, Victory Road, stuff like that?

If so, I'd be heavily inclined to believe Supermex will become Champion at one of those as well. It'd give purpose in ordering them.

#1 rule of thumb; NEVER give away big moments on Pay per views that are already almost guaranteed to be seller's for your Company. Slammiversary is their second/third best show.. Hard Justice is likely due for a name change within a year or two.

It's TNA.

Yeah, got that.

Money in the Bank is an eight man match, isn't it?

I know.. but..

The Company has ran it as 3 different types. It began as a Six Man, then the year Hardy decided drugs were better to take than a title shot, they only went with Seven men, and finally this year I'm pretty sure they went with Eight men.

So, it varies.
I just don't think Hernandez, who has been reported as being just cleared to return to Wrestling, is going to be instantly thrust into the Heavyweight title - when the British Invasion still need to meet their untimely doom at the hands of Supermex and his trusty side-kick, Suicide.. err, Homicide. Definitely too many cide's in the Company right now.

They're actually pushing the British Invasion? Well, shit, I predicted they'd be out of the company by the end of the month. Give it another month. Should be enough.

As it is, TNA are genuinely glad to completely forget about pre-existing storylines. And just because he's world heavyweight champion, doesn't mean Hernandez can't teach those dirty limeys a lesson. Like how to brush their teeth, amirite!?

If so, I'd be heavily inclined to believe Supermex will become Champion at one of those as well. It'd give purpose in ordering them.

It's TNA. They just do this shit as they go along. You're giving way too much credit to their creative department, William.

If Hernandez doesn't win the belt at Slammiversary, I'll wear a tie with a shirt that just doesn't go with it. I lie, I could never subject myself to that.
Hernandez isn't going to cash in anything at this PPV...LAX will most likely feud with British Invasion for a while since that's the storyline. They also wouldn't put the title on Hernandez (yet), because he's not even close to being champion material.
Tell that to the boot that's still stuck up Sting's ass.

Wait, I've got to post more? This stupid forum. Yeah, if Foley doesn't win (and then get quickly de-titled by Hernandez) then Jarrett probably will, by the process of elimination. It'd be nice for AJ to win. I'd try watching TNA again then.
Hernandez can't cash in straight away, the brits have got his case. Their most likely gna feud for a while when supermex is cleared to return (which i believe he is/will be soon).

Anyway, IMO its between angle and AJ for the title IMO.

Mick's outlined his plan for defending the title once a year so he cant retain (unless they are planning on putting the title on supermex, but that wont be straight away).

Jeff needs to get himself out of the title picture and just out of the ring, not completely but he needs to step back a bit. Let someone else into the main event instead.

Joe i think will be to busy concentrating on taking out the MEM so i'm not sure he'll get the belt.

That just leaves AJ and Angle. A win for angle would swing the MEM power struggle back in his favour and with sting fighting Morgan for his place in the Mafia we could see some interesting developments in that storyline. As for AJ he deserves a title run and a push would hopefully see more of the younger stars in the main event rather than just the mafia, Jarret and Foley
Anyway, IMO its between angle and AJ for the title IMO.

Joe i think will be to busy concentrating on taking out the MEM so i'm not sure he'll get the belt.

Joe's only focus is Angle, the rest of the MEM was just to get to him. I think it'll either be Foley because it seems to unlikely, or Angle, so that Samoa Joe can get not only a rub from the angle feud, but possibly the title, elevating Joe into the main event title scene. AJ deserves it, as they all do, but as Legends champion, there's no reason he'd win. He's just in the match because he's one of their top stars, this is a big 4 ppv, and they want to showcase their best/names in the Main Event.
This'll be a great match. As for the outcome.... it's a tough call to make. If Foley wins he will only defend it at the big ppv's, which means his undeserved title reign would continue all the way until Bound For Glory.... ugh.... NOBODY wants to see that. AJ already has another title and like someone else pointed out, he's too dominantly booked if he carries the two top titles in the company simultaneously. Joe is in that feud with everyone in the main event mafia, I don't see him winning because that will continue until he has beaten them all. Angle.... maybe, but I don't quite see him winning this one. Jarrett is most likely to win as it would continue that thing between him and Foley.... Honestly I don't mind any of the above winning as long as it's NOT Foley. He's cool and all but should not be the world champion. I have to predict though as I have done with every other match, so I'm going with Jarrett.

Dagger Dias prediction: JARRETT

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