Skipper & Young Released (And Oh God No A1)(And Norman Smiley)

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Elix Skipper and David Young (who later became The Diamonds In The Rough tag team) were both released from their TNA contracts last week according to a report on

According to reports, Young had requested his release from the company many weeks ago. Skipper's status with TNA leading up to his release remains unknown at this time. Neither had been used by TNA for quite a while. Simon Diamond, who was the manager for the tag team, will be staying with TNA as an agent.

I'm not fussed about David Young but Skipper has plenty of talent. Do TNA not remember the Triple X/AMW feud? I know he kinda look's funny but he's still a great athlete. Just put him in the X-Division. They dont need to put the title on him or anything.
True that, I've always enjoyed Elix's work, especially in the X-Division. This is truly a shame, I was looking forward to seeing him in some X-Division matches.

Ah well, perhaps WWE might sign the Skipper? Probably not, and even if they did they'd probly stick him in ECW with no push at all.
Elix skipper is a great wrestler (david young was average at best) but elix skipper has always been great even in his wcw days he shined. And the Triple x days were damm good. that is a loss.
I see him signing with WWE by the Summer and debuting possibly on Smackdown...Elix Skipper is too talented not to sign elsewhere.
TNA made a mistake, he is one of the best Xdivision wrestlers they have and they should have kept him. Now they risk letting the WWE snag a great talent.
Personally I dont think WWE will look twice at him. I just cant see them wanting him. He's also a lot bigger than WWE cruiserweight's so I cant see what purpose he would serve.
Personally I dont think WWE will look twice at him. I just cant see them wanting him. He's also a lot bigger than WWE cruiserweight's so I cant see what purpose he would serve.

Not on smackdown, but he may fit in on ECW to bolster their roster and the new breed. But I said they take the risk, I don't mean the WWE would take him, just that they could.
I'd prefer him to go to ROH. He would be completley missused in WWE. Even more so than he has been for the past two year's in TNA.
I'd prefer him to go to ROH. He would be completley missused in WWE. Even more so than he has been for the past two year's in TNA.

I agree, he would be better used in ROH than in the WWE. He is a great talent and would be a great fit anywhere, ROH would be a better choice. But there is always a chance he may go to the WWE like Monty Brown did, if not just for the cash. I really think it was a mistake to let him go and TNA should have given him a X division title run.
I guess the reason they maybe dropped him was because he is alot bigger than most of the x division stars and smaller than the heavyweights. and dare i mention his unfortunate voice, that stops him getting over as a charismatic character.
The WWE won't take him for any of their rosters. They've already passed up on him when they bought out those WCW contracts during the sale of WCW. But I agree that TNA missed out on something there. They held onto him for these past few years, now he's no good? Sounds like TNA is going in another direction and can't use what got them to this point.

So basically, TNA will continue to use ex-WWE guys to create their new identity and let go of the real backbone of the company, those who built it up.
David Young was a wannabee Arn Anderson, which he ain't close. AA with bad back and all could still destroy him. No big loss.
Skipper is a very talented wrestler, the cage match against AMX was awesome. His performance is etched in my mind as far as cages, it compares to HBk(hell in a cell), Foley(hiac), snuka cage the 1st to come off the top, and the Beniot & Angle, both done awesome moves even if Angles missed. I would love to see Skipper vs Benjamin in a few matches. Both underused wrestlers.
So basically, TNA will continue to use ex-WWE guys to create their new identity and let go of the real backbone of the company, those who built it up.

dont think that is necessarily true, just the problem is they cant afford to keep people on that they have no use for, its more beneficial for TNA to let people they cant use go and let them develop elsewhere, ROH/IWA/CZW/PWG or abroad. Elix skipper is a great performer but he had a high pitched voice and that was a downfall in his character but he also was bigger than most of the x-division guys and smaller than the heavyweights, he had the mid carder syndrome. Its not a big deal he will be back when they get more tv time and a thicker roster.
David Young was nothing, He was just a big guy who can do a spinebuster, I kinda blame him for Skippers release because there is no way to get that guy over. If the Diamonds in the rough was say Skipper and Brother Runt, I bet Elix would still be their.
In A way, this is a fairly big loss for TNA, Skipper has had some very good X Division matches with Daniels (the match at lockdown was insane) and AMW VS Triple X is one of my favorite feuds of all time. Another thing that is really disapointing in these two releases (even on David Youngs Part) is that because both of them were released at the same time, that means that TNA MIGHT HAVE used that ridicolous bullsh*t WWE excuse "creative Had Nothing for Them" which dosent make sense because Elix was a great talent, make him wrestle, you dont need creativity all the time. (Remember if that is the case). I would rather watch AMW/XXX in SSOS @ Turning point then watch Any of the Angle/Joe matches....TNA you lost a great athelete, please at least Re-sign Elix Skipper so he dosent go to WWE and get jobbed out every night instead of once a week.
dont think that is necessarily true, just the problem is they cant afford to keep people on that they have no use for, its more beneficial for TNA to let people they cant use go and let them develop elsewhere, ROH/IWA/CZW/PWG or abroad. Elix skipper is a great performer but he had a high pitched voice and that was a downfall in his character but he also was bigger than most of the x-division guys and smaller than the heavyweights, he had the mid carder syndrome. Its not a big deal he will be back when they get more tv time and a thicker roster.

I understand your comment, but how come TNA can't develop the talent that already existed? I'm not bashing TNA, but it's becoming painfully obvious that they are a novice wrestling company. All the talk of that they were to create a new crop of talent for the entire wrestling world has blown up in their faces. Instead of creating new talent, they have pushed them to the side when they can't do anything with them and hire more expensive talent from the WWE. Now the whole fiasco with the "This is TNA" special versus a live show, shows that TNA is not ready for competition. They can't go live because they don't know how? This just goes to show that TNA needs to shut their mouths about what the "competition" is doing wrong and concentrate on their own business, or lack there of.

Instead of hiring ex-WWE guys, they should hire people that know the business in developing talent and production, because these two categories are being displayed as their weak points. They can't hide it any longer. Just hiring disgruntled wrestlers from the WWE isn't going to help their cause. Pretty soon, Team 3D will opt to leave because TNA can't do anything with them, so imagine the things they will say about TNA when they're out the door. Same with VKM, and they're already talking while still being employed by TNA.

I thought TNA was to use their talent to the best of their ability. Instead, it's showing that they want to become what they said they didn't want to become.
Mike Johnson is reporting that TNA has released former Team Canada member A1.

This comes on the heels of TNA parting ways with Elix Skipper and David Young.

Damn you TNA. Damn you.
sarcasm is lowest form of wit...but aww well... a1 was such a great talent his 5 seconds in the ring everytime team canada had a 4 man tag match against a mismatched set of wrestlers was amazing.
His athletic abilty was only surpassed by his charisma and his abilty to tell a story with his in ring performance.

I imagine WWE will pick him up and make him an instant headliner. Silly TNA A1 was money in the bank.

WWE i hope not, ROH is more suited for his in ring abilty, although WWE do have such amazine talents like Batista that he could face up against and just have absolutley amazing matches with, they would be wrestling clinics, and some of the best matches ever.

Ok ill stop...i just feel mean now.
I think it is about time TNA start releaseing some guys though Elix Skipper was not a good decision for release, everyone else I'm fine with, I'd like to see them get rid of VKM and Sharkboy, as well as Bobby Roode and Eric Young, simply because I feel they just take up space and have very little to offer if anything
it's a shame they let skipper go, he had some great matches. i always see we want A1 signs in the impact crowd. didn't know to much about david though.
True i am glad they are having a bit of a clear out, next on the chopping block if it were up to me would be ...

Lance hoyt - he needs some work before he can be a star and TNA cant give him the time and space to do it.

Norman smiley - I dont think i need to give a reason

Shark boy - when they get two hours he will work ok as an undercard strenghtener but not now.

VKM - unless they start wrestling more and putting on better performances.

Andy douglas and chase stevens - no matter how hard they try they just cant get over, and if shane douglas cant get someone over no one can.
Im really sad though about A1 being released though. I remember that match of the year candidate he was in with Team Canada vs 3LK, that great offense....Smacked The Truth with a hockey stick.

TNA Needs to Get Rid of next:
Hoyt - Hes test except he can do a moonsault
VKM - Because they arent even loyal anyway
And stop with all the sports storylines.....Im not getting the next ppv because of that

But why get rid of Sharkboy and Smiley ?
Someone has to do the job and neither of these two are even that bad.
Sharkboy is over so I dont think there's any need to get rid of him. It's also like the best gimmick ever. If only Mitch from the Spirit Squad had been given the gimmick. Huge potential.
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