Sister Abigail

I personally think the role of Sister Abigail will be played by Santana Garrett, judging by this photo that she recently posted.


Santana, like women such as Tessa Blanchard, Allysin Kay, Cherry Bomb, Candice LeRae, and other, is somebody who really needs to be a part of WWE. NXT's Women's Division is starting to lose steam because of all the big names (Paige, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks,) getting called up to the main roster and bringing in at least some of those women from indies can help get things picked back up again. Santana should just go to the main roster to be part of the Wyatts. She is talented in the ring, she is beautiful, she tore the house down with Asuka, was trained by Larry Zbyszko, and can go with the best of them.
Me personally, I'm sort of torn between the idea of Sister Abigail being a competitor as well as being a mouthpiece of the group, as Wyatt is, and for her to be possibly this older, more sinister, though in a charismatic way, matriarch type of figure. When I say older, I don't mean elderly or anything, but someone that's not a 25 year old NXT talent.

One person I had in mind that might be able to pull it off is Melissa Anderson, better known as Cheerleader Melissa and Raisha Saeed, Awesome Kong's mouthpiece in TNA. She has the promo ability and the in-ring ability; she's been considered one of the top female talents in wrestling for the better part of 10 years. If they're uninterested in her wrestling, maybe they could potentially hire some make up artists to make her look 10 or so years older, she's 33 in real life, and maybe sort of go with a witch woman sort of vibe, a lined but still attractive face, jet black hair, possibly use the make up to give her some sort of facial scar and, also of importance, don't dress her up in short shorts and tube tops, don't try to make her a sexual object.

Of course, if they also wanted her to be a competitor in the ring, they could still keep the sort of witch woman vibe, though they'd have to do away with any sort of make up to make her look older or scarred. Still, she has the in-ring ability and she can deliver on the mic.

Another reason why I think she'd work is that she isn't extremely well known among the majority of wrestling fans; trying to bring in an NXT Diva probably won't work unless it's someone that doesn't have the sort of girlie girl look. Awesome Kong is too well known, in my view, and it's something that'd definitely get the smarks started. Melissa hasn't been on television in a long while, I haven't laid eyes on her in TNA since about 2010 or so, so she's been out of the spotlight long enough for some memories of her to fade and, as I said, she's not terribly well known to most of WWE's audience anyway.
Bringing in a Sister Abigail character would be AWESOME, because the Divas division needs JOBBERS anyway. They're trying to juggle Charlotte, Paige, Sasha, Becky, and soon-to-return Nikki as top tier divas and there's only one belt. They need to develop a secondary program away from the title, and they also need jobbers (Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, etc) to put over the talent so it's not the same people week to week fighting. No Wyatt not named Bray is worth anything, so bring her in ;)

People would probably chant 'Katie Lea' at her (if the majority of fans remember that) but somebody posted a comment on one of the news articles that Katarina Waters would be a good fit, in a variation of sorts of her 'Winter' character. If they wanted to do a ghost-type deal (say something in which only Bray sees her for example), she could work out well.

Though many of the suggestions here would be good too. I kind of want Sister Abigail to stay as this figured that's occasionally mentioned by Bray but if WWE Creative is really going to latch on to it, I'd prefer something like the above.
I don't know that creating an actual Sister Abigail is even worth it. Being that the Wyatts almost never actually win, why should we even give a fuck about Sister Abigail?

But if they're headstrong about doing it, I don't think it should be an actual wrestler. I don't think she should wrestle at all. She should sit in Bray's rocking chair and bark orders. And with that, the Wyatts should go on a sick winning streak, proving that Sister Abigail is the true power behind the Wyatts.
I'll throw one thought out there that most will hate but I will like because most hate it and I doubt anyone thought it up. How about someone whose 'death' can be revealed to be a metaphor for someone who abandoned the Wyatt lifestyle. Someone who we have never seen be anything but the opposite of a Wyatt but still pretty terrible. Maybe someone who recently separated from someone publicly and isn't doing anything. Someone who we know Vince loves but revolts the crowd. Someone we are pretty tired of that would shock is if we saw her without makeup and blond hair.

What if Sister Abigail was Summer Rae?

Oh, come on, you can't hate it as much of it turned out. I revealed Eva Marie.

Or Vince.
I don't know that creating an actual Sister Abigail is even worth it. Being that the Wyatts almost never actually win, why should we even give a fuck about Sister Abigail?

But if they're headstrong about doing it, I don't think it should be an actual wrestler. I don't think she should wrestle at all. She should sit in Bray's rocking chair and bark orders. And with that, the Wyatts should go on a sick winning streak, proving that Sister Abigail is the true power behind the Wyatts.

I agree it shouldn't be an actual person, just someone that Wyatt has conversations with, but no one else can actually see her, because she's in his mind and his mind alone. That's why we should just hear her in vignettes then they could use anyone's voice. With this group you have a ratchet up the creepy factor somewhat.

Bringing out a Diva just won't cut it.

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