Singles Gold at WM26

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Occasional Pre-Show
Ok I need to vent and I am sorry if this was posted already elsewhere. But does anyone find it extrmely annoying that they rarely put the singles titles on the line at Mania's anymore? This year specifically.

We have Drew is the MITB for some strange reason so he isn't defending his IC title. Ummm hello, this is one of the more exciting (or at least it used to be) titles in WWE history and once again its not being defended. Very very bad move. Its bad enough there are so many inimportant singles matches on the card this year, why isn't one of them for the IC title? Hell, some of the best WM matches of all time are the IC title matches. Does the MITB match really need 10 people? Mo. Take out Drew and and of the other participants and let them go at it for IC gold. Drew is one the the worst IC Champs in a long time and I think her has potential. Still thing it was a mistake to not give it to Ziggler when he had the momentum.

Then there is the Miz. Ok so his missed title defense is a little more warranted - he is in a tag tile defense. But so what. Two teams that are real tag teams for the gold at WM. Miz is hot right now. HOT. Why not capitalize on his momentum at WM. Maybe even give him two matches - something that hasn't been done in a while and to fuel is ego. Again, bad move. And again, WM tag team title matches used to be amazing. Oh how I miss the Hart Foundation Vs Demolition / Nasty Boys / etc two out of three falls matches of the past.

Bottomline WM is too rushed anymore. Last year was the worst case where the matches were made with 3 weeks prior - so this year they gave it about 5 weeks. When you are charging some $70 for this PPV it should be the best. All titles defended in extremely good contests that involve a stipulation in most (NO DQ, fatal four-way, etc). This year looks to be a very tiny step above last year. I am very disapointed that the only other stipulation match is Bret Hart vs Vince. The Take / HBK one is by far the most important, most WM worthy match on the card.

Your thoughts?
You don't need a stip to make a good match.Do you really want to see a Batsita vs. John Cena Iron Mna,Triple Threat hardcore,Triple Sheamus in a cage?Not neccessary.This is heaps better than last year.Yes,having Drew in MiTB is a little funny but would you rather a worthless,5 minute squash between him and say,some mid-carder?I think this WM is great,you're just to negative.
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