Simply Awesome Hall of Fame?


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Since he has been in the WWE, The Miz has been heavily criticized by many who feel he was undeserving of his spot. most see him as an unsuccessful jobber but after his tag team title win with Damien Mizdow, I thought about his career for a second.

1x Money in the Bank Winner, 2x United States title winner
4x IC Title Holder, 7x Tag team title holder,
Main evented and BEAT John Superman Cena at Mania. And Also has been the Star of some WWE film Projects

Just take a look at all those accolades, sure Miz didn't hold most of these titles for long, but no one says a word about John Cenas 15 title reigns.. After looking at all of this presented before you, I now ask the question, with this alone do you see Miz being in the hall of fame if he were to retire tomorrow?
Look most of todays roster will make it at some point in time into the Hall of Fame. Miz will one day, but if he retired tomorrow, no. There are too many ahead of him.
Absolutely. If he retired tomorrow, he is a lock for the hall of a fame. I think anyone who main events WrestleMania in this day and age will be put in. WWE controls who go in, so if they trust him with that, they think he's pretty special.
He is a modern day grand slam champion. Every belt the WWE has he has held, some of them multiple times. Along with the money in the bank, he is pretty much one Royal Rumble victory away from accomplishing everything the WWE has to offer.
Also when you consider that he has won the tag team belts with 4 different partners, it speaks to how good he is as a teammate, like a modern day Billy Gunn who was able to get to the top of the moutain
That's the thing. The HoF is a work, the same as every other storyline. I have no reason to doubt that Mike Mizanin, MTV reality celebrity, WWE World Champion, will be in the HoF at some point. There's a reason he gets so much TV time, and that's because he brings in non-wrestling fans to watch.
Lots of people grew up as WWE fans and wanted to become a WWE Superstar as a result. Most never see the light at the end of the tunnel. The MIZ worked hard to achieve that dream. Talk about ambassadors of WWE, Miz is the quintessence of WWE Ambassador. He is also carrying the WWE Films division. The WWE Universe can tell that he loves what he is doing in the WWE. I am entertained when the Miz is in the ring and I am entertained when the Miz has a microphone in his hands. He achieved many great accomplishments in WWE like the WWE Championship, main eventing WrestleMania, and winning Tag-Team titles & no one can take that away from him. I say The Miz deserves to be in the WWE Hall of Fame when all is said and done and he WILL be inducted! #Mizfit4Life #Awesome!
I don't know to be frank. Yea I'm a Mizfit and I have a thread debating if Shane o Mac should be in, but I'm on the fence with Miz.

In my eyes, he's a midcarder. That year from MitB to WWE champ to Awesome Truth was the peak of his career. What a great year it was but at the same point, he's held the world title once...he was in the company for 7 years when their was 2 belts and he only won one, once. If that isn't the sign of a midcarder who got wrongly pushed to the top I don't know what is.

Granted he's been duel champion probably more than most other guys have since 2002. Especially if you view MitB as a "belt" for the sake of argument. He was US and Tag champ a few times, also US champ and MitB holder.

Miz has had one hell of a career but is he Hall worthy? Wrestlemania moment being a prop to help propel Cena/Rock. He's just been in the midcard for so long.

I'd say he should go in but definitely not as the main attraction but he should be in. If Booker T can go in then I see no real reason Miz can't

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