Showtyme Style WWE: Remixxxed

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The New Mr.WWE, Beat Me if You can!
All my shows have now been merged and from now on this will be my permenent Fed, so check back for updated information about cards, previews, roster changes, and of course new shows, Thanks for taking an interest in my Fed and I hope you enjoy.

My WWE Raw Roster

GM: Stephanie McMahon
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Announcers: Jerry"The King"Lawler and Jim"J.R."Ross
Backstage Announcers: Todd Grisham and Maria

WWE Champion: Shawn "HBK" Michaels
Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Ken Kennedy
European Champion: Nick Dinsmore
Light Heavyweight Champion: "Sugar" Shane Helms
Woman's Champion: Victoria
WWE Tag Team Champions: LAX "Notorious187" Homicide and "Hottstuff" Shawn Hernandez

The Superstars
Randy Orton
Big Show
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Ken Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Ken Doane Formerly Kenny of the Spirit Sqaud
Fit Finlay
Chris Masters
Charlie Hass
Nick Dinsmore Formerly Eugene
Nova Formerly Simon Dean
Rey Mysterio
RAW Diva's
Trish Stratus
Molly Holly
Gail Kim
Melina: Manager of MNM
Beth Phoenix
Mickie Jamas
Jillian Hall
Layla El: Member of LAX
Trinity: Member of FBI
Kelly Kelly: Manager of Test and Lance Hoyt
Candice Michelle: Manager of Chris Masters
Degeneration-X or D-X also Shane and Kazarian The Backseat Boyz
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
"Sugar" Shane Helms Formerly Gregory Helms and The Hurricane
Michael Shane Formerly Maverick Matt Bentley
and Kazarian

The Latin American Xchange or LAX
Armondo Alejandro Estrada:Manager of LAX
Chavo Guerrero
Super Crazy
and Shawn Hernandez

The Full Blooded Itaians or FBI
Little Guido Maritato
Johnny"The Bull"Stemboli
Big Vito
Tony Mamaluke
and Chuck Palumbo

Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury

TLK or Test,Lance,and Kelly Kelly
Test and Lance Hoyt

The Other Teams
Sean O'hare and Mark Jindrak
Shawn Daivari and Muhammad Hassan
Montel Vontavios Porter(MVP)and Mark Henry

My WWE Smackdown! Roster

GM: Shane McMahon
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel
Announcers: Tazz and Michael Cole
Backstage Announcers: Joey Styles and Josh Mattews

World Heavyweight Champion: "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit
United States Champion: Mr. Shelton Benjamin
Hardcore Champion: Samoa Joe
Television Champion: Ron "The Truth" Killings
Cruiserweight Champion: "The Messiah of The Backbreaker" Roderick Strong
World Tag Team Champions: The Island Boyz Kimo and Ekmo Fatu

The Superstars
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Chris Benoit
Booker T
John Cena
Chris Jericho
Shelton Benjamin
Rob Van Dam
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Paul Birchill
AJ Styles
Christopher Daniels
Petey Williams
Low-Ki Formerly Senshi
Roderick Strong
Jamie Noble
Jimmy Yang
Austin Aires Formerly Austin Starr
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
Sylvester Terkay
Yoshihiro Tajiri
Balls Mahoney
Johnny Jeter Formerly Johnny of The Spirit Sqaud
William Regal
Smackdown! Diva's
Sharmell:Manager of Booker T
Kristal Marshall:Manager of Shelton Benjamin
Ashley Massaro:Manager of London and Kendrick
The New Nation of Domination or NOD
Eljah Burke
Elix Skipper
Jay Lethal
and Bobby Lashley

The New Cryme Tyme
Ron Killings
Shad Gaspard
and Monty Brown

The Samoan Monsters also Kimo and Ekmo The Island Boyz
Samoa Joe
Kimo Fatu Formerly Rosey "Super Hero in Training"
and Ekmo Fatu Formerly Umaga and Jamal of 3 Min Warning

La Resistance
Rene Dupree
Rob Conway
and Sylvan Grenier

The Bashams
Doug and Danny Basham

The Naturals
Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens

Other Teams
Brian Kendrick and Paul London
Danny Doring and Roadkill

Storyline:After the untimely death of WWE Chairman Vincent K. McMahon Shane and Stephanie decide to take a bigger role in the WWE as genaral managers of Smackdown! and RAW, new WWE Chairwoman Linda Mcmahon agrees to let them run the shows.

Shane and Stephanie also decide to shake up the shows by having a draft and getting new talent for there respective brands, some wrestlers came from TNA, some were former WWE Superstar they wanted to give a second chance to shine.

They decided to disband ECW and focus only on RAW and Smackdown!, and now with a new passion and the heartbreak of losing there father they are ready to show the world there new brand of entertainment.

Other Storylines:This all has happened a couple of weeks before Wrestlemaina 23, and I wanted to start off with a clean slate that's why i had a draft so no major storylines yet, all former WWE storylines still happened I didn't want to change too much of the WWE's history. I also wanted to note that RAW has more Diva's because of the Women's Division and Smackdown! recived the better deal of the light/cruiserweight wrestlers but i still think RAW has enough lightheavys to have a good division.

I value your opinions tell me what you think, I will start writing for my first show soon RAW then Smackdown! soon after.

Thanks for taking the time to read my first preview.
I didn't want to lead people blindly into my first shows so i decided to do a Wrestlemaina Recap show to let everyone know what happened at last night's Wrestlemaina. If you are confused about the roster check out my other thread with all the roster and stoyline info, enjoy and please give feedback good or bad.

Try to remember this is not a full show but just a post show production with J.R. and King talking about what happened at WM.


Announcers/Hosts: Jim "J.R." Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler​

J.R.: Hello everyone i'm Jim Ross and as always this is my partner Jerry "The King" Lawler, and we would like to welcome you to the wrestlemaina recap show.Well King that was another incredible wrestlemaina!

King: Yeah J.R. the wrestlers put on one hell of a show it looked like they went all out to impress not only GM's Stephanie and Shane McMahon but everyone watching tonight.

J.R.: Yes King, the McMahon's came out and deticated this wrestlemaina to the loving memory of our late WWE Chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon they declared that even though they still morn the lost of their beloved father the show must go on because that's what Vince would have wanted.

King: J.R. I think that's something we all can agree on, Vince love this company and wouldn't want it to go under because of his untimily death.

J.R.: I do agree King Vince would want us to go on and achieve greater success with the WWE product.
the McMahon's farther stated that nobody gets the night off tonite, which kind of shocked us considerind the WWE has gotten a load of new talent and the new rosters of a combined RAW and Smackdown! is massive.

King: Well that kind of brings us to the first match of the night J.R. a huge Royal Rumble style match with the winner reciving a shot at any title on their brand.

J.R.: Yeah King they wanted everyone that didn't have a match tonite in the ring due to the champions fighting champions format of this year event even some of the WWE top talent couldn't wrestle this year because of the format.

King: J.R. many of the wrestlers were very upset with this years wrestlemaina because they wouldn't get a chance to showcase their skills in front on the WM crowd.

J.R.: But the McMahon's made this wonderful match so we get to see all our favorite superstars. Well King getting to the point all the superstars came out and went to war but only one man could win and that man was Kurt Angle!

King: I didn't ever expect to see Angle in WWE again after he left the company but i'm glad to see him back where he belongs in the WWE spotlight.

J.R.: I couldn't agree more King Angle and everyone else in the match made this one of the best Battle Royals I have ever seen.

King: The last four men in the ring was of course Angle, John Cena, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar. The first of the four eliminated was John Cena and Brock was the one to toss him out with a over head belly to belly suplex, Cena hit the floor hard.

J.R.: At least we know the bastard didn't get hurt because after getting up he snapped I have never seen Cena act like this nothing but pure hate in his eyes.

King: Your right J.R. he got back in the ring and beat the holy hell out of Lesnar causing him to be eliminated.

J.R.: But even after he got Brock eliminated that wasn't enough he continued to engage in one of the most gruesome beatdowns I have ever witnessed.

King: There was blood every where and I just hope Lesnar is okay.

King I hope that S.O.B Cena gets everything he has coming he's a sick sick man.

King: Well it came down to Triple H V.S. Kurt Angle I could tell that neither one would back up they put on a great match in a match.

J.R.: Yes King but in the end Kurt wanted it a little more, Triple H charged at him to deliver a clothesline and Kurt slipped out of the way sending Triple H crashing to the floor.

King: Kurt celebrated his win in the ring and even though Triple H was disappointed he got in the ring and shook Angle's hand.

J.R.: It was a great show of class and respect by The Game, well on to the second match of the night a tag team gauntlet match with every team in the WWE except for WWE tag champs L.A.X and World tag champs the Island Boyz their match is later in the night , the winners will recive a shot at their brand's tag champs.

King: We had six teams from Raw The F.B.I(Little Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke),Sean O'Hare and Mark Jindrak, Shawn Daivari and Muhammad Hassan, TLK(Test, Lance Hoyt, and Kelly Kelly),MNM(Johnny Nitro, Joey Mercury, and Melina),and D-X's Backseat Boyz(Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian)and seven teams from Smackdown! The N.O.D("Primetime"Elix Skipper and Jay Lethal),Cryme Tyme(J.T.G and Shad Gaspard),The Basham's (Doug and Danny Basham),The Naturals(Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens),La Resistance(Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier),Danny Doring and Roadkill,and last Paul London and Brian Kendrick I just want to say J.R. I don't think it's fair Smackdown got an extra tag team.

J.R.: I will tell you what else dosen't seem fair to me RAW's The Backseat Boyz were in the ring third and eliminated every team except for the first team La Resistance (they were eliminated by second team in the match The Basham Brothers)and the last team in the match Cryme Tyme they worked their asses off and by luck of the draw cryme tyme gets the win.

King: Well J.R. that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes or Cryme Tyme stole the last spot in the match from another team.

J.R.: You might be right King N.O.D was complaining backstage to Shane McMahon saying their number was stolen and they had the last spot.

King: Yeah they are known for taking things that don't belong to them but anyway they got the impressive win over The Backseat Boyz with that samoan drop/spinning neckbreaker combo.

J.R.: They got the job done but The Backseat Boyz are proably very disappointed, well on to our next match a diva destruction match for the WWE woman's championship, every woman on Raw steped in the ring for the first ever diva destruction match the rules are you can pin,submitt,or strip your opponets down to their bra and panties and the winner would become woman's champion.

King: This was my favorite match on the WM card and you know why J.R. PUPPIES!!!! there was puppies everywhere J.R. and you know I love puppies!

J.R.: Calm down King, the beutiful WWE diva's put on a hell of a show but Victoria achieved her goal to become top woman on RAW, she pinned Molly Holly after giving her the widow's peak, Mickie James looked on as she walks out of WM without her coveted woman's championship.

King: I know Mickie James is upset she lost her title, but i'm so happy I was here to see this match.

J.R.: I'm sure there will be more chances for Mickie to get a rematch againist Victoria i'm looking forward to it. On to the next match with T.V.champion Ron "The Truth" Killings V.S. European champion Nick "Don't Call Me Eugene" Dinsmore. Dinsmore really has undergone a disurbing transformation, after a vicious attack from the angry giant Big Show, he chokeslamed him off the ramp way and dinsmore's head cracked wide open there was blood everywhere and we were glad that he was okay, but then months later, vignettes of Eugene's return started showing, and it was a very different Eugene, it wasn't the Eugene we fans have come to love, but a sick S.O.B with only one thing on his mind hurting anybody he could get his hands on, on his first appearence on RAW he declared that he was now Nick Dinsmore and that anybody that called him Eugene from this point forward would pay the price with his new attitude he went on to win the European championship from "Super" Nova with his deadly new move the back drop driver(for the record it's a real move used by Dr.Death, it starts with a hammerlock then wrestler is lifted in normal back body drop fashion but then drop on their head and neck).

King: I don't know what your talking about Eugene was a ****** he couldn't get anything done, but Dinsmore is on of the best wrestlers on RAW, he may be dirty and a little sick but he knows how to get the job done.

J.R.: That may be King but I just can't help but to miss the old Eugene if only for the safety of our competitors. On to the match Dinsmore got the win using a crippler crossface, and you see King this is my point Killings was already out from the deadly back drop driver but he wanted to inflict more pain on Killings by putting him in the crossface.

King: Your also forgeting that N.O.D leader Eljah Burke came out and interfered on Dinsmore behalf allowing Dinsmore to take advantage and get the win.

J.R.: Your right king, just when it looked like Killings would get the win Burke made sure that wouldn't happen, this might have something to do with the stolen tag spot we did overhear N.O.D saying they would make Cryme Tyme pay.

King: J.R. i'm just glad the RAW guy got the win, even if he is a sick bastard! The next match was probably the most exciting of the night it put Smackdown! superstars Samoa Joe V.S. Yoshihiro Tajiri for the hardcore championship.

J.R.: King they got spots all over the highlight reel this was a true hardcore wrestling classic arguibly the best hardcore match I have ever seen.

King: Even though Tajiri is the smaller man he really took it to Joe like I never seen that hard hitting style of Tajiri really paid off as he took Joe to his limits and almost got the win, when Joe climbed up to the top rope and Tajiri jumped up and hit him with that sick buzzsaw kick that sent Joe flying off the top rope though two tables set up earlier in the match it almost took my breath away J.R.

J.R.: Yes King I know what you mean, these two pulled out all the stops the only thing that didn't sit well with me is that Joe had to take it as far as he did hoisting Tajiri to the top rope and then hitting him with a devastating muscle buster off the top rope! i'm just glad that it seemed like Tajiri is okay he walked out after the match of his our will, again this is what i'm taling about King when is enough enough Samoa Joe could have ended his career or life with a move like that, Samoa Joe has been on a unstoppible roll and i"m in fear of what this monster might do next.

King: With all due respect J.R. they could have ended each others careers Tajiri knew what he signed up for and he knew Joe wouldn't go down easy and he knew Joe would do anything to keep that title around his waist.

J.R.: I understand King but did you see that sick smile come across his face and after he won the match he kick Tajiri in the head after a match like that he should have showed the same class and respect Triple H showed Kurt Angle earlier in the night not laugh and try to inflict more damage. Samoa Joe doesn't respect anybody he's just a bully picking on all the kids on the playground.

King: Well come on J.R. that's enough of that bastard Samoa Joe lets get to talking about the next match on the card.

J.R.: Your right King it just makes me so damn mad to see such disrespectful wrestlers in the WWE.

The next match was Samoa Joe's partners in crime The Island Boyz V.S. L.A.X members "Hottstuff" Hernandez and "The Notorious 187" Homicide this was a great match as the two most dominate tag teams had their long awaited match to see just who really is the best tag team in the WWE.

King: And they didn't disappoint, Hernandez is truly a monster as he was able to not only lift but deliver the crackerjack(also known as the border toss) to kimo and ekmo it's too bad L.A.X couldn't get the win for RAW.

J.R.: Smackdown!'s The Island Boyz got the win when kimo grabed Hernandez in a Fallaway slam position but tossed him backward to ekmo for the samoan drop double team combination and after Hernandez was out of the way Homicide was easy pickings for the Island Boyz as they finished the match a spinning sidewalk slam by Kimo ande the top rope splash by Ekmo they got a very impressive win over a team that has dominated RAW for many months.

King: I just have to say that Homicide looked like he was in fear of his life after Hernandez was a non-factor in this match, I can't blame him those Island Boyz are huge and with no help from his other team members he got his ass kicked I wonder what would have happened if Samoa Joe wasn't standing guard on the ramp.

J.R.: He warned the members of L.A.X to stay out of the match because if they interfered him would beat the hell out of every member of their team even Layla!, Armando told Joe that their were more of them then of him but Joe said if you guys beat me tonite there is always tomorrow but as you know i always get the last laugh Armando looked scared and decided that Hernandez and Homicide would have to get the joe done their self.

King: I'm not sure they were happy about that Armando might be in trouble!, well the next match was Light heavyweight champion "Sugar" Shane Helms V.S. Crusierweight champion Roderick Strong to see who is the best crusierlightheavyweight in the WWE.

J.R.: This was one spectacular match the two best lightweights in the world going toe to toe lots of great spots but when the smoke cleared Helms stood victorious over a beaten foe Roderick Strong. I seen this kid in action a couple of times but tonite he was magical they call him "The Messiah of The Backbreaker" and now we all know why he hit Helms with so many different versons of the backbreaker some i'd never even seen my back was in pain!

King: I know what you mean J.R. Helms may have gotten the win with his own brutal move the vertabreaker but at what cost he could barely walk after the match he needed help to get backstage.

J.R.: Strong diffenetly left a lasting effect on Helms the way he attack his back was like he didn't care about the match so much as he just wanted to hurt Helms.

King: We all know how big Helms mouth is he talked about strong alot over the weeks leading to WM so I don't blame Strong for wanting to shut him up.

J.R.: Well I still hope he's alright RAW can't lose one of it's top stars.

Well let's talk about the next match that was on the card Smackdown!'s United States champion Mr.Shelton Benjamin(with Kristal Marshall in his corner) against RAW's Intercontinetal champion Mr.Ken Kennedy.

King: These two were battling for weeks on the mic, telling us why they deserved to be the only man called Mr. on any brand, Benjamin stated he was called Mr. before Kennedy made his way into the WWE and he stated he's the best athlete in the world today, Kennedy wasn't hearing any of that so he came back with he could beat Benjamin any day of the week and he should be called Mr. simply because he is the best ever to grace a WWE ring.

J.R.: Well cockyness and bravado aside they put on a phenomal match two of the best in WWE today faced off and when it was all said and done Mr. Benjamim prove to be the superior athlete on this night.

King: Kennedy took benjamin up for that GreenBay Plunge he likes to do but benjamin reversed it into his infamous T-Bone/Exploder suplex but this time off the top rope one of the best spots of the night.

J.R.: King they both put it on the line and Benjamin walked away with the hard fought victory with no help from his beautiful valet Kristal some of the time she interfere's in his matches but he told her backstage that tonite he would succeed or fail on his own talent you have to reapect that King.

King: No, the was dumb he could have lost Mr.Kennedy is a great wrestler and can get the job done againist anybody on any given night.

J.R.: Come on King, I know that even you didn't want to see this match end like that.

King: Yeah your right J.R. good job Shelton!... I guess, but he is a Smackdown guy, I just wanted RAW to win all our matches J.R. .

J.R.: We can't win i'm all King.

King: I know, I know, Oh Well on to the last match of the card the main event of WM Smackdown!'s World heavyweight champion "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot V.S. our RAW WWE champion "The Heatbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.

J.R.: King this one blew the top off of the arena two of the greatest wrestlers to ever step in a WWE ring stole the show this was arguibly the greatest main event in WM history neither man wanted to lost and in a heartbreaker for "HBK" Beniot got the win.

King: This will proably be voted match of the year I know we talked about putting it all on the line before but this match took the cake it seemed that the superkick and the crippler crossface couldn't get the job done because Beniot kickout of the superkick and Shawn escaped the crossface but Beniot fought on and got the win with a sick dragon suplex.

J.R.: And a three count later you had another RAW superstar falling to a Smackdown! guy, we didn't get the job don againist Smackdown! tonite but I get the feeling this will happen again sometime in the future Shawn Michaels should leave WM with his head held high he has nothing to be ashamed of.

King: Your right about that J.R. they put their hearts,souls and their pride on the line and even though Shawn lost this was the best match I have seen in a long time.

J.R.: Well folks all in all i'd have to say that was the best WM ever! and i'm looking forward to what's going to be the fallout on RAW tomorrow night and on Smackdown! friday night.

King: Yeah J.R. i'd have to agree this is the best WM ever but only because of that diva destruction match that gets my vote for match of the year PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J.R.: King get ahold of yourself,
Thank you for watching the wrestlemaina recap show, see you all tomorrow night on Monday Night RAW!

King: Yeah, enjoy the rest of your night and don't forget to tune in and watch RAW!

Together:Thank You And Goodnight Everybody!!!!!!!!


Announcers: Jim"J.R."Ross and Jerry"The King"Lawler
Backstage: Todd Grisham and Maria​
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Booker: Showtyme27
Arena: Kemper Arena In Kansas City, Mo​

The RAW theme music booms though the arena and the fireworks start go off as RAW is set to begin.

J.R.: Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night RAW! we are coming to you live from Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Mo as always i'm Jim Ross and this is my partner Jerry "The King" Lawler.

King: Hello everybody if you didn't see Wrestlemaina last night you really missed out on one of the best shows I have ever seen.

J.R.: Damn right King Wrestlemaina went far beyond our greatest imagination, it was a show like I never seen before, the card from top to bottom was nothing short of spectacular!

King: I'd have to agree with you there partner, even though it was the first WM without our dearly departed Chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon the wrestlers pulled out all the stops and made this a WM to remember.

J.R.: We're all still morning his untimly death i'm just glad our talent put on the show they did still feeling the pain from our lost.

King: It was a great show and I bet we're going to see some of the fallout from last night's incredible show

J.R.: I think your right King, noth.....

Degeneration X music cuts J.R. off the fans or on their feet screaming for D-X
at the top of the ramp out comes all members of D-X(Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Michael Shane, Frankie Kazarian, and Shane Helms)

J.R.: It's D-X! I worder what they have on their minds.

King: Well they didn't have the best night last night only "Sugar" Shane Helms got a win every other member of D-X lost last night.

J.R.: Well we know D-X and we know they got something to say and they're always entertaining so I can't wait!

Lilian: Now Introducing WWE Champion "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, "The Game" Triple H, The Backseat Boyz: Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian, and "Sugar" Shane Helms, together known as Degeneration-X!!!!!!!!!!!!

After doing all their poses D-X is now in the ring with mic's in hand.

Triple H speaks first.

HHH: I have one question to ask everybody in Kansas city....

(The crowd goes wild!)

HHH: Are you ready?.....I said ARE YOU READY?!!!!!!!

(Crowd still out of control)

HHH: well for the thousands in attendence and the millions sitting at home and for Kurt Angle whose hand I shook last night and no matter how many times I wash it the smell still wont come off!!!(smells hand and turns away in disgust)......Let's get ready to SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Shawn picks up mic and....)

HBK: Well, Well, Well last night just wasn't the night for your good ol' boys in D-X now was it? Well I think all of us lost (Shane Helms holding his Lightheavyweight championship shakes his head in disagreement) okay all of us EXCEPT my boy "Suger" here are you happy now?(Helms shakes head in agreement) I thought we were a team you know that win together lose together thing but you had to go and mess all of that up now didn't you?(All the members of D-X nod in approval), that's enough playing around last night even though I lost that was still one of the best night's of my career, Beniot took me to heights I haven't been to in years, it made feel like I was truly the best in the world again.... well as it turns out i'm only second best, but I can live with that....although the next time we meet in this ring I think the outcome will be a little different.

(Shawn steps back and gives HHH the mic)

HHH: Well i'm not as happy as my good buddy Shawn here is to be a loser, plus I got this weird smell on my hand, i'm just having a bad couple of nights, and I will never shake the hand of some bald headed strange sweaty man ever again! I learned my lesson, but as far as tonite, i'm ready for some action and I just feel sorry for the sad S.O.B I have to face tonite!

(HHH gives The Backseat Boyz the mic)

M Shane: We didn't achieve our goal last night but we kicked everybody's ass in the entire damn tag division, until those hoodlem homies got in our way, as usual they stole their way to yet another tainted victory but I personally promise it wont happen again, because we are refocused and simply the best damn TagTeam in the WWE period.

F Kazarian: You got that right and tonite we want to challenge L.A.X for the Championships! if you guys have any kind of balls you'll except our challenge, man-up and get ready for the beating of your life.

(Sugar looks like he tried of waiting for his turn to talk and grabs the mic from Kazarian)

Sugar: Whoa!,Whoa!,Whoa! you guys need to calm down, but then again what do I know? I won last night!!!! That's right, that's right, everybody counted me out, all i kept hearing was how great Smackdown!'s cruiserweights was, I even heard some people say that the worst cruiserweight on the Smackdown! roster could come to RAW and defeat me for my coveted Lightheavyweight championship, but last night I proved all my credic's wrong by defeating Smackdown!'s very best in Roderick Strong. Not to say that it was easy because that was the fight of my life, Strong has skills and he almost got the job done, and I have to admitt my back is still sore from all those damn backbreakers! please man i'm begging you learn a different move I mean really how many different backbreakers can you know? let it go man we know you know how to exicute backbreakers, all jokes aside he was no match for my good looks, killer moves, and just all around superior wrestling skill because it's just like I always say everybody is just one vertabreaker away from being my bitch!!!!

(HHH runs over and grabs the mic from Helms)

HHH: What the hell? Didn't you win last night? No need to run around calling everbody bitches get it together Sugar, get it together. Kidding aside the fact of the matter is this i'm The Game (points to Shawn) He's your WWE champion HBK (points to Shane and Kazarian) These are your soon-to-be WWE tag team champions The Backseat Boyz (points to Sugar) And this is the best damn lightheavyweight wrestler in the world today "Sugar" Shane Helms togerher we are Degeneration-X the strongest, most powerful, most dominate faction ever to grace an WWE ring and if you aint down with that we got two words for you SUCK I......

(The music of L.A.X fills the arena and cuts HHH off)

(The manager of L.A.X Armando Alejandro Estrada apears on the rampway with a mic in his hand)

(as soon as he apears he is wecomed to K.C with a shower of Boo's that can be heard thundering though the arena)

J.R.: What the hell is he doing out here?!!!!!

King: I don't know but it can't be good J.R.

(Armando put the mic to his lips and says.....)

Armando: Excusea me, excusea me, excusea me, everybody listen to me Ah Ha Ha I am Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrrr....(he suddenly stops because the crowd is saying it along with him) Shut up I do thisa ALONE!(Armando get alot of heat from the crowd but they still don't listen and say it with him anyways)Estrrrraaaaaaada!(he looks in D-X dirction shakeing him finger) dida I hear you right? saying that you are the most dominate faction? I know I heard wrong because I am manager of the strongest faction The Latin American Xchange!!! You coming out here and declaring that your the most powerful team is a joke Ah Ha Ha (pulls out a cigar) because I know my team could beat you like(breaks cigar in half) that Ah Ha Ha.

HBK: You know what we want to entertain the fans we want to redirct our anger from losing last night and there's nobody better to do that on then your boys, so shut the hell up and get your team out here so we can beat the livin hell out of them!!!!

(As D-X stands in the ring ready to fight the theme of the F.B.I sounds off though the arena)

(F.B.I member Little Guido Maritato stands on the ramp side-by-side with Armando and he has a mic in his hands)

J.R.: This is getting out of control King, now Little Guido's decided he wants to join the party!!!!

King: I love this J.R. I can't wait to see this play out.

(Guido starts to speak.....)

Guido: All you chump's can fugetabout being the top faction in the WWE because your lookin at a member of the baddest bunch of wiseguys to ever grace the WWE, The Full Blooded Itaians!!!!

(HHH and HBK stand in the ring looking back and forth at each other tring to contain their laughter but they couldn't and started busting out laughing)

(Guido looks very angry as Armando joins in on the laughter)

(HHH picks up his mic)

HHH: You have got to be kidding me (HHH is still partily laughing) You do know you guys are the joke of the WWE right? yeah, me and Shawn was just in the back laughing about how sad you guys really are.

(Guido is really angry now)

Guido: NOBODY LAUGHS AT US!!!!! tonite you guys will be at the end of our jokes, we're goin to prove just how powerful The F.B.I really is!!!!

Armando: Don'ta forget about me Ah Ha Ha!!!

(Shawn gets ready to speak)

HBK: You know what? What the hell is with that little laugh of your's? You know what forget it somebody come out here and get Count Cock Suck and his Italian whipping boy before I come up there and break there necks!!!

(Just as Shawn said that Stephanie McMahon's music starts)

J.R.: Business is about to pick up King, here comes the RAW GM Stephanie McMahon!!!!

King: Your right J.R., I wonder what our GM has to say about all this?

(Stephanie steps on to the rampway to a huge pop and tells Armando and Guido to go back to there locker rooms, she takes Armando's mic of his way to the back)

Stephanie: I've heard just about enough out of all of you!!!! You all have problems with each other then tonite in that very ring(gets a very loud reaction for using Vince's infamous line)it will be The F.B.I , L.A.X, and D-X in a three team tag match!!!! One member from each team will be in the ring and can tag anybody else that's on their team I guess tonite in the main event we find out who the really is the most dominate faction in the WWE .

(HHH signals for Stepanie to wait)

HHH: Hey Steph I just want to say your lookin' as good as ever tonite and I want to talk to you about something back in your office (Stepanie walks away with a huge smile on her face), and well since I got cut off eariler, Tonite we beat the holy hell out of some second rate losers and if you aint down with that I we got two words for ya SUCK IT!!!!

(D-X finally leaves the ring getting cheers on there way out)

King: Tonite is gonna be awesome J.R. F.B.I vs L.A.X vs D-X in the main event and i'm really looking forward to it, this show is gonna be great!!!!

J.R.: Your right King our GM came out here and laid down the law tonite we find out who the top dog faction in the WWE who will it be King.

King: I don't know but I can't wait to find out.

(The music of T.H.K hits and the crowd starts to cheer wildly)

J.R.: Well King it looks like it's time for our first match.

King: Yeah it's going to be Test and Lance Hoyt versus Sean O'Hare and Mark Jindrak and as always the lovely Kelly Kelly is coming out with Hoyt and test, you know I can't get enough of her J.R.

J.R.: I know King, but these are two tough teams that will be looking for a shot at gold soon and whoever wins just might get that shot.

Lilian: This match is a tag match for one fall ,first On their way to the ring escourted by Kelly Kelly, Test and Lance Hoyt T.L.K!!!!

(Test and Hoyt are ready to go in the ring-----the music of O'Hare and Jindrak starts to play with a mixed reaction to the crowd mostly cheers-----O'Hare and Jindrak are ready to go and sprint to the ring-----Lilian rushes to the outside to make her announcement)

Lilian: Now introducing the tagteam of Sean O'Hare and Mark Jindrak!!!!

1st Match: T.L.K - versus - O'Hare and Jindrak​

The Start​

The Match starts as Jindrak and O'Hare slip in the ring and instantly start to attack Test and Hoyt, rights and lefts are flying and the ref singals the bell to ring and the match has officaly begun. The ref finally restores some order by getting Jindrak and Hoyt to go to there corners.

Test and O'Hare lock up in the center of the ring but Test slowly backs O'Hare into a corner, Test nails a couple of back elbows, O'Hare drops and Test puts in some stomps over and over again Test is pretty fired up! he drags O'Hare over to his corner and tags his partner Hoyt.

Test is twisting O'Hare's arm Hoyt jumps in with an double axehandle to the same arm, O'Hare is not looking so good as he rolls in pain on the ground, Hoyt starts his attack by picking O'Hare up by his hair and locking his head under his arm as he hoist him up into a vertical suplex, Jindrak is on the other side of the ring begging his partner for a tag. Hoyt drops some elbows on O'Hare and then slaps him in a rear chin lock with his knee high in O'Hare's back the ref asks him if he want's to quit but he screams NO! and slowly starts to get to his feet hammering Hoyt in his midsection he bounces off the rope and nails Hoyt with a powerful clothesline but Hoyt gets right back up O'Hare seems to be in control and goes for a big spin kick Hoyt ducks and hits him with a knee to the gut Hoyt then grabs him and gives him a huge side slam then tags Test back in.

Mid-Match Notes​

Test comes in and goes to work on the weaked back of O'Hare with kicks and stomps directed to the lower back Test pick him up and delivers and spine tingling backbreaker and gose for the cover 1......2..... but Jindrak jumps in the ring to break up the count as the ref makes Jindrak go back to his corner behind the ref's back Hoyt gets into the ring and they hit O'Hare with a double powerbomb then Hoyt jumps out the ring Test tries to get the win 1.......2...... but again Jindrak makes the save Test is getting angry and bodyslam's O'Hare then tags Hoyt they send O'Hare to the ropes for a double big boot but he ducks and hits them both with a double clothesline now they're both down, he slowly crawls over to his corner to try and tag the fresh Jindrak, Hoyt runs over to try and stop him but it's to late! O'Hare finnaly tags Jindrak into the match.

Jindrak cracks Hoyt with a giant right hand punch he nails Test with a clothesline, he's not wasiting anytime as he grabs Hoyt from behind and hits him with the Mark of Excellence! Hoyt is out Jindrak covers him for 1........2...... Test makes the save at the last second! O'Hare finally gets back in the action when he springs in the ring with a springboard dropkick to the chest of Test.

The Finish​

The ref has lost control as all four men are in the ring, O'hare and Jindrak toss Hoyt and test to the ropes O'Hare hits a spinkick on Test and a high dropkick to the face conects to Hoyt, O'Hare then hoist Test up on his sholders and gives him a widow maker Test is down, O'Hare kicks him out of the ring, mean while Jindrak is drilling a hole in Hoyt's head with a flurry of punches O'Hare taps him on the shoulder and signals for their doubleteam move O'Hare grabs Hoyt by the waist and lifts him high Jindrak bounces off the ropes and with his incredible vertical leap hits Hoyt with a dropkick dead in the face, O'Hare rolls though with a jackknief pin for the 1.......2.......but Test tries to get in the ring and stop the count but Jindrak cuts him off and the ref finally counts the .....3 the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And the winners by pinfall Sean O'Hare and Mark Jindrak!!!!

(As O'Hare and Jindrak are walking up the rampway celebrating their win as they notice Kelly Kelly stairing at them very seductivly and she seems very intrested in them, they smile and walk off, Test and Hoyt notice the look Kelly was giving the other team, and are furious they grab Kelly and head back to the locker room)

King: hey J.R. did you see the way Kelly Kelly was looking at O'Hare and Jindrak? I wish she would look at me like that J.R.

J.R.: I saw the look King but it didn't look like Test and Hoyt were happy about it.

King: But it looked like Kelly was very happy about O'Hare and Jindrak picking up the win over her own team that's a little weird J.R.

J.R.: Yes it is King don't know what shes thinking.


(L.A.X manager Armando Alejandro Estrada rushes in GM Stephanie McMahon's office looking very angry)

Armando: Excusea me, excusea me, excusea me, tonite you have made a match but my team is at a disadvatage and I demand that you correct this!!!

Stephanie: What the hell are you talking about? and What the hell are you doing in my office?

Armando: Ms McMahon with all due respect D-X has five male members, The F.B.I has five male members, but we only have four that's not fair so what are you gonna do?

Stephanie: You know i'm glad you brung this up, because I have an idea

Armando: I knew you made a mistake

Stephanie: I didn't make a mistake L.A.X has enough members

Armando: You can't put our lovely Layla in a match with those men!!!

Stephanie: I wouldn't think of it

Armando: You can't mean....

Stephanie: Oh yes tonite the in ring debut of .........You!!!!

Armando: No!!!!! you can't do this Ms.McMahon i'm not a wrestler, please I beg of you don't do this, I will do anything!!!!

Stephanie: I've made my decidion now get the hell out of my office!!!

(Armando walks out looking very worried about later tonite)

J.R.: GM Stephanie just gave L.A.X some bad news,it's about time somebody gets there hands on that sneaky little bastard Estrada, I hope he will finally get what's coming to him.

King: Calm down J.R. I don't think this is fair he's not a wrestler, I mean he could get hurt J.R.

J.R.: I know but he has directed attacks on other superstars with his gang of hoodlems L.A.X so I can't wait until somebody gets a little payback on that little bastard!

Part Two right Below Part One Thanks for reading it so far......
King: Okay okay J.R. let get ready for the next match

Lilian: Now for our next match a triple threat match for one fall, Now introducing "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters with his manager Candice Michelle!!!!!
(The music of The Masterpiece fulls the arena the crowd begins to shower Masters with Boos as soon as he apears)

Lilian: On his way to the ring Former European Champion "Super" Nova!!!!!
("Super" Nova comes out to a nice pop from the crowd)

Lilian: And the Last compititor in this match-up Ken Doane!!!!!!
(Ken Doane music hits to mixed reaction from the crown mostly Boos)

J.R.: Well this match should be awesome here comes the impressive powerhouse The Masterpiece Chris Masters with that witch Candice and he will do battle with former European Champ "Super" Nova who since losing the title to Dinsmore been looking for a rematch and last but not least a man that has caught fire lately Ken Doane formerly Kenny of the Spirit Squad this kid is going somewhere and I mean fast.

King: Well maybe that weird little guy Nova will get his rematch if he beats these two guys tonite and Candice is not a witch J.R. she the Hottest Diva on RAW have you seen her puppies?

J.R.: You know she's just a jazzibel King,she's a witchy woman with no heart in her souless body, and it dosen't matter how good she looks she still cheats everytime some comes out here and I just don't like it King!!!

King: Get a grip J.R. I just like her puppies, well all the men are in the ring it looks like the match will start any second.

2nd Match: Chris Masters versus Nova versus Ken Doane​

The Start​

The match starts as Masters and Doane doubleteam Nova they punch and kick him until he is on the ground, Masters and Doane are stomping all over his body, they pick him up and deliver a double ddt Nova is down Masters imedidately goes for the cover but Doane quickly breaks it up, Masters looks angry and goes for the pin again but doane breaks it up, Masters jumps to his feet to argue with Doane but is met with a hard right hand Doane runs againist the ropes but Candice grabs his leg and trips him up, Masters goes on the attack hammering Doane with some stomps, he picks him up and hoist him to his shoulder to dish out a running powerslam doane looks hurt, Masters tries to get the win but before even a 1 count Nova crashes on Masters with a leg drop to the neck.

Mid-Match Notes​

Nova continues his attack by tossing Masters over the top rope, Nova picks up Doane and slaps his head between his legs and delivers the Sledge-O-matic (one of Nova's real moves, if you don't remember it's a powerbomb followed by a rollover quick elbowdrop to the balls) Doane holds his balls in pain the ref warns Nova about the move but he waves the ref off and gets ready to punish Doane a little more he picks Doane up gets behind him and puts his head in between Doane's legs picks him up on to his shoulders and then he walks over to the corner and starts running and plants Doane with the scream machine he is about to pin Doane when Masters makes his way back into the ring Nova lets Doane go and hits Masters with Novacain, Nova is totally in control of the match and starts to pose for the fans.

Doane manages to get back to his feet and runs at Nova, Nova sends him crashing out of the ring, before Doane can even think about getting back in the ring he is met by Nova's springboard moonsault, while Doane is down Nova grabs his neck and flip's over for a sick looking neck snap It doesn't look like Doane will be a factor in this match anymore as he is barely moving, the ref's count is up to 5 and Nova tosses Doane back into the ringto stop the count, but before he is totally in the ring Masters locks on his version of the full nelson the masterlock the ref is tring to get him to break the hold because Nova is in the ropes but before the ref can start his count Masters uses his incredible power to drag Nova over the ropes and into the middle of the ring.

The Finish​

Nova is fighting with all he has but just can't break the hold just when it looks like he is going to passout he rolls over and grabs Masters leg for a pin attept 1.......2...... but Masters lets go of the hold and kicks out, Masters tries to go back on the attack with a clothesline but misses Nova kicks him in the gut and gives him the spin doctor and goes for the pin but Candice jumps on the ring ropes to distract the referee Nova gets angry with the ref and heads over to confront Candice she tries to slap him but he catches her hand Masters runs over to stop him and inadvertenly knocks his manager off of the ring, Masters looks worried as his manager looks like she is in alot of pain he is now directing the ref to get some help for her but behind his back Nova is getting fired up and signaling the crowd for his finishing move the kryptonite krunch, Masters turns around and Nova hoist him up and delivers the krunch just as wanted and then goes for the pin 1......2......but just as the ref's hand was coming down for three Ken Doane comes off the top rope and crash lands on the back of Nova's head and some of Masters body with his huge leg drop, he turns Nova over for the 1.......2.......3!!!! the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: Here is your winner by pinfall Ken Doane!!!!

J.R.: It like like Doane is still on fire! as he picks up another impressive victory tonite.

King: It looked like they forgot all about Kenny and he took advantage and stole one from Nova, and I hope Candice is okay J.R. she took a nasty fall in that match.

J.R.: Really King she got what she deserved tring to interfere in the match but I still hate to see superstar get hurt so I hope the jazibel is okay too.

King: The next match will be for the European Championship Nick Dinsmore versus Charie Haas this should be a good match up J.R.

J.R.: I don't know King Dinsmore is one sick S.O.B and probably just wants to hurt Charlie Haas or anybody he can get his hands on.

King: Well if Haas is scared too get in the ring and compete for the title and try to defeat one of our best wrestlers on RAW then maybe he shouldn't have a job in WWE.

J.R.: That's not what I mean King and you know it Hass is not backing down from Dinsmore but look at what Dinsmore did to Finlay a couple of weeks ago.

King: That's the chance you take J.R. being a WWE superstar and i'm sure Haas want's that title to say that he is one of the best in wrestling right now!

J.R.: Your right King I just hope he survives tonite.

Lilian: The next match is for one fall and is for the European Championship first introducing the challenger Charlie Haas!!!!

(Haas makes his way to the ring to a small pop but when he gets in the ring he points to the ramp and out come Finlay)

King: It looks like Haas is smarter then I thought he's brung Finlay out here to back him up.

J.R.: I agree this is a good idea so if Dinsmore gets out of control someone can stop this maniac from doing whatever he wants.

Lilian: And now the European champion of the world Nick Dinsmore!!!!!!

(Dinsmore comes out to alot of heat from the crowd and then a "Your still Eugene" chant breaks out in the crowd it looks like Dinsmore is losing it! he runs to the ring to start the match)

3rd Match: European Championship Match - Nick Dinsmore versus Charlie Haas​

The Start​

Dinsmore slids in the ring and before the ref can even ring the bell starts to bash on Haas, the ref backs him off and rings the bell officialy starting the match, Hass is already down and is reciving high intense stomps and kicks from Dinsmore, Dinsmore grabs him by the hair and sends him flying hard into the corner he follows that up with a huge clothesline Haas slids to the bottom buckle, then Dinsmore runs around in a circle and comes back with a low front dropkick to Haas, drilling Hass's head between his feet and the bottom buckle Haas looks like he is knocked out.

Dinsmore finally looks out of the ring and see's Finlay who is outside the ring yelling "Your still Eugene!" Dinsmore is heated and head's to the outside of the ring, the ref begain's his count but Dinsmore doesn't care at the moment Finlay is slowly backing up until he reviles a suprise and pulls out his infamous shillehagh and makes a charge at Dinsmore, Dinsmore runs away, but while Finlay is celebrating making Dinsmore runaway with the fans, he didn't notice Dinsmore grab a chair head the long way around the ring and smash his already injuried right arm with the chair!, Dinsmore finally notices the ref count is at 8 and hops in the ring to break the count but slids right back out to dish out more damage to Finlay, he picks the chair back up and slams that injuried arm several more times before security and other ref's come out to try and stop him, Dinsmore walks away droping the chair laughing at his handywork,the medic's come to take Finlay away, as Dinsmore gets ready to step back in the ring and continue the match but he is met with a sharp dropkick to the face by Hass sending him back out of the ring landing hard on the arena floor.

Mid-Match Notes​

Haas runs as fast as he possably can and leaps through the ring ropes with a suicide dive, he has control now and throws Dinsmore back in the ring, he picks him up and delivers a T-bone suplex and goes for the pin 1.....2...... but Dinsmore kicks out, Hass bounces off the ropes and gives Dinsmore a sick knee drop dead to the head and covers 1......2....Dinsmore kicksout again Haas stands up and grabs Dinsmore by the waist and hits a big german suplex and rolls through for a fancy pin combo 1.....2..... but Dinsmore kicksout at the very last moment, Haas is starting to wonder what it's going to take to put Dinsmore away, he starts working over Dinsmore's legs with stomps to the top of his legs, kicks to the outer parts of his legs, and knees directed to the inside of Dinsmore's legs, Dinsmore looks like he is in pain, Haas grabs his leg and puts him in a weird looking half-crab where he is sitting on his right leg, but Dinsmore refuses to tap and grabs the ropes the ref makes Haas break the hold.

The Finish​

Haas turns around and starts arguing with the ref not noticing Dinsmore is getting to his feet and looks like he has lost it, Hass runs over and hits him with a punch but no effect, he punches him again but still no effect, Haas hits him with a flurry of punches but Dinsmore dosen't look hurt he starts to beat on his own chest screaming at Haas telling him to bring it, Haas looks scared, Dinsmore tosses him to the ropes vaults him in the air and delivers a vicious looking gutbuster while Haas is tring to get air back in his lungs, Dinsmore grabs him from behind looking to finish him off with his deadly backdrop driver Dinsmore starts the move by aplying the hammerlock but Haas ducks down still holding on to Dinsmore's arm making him fall hard to the mat, Dinsmore tries to get up quickly but Haas blast his right leg with a hard dropkick to the knee Dinsmore is down and hurt so Hass slaps on his submission finisher the Hass of pain! Dinsmore is in alot of pain and even considers taping out but somehow someway Dinsmore gets a hold of Hass's head to counter the move into a submission he knows very well the crippler crossface!, Haas tries to fight out of the hold but finally gives into the pain and taps out the ref calls for the bell but Dinsmore refuses to let go of Haas more officials crowd the ring tring to get Dinsmore off of Haas, so he finally decides to break the hold.

Lilian: And your winner by submission and still European Champion of the World! Nick Dinsmore!!!!!

(After Dinsmore makes his exit, Haas is finally able to get up but still needed help to the get to the back from the officials)

J.R.: I told you!, I told you! King, Nick Dinsmore is one sick son of a bitch! he tried to cripple not one but two people tonite someone needs to stop this bastard before he kills someone!

King: I'd have to agree with you J.R. he might have taken that match a little too far.

J.R.: Their anit no might about it King he's going to seriously hurt someone if he's not stoped I hope GM Stepanie McMahon is going to do something about this horrible excuse of a human being.

(The music of MNM plays and they apear on the rampway to a large amount of Boo's)

Lilian:This match is a intergender tag match for one fall!!!
Now on there way to the ring the team of Melina, Nitro, and Mercury MNM!!!!!!

(As MNM makes there infamous entrence into the ring The music of Daivari and Hassan fills the arena to supriseingly a fair amount of cheers Gail Kim acompanys Hassan and Daivari to the ring to make it three-on three)

Lilian: Now introducing Shawn Daivari, Muhammad Hassan and their partner for tonite Gail Kim!!!!!

J.R.: MNM has been having problems with Daivari and Hassan lately, they got the upset win over MNM last week on RAW and Melina just doesn't like any of the other diva's on the RAW roster so it looks like Gail Kim has offered her services for the night to Hassan and Daivari.

King: I wish I could buy her services for the night J.R.

J.R.: I know you would King but you know that's wasn't what I was talking about.

King: Of course I know,you know I was just being me J.R., but you know what the really weird thing is J.R. that Hassan and Daivari have actually started to get some cheers from the fans because of this small rivalry.

J.R.: I don't know if it's because the fans are starting to respect Hassan and Daivari or because they hate MNM so much, well it looks like all the competitors are in the ring so lets get ready for the match.

4th Match: Intergender tag match - MNM versus Hassan, Daivari and Gail Kim

The Start​

The match starts with Melina and Gail in the middle of the ring, they exchange some words but suddenly Melina slaps the taste out of Gail's mouth, Melina then grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat hard, melina puts in some stomps before she picks Gail up to deliver a big bodyslam, she heads to the second rope to try a elbow drop and nails Gail right in her chest and goes for the pin 1.....2.....but Gail kicksout, Melina is feeling cocky and whips Gail to the ropes she misses a back elbow attempt, and Gail rolls over to tag in Shawn Daivari.

As Daivari steps in the ring Melina is forced to tag Mercury, Mercury jumps in the ring and locks up with Daivari, Mercury turns him and backs Daivari into MNM's corner, now he gives him a flurry of punches and kicks, the ref comes in to stop him and he backs off but as the ref is warning him Nitro chokes the life out of Daivari with the tag rope, Hassan jumps in the ring to try and save his partner but the ref stops him dead in his tracks, and while the ref is busy escourting Hassan back to his corner behind the ref's back Nitro and Mercury hold Daivari in the double suplex position as Melina crashes into his body, when she comes off the top rope with a crossbody, she rolls out of the ring only to be met by a ranpaging kick to the face from Gail, the ref order's her to go back to her corner and Gail agree's, Melina is down on the outside of the ring while Gail makes her way back to her team's corner, mean while in the ring Nitro has taken over the beatdown on Daivari with no tag because the ref was busy tring to keep order, Nitro picks him up in the backdrop position but slams him forward in a sick reverse powerbomb he doesn't even try to pin as he steps back and does a standing shooting star press and goes for the pin 1....2....Daivari manages to kickout.

Mid-Match Notes​

Nitro seems to be angry and showers him with some stomps then goes for his dancing leg drop he pins again 1....2.... but Hassan makes the save for his partner, the ref makes Hassan go to his corner so Nitro makes the quick tag to Mercury and they hit him with a spinkick/legsweep combo that lays Daivari out Mercury goes for the pin 1....2.....but the ref see's Daivari's foot on the bottom rope, Mercury tags his partner again, Mercury is twisting Daivari's arm as Nitro does a springboard dropkick right into that same arm Daivari kneel's over in pain and is despertly looking for a tag, Nitro is playing with him letting him crawl close to his partner then pulling him back to the middle of the ring he attempts to do this again but this time he is met with Daivari's foot as he gives Nitro an enzugiri right to the back of the head, both are tring to reach there partners Nitro tags in Mercury first and he tries to stop Daivari but it's to late he's also tagged in Hassan.

Hassan comes in the ring on fire, he clotheslines Mercury and then Nitro gets up and he throws him a back elbow sending him flying out of the ring, he turns around kicks Mercury in the gut and gives him a double underhook backbreaker, Mercury is hurt Hassan grabs him by the hair and gives him his Facebuster(Flatliner) he singals for his camel clutch and locks it in, Mercury raises his hand to tap but Nitro makes the save with a running kick to the head of Hassan, but Daivari flies out of nowhere to deliver a springboard leg lariat to Nitro then clotheslines him over the top rope Mercury limps over to help out but is sent flying over the ropes also with a backbody drop, Daivari runs to the other side of the ring does a cartwheel and soars over the top rope with a cool looking Flip dive and lands right on Nitro and Mercury.

The Finish​

Hassan looks at Melina and drags her in the ring and makes the tag to Gail Kim, Melina is on her knees begging Gail to stop but Gail kicks her right in the chest, mean while on the outside of the ring Nitro and Mercury have gotten the upper hand on Daivari sending him viciously into the ring steps, Hassan runs to help but Nitro jumps on the apron and nails Hassan with a sidekick to the head sending him crashing to the arena floor, the ref notices Mercury picking up an chair and runs to the outside to stop him, Gail is still in the ring dominating Melina she is about to lock in her submission the reverse figure-four but Nitro slids in the ring and conects with a huge clothesline on Gail he rolls out the ring and starts attacking Daivari and Hassan with Mercury on the outside of the ring, in the ring Melina takes advantage of her opprotunity by spiking Gail with a hair pulling facecrusher(X-factor)and pins her for the 1......2.....3 the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And your winners by pinfall MNM!!!!

(As MNM walk up the ramp celebrating their victory, Hassan and Daivari are go in the ring to check on Gail Kim she seems to be okay, Daivari angry at what just happened points to MNM and yells "Next time!!!")

J.R.: Well what do you know King that witchy woman Menlina got the win after those bastards MNM beat up on a defenseless woman what sad young men they are.

King: Melina may be witchy but she sure is hot I would love for her to cast a spell on me J.R. anyways I like MNM they maydo it a little nasty but they get the job done J.R.

J.R.: You may be right King but I can't respect two bullys that can beat on a woman half their size and a jazibel directing traffic.

King: I don't know what that has to do with her being hot J.R. but I know coming up next we will see the new women's champion Victoria defend her title againist former champ Mickie James looking to get her title back after last night's diva's destruction match.

J.R.: We know Mickie can get the job done againist any diva, this is going to be a tough test for the new champ.

King: I can't get enough of seeing our lovely RAW diva's in the ring J.R. this is gonna be great.

(Mickie James music plays she comes out to a good pop from the crowd)

Lilian: Now for our next it is for one fall and it is for the WWE Women's championship! , first the challenger, former Women's champion Mickie James!!!

(As Mickie enters the ring Victoria's music blairs though the arena the fans are cheering very loudly as Victoria makes her way to the ring)

Lilian: And here comes the WWE Women's champion, Victoria!!!!

(Both ladies look ready to go they are exchanging some words back and forth)

5th Match: Women's Championship Match - Victoria versus Mickie James​

The Start​

The Match starts as it looks like the ladies are having a heated dicussion but Mickie puts out her hand and Victoria acts like she is about to shake it but kicks her in the gut insted, Victoria continues the attack with huge hammering blows to the back of Mickie, she grabs Mickie by the hair and hoist her to her shoulders and does her rolling sideslam and goes for the pin 1....2..... but Mickie is able to kickout, Victoria picks her up and slings her to the ropes and delivers a nice powerslam once again she goes for the pin 1....2.... but Mickie kicksout again, Victoria rains down some stomps and then aply's a camel clutch Mickie is screaming in pain but refuses to submitt, Victoria slams her forearm's across her face with some wicked crossface punches with her left arm, her right hand is still holding Mickie in the painful submission, Mickie still won't tap and is slowly crawling to the ropes but Victoria quickly lets go of the hold and smashes her with an knee drop to her back, this is followed by even more vicious knees to the back and gut of Mickie.

Mid-Match Notes​

Victoria picks Mickie up and throws her full force into the corner, Victoria charges in to deliver a corner splash but Mickie boots her in the face, Victoria is slightly stuned but is still able to keep control with a back elbow to the head, she lifts Mickie up to the top turnbuckle to attempt a superplex, but Mickie counters with a right hand, Victoria still comes charging in but Mickie snaches her up with her legs and delivers the Mickiecanrana, Victoria tries to get to her feet but is met by a dropkick to the gut, Victoria sits up but Mickie nails her with a hard kick to her chest, Mickie picks her up and tries to whip her to the ropes but Victoria reverses and whips Mickie, Victoria backbody drops Mickie but she lands on her feet, Victoria turns around and is blasted with the Mick kick she goes for the pin one........two............thre... but somehow Victoria kicksout right when the ref's hand was slaming down for the three count.

The Finish​

Mickie picks Victoria up and hits her with a spinkick to the gut, she then grabs her head and calls for her jumping tornado ddt, but Victoria counters with a big backdrop, now both women are down, Victoria and Mickie get to their feet at almost the same time and they start exchanging blows, Mickie gets the upper hand and attempt's to whip Victoria to the ropes, but Victoria reverses and Mickie is ready and tries for a standing crossbody but Victoria catches her in a fallaway slam position and gives her a spinning side effect she goes for the pin 1......2...... but Mickie kicksout, Victoria is fired up now and picks Mickie up and drives her to the mat with the blackwidow, she probably could have gotten the pin but insted chooses to pick Mickie up again and destroys her with that devastating finisher the widow's peak then pins her 1.......2.......3 the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And your winner by pin fall and still WWE Women's champion Victoria!!!!

King: That was as awesome finish J.R., Victoria destroyed Mickie, I bet that's not what Mickie had planned.

J.R.: I think your right King, it looked like Victoria had something to prove tonite as she totally flatened former champ Mickie James.

King: And later tonite we get to see even more diva action because there will be a number one contender's match for the Women's championship.


(Mr.Kennedy is standing with Todd Grisham getting ready to do an interview)

Todd: You have a big match coming up tonite but I want to ask you about your lost to another Mister, Shelton Benjamin at last night's Wrestlemaina.

Mr.Kennedy: You know what Todd, I knew it was a reason I didn't like you where the hell is the hot little dumb chick? I can think of alot of things I want to talk to her about.

Todd: Well Maria's busy right now so you got me.

Mr.Kennedy: Well the next time she better be giving me my interview, first of all Mr. Kennedy does not experience loses, he only experiences minor set backs, Benjamin as good as he is still can't hold a candle to me! I lost one battle last night but we will met again and I promise that I will come out on top, but that's enough about last night lets talk about tonite.

Tonite the fans will be treated to a match, a match involving me, forget about everybody else in the match because i'm the best, this match will be worth the price the people paid ten fold because i'm in it, but not only that when I get my hands on that little punk MVP who has been running his mouth for months well i'm afraid of what I might do.

Todd: Well Ken, it looks like your all fired up for your match.

Mr.Kennedy: Don't you ever address me like we're friends, didn't I just tell you I don't like you?

(Todd tries to answer but Kennedy cuts him off)

Mr.Kennedy: From now on you address me by one name and by one name alone you address me as Misterererererererererererererererrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedy!!!!......

(Kennedy walks off Todd is left looking stupid but Kennedy comes rushing back before Todd can speak again and says)

Mr.Kennnedy: .....Kennedy! and don't you ever forget that loser.

(Todd look angry but just says)

Todd: Okay Thanks, back to you J.R. and King.

J.R.: That Kennedy is a cocky S.O.B ani't he King.

King: J.R. you heard him is Mr. Kennedy and you know what they say it's not bragging if you can back it up.

J.R.: Well we know he has the tools to lead this company one day maybe as soon as he gets over himself.

King: Well J.R. your going to have the chance to talk to him about it because his match is next it's going to be Randy Orton and Intercontinental champ Mr.Kennedy v.s. MVP and Christain.

J.R.: All these young men can go and are this close to superstardom it should be one hell of a slobberknocker King as all these young superstars don't know how to give in.

Lilian: The next match is a tagteam match for one fall now introducing the first competitor Captain Charisma, Christain!!!!!

(Christain' music play and as he apears he is greeted to a shower of Boo's)

Lilian: And his tagteam partner for tonite Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP!!!!

(MVP also recives a shower of Boo's from the fans)

Lilian: Now introducing their opponet's first on his way to the ring The youngest World heavyweight champion ever,The Legend Killer, Randy Orton!!!!!!

(Orton makes his way to the ring to very loud cheers as he stands waiting for his partner Mr.Kennedys music begins to play)

Lilian: And his partner for tonite the Intercontinental Champion Mr. Ken Kenned.....

(Lilian is cut off by Mr. Kennedy who has just apeared on the rampway with a mic in his hands)

Mr.Kennedy: Lilian I love your work,you a real beutiful woman, but their is only on man who can introduce me to my fans and that man is me.

Now on his way to the ring to beat the holy hell out of two loser who's names I have forgotten, Mistererererererererererererrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedy....... (takes a short pause) Kennedy!!!!

(Kennedy runs to join his partner in the middle of the ring)

6th Match: Mr. Kennedy and Randy Orton versus MVP and Christain​

The Start

The match starts with Orton and Christain in the ring, they lock up but Christain kicks him the the gut to take control, he grabs Orton by the hair and hammers him with a heavy right handed blow, Orton reel's back and is met with a dropkick to the face, Christain drops down and begins to pound on his head he picks him back up and slings him into his corner and tags in MVP.

MVP comes into Christain holding Orton's arm so he hits him with a sharp kick to the gut, MVP picks him up and begins to shower Orton with rapid left's and right's he throw's Orton into a corner and charges in with a huge jumping corner splash Orton falls down and is met with a nice quick leg drop by MVP, he puts Orton in a sleeperhold with scissors to try and make him tap, Orton won't tap and starts to slowly make it to the ropes, he finally reaches the ropes and the ref breaks the hold, MVP picks Orton up but is jabbed in the gut with Some elbows Orton hits MVP with his quick neckgrab backbreaker they both fall out and need to tag, Orton rolls over and is able to tag in Kennedy, MVP wants no part of Kennedy and runs over to tag Christain back into the match.

Mid-Match Notes​

Christain charges at Kennedy but he duck's Christain's clothesline and delivers a knee to his mid-section, Kennedy grabs him by the hair and slams his head to the mat with a sick mat slam, Kennedy stomps on Christain for a while and then picks him back up and gives him a vicious piledriver, Christain is down and Kennedy goes for the pin 1........2.......but MVP runs in to make the save, Kennedy tries to get his hands on MVP and chases him out of the ring, he is saying some words to MVP but when he turns around to attack Christain MVP grabs his leg, Kennedy is pissed and reaches for MVP but Christain nail's him with a clothesline from behind sending crashing over the top rope to the arena floor, Orton gets in the ring and tries to help but the ref is forcing him back out, MVP starts to go to work on kennedy with stomps and kicks then while the ref is busy with Orton he rams Kennedy into the ring steps then tosses him back in the ring.

Christain tries to get the pin 1......2..... but Kennedy is able to kickout, Christain picks him up and delivers his reverse ddt to the knee and then tags MVP, they both stomp on him until the ref comes over to get Christain out of the ring MVP heads to the second rope and smashes Kennedy with an elbow drop he goes for the cover 1......2......Kennedy again kicksout, MVP is angry he talks to Christain then starts climbing the turnbuckle, MVP bodyslams Kennedy then tags Christain who comes flying off the top rope with a frog splash which drives the air from Kennedy's lungs Christain pins 1......2.....but Orton comes in to break the count Orton slide's out of the ring and catches MVP on the outside with a crucial mind bending RKO, MVP is out, Christain is angry at what just happen to his partner but picks up Kennedy to deliver the Unprettier but Kennedy counters with a dropkick to his back, Kennedy is finally able to tag in Orton.

The Finish​

Christain looks to tag his partner but he is still down on the outside, Orton clothelines him and then he does it again, Orton picks him up and put's him in the powerbomb position but when he gets him up hits a high neckbreakek insted, Orton is rolling on the ground calling for the RKO but MVP finally makes his return nailing him with a knee lift, he drags Christain over to their corner and tags hisself in he attempt's to attack Orton but Orton leaps and makes the tag to Kennedy, MVP starts to beg but Kennedy hits a rolling spinkick to his face, he picks MVP up and throws him into the corner and comes in quick with a corner dropkick, MVP is out but Kennedy lift's him back up and puts him on his shoulders and climbs to the second turnbuckle and delives his finisher the green bay plunge MVP is out, Christain tries to make the save but is leveled by Orton sending them both flying over the top rope Kennedy goes for the win 1........2.......but out of nowhere Mark Henry starts attacking Kennedy and the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: Your winners by disqualification Randy Orton and Ken Kennedy!!!!

(In the ring the brutal attack is still going on MVP and Henry are beating the hell out of Kennedy and Christain has laid Orton out with a hard chair shot and then does the conchairito taking knocking Orton out, Henry hands MVP a steel pipe and he bust Kennedy wide open there is now blood flowing from his forehead)

(MVP asks for a mic)

MVP: How many of you people thought I was a joke? how many of you thought Kennedy was gonna kick my ass tonite? well I want to tell all the people who thought those things, who's laughin now, see you people in Kansas city don't know a winner when you see them I don't blame you look at your sports teams they are the true jokes, when is the last time they won a championship? I know I know most of you are to young to remember, but back to this peace of trash in the ring, sure we all know Kennedy can run his mouth but now he's learned an important lesson how to keep it shut, now I would like to introduce everybody to my new bodyguard The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry, this is to all you chumps in the back if you got beef with me then my heavy will take you out, now when this punk wakes up please inform him he is wearing my title.

(Christain and MVP walk out together with Henry raising their hands as in the ring the Officials are helping Kennedy and Orton)

J.R.: That little bastard MVP has hired Mark Henry to do his dirty work he started a vicious assault on Mr.Kennedy, he and Henry left Kennedy a bloodied mess and i'm not forgetting that equally sick S.O.B Chriatain with the damn conchairito to the head of Randy Orton, I don't know when or where but these two bastards will get what they deserve I promise you that King.

King: Yeah that was hard to watch J.R. they took out Orton and Kennedy I don't know if either of these men will be the same after those attacks.

J.R.: I don't know either King but mark my words their will be hell to pay for this assault.

King: Well J.R. the next match is going to be John Bradshaw Layfield and Big Show going up againest The Brothers of Destruction Kane and The Undertaker!

J.R.: This is going to be as hardhitting as they come King these four men have brutal ground and pound styles they are all very powerful and this is going to be about who want's it more as all men will give everything they got.

King: Your right and when they collide in that ring I don't think anybody's safe.

(The music of J.B.L hits and the arena wecomes him with Boo's then Big Show's music start to equally loud Boo's)

Lilian: This is the next match and it is a tag match for one fall first introducing the team of The Wrestling God, John Bradshaw Layfield and his partner The World's Largest Athlete, The Big Show!!!

(Show and JBL wait in the ring for their opponents)

(The lights go out the arena is completely dark until an explodion hits and Kane's music starts but a couple seconds into the theme and it changes to The Undertaker's music they come out together to uncontrolibly wild cheers from the fans)

Lilian: Now on their way to the ring The Brothers of Destruction, The Big Red Machine, Kane and his partner The Phoenom, The Undertaker!!!!

(They don't waist anytime, they rush to the ring to confront their opponents they all stand directly face-to-face)

Part Three right under Part Two!!!! thanks for reading it so far......
7th Match: The Brothers of Destruction versus J.B.L and The Big Show

The Start​

Kane and JBL start the match off Kane starts off his attack with a chop to the throat, JBL walks back and is nailed with a big clothesline, Kane picks him right up and delives a huge side slam, JBL is down and Kane tags in the Undertaker, Undertaker picks up JBL and grabs him and flings him into the corner and begins hitting him all over his body, right's and left's are slaming into JBL with rapid success, Taker then whips JBL across the ring and level's him with a big boot, he bounces off the ropes and connects with a nice leg drop he goes for the pin 1.....2..... but JBL kicksout, Taker gets up and tags in Kane together they whip JBL acrossed the ring and plants him with a double spinebuster, Kane doesn't even think about the pin as he picks JBL up and tosses him halfway across the ring, as soon as he gets up Kane forces him into the corner with an powerful avalanche as JBL wabble's out of the corner this time Kane hoist JBL to his shoulders and lands a running powerslam he goes for the pin 1.....but Big Show breaks it up.

Mid-Match Notes

Kane tries to pickup JBL again but he gets a thumb to the eye JBL hurries over and tags Show, Kane looks ready he runs over to clothesline Show but is met by his boot insted, Show grabs him by the neck and and tosses him across the ring, Show picks him up and tosses him again, Kane looks hurt but is met with a head crushing clothesline, as Kane is down Show take's a big step on his back, Kane screams out in pain but Show shows no mercy as he lands a big splash from Show and he goes for the pin 1.......2......but Show picks his head up wagging his finger saying this ani't over yet, he lifts Kane over his head and tosses him down with a big press slam, JBL is begging Show for the tag as it seems he has recovered from the brothers assault on him, Show drags Kane over to their corner and stands on his chest while tagging in JBL, JBL drops three elbows on Kane and tries to get the win 1......2......but Kane easily kicksout JBL picks him up and delivers a swinging neckbreaker he attempt's the pin again 1.....2..... Kane kicksout again JBL gets up and kicks Kane in the face then grabs him and brutaly slams him with a huge last call (fallaway slam) JBL is about to go back on the attack but Show tags himself in, JBL is a little mad but lets Show take over.

Show lays some stomps to the chest of Kane he then lifts Kane high in the air with a double handed chokehold the ref walks over to start his count for Show to break the hold but Kane hits Show hard on the bridge on his nose Show drops Kane, Kane tries to tag Taker but Show pulls him back over to his corner and tags JBL, JBL jumps in the ring and stomps all over Kane he picks him up by the hair and dominates Kane with a vicious powerbomb, JBL is celebrating and calling for the clothesline from hell but the celebrating suddenly stops as Kane sits up and looks right at JBL.

The Finish

JBL has a look of terror on his face, he runs at Kane but Kane snatches JBL by the throat, JBL kicks him in the gut but Kane grabs him again and whips him to the ropes and does a powerslam to lay JBL out, Kane then walks over and makes the tag to Taker, Taker comes in on fire as he smashes JBL with a clotesline, Show steps in the ring only to recive a fist to the jaw from Taker, Kane makes his way to the top rope and as soon as JBL is able to get to his feet he is leveled by Kane's flying clothesline off the top rope, Taker sends Show right into a corner, Kane throw's JBL in the same corner and the brothers take turns hitting their competition with huge corner splashes, JBL falls out of the ring leaving Show to get the double chokeslam he's out but JBL is the legal man, Show rolls out of the ring to get away from the brothers, Kane goes out and gets JBL, he throws him back in the ring, JBL is at the mercy of the brothers, first Kane hits him and then Taker nails him back and forth until they grab him by the neck ready to deliver another double chokeslam but Show comes out of nowhere and spears Taker, soon as Show turns around Kane clotheslines him over the top rope, Kane turns his attencion back to JBL but someone grabs ahold of his leg, he looks down and it's Michelle McCool, he shakes her loose and warns her to stay out of the match but as soon as he turns around he gets destroyed by the clothesline from hell, JBL covers 1......2.......Taker tries to stop the count but Big Show chokeslams him off the apron 3 the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And your winners by pin fall The Big Show and J.B.L!!!!!!

(Show,JBL, and McCool make a speedy exit as the Brothers stand in the ring begging them to come back for more)

King: Show and J.B.L picks up the tainted win after a returning Michelle McCool distracted Kane for a second and J.B.L took advantage.

J.R.: Yeah King he damn there took off his head with that devastating clothesline from hell.

King: After that they got out of here real quick but I don't think this is over J.R.

J.R.: neither do I King, neither do I


(Matt Hardy is ready for an interview with Maria)

Maria: Hey Matt!!!

Matt: How you doing Maria, I can see your lookin as good as ever.

Maria: Thanks!!!!, but what we want to know is what's going on with you and Rey Rey?

Matt: Well Maria let me put it to you like this, we both want to be the best and he keeps getting in my way I have beat him four times in a row and this time it's for the number one contender spot in the Intercontinental title race and what do you know Rey's in my way again, I don't have a problem with Rey I think he's a okay guy but when it comes to being the best I will even beat the hell out of my own brother, so right here right now i'm telling all the MFer's this match will end with the same result of the last four with Matt Hardy getting his hand raised in victory, V1 is gonna get the job dode because it don't matter who i'm in the ring with I WILL NOT DIE!!!!

(Matt storms off and leaves Maria)

J.R.: Strong words from Matt Hardy who is looking for another win over Rey Mysterio later tonite.

King: Matt has had Mysterio's number stacking up victory after victory over him lately but this time the winner will get a shot at Mr. Kennedy for the title.

J.R.: I have to admitt that Mysterio looks like a broken man lately it's almost like he comes out already defeated.

King: I don't know what's wrong with him J.R. but he better get ti together this is the big leagues the WWE if he doesn't want his spot someone will take it.

J.R.: I agree King but I think Mysterio will get it together soon rather then later he is one of the best in the world and when your that good you don't stay down long.

King: Well J.R. this is going to be my favorite match of the night a diva's six pack challenge for number one contendership of the Women's title.

J.R.: Six lovey diva's will step in the ring but only one will walk out and that woman will get a shot at Women's champ Victoria who we saw defend that title eariler tonite.

King: J.R. I can't wait to see who she will face but more importantly I can't wait to see all these puppies this is almost like last night's match J.R. I love it.

J.R.: It looks like the match will be starting any moment King try to not have a heart attack.

King: I'll try J.R. but no promises.

Lilian: The next match is a diva's sixpack challenge and will have five falls and the winner will be number one contender for the WWE Women's championship on their way to the ring first Jazz!!!

(Jazz makes her way to the ring to alot of Boo's)

Lilian: Now introducing Lita!!!!

(Lita comes out to a fair amount of Boo's)

Lilian: Now making her way to the ring Molly Holly!!!!

(Molly comes out to a nice pop)

Lilian: Here comes the next competitor Beth Phoenix!!!!

(Beth comes out to cheers from the fans)

Lilian: The next diva in the match Jillian Hall!!!!

(Jillian coes out to some cheers)

Lilian: And the last diva in the match Trish Stratus!!!!

(Trish comes out to arguebly the biggest pop of the night)

(All the diva's are in the ring and ready to start the match)

8th Match:Sixpack Challenge-Trish vs Jazz vs Beth vs Molly vs Jillian vs Lita​

The Start​

All the women are staring at each other wondering who will strike first, they didn't have to wait for long as Jazz nails the closest diva to her Beth Phoenix with a knee to the gut, after that the match is under way, Jazz is still all over Beth and Lita joins in, while on the other side of the ring Trish and Molly has teamed to beat on Jillian Hall, they punch her back and forth until Trish just levels her with a chick kick Molly goes back to her WCW days and pins Jillian with her infamous pin combo the twin city twister for the 1......2.....3!!!

Lilian: Jillian Hall has been eliminated from this match!!!!

As Molly got the pin Trish turns on her and nails her in the back of the head with a kick, she picks her up and grabs her head with her feet and delivers The Trish twisting head scissiors, meanwhile on the other side of the ring Jazz and Lita countinue their assault on Beth, Beth fights out of their attacks only to be nailed with Lita's ddt, Lita pins her for 1.....2.....3!!!!!!

Lilian: Beth Phoenix has been eliminated from this match!!!!

Mid-Match Notes​

Jazz imediatily grabs Lita and give's her the jazzstinger for the 1.......2......3!!!!!

Lilian: Lita has been eliminated from this match!!!!

On the other side of the ring Trish has full control of Molly Bodyslaming her to the ground, Jazz is looking for some more action and charges at Trish, Trish does the matrix and ducks out of the way sending Jazz flying over the top rope and to the arena floor, Molly takes advantage with a kick to Trish's gut followed by a backdrop, Molly then grabs Trish's arm and does her twisting armbreaker on the ground, Trish holds her arm in pain but Molly pulls it back and aply's a fujiwara armbar making Trish scream in pain, Jazz comes back in and helps Molly by landing stomps to Trish's head, the ref makes Molly break the hold because of Jazz's actions, Jazz and Molly pick Trish up but Trish slaps them both she grabs Molly's and Jazz's heads in the bulldog position and delivers a double Stratusfaction she pins Molly and Jazz 1......2..... but Molly gets her foot on the bottom rope and Jazz kicksout, Jazz gets to her feet first and recives a chick kick right to the side of the head,and it sends Jazz out of the ring, Trish gets rolled up from behind by Molly 1......2..... Molly grabs the ropes and gets the 3!!!!

Lilian: Trish Stratus is eliminated from this match!!!!

The Finish​

It's down to Molly and Jazz, Jazz is finally moving on the outside of the ring but Molly leaps and knocks her back down with a crazy looking dive over the top rope, Molly picks her up and tosses her back in the ring, she soars in the ring with a springboard legdrop and pins Jazz 1....2.....but Jazz kicksout, Molly picks her up and clutches both of her arms the deliver her version of the northern lights suplex and holds on for the pin 1....2.......but once again Jazz is able to kickout, Molly head's to the top rope ready to deliver her finisher the molly-go-round, as soon as Jazz is to her feet she jumps but Jazz counters into a huge powerbomb Molly looks hurt but Jazz hoist her up and drops her with that sick fisherman's buster and covers her for 1.....2.....3!!!! the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And the winner of the match and new number one contender for the Women's championship Jazz!!!!

(Victoria is on the ramp look at the women she will soon be facing for her title, while Jazz stands in the ring signaling that she want's the title)

J.R.: Well Jazz gets the win with Women's champ Victoria looking on and I want to see these two go toe-to-toe for that title.

King: And did you see that fisherman's buster that Jazz gave Molly that was awesome, I knew this match would be great J.R. their were puppies flying everywhere, I wish I could watch that match forever.

J.R.: Why can't we keep our minds on the diva's talents in the ring King.

King: I try and I try J.R. but the WWE diva's are the hottest women on T.V.

J.R.: King that may be true but can you try to be a little more professional.

King: Okay, i'll try a little harder J.R. but you know how I get when I see the diva's I can't help myself.

J.R.: Well the next match on the way is Matt Hardy v.s. Rey Mysterio and everyone seems to believe this is a must win for Mysterio's sake five loses in a row to Matt might send him over the edge.

King: I think your right J.R. Mysterio better get it done tonite, Matt has had his number but tonite it's for a title shot so he better come 100%

J.R.: i just know these two are going to try and steal the show King.

king: they're both exciting enough to pull that off and we're about to find out right now.

Lilian:This match is a Intercontinental number one contender's match for one fall first introducing Rey Mysterio!!!!

(Rey comes out to a huge pop and heads to the ring he looks like he is all fired up)

Lilian: And now on his way to the ring Matt Hardy!!!!!

(Matt comes out to one of the loudest cheers on the night and heads to the ring to stand face-to-face with his lastest rival)

9th Match: #1 Contender for IC title Rey Mysterio versus Matt Hardy​

The Start​

The match starts with Matt playing the role of bully smacking the taste out of Rey's mouth, Rey comes back with a flurry of punches and whips Matt to the ropes Mysterio then does his grab the body roll-up bulldog, Matt is down and Rey goes for a pin 1...... but Matt easily kicksout, Rey bounces off the ropes and nails Matt with a low dropkick to the face, Rey turns around and does a standing moonsault press and covers Matt 1........2...... but Matt is able to kickout, Matt slowly gets to his feet and Rey continue's his assault with snapping kicks to the front and back of Matt's left leg, he the smashes it with a dropkick to his left knee, he works over the left leg with stomps and kicks while Matt is down, he then grabs the left leg and flip's forward hyperexstending it with a vicious looking leg snap, he then grabs the leg and slaps on a STF, Hardy will not give up, Rey has it locked in tight and Matt doesn't have a way out, Rey just let's him go and when Matt attempt's to get up Rey blast's him with a knee clip then Rey puts him in a half crab with armlock(the tequila sunrise submission).

Mid-Match Notes​

Matt won't tap, he slowly drags himself to the ropes and the ref tries to make Rey break the hold but he won't release him, the ref starts his count 1.....2.....3...4....but Rey lets it go at the last second, Rey drags Matt to the middle of the ring then grabs that left leg and twist around and locks in a sick leglock, Matt looks like he is in agony he let's out yell's and screams of pure pain, Matt tries to fight back and nails Mysterio with some hits to the head but Rey holds his leg even tighter making Matt stop any attack he could dish out, Rey grab's the ropes to make the hold even tighter but the ref see's him and begin's his count 1....2.....3.....4..... but Rey finally lets go of the hold, Rey picks up Matt and tosses him over to the corner, Matt has a noticable limp from Rey's attacks to his leg, Rey charges at Matt, but Matt is somehow able to get out of the way, but Rey lands on the second turnbuckle and does a somersault reverse ddt to Matt and goes for the pin 1.....2..... but Matt get's his arm up before the count of three.

Rey is angry but he grabs Matt's leg's and hop's over to deliver a twisting legdrop, he then puts Matt's body into the sitting position and cracks him with a powerful kick to the back of his head, he then races to the ropes and comes rushing back with a vicious dropkick to the face, and Matt is busted wide open, he's started to bleed, Rey places Matt on his belly then goes right back to that left leg aplying a leg and knee stretchhold, Matt tries to power out but doesn't have enough power in his legs, Rey then stand's up with his left leg still in his grasp and slams it to the mat with a huge knee smash, Rey picks him back up and forces him into the corner with a whip, Rey charges in but is met by a clothesline from Hardy, Matt is limping favoring his victimized left leg, as soon as Mysterio gets up Matt nail's him with a right, a left, and then a big discus punch, Rey falls down but jumps right back up and tries to hit Matt's leg with a dropkick but Matt lift's his leg and drops an elbow right to the back of Rey's head, Matt picks him up and put's him in a sleeper hold but he's not tring to submitt Rey because he hammers him with a sleeperhold neckbreaker drop and covers Rey 1.....2...... but Rey gets a foot on the bottom rope.

The Finish​

Matt lift's him again and puts him in the backdrop position and nails the side effect version 2 (backdrop with a driving elbow) and he goes for the pin 1.....2.... but Rey kicks out, Matt grabs Rey and send him into the ropes, Rey puts on the breaks and Matt charges at him but Rey crushs that sore leg with a dropkick sending Matt though the ropes and to the outside of the ring, Rey gets some room and runs and flies over the top rope with a twisting spinning dive then crashes into a unsupecting Hardy, Rey then gets on the apron and comes off with a springboard moonsault and rains down on Matt with all his body weight, the ref's count is at 8 so Rey tosses Matt back into the ring, he wait's for Matt to get to his feet and blast's him with his springboard sit on the chest he goes for the pin 1.....2.....but Matt kicksout, he sends Matt to the corner and lift's him up he attempt's a super hurricanrana but Matt reverses and tosses Rey off the turnbuckle Matt calls for and hit's his infamous leg drop and covers 1......2...... but Rey counters into a roll-up of his own 1.......2...... but Matt kicksout, Matt runs at Rey but is nailed in the gut with a hard frontkick, Rey head's to the apron and jumps at Matt but Matt is able to counter into a big side effect(the normal one) and covers Rey one........two......thre...but somehow Rey is able to kickout at the very last second, Matt can't believe he was able to kickout but he stands to his feet and signals for the twist of fate, he clutches Rey's head but Rey reverses and sends Matt crashing throat first into the ropes and calls for the 619, Rey makes his run and clobber's Matt with his signagure move, he calling for another one of his classic moves the west coast pop, Matt turns around and Mysterio leap's but is slamed to the mat with a timely counter from Matt Hardy, a sick and unforgiving powerbomb followed by a jackknife pin for the 1.......2.......3!!!!!the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And your winner and new number one contender for the Intercontinental championship Matt Hardy!!!!

(As a bloody and limping Matt celebrates his win on the rampway heading to the back, mysterio lays in the ring with his hands on his head, he just can't believe he has lost to his rival again)

(he stands up to a standing ovation from the crowd but Mysterio doesn't seem to care, he pulls off his mask and leaves it in the ring as he walks off looking like a broken man)

J.R.: I can't believe it King Matt Hardy gets his fifth stright win over Rey Mysterio causing Mysterio to take off his mask for the first time on WWE t.v!

King: I don't think I have ever seen one man have another man's number like Matt has with Rey.

J.R.: I think your right King, is like Rey just isn't capable of beating Matt Hardy.

King: Well J.R. it's not like he didn't try we seen a much more intense Mysterio he came out here to win, but Matt stuck it out and pulled out the win.

J.R.: He fought his heart out and it sad to see either one of these superstars lose tonite it was an awesome match and I hope just one more time we get to see these two go at it.

King: I don't know J.R. Rey walked of of the ring a disappointed and broken man, and he took off his trademark mask and it looked like he doesn't want to ever get in the ring again.

J.R.: Don't say that king, Mysterio is one tough little bastard and i am sure we will hear an explanation from Rey soon.

King: Well J.R. are you ready? it's time to find out just who the most dominate faction on RAW is J.R.

J.R.: That's right is time for the main event and the wrestling debut of Armando Alejandro Estrada!

King: You know this isn't fair J.R. Armando is just a manager he shouldn't be in the ring, I feel bad for L.A.X's chances in this match.

J.R.: I think your right King Estrada is going to get in the way I think it would be better if they were one man short.

King: Your really loving this J.R

J.R.: Damn right, tonite the other faction's will get payback for his interference in their previous matches, and I hope they tear that S.O.B apart.

King: Calm down J.R., it looks like your about to get your wish because that match is about to happen right now.

Lilian: Now it's time for tonite's main event!!!! and this is a three corners tag match for one fall!!!! now introducing the first team of the match Super Crazy, Chavo Guerrero, Armando Alejandro Estrada and WWE tag team champions Homicide and Hernandez escourted to the ring by RAW diva Layla El together they are known as The Latin American Xchange!!!!!

(L.A.X music plays to uncontrolable Boo's from the crowd as they make their way to the ring)

(The music of F.B.I fulls the arena to the same Boo's as the L.A.X members)

Lilian: Now on their way to the ring Big Vito, Chuck Palumbo, Tony Mamaluke, Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli, and Little Guido escourted to the ring by RAW diva Trinity The Full Blooded Itaians!!!!!

(D-X music plays and the crowd is screaming incredible cheers for the group)

Lilian: And the last team in the match WWE Lightheavyweight champion "Suger" Shane Helms, The Backseat Boyz Frankie Kazarian and Michael Shane, "the Game" Triple H,and WWE champion "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels together know as the one the only Degeneration-X!!!!!

(All the teams stand in the ring deciding which members will start the match from each team, Chavo, Helms, and Little Guido will be in first for their teams)

10th Match:Three Corners Tag match - D-X versus F.B.I versus L.A.X​

The Start​

Chavo is stareing at his competitor's but suddenly stops he walks right over to his corner and tag's in Estrada, and the other L.A.X members step off the apron and watch the match, the other two team seem confused at what is going on Estrada tries to escape but is stoped but his team members and thrown back in the ring, Armando is begging the other teams not to hurt him but Helms looks over at Guido and signals for him to go to work, you could hear Helms say you can have first crack at him, Guido walks over and slaps Armando with a right, then he slaps him with a left, then he let's go a flurry of slaps that knock Armando down, Guido picks him up and grab's his arm and deliver's the arevaderchi (jumping spinning armbreaker),he get's up and tag's in Vito, Vito snatches him up a viciously delivers the code of silence (swinging ddt),then tag's in Chuck, he gets in the ring and shatters his jaw with a big superkick, then tag's Tony Mamaluke, Tony climb's the turnbuckle and come's crashing off with 450 splash, then tag's in Johnny, Johnny lift's him high over his head and slams him to the mat with the furgetaboutit(press into a running powerslam),D-X can't get enough of this as they are laughing uncontrolably, Johnny then fling's Armando to the side, and runs at Helms.

Mid-Match Notes

Helms does a low dropkick knocking his legs from under him, L.A.X picks up their beaten manager and walks off eliminating their selves from the match, the ref is doing a 10 count but Stephine comes out and orders the match to continue, it's down to FBI and D-X, Helms grabs Johnny and puts him on his shoulders and does a fireman's carry facebuster then bounces off the ropes at full speed and nails him with the shining wizard and goes for the pin 1......2..... but The Bull is to close to the ropes, Helms gets up and tag's in HHH, Helms grabs Johnny's arms from behind HHH hammers him with serveral hard right hand's then Helm's lays Johnny out with the X-plex(a straight jacket suplex-Helms really used the move alot in his WCW days),the ref order's Helms out of the ring, HHH is giving stomp after stomp and Johnny needs to tag right away, HHH picks him up and destroys him with the deadly pedigree and covers him 1.......2......

The Finish​

But all hell breaks loose as all the members of the FBI jump in the ring to save Johnny, HHH stops his pin attempt to fight off the members of FBI, all the members of D-X join the battle also, The Bull in still down so D-X has the advantage, The Backseat Boyz are battling Tony and Guido, Helms is all over Vito, and HBK and HHH are dominating Chuck, HBK comes out of nowhere and nails Chuck with sweet chin music, Chuck is dizzy and is blasted in the gut by HHH who deliver another pedigree they toss him over the top rope, Helms hits Vito with the nightmare of helms street picks him up and tosses him over the top, Tony and Guido have the upper hand in their battle with The Backseat Boyz But they don't know their partners have been beaten by the rest of D-X.

They continue to beat on a downed Shane and Kazarian until HBK taps Guido on the shoulder Guido pushes his hand away and continues focusing only on beating the hell out of The Backseat Boyz, HBK taps him again and he finally turns around, he turns white wondering where in the hell did his teammates go, Tony is still attacking Kazarian but Guido taps him on the shoulder, you could here him yell "WHAT?" at that moment Guido points to the other members of D-X, He tries to run but is stoped by a superkick from Michael Shane who dumps him out of the ring leaving only one member of the FBI Guido, Guido runs around looking for an exit but he has no way out, he then recives a double superkick from Shane and HBK which sends him to HHH for a big Knee to the face which sends him to Kazarian who nails him with the flux capacitator(Moonsualt Uranage)then Helms hoist him up for one of the most devastating moves in wrestling today the vertabreaker and covers him 1..........2......... some members of the FBI try to stop the count but the members of D-X cut them off 3!!!!! the ref calls for the bell.

Lilian: And your winners by pinfall Degeneration-X!!!!!

(D-X kicks Guido out of the ring and begin to celebrate, The F.B.I is furious and point to D_X as to say this isn't over as they head to the back, but D-X doesn't care and continues to celebrate their win to the loud ovation of the night from the fans)

J.R.: Well D-X got the win, but i'm more intrested in why L.A.X turned their back on Armando.

King: First of all congratulations to D-X they are the strongest faction on RAW and second I don't know J.R. I guess were going to have to wait until next week to get an answer because we have to go.

J.R.: Your right King, I can't wait to see what happens next week,I know there will be some explanation to what just happened, Well thank you everyone for watching monday night RAW see you same time next week, i'm Jim Ross.

King:And i'm Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Together: Thank you and good night!!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading my show please give a full review good or bad
This is for the people that didn't get a chance to read the full show i'm finally done so you can enjoy the whole thing, Thanks
Interesting decision 2 put more members in dx. gd show overall but i fort there was 2 many divas. it seemed as if a diva was involved in every match. Also, 10 matches is very long and the matches werent short either. I mean if they were short matches, then 10 of them wud b ok, but not 10 long matches.
Well, I know the show was kind of long but I had these massive rosters and I wanted to use almost everyone on the roster for my first show, plus after I started I just couldn't stop, if I do decide to write another one I promise to tone it down a little, I actualy put three new members in D-X they were Helms, Kazarian, and Michael Shane I wanted D-X to be a full faction like the old days, but I didn't want the same members, so I added a lightweight and a tag team just not X-pac and the outlaws, I wanted D-X to be new and improved, well anyway thanks for the reviews.
A few things...

1) it's long...

2) I love your writting style... instead of having the entire match posted you did like an internet recap... writting styles are hard to get kudos on but that's my kudos to you, your writting style...

3) it's long...

4) your use of the roster... sometimes when people merge rosters they forget they did it and keep the matches kinda the same things we've seen... roster use is usually the one reason I flunk a review, you did a good job...

4) i can't remember if i've said it already or not, but its long...

5) diva overload... I think someone else said this too... I love the diva's as eye candy... the way TNA uses them... but, honestly, keep them off of mainstream tv... if I wanna see two chicks go at it, I'll pay the cover charge down at the strip joint...

so, overall, I enjoyed reading what I could... and then I skimmed through the rest... it's a long show, but I think I covered that, and that hurt you a LOT and that's probably why not many people reviewed it... but, all in all, I give your show a 7.9... you missed the 'B' because of the girth... sometimes quality beats out quantity and I think if you backed off a little you could of hit both in the head perfectly... know when to say no... friends don't let friends write long bookings...
Well I know there was a lot of diva's in the matches but I needed to make the Women's division mean something, i wanted to make it competitive again, if you looked at my roster spilt I put most of the diva's on RAW to keep the matches fresh, if I ever write my Smackdown! show they have the mostly crusierweight's and only diva manager's, and I know it's a long read but again once I got started I couldn't stop and thanks for taking the time to review.
Very long show. Try to shorten it next time. It was still good though. You have a very interesting method going on with those other members of DX. Only time will tell how that will play out. I liked the three corners tag match and BOD v.s. JBL and Big Show. All other matches weren't that interesting with the wrestlers you have on your roster.

8.5/10 not bad overall
Thanks for taking the time to read my show, I think the thing that makes the show the longest is that WM recap, I wish I would have put that with my first preview so my RAW would seam shorter, also glad you put in your favorite matches, one last thing I would like to add is the reason for the mix-up of talent is I didn't want to do the same old fueds the WWE does all the time, I wanted fresh champions, fresh competitors, fresh matches, and a overall different feel for the WWE.
Wrestlemania Recap thoughts:
Looked like a pretty good WM... Kennedy vs Benjamin was prob. one of the MOTN's somehow... The tag match looked insane (6 Raw teams vs 7 SD Teams) That is a huge, hell of a tag division! Thank god for that battle royal... Just seeing who the final 4 were, made me very suspicious why they didn't have matches! Benoit vs HBK had to be good!

Raw thoughts:
Okay, length is always good because it makes it much more enjoyable and a lot easier to get into it, but the number of matches length is a little ridiculous... Sometimes we don't even have 10 matches at WM! So it's just very unrealistic... Unless it's like a 4 hour raw special lol which i know it's not.

Good opening promo, but if you're gonna have DX together, it would've been a better idea to have them team together...
Tonite is gonna be awesome J.R. F.B.I vs L.A.X vs D-X in the main event
Okay, out of all those matches, I probably wouldn't have this as the main event (but i didn't read it all yet so idk)

Okay... for your next show only have a maximum of 6 matches. You could've eliminated 2 of the 1st 3 matches... Probably keep the European title (Nick Dinsmore! not Eugene!) You definitely didn't need both women's matches either... Your roster is way too huge... In just matches alone, you used 39 guys................. That's WAY too big of a roster. I suggest cutting it in half, and being you have so many low and mid-carders, i suggest getting rid of them.

About the inter-gender match, I don't like when they finish with one woman pinning the other woman... It's more exciting with the 2 guys in the finish. Especially with 2 other divas matches... But it's your show, and I'm still liking it very much

Good to see Victoria win the women's match and retain... So far, 2 title matches and no changes... Kennedy/Orton vs MVP/Christian was good! I'd love to see that in real life. Too bad Christian's in TNA and Orton's on Raw lol. Finally a special finish, the DQ finish. The show started out pretty slow and is finally starting to get pretty good

BOD vs JBL/Show, definitely MOTN so far... It was like you were at a fresh start for this one, and thought about word usage a little more.
JBL has a look of terror on his face, he runs at Kane but Kane snatches JBL by the throat
I know I don't do it all the time, but the way something is written can be the difference between a bad match, and a bad on paper, or great on paper and badly written match. Nice surprise ending, I didn't expect JBL and Big Show to turn it around...

The six pack women's match- I was behind anyone! The six divas in that ring all have my respect and are all great female wrestlers... of course Molly lacks being hot, which is important for divas, but... lol

Mysterio vs Matt Hardy... AAH! finally some great wrestling with 2 great mid/upper-mid carders! I'd much rather see matches like this, than matches like the 1st 3! But I'd rather NOT see 10 matches! Good main event, with DX winning... But that's 100& exactly what I expected... I was hoping for the FBI to somehow win, pinning sum1 from LAX, leading to an Italian/Hispanic feud lol

Man, you can write! But sometimes you hafta learn when 2 stop haha. Great effort and a very nice show. It got boring to have so many tag matches and matches with so many people, so I will say that Matt Hardy vs Mysterio was one of my most enjoyed matches! I think the show would've been perfect with:
-BOD vs Show/JBL
-6 Pack Women's Challenge
-Mysterio vs Matt Hardy
-Christian/MVP vs Orton/Kennedy
-FBI vs DX vs Lax

Overall Rating: 9/10... Great for a 1st show! I definitely suggest cutting down on the roster by almost half... Keep up the great work and drop a PM when your next show is up.

P.S.- I am SO sorry. I've been so busy and I feel terrible for taking so long to review! anyway, there it is lol
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it, I really wanted to hear your input on my show since your show is the best i've read so far, I know I have these massive rosters for my RAW and Smackdown shows (which will be up soon) but on TV I get tried of watching the same wrestlers week in and week out so I wanted to make sure I could change it up alot, about the match length I know 10 matches is alot but this was my first RAW and I wanted to try and use everybody on the roster I promise the next RAW will be alot more like a normal show, i'm glad somebody fianlly said how much they like the Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio match I spent the most time tring to figure out thing to make that match incredible it was by far my favorite match also, most of the first matches and tag matches was to get over my new stars, I think you are the only person that didn't complain about me having to many women in the show, I might also do a big Smackdown for my first one but not sure after your comments maybe less is more, again thanks for taking the time to read my show I enjoyed your input, I also can't wait for fusion week 18 hope it's up soon.
A very long show, but gee, can you write! Usage of words (as lalakerz said) makes a huge difference, but that will come. The roster should provide great matches week in week out, but there were a little too many matches for my liking, so cutting down the roster might help. The Wrestlemania would have been sensational, HBK vs. Benoit sounds like a classic, and Kennedy v. Benjamin would have some great athletic spots. As for RAW, I think the main event could have been boosted with bigger names and less people, but was well done. I am a huge fan of bringing respect back to the DIVA division, but there were a little too many matches. The six-pack challenge was great, though. BoD vs. Big Show and JBL was by far the match of the night, with some good, solid writing, and it was obvious you had put a fair bit of work into this match. Overall, great shows!! Good matches, good promos, overall, a 9/10. Looking forward to the next show!
If you are lost or confused about any of the storylines please go back and read Showtyme Style WM Recap and RAW#1 and/or my first preview that will help clear things up a little fell free to tell me your opinion's on what I could do to make the show better, I hope you like it.

WWE Smackdown!#1​

Announcers: Tazz and Michael Cole
Backstage: Joey Styles and Josh Mattews
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel
Booker: Showtyme27
Arena: Philips Arena In Atlanta,GA​

Firework begin to go off and the opening theme of Smackdown is blairing thought the arena.

Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to Friday Night Smackdown!, i'm Michael Cole and as always right by my side is my partner Tazz.

Tazz: Hey everybody, after this past Sunday's Wrestlemaina i've got a feeling tonite is gonna be hot Cole.

Cole: I think your right Tazz, if you didn't see WM last Sunday you miss out on agruebly the greatest WM ever and what made it even better is the fact that our Smackdown! superstar dominated the RAW guys.

Tazz: Damn right, I had never been more proud to be apart of the Smackdown! roster then right now we kicked RAW's collective ass up and down the WM card but I heard a rumor the our Smackdown! GM still wasn't completly satisfied with the results.

(At the very moment Tazz finished his sentence the trademark music of the Smackdown! GM erupts a already hot crowd the cheers are so loud they are spilling over and you can barely hear your own vocie.)

(Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand.)

Tazz: Uh Oh Cole, I think we are exactly about to find out what's on the GM's mind right now.

Cole: Tazz, I think I feel a little bad for Roderick Strong and Ron Killings they both lost their respective matches at Maina and Mr. McMahon looks like he's all business tonite.

(Shane is now in the ring ready to speak)

Shane: Well, well, well, Sunday night was a great night for me, it was the night of the granddaddy of them all, it was the night of WM, and my Smackdown stars proved that we are the new flagship show of the WWE, we destroyed, dismembered, and dominated the RAW brand but as dominate as we were we still feel short of my goal which was to win every match were in, our Crusierweight Champ Roderick Strong was defeated by RAW's second rate Lightheavyweight Champ Shane Helms, he let me down and he let all you Smackdown fans down so that got me to thinking is this the man I want to be the face of my Crusierweight Division, I don't know anymore now he is going to have to prove to me he still deserves to wear that championship, he's going to have to prove to me all over that he is the best Crusierweight in the world, he's going to have to prove to me he still has that edge, that spark, that fire, that drive the best in this business, so get ready tonite you are going to see alot of Crusierweight action as Roedrick Strong will put his title on the line againist Jamie Noble and whoever survive's that match will face the winner of the very match that will start the show, above the ring on that hook is a contract to face the Crusierweight Champ anytime, anywhere so in this ring in a few minutes there will be a Crusierweight free-for-all which starts as a over the top rope battle royal and when it's down to the last four men the match will then become a ladder match and the first man to get that contract hanging above the ring will get a shot at the Crusierweight Champ anytime they want so all the Crusierweight's in the back that want to step up get out here and go for it right now!

(Shane gets out of the ring and heads to the back)

Tazz: Did you hear that Cole? a Crusierweight free-for-all and the winner gets a shot at the Crusierweight Champ anytime they want.

Cole: What a way to start off Smackdown! Shane knows what the fans want, I can't wait to see how this plays out and the good news is I don't have to wait long, well hear come the compititors and this match is about to begin.

Chimel: Now here come the men that will compete in the Crusierweight Free-for-all first introducing the former tag team champions Brain Kendrick and Paul London!!!!

(London and Kendrick quickly make their way into the ring to a loud pop from the crowd)

Chimel: Now on their way to the ring two more compititors Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens together known as The Naturals!!!!!

(Douglas and Stevens makr their way to the ring to a decent amont of cheers and join the other compititors)

(The other wrestlers can't wait to get this started and come flooding out from the backstage area)

Chimel: On Their way to the ring Petey Williams, Low-Ki(formerly known as senshi), Jimmy Yang, Austin Aires(formerly known as Austin Starr), Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin, Yoshihiro Tajiri, and Johnny Jeter(formerly known as Johnny of the Spirit Sqaud).

Tazz: All the guys in the ring are ready to go but I have to wonder after that brutal hardcore match with Samoa Joe at WM is Tajiri 100%.

Cole: After a match like that it's impossible to be 100% but Tajiri is one the the toughest guys on the roster and wants to ware a championship again so I don't think he wanted to past this one up.

Tazz: That's dumb Cole if he makes it to the ladder match part of this match he is going to be risking his career last night he got pretty banged up and should be resting at home but the GM Shane McMahon said he wanted fire and as dumb as it maybe Tajiri proably wants it more then all those guys.

Cole: Well Tazz were about to find out who want's it the most right now!

1st Match: Crusierweight Free-For-All for contract to face CW Champion​

The Start​

All the wrestlers in the match are standing around waiting to start the bell rings and all hell breaks loose, London and Kendrick go right for Douglas and Stevens, Williams and Low-Ki are double teaming Sabin, Tajiri and Yang and trading kicks close by the ropes and Aires runs at them clotheslining both of them to the outside apron bot manage to hold on but Aires charges in for another attack but is double backbody drop out of the ring and is the first man eliminated.

Chimel: Austin Aires has been eliminated!!!!

Yang and Tajiri get back inside the ring and continue to battle, Alex Shelly whips Jeter to the rope but Jeter counters into a springboard spinkick off the second ropes, Jeter jumps up and delivers a fliping lepdrop to Shelly's throat, Shelly is tring to breath and gasping for air, Jeter lays some stomps to the head as Shelly hols on to the ropes tring to escape the beating he is reciving, acrossed the ring Low-Ki nails Sabin with a devestating kick to the back of his head dazed and confused Sabin walks right into a kick to the gut from Williams and his incredible finishing move the canadian destroyer Sabin is laid out but Low-Ki turns on Williams and blindsides him with a wicked high leg clothesline, Andy Douglas dropkicks London into a nearby corner and then clobbers him with a jumping corner splash, Stevens and Kendrick are tradeing punch and just when it looks like Kendrick is getting the upper hand Douglas nails him from behind to help his partner, Douglas then grabs Kendrick and floats him over with a reverse vertical suplex but Stevens catches his body and they together deliver their tagteam finisher the natural disaster(stunner and gutbuster combo), Jeter still in full contorl of Shelly sees his opprotunity and jets right over to the Naturals and slings his body in the air attemping to eliminate both Naturals with a high crossbody but is caught in mid-air and dumped over the top rope by the Naturals.

Chimel: Johnny Jeter has been eliminated!!!!

The Naturals are smiling and looking very confindent about their chances of winning this match when out of nowhere Shelly double clotheslines both Naturals sending them over the top rope he bearly has a chance to recover before London pushes him over the top also.

Chimel: Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, and Alex Shelly have been eliminated!!!!

Low-Ki is continuing to lay kicks and stomps on Williams, Low-Ki is taunting him he allows him to get to his knee's and then give's him a punter's kick right to the gut slobber and spit spews from the mouth of Williams as he rolls over with a scream of pain and a look of agony on his face, Low-Ki walks over and slaps on a camal clutch, Yang and Tajiri see that Williams is in pain and look at each other and walks towards Williams, Yang and Tajiri race to different ropes and they come charging back in with Tajiri landing a sick dropkick to the face and Yand landing a rolling senton splash on his lower back all while Low-Ki still has him traped in the camel clutch, The crowd rises to their feet wildly cheering what they just saw, Sabin runs and flips over the head of Low-Ki grabing his head and delivering a brutal neck snap which sends him flying off the back of Williams, just when it looks like Williams might be able to recover a little from his beating London and Kendrick run over to continue the assault, Yang and Tajiri leap over Low-Ki and attack Sabin they double whip him top the nearest corner hard Sabin clinches his eyes shut tring to deal with the pain but before he has anytime to recover Yang nails him with his step up the body flip and soon as his was done he bends over as Tajiri leapfrogs onto his back and delivers a crushing dropkick to the chest that drive's all the air out of Sabin's body, Tajiri and Yang then pick Sabin up and adds to his injury's but giving him a double suplex onto the top rope but somehow Sabin holds on, Tajiri and Yang turn around to see who could be their next victim, after a couple of seconds of catching his breath Sabin attemps to do a springboard move but as he starts to jump he is met by a double sidekick from Tajiri and Yang sending him crashing to the arena floor.

Chimel: Chris Sabin has been eliminated!!!!

London and Kendrick are all over Williams, London holds him in a full nelson while Kendrick is delivering some stiff kicks, punches, and chops, Kendrick grabs Williams by the head and runs towards the ropes and flattens him with the sliced bread#2, Williams is out as London heads to the top rope and rains down with the londonfalling(shooting star press), Low-Ki finally gets up and looks at Tajiri and Yang they don't even attemp to fight and head right over to London and Kendrick, Kendrick and London are about to eliminate Williams limp body when Yang grabs him and throws him to the mat and before London and Kendrick can complain Tajiri does his rush of vicious punches and kicks to London as Low-Ki does a stuning front leg sweep to Kendrick sending him face first to the mat, Yang hops to the top rope and delivers his corkscrew moonsault press landing dead on the lower back of Kendrick, Tajiri has London dazed by the ropes and locks in the tarntula, London tries to break free but he can't he screams out in pain as Tajiri won't break the hold, Yang grabs Kendrick's arms Low-Ki grabs his legs they play with him rocking him back and forth before they catapult him over the top rope, Tajiri has London sitting on the top rope and bounces off of the second rope to blast London with a springboard jumpkick to the side of his head sending him to the outside of the ring to join his partner.

Chimel: Brian Kendrick and Paul London have been eliminated!!!! which mean's it is now time for the second part of this Crusierweight Free-for-all with the winner reciving a shot at the Crusierweight title and here are your your final compititors Petey Williams, Low-Ki, Jimmy Yang, and Tajiri!!!!

(The crowd is yelling at the top of their lungs cheering for the ladder's all around the ring.)

Mid Match Notes​

Williams has finally had some time to recover and is on his feet as the next part on the match begin's all four men jump outside the ring to grab a ladder Tajiri and Yang get back in the ring as Williams drops his ladder runs along the barricade and destroys Low-Ki with a springing front dropkick to his ladder, Tajiri and Yang look on from the inside until Yang blast Tajiri in the back of the head with the ladder, Tajiri falls to his knees as Yang drops the ladder on his back runs to the rope and bounces off the second rope with a springborad moonsault, Yang immediatly grabs his gut as he damaged him self as well as Tajiri, Williams is hammering Low-Ki with stomps he gets right by his head uses the barricade to lift him self up and comes down full force with a knee drop right to his head, Williams then gets on top of him and slowly and punishingly deliver punch after punch until blood starts to poor from Low-Ki's head, Tajiri is still on the ground with the ladder on his body so Yang goes to the outside apron and jumps in tring to deliver a splash but Tajiri rolls out of the way allowing him to land directly on the ladder, Tajiri doesn't look very mercyful as he puts up Yang and devastates him with a brainbuster on the ladder, Williams locks Low-Ki's body in a ladder and gets on tope of the baricade and does his version of the warrior's way stomp, Low-ki looks like he's out cold, Tajiri is in the ring setting up a ladder to try and win the match, he slowly starts to climb the ladder as Williams re-enters the ring pushing over the ladder which lands right on Yang who before the ladder shot was finally showing signs of life, somehow Tajiri lands on his feet and charges at Williams, Williams ducks a clothesline and nails Tajiri with a sharp punch to the head, Tajiri is momenterily dazed and Williams grabs the back of his head with both hands and crushes him with a jawjacker (he holds the back of his head than drops back and drives both knee's into his opponets face) Williams picks Tajiri back up and slaps him between his legs he looks at the crowd and calls for the destructive flip pliedriver the canadian destroyer but as he begins to attemp his finisher Low-Ki re-enters the ring with a crackling shot to his back with a chair, Williams falls down and holds his back with a look of pure agony on his face, Low-Ki grabs Tajiri and detroys him with the ki-krusher99 (high leg cradle michinoku driver) Tajiri is out, Low-Ki picks the chair back up and nails Williams again then wraps the chair around his neck, Ki then goes to the top rope, Williams tries to roll out of the way but is flatted with the warrior's way stomp luckly for Williams he got out of the way enough for Ki to miss his first target the chair around his neck, Low-Ki then directs his attension to the contact hanging above the ring he grabs a ladder and positions it right under the item and starts his climb to victory but Yang is up and climbs the ladder, Low-Ki nails him with chop acrossed the head and chest but Yand fires back, Ki blasts him with a sidekick to the head then climbs one rung higher and totally anniholates Yang with a hurricanrana off the top of the ladder, smearing what's left of Yang all over the outside of the ring, Yang is out cold but Low-Ki hurt himself preforming the move and is in the ring wrenching in pain.

The Finish​

Blood now completely covers Low-Ki face as he is still tring to recover from that incredible hurricanrana off the ladder, Yang has not moved since crashing to the outside and one of the referee's has called for help, some official's come and carry him to the back, Tajiri finally is able to get to his feet and runs over and baseball slide dropkicks Low-Ki out of the ring, Tajiri turn's around only to be met with a spinning headscissors from Williams, Tajiri jumps right back up but is forced into the corner by Williams who cracks him with sick knief edge chops that are put bruises and welps on Tajiri's chest, Williams then put him in the tree of woe position and does his infamous move the oh canada!(stands on his opponets balls) he jumps off bounces off the ropes and delivers a jumping dropkick to Tajiri's face, Williams notices the ladder still in place under the contract and starts his climb he almost has his hands on the contract when Low-Ki spring back in action with a springboard highkick to the back of his head sending him and the ladder crashing to the mat, Low-Ki wipes the blood out of his eyes and repositions the ladder and starts to climb the ladder, Tajiri sets a ladder up right by Ki's ladder and starts to climb, they begin to battle on their way up, Tajiri gets the advantage by kicking Ki in his lower right leg making him stop his climb, Tajiri continues his way to the top but Williams climbs up the otherside of his ladder and starts to attack him they are going back and forth nailing each other with hard shots, Low-Ki begins his climb again but then he notices the crowds wild cheering and sees Yang making his way back out to the ring Low-Ki meets him as soon as he returns to the ring with a flying crossbody but Yand counters into a dropkick to the gut, Tajiri is getting hammered by Williams he climbs a little higher but the contract is a little out of reach so Williams grabs Tajiri's head and calls for the Canadian destroyer he flips over and completely eliminates Tajiri with that devastating move off of the ladder, Tajiri rolls to the outside of the ring and is shaking very badly,Williams still in the is holding his knee and screaming in pain, Yang rushes over to the ladder Low-Ki positioned under the contract and climbs to the top but as soon as he has a finger touching the contract Low-Ki grabs his leg and drags him off the ladder, Low-Ki and Yang climb the ladder rung by rung they battle to the top, Williams finally is able to get his feet and looks up at Ki and Yang, he grabs ahold of Yang as Ki continues to climb, Ki jumps up and smashes his right foot into the mouth of Yang who lands right on top of Williams, Low-Ki gets his hands on the contract and pulls it down and the ref calls for the bell to end the match.

Chimel: And here is your winner and new number one contender for the crusierweight championship Low-Ki!!!!!

(After his victory Low-Ki dosen't get off the ladder he tosses the contract down and points to Williams and hop's off and delivers the warrior's way double stomp off the top of the ladder, it looks like a car crash as the compititors from the match are laying lifeless around the ring, the officials run down to help the compititors)

Cole: What an incredible way to start off Smackdown!, the Cruiserweight's are insane and will do anything to get a win.

Tazz: Low-Ki is a bad man Cole he put it all on the line and it paid off.

Cole: But what was that after the match he attacked a fallen Petey Williams with that sick and vicious double stomp off the top of the ladder.

Tazz: I don't know if you were watching the match Cole but little Petey busted Low-Ki wide open maybe he was getting a little revenge.

Cole: There is no room in the WWE for stunts like that anyone of those man could be seriously injured.

Tazz: Since you've never had the guts to step in the ring yourself you have some nerve to judge anyone of our superstars.

Cole: But I do know right from wrong and that was wrong.

Tazz: Whatever Cole you keep talkin bout it but i've been bout it.

Cole: Well partner enough about that, Low-Ki got the classless win in what would have been an incredibly compititive and extremely good match.

Tazz: If we keep talkin bout that match i'm going to have to hurt you Cole so it's just your luck it's time for our next match, it's gonna be The World Tag Team Champion's The Island Boyz coming off an impressive win at WM, versus The unlucky Basham Brothers.

Cole: I think unlucky is putting it very mildly The Island Boyz are monsters Tazz I think they get off on other people's pain and suffering and with that other beast and their Samoan brother WWE Hardcore champion Samoa Joe watching their back their seems to be no way to stop these guys.

Tazz: I'd have to agree Cole The Island Boyz have dominated the Smackdown tag division like no other tag team in recent memory, they're on top and I don't think anybody is gonna knock them off anytime soon.

Cole: Well partner the match is about to start and let's just hope The Bashams can survive.

(Backstage: Samoa Joe is waiting for his Samoan Brothers to come through for their match when Batista walks up)

Batista: Hey chump.... I mean champ how you doin?

Joe: I'm going to say this one time and one time only I am Samoa Joe the Samoan submission machine and if you don't get outta my face i'm going to show you a new meaning to the word pain!

Batista: Whoa! clam down big guy, i'm just wondering when i'm gonna get my shot at takin that title off of your waist, I mean what are you doing duckin me? Do I happen to scare you a little? or are you just plain chicken?

(Joe gets right in Batista's face)

Joe: I don't duck anyone, and I certainly don't fear anyone, I am the most dominate wrestler in the world today and if you want a shot you got it anytime, anywhere, but when that smoke clears I want you to know that your going to be one of my victim's just like everybody else, because as i've shown I can not be beaten, expectly by someone as inferior as you.

Batista: Well that has yet to be proven, me and you next week, title on the line, hardcore rules, now what could be better than that? See ya later chump....I mean champ.

(The Island Boyz show up and Batista decide's to backs off, he has a huge grin on his face and signaling with his hands that he will be the next hardcore champ, Samoa Joe laugh's it off and heads to the ring with his teammate's)

(The Basham's music begin's to play to moderate Boo's from the crowd, as they appear on the rampway they have a look of worry on their faces)

Chimel: The following match is a non-title tag team match for one fall first intruducing on their way to the ring, Doug and Danny, The Basham Brothers!!!!

(The Basham's are in the ring and waiting for their compititors to show up it's not long before the music of The Island Boyz starts to a huge amount of cheers from the crowd and they make their way to the ring with Samoa Joe behind them)

Chimel: And now on their way to the ring The World Tag Team Champions Kimo(formerly known as Rosie) and Ekmo(formerly known as Umaga and Jamal) Fatu The Island Boyz and in their corner WWE Hardcore Champion Samoa Joe!!!!

2nd Match: The Island Boyz with Samoa Joe versus The Basham Brothers

The Start​

The match starts off with Kimo and Doug locked up in the middle of the ring, Kimo overpowers and forces him into The Island Boyz corner he clobbers him with some brutal knief edge chops that has the crowd doing their best Ric Flair impression, Kimo backs off and charges in with a sick running shoulder charge flatening Doug and sending him to the bottom turnbuckle, Kimo tags in his brother Ekmo as their team in a double corner beat down and stomp combo on Doug, Danny tries to help out his brother but is stopped by the ref, on the other side of the ring Ekmo bounces off the ropes and comes steamrolling in with his Umaga style, head splitting corner thump that knocks Doug's head far between the middle and bottom turnbuckle's, and then tags his partner Kimo back in they double whip him to the ropes and nails him with a double flapjack, Ekmo gets out of the ring as Kimo bounces off the ropes and delivers a face crushing legdrop and goes for the pin 1......2..... but Danny quickly brakes up the count, he begin's to argue with the ref but Kimo comes running in with a avalanche like blow sending him flying out of the ring, Doug is slowly beginning to recover when Kimo smashes him with a hard clothesline to his neck, Doug looks like he's out of it and Kimo tags back in Ekmo who heads to the top rope and delivers a spine tingleling splash crushing Doug's ribs and driving the air from his body he immediatly goes for the pin 1.......2.......thre... but Danny makes the timely save, Ekmo is pissed and jumps up and grabs Danny, Danny is petrified with fear as Ekmo tosses him in the air and slams him with a tossing samoan drop, he then drags him up by his tights and sends hin flying over the top rope crashing shoulder first on the arena floor.

Mid-Match Notes​

Doug somehow gets to his feet only to be blasted by a stiff frontkick to the face from Ekmo who tags Kimo back in to the match, Ekmo lift's Doug high over his head and forces him down to Kimo for a gutwrenching gutbuster, Doug lets out a small scream and you can clearly see that maybe he has some internal injuries as his mouth is bleeding very badly, Kimo picks his back up and clutches his throat and dominates him with a one-handed chokebomb(one-handed chokeslam into sitting powerbomb position), Doug is clearly beaten but Kimo doen't even attempt a pin he puts Doug in position and tags Ekmo who heads for to the second rope as Kimo charges to the ropes and at almost the same time Kimo delivers a brutal big splash and Ekmo explodes off the second rope with a diving headbutt, Ekmo pins Doug 1......2...... but Danny returns just in time to brake the count once again, Ekmo gets in Danny's face they begin to argue back and forth, just when it looks like Ekmo has reached his boiling point Danny decide's to strike's first with a slap to the face but Ekmo no sells, a look of extreme anger crosses Ekmo's face as Danny slaps him again, but again it is ineffective, Danny goes for a third slap only to have his hand caught but he quickly poke's Ekmo in the eye and as he rubs his eye trying to recover Danny drags Doug to their corner then tags himself in.

He takes full advantage of the situation by nailing Ekmo from behind with a heavy double handed axehandle blow, he continues to beat on his back until he's on the ground, Danny then rains down vicious and presice elevated stomps to the upper part of Ekmo's back, Danny drags him up by the hair and slings him to the ropes and flatens him with a surprising powerslam and goes for the pin 1.....2.....but Ekmo is able to escape, Danny then forces him into the corner nails him with hard shots to the gut with sick shoulder charges, he then begin's to lay stomps and kick to his chest, he quickly bounces off the ropes and nails Ekmo with a hard running corner kick, Ekmo looks to be limp as Danny raises him again he nails him with a vicious chop to the chest, but that seems to wake the sleeping monster up, he slaps him again but Ekmo no sells the move, he lights him up one last time and Ekmo is now all fired up beating on his own chest, they begin to trade punches back and forth but Ekmo start to get the better of the exchange as a reeling Danny is now being dominated, Doug finally is able to get to his feet and hops in the ring only to be pressslamed by the angered Island Boy, as the ref tries to get him out of the ring Danny drops to his knees and low blows Ekmo, he falls down holding his balls as Danny regains control, Danny locks in a neck wrenching grounded full-nelson as he tries to get Ekmo to submitt, Ekmo refuses to tap as his partner cheers him on he forces Danny and himself back to their feet and powers out of the hold, only to be thrusted in the throat and clotheslined by Danny, Danny looks over at he partner who seems to be re energizied and ready to fight begging for the tag, Danny drags Ekmo over and clutches him by the throat then drives him to the mat with a vicious brain damage(double handed chokebomb)as Doug makes his way up the ropes and comes crashing down with a sick guillotine legdrop,he attempts the pin 1.....2.....thre....but Kimo charges into the ring and ducks a clothesline attempt from Danny and nails Doug to break up the count, at that very moment the music of Batista begin's to play.

The Finish​

Samoa Joe is all fired up and walks toward the rampway to wait for his foe, back in the ring Kimo is still clearing house, Danny runs at Kimo only to be destroyed by a spinning sidewalk slam(the black hole slam), Doug tries to help his partner out but is thrown high into the air and crashes back down with a flapjack, Batista's music stops playing as Samoa Joe goes back to watching the match, the ref is finally able to restore a little order by forcing Kimo back to his corner he begin's shaking the ropes calling for the long awaited tag, Ekmo slowly crawls to his corner but out of nowhere, The Bashams drag him back to their corner as Doug tags back in Danny, Danny drops some quick elbows then shatters the back with a hard elevated knee to Ekmo's upper back, suddenly an figure emarges through the crowd, it's Batista with a chair in his hands, he jumps over the barricade and completely levels Joe from behind with the chair, he is able to add insult to injury by rainind down two more sick chair shots, Kimo leaves the apron and goes to check on his fallen friend which is Batista's cue to leave he quickly exits with a huge smile on his face holding the chair high above his head, Kimo makes sure that Joe is okay, while in the ring the Bashams have completely taken control, Danny tags in Doug and the preform a big double suplex they don't rest as they take advatage of the distraction Batista caused and destroys Ekmo with their ball and gag finisher(russian legsweep clothesline combo) and goes for the pin 1.....2.....thre...but somehow Ekmo powers out and the Bashams can't believe it, they clutch their heads wondering how he was able to kickout, but as soon as they turn around they are met with vicious clotheslines from a returning Kimo, Samoa Joe is finally able to return to his feet and quickly heads to the back to confront Batista, back in the ring Kimo is dominating the Basham's, Doug gets up but Kimo nails him with a backbody drop, Danny runs in only to be lit up by a hard shot to the gut from Kimo, Kimo then grabs on and delivers a very painful looking gutwrench powerbomb sending Danny rolling to the outside of the ring, Doug gets back up and is hip thrown acrossed the ring then Kimo crashes down with a hard splash driving the little air Doug had left out of his body, Ekmo has now recovered as the brothers are calling for their finisher the samoan anniholation, but out of nowhere Danny blildsides Kimo with a hard shot from the back, but Kimo no sells and is extremely pissed he grabs a shocked Doug by the throat and chokeslams him over the top rope sending him horribly crashing down to the arena floor in the ring Doug stands to his feet only to be met by a hard slap from Ekmo, he turns only to be cracked by Kimo, they send him bouncing back and forth with hard punches, Doug dazed from the assault falls to the mat as the Samoan's call for it one more time, Kimo picks him up and puts him in the fallaway slam position he lets out a primal yell then tosses him overhead to his brother Ekmo waiting to finish the move nailing a mid-air grabbing breathtaking samoan drop completind their tag team finisher the Samoan anniholation, Kimo drops down for the pin 1......2......Danny slowly appears on the apron only to be blasted back down with a vicious sidekick from Ekmo sending him crashing hard into the barricade allowing Kimo to get the 3!!!! and the ref calls for the bell.

Chimel: And here are your winners by pin fall and still World Tag Team Champions Kimo and Ekmo the Island Boyz!!!!

(The Island Boyz quickly exit leaving the beaten and broken Basham's in the ring unable to move, the officials come out to see if they are alright)

Tazz: What a Team Cole the Island Boyz were distracted by what happened with Joe and the Basham's had plenty of opprotunitys to finish them off but they just couldn't get it done and the Island Boyz seem to be unstoppable on their way to another victory.

Cole: Your right partner they have desamated every team put in front of them and I don't think any team in the WWE can stack up against our champs.

Tazz: Well I think the number one contenders Cryme Tyme members J.T.G and Shad will disagree Cole they fought every team in the company at WM to get a shot at the Island Boyz and I don't think they're scared of nuthin Cole.

Cole: If that's the case then they're crazy Tazz, those monsters not only defeat their opponents they destory them and I think that makes any man a little afraid.

Tazz: Just because your scared of your own shadow girl pants, doesn't mean we all feel that way this is the WWE and if your scared to compete against the best then you shouldn't be workin here.

Cole: I see your point partner but I don't happen to agree, their is nothing worth risking your career or life over as every time the champs step in the ring they try to complete anniholate the competition, but anyway let's talk about that attack Batista laid down on Joe?

Tazz: If Batista wanted to get Joe's attention then I think he got the job done but Samoa Joe is one of the baddest men I have ever seen compete in a ring and he is probably the last guy i'd want to piss off.

Cole: I agree partner like the Island Boyz Joe is a complete monster and I got to believe there will be hell to pay come next week when these two meet for the WWE Hardcore title.

Tazz: I diffenently wouldn't want to be in his shoes because Joe's gonna have all the reason in the world to really hurt Batista.

(Backstage Nation of Domination leader Elijah Burke barges into GM Shane McMahon's office while he seems to be having a very important phone call)

Elijah: Hello Mr. McMahon I am Elijah Burk.....(the GM cuts him off as he's rudely enterupted his phone call)

Shane: (to caller on phone)Excuse me.(he put his hand over the phone and addresses Burke) Will you shut the hell up!!!!

(Shane finishes his phone call as Burke waits to speak with the GM)

Shane: (to caller) Okay i'll have to call you back I have some business to take care of......yeah see ya later.(Shane pauses and looks Burke up and down, Burke begin's to speak again but the angered GM cuts him off again)

Shane: You have some nerve showin your face in my office after what you pulled at WM last week you must by a very brave man because you knew like everybody else I wanted to sweep the RAW superstars proving once and for all that I had the superior brand in sports entertainment but you cost me and Smackdown! a win because you seem to have issues with Killings? well don't just stand there with that dumb expression on your face speak up.

Elijah: Mr. McMahon please let me explain, as you know I am leader of the premire group on the Smackdown! brand known as The Nation of Domination and at WM those thugs, those hoodlems, those sad excuse for black men, Cryme Tyme stole my teammate's spot in the big gauntlet tag match at WM, we were suppose to have the last spot but somehow bthey stole it from us, so we decided to steal something from them, so I costed Killings his match against Dinsmore hopeing that you would punish them for loseing the match, not thinking fully of the conequences and for the I whole heartedly apollogize.

Shane: I guess I could understand your motives but the fact still remains one of you must pay for costing me and the Smackdown! fans that match, so i've come up with a plan next week it's gonna be the N.O.D versus Cryme Tyme and the loser will suffer my wrath and recive a punishment fitting of the crime.

Elijah: Thank you Mr. McMahon, i'm glad you can understand and I would like to personally tell you that there is no way Cryme Tyme could ever hope to defeat a superior team the likes of The Nation of Domination as a great man once said they don't have a chance in hell!!!!

Shane: Well for your sake I hope so and one more thing Burke before you go, if you ever barge into my office unannounced again I will personally make your life a livin hell!!!!, now get the hell outta my office!!!!

(Elijah exits the GM's office looking very worried about next weeks match, then the camera immediatly shift's to RVD chillin in the locker room then suddenly CM Punk enters the room and seems to have something on his mind)

RVD: Hey Buddy I heard that me and you are gonna team tonite, that's cool.

Punk: That's cool huh?, I want you to listen up "dude" I don't know what the GM was thinking teaming me and you up, we're like night and day, let me tell you a little something, I am CM Punk and I live the straight edge lifestyle that means i'm drug-free, i'm alcohol free and my only addiction is competition and to be perfectly honest i'm not so sure about having someone like you as my partner tonite.

RVD: Hey dude you need to chill, we may not have alot in common but there is one thing we do.

Punk: Oh yeah, and what exactly is that?

RVD: Our competitive drive, you know as well as I know that the fans don't call me the Whole Fuc*in Show fo nuthin, and when it comes to gettin it done in that ring there is nobody better than everybody's favorite wrestler Rob....Van....Dam!!!!

Punk: You have a point but what I want you to do is stay the hell out of my way so we can get through this match and never have to do this again!!!!

RVD: Dude Whatever, I think you need to rethink this whole drug free thing because it could really help you mellow out.

(CM Punk looks very angry at RVD's comments but leaves the locker room to prepare for their match later in the night)

RVD: Anyway see ya, out there buddy.

Part Two Right Under Part One....
Cole: Those two really don't like each other, I can't believe they have to team tonite.

Tazz: Well it's all apart of the game Cole some times your have to put personal feelings aside and team with a guy you can't stand to get a opprotunity to face the top competition and move up in the rankings, but to me it looks like Punk is the only one holdin a gudge.

Cole: Well they better get it together quick because they are faceing two men that have teamed in the past and won tag team championships and those men are Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles.

Tazz: Damn right Cole they know everything about each other and more imporantly they know how to sucessfully team and work together sumthin Punk and RVD are missin.

Cole: You will get to see that match later tonite but up next it's going to be a triple threat match with Carlito versus Booker T versus Jeff Hardy and all these guys just like RVD, Punk, Daniels, and Styles are in that redhott US title division and you got to believe they will be trying to impress the GM so they will be next in line to get a shot.

Tazz: Right, that's why Punk has problems with RVD, he knows they both command the spotlight and they both want a shot at the champ Mr. Shelton Benjamin, and you betta believe Carlito, Hardy,and Booker want the same exact thing.

Cole: I diffenetly agree partner, well over the last couple of weeks Hardy has gotten the short end of the stick as both Carlito and Booker have defeated him in one-on-one competition.

Tazz: Well that leaves a bad tatse in anybody's mouth I hope Hardy's brought his A game because another lost here will put him at the bottom of the pack.

Cole: I agree this is a must win for Hardy right now he has to see if he can pull off an upset and defeat Booker and Carlito tonite.

Tazz: Well my money's on Booker lets no forget about the lovely Sharmell at his side, she could be the deciding factor in this match.

Cole: She usually is, but I hope she stays out of this one but I know that's going to be almost inpossible for her to do, knowing her nature, well all the qustion will be answered right now as here the match is set to begin next!!!!

Chimel: And the next match is a triple threat match for one fall first introducing on his way to the ring accomanied by his Manager Sharmell, Booker T!!!!

(Booker T appears on the rampway reciving loud Boo's from the crowd on his way to the ring)

Chimel: And his opponent on his way to the ring Jeff Hardy!!!!

(As Soon as Jeff appears he is greatly greeted by the fans cheering very wildly for him as he heads to the ring)

Chimel: And the final competitor in this match Carlito!!!!

(Carlito keeps the crowd hot as he appears to the same if not greater cheers from his fans as he heads to the ring to start the match)

3rd Match: Carlito versus Booker T versus Jeff Hardy triple threat match​

The Start​

All the wreslers circle the ring watching each other wait to see who will make the first move, they don't wait long as Carlito and Jeff charge at Booker and force him into the corner, Booker tries to fight out but is cut off by rapid fire like chops from Carlito, Jeff also join's in by stomping Booker in the gut, Carlito says some words to Jeff and drops to his knees as Hardy gets a head start runs up his back to deliver a air Hardy crashing into Booker's chest, Booker falls down to the lower part of the turnbuckle then Carlito hops up and nails Booker with a low dropkick to the face, Carlito steps back as Jeff uses the top turnbuckle to fling himself high in the air only to come back down with a wicked springing dropkick directed to booker's chest, Carlito and Jeff team some more to lay some stomps and kicks to Booker but suddenly Jeff blindsides Carlito with a sick clothesline sendind Carlito hard to the mat, Jeff continue his attack with some stomps to the head of Carlito, Booker rolls to the outside of the ring and Sharmell checks to see if he is okay, Jeff jumps off the mat a hits Carlito with a big knee drop to the temple of his head, Jeff immediatly gets on top of Carlito and punishs him with a series of punches directed at his face, Jeff then gets up bounces off of the ropes and nails a somersault legdrop and goes for the pin 1.....2.....but Carlito is able to kickout, Booker re-enters the ring and runs at Jeff and blasts him with a twisting forearm shot to the face and turns his attension to Carlito on the ground first he hits some stomps to the body before he comes crashing down with his version of the knee drop landing right on the face of Carlito, Jeff gets back to his feet only to be met with a harlem sidekick to the head knocking him out of the ring.

Mid-Match Notes​

Booker starts to cheer and poses for the crowd who Boo's the hell out of him, Carlito gets to his knee's but Booker cracks him right in the face with a vicious kick and goes for the pin 1......2......but Carlito is able to get his shoulder off of the mat, Booker picks him back up both both he and Carlito fall victim to a flying Hardy smashing into both with a springboard front dropkick to each of their chest, Booker quick springs back to his feet but Jeff is ready runs at him grabbing his neck and delivering a sleeperhold spinout slam Hardy goes for the pin 1......2......but Booker kicksout, Jeff goes back of the attack nailing a standing senton then runs to the ropes and rains down a somersault senton and covers Booker again 1......2.......but Carlito brakes up the count, Hardy stands up and tries to kick Carlito in the gut but Carlito catches his foot then Jeff quickly counters into his inside mule spinkick that sends Carlito back to the mat, Booker hammers Jeff from behind with a fist and locks in a sleeper hold, Jeff is starting to feel the effects of the sleeper and drops to one knee, Booker feeling confindent rocks Hardy's head back and forth trying to put him to sleep but Jeff starts to counter with hard shots to Booker's ribs he then turns frontwards and clobbers Booker with his extreme jawbreaker he's about to attemp a pin when Sharmell gets on the apron to distract Hardy and it work until he snatches her up by the hair, but the distraction was good enough to allow Carlito to get to his feet, as Hardy holds Sharmell getting ready to knock her off the apron she points to Carlito and Hardy let's her go turns around and is leveled with a clothesline Hardy gets right back to his feet but is greeted with million dollar knee lift shot right to the face putting Jeff down, Booker is back on his feet and tries to hit a crescent kick on but Carlito ducks and nails a unsupecting Booker with a hurricanrana, he then drags both Booker and Jeff to the middle of the ring he hits them with some more stomps to make sure they stay down he then runs hops over their body lands of the second rope and comes back in with a twisting senton splash and he's not done as he heads to the other side of the ring and bounces off the second rope to deliver a moonsault press he then covers both men trying to get the win 1......2.....thr....but somehow both men kickout in time, Carlito look at the ref and begin's to complain telling him that was three the ref shakes his head and tells Carlito to continue the match, Sharmell jumps back onto the apron the ref walks over to tell her to get down and she refuses so the ref tells her to go to the back she can no longer stay at ringside, Sharmel agrues with the ref shortly then heades to the back, but Sharmell distracted Carlito long enough for Booker to low blow him behind the ref's back.

The Finish​

Booker takes advantage and rolls up Carlito with a hand full of tights the ref slides in and starts the count 1.....2.....but Jeff breaks up the count, Booker and Hardy trade punches back and forth but Booker turns the tide with a big standing spinkick to Jeff Booker covers 1.....2......but hardy kicksout, Booker picks Hardy up but both men are destroyed by stiff clotheslines from Carlito that send all three men crashing to the arena floor,the ref starts his count, Carlito is first to his feet he picks up Booker and rams his head into the announcers table serveral times before he allows him to drop, Hardy gets in the ring to break the ref's count he runs to the rope and dives through with a careless suicide dive but he misses his target and you could hear the loud thump as he crash lands right into the announce table, Carlito shows no mercy as he picks Hardy back up and flings him into the steel ring stairs, Hardy look waisted as Carlito head in the ring to break the count, Carlito heads back outside with a over the top rope twisting plancha nailing Booker who had just managed to get to his feet, Carlito throw's Booker back in the ring and heads to the apron and delivers a springboard elbow drop right to the chest of Booker he goes for the pin Booker kicksout, Carlito picks Booker up but he gives him a eye rake and kicks him in the gut he calls for it and attemps the scissors kick but at the last moment Carlito moves out of the way, Carlito whips him to the corner but Booker counters and whips Carlito he charges in after but Carlito hops to the top rope and moonsault flips behind Booker and delivers his destructive finisher the backcracker he covers Booker for 1.....but out of nowhere Jeff jumps off the top rope with a swanton bomb, somehow Carlito sees him and is able to avoid the impact but Booker wasn't so lucky, Carlito kicks Jeff in the gut and tries to plant him with a DDT but Jeff counters and hits a extreme twist of fate(reverse twist of fate) and covers Carlito for a 1.....2......3!!! and the ref calls for the bell.

Chimel: And the winner of the match by pinfall Jeff Hardy!!!!!

(Jeff leaves the ring quickly and celebrates his win as he heads up the ramp)

Tazz: Well Cole it looks like Hardy avenged his loses to these guys and evened the score, maybe now he can set his sights on the US title.

Cole: Yes, Jeff picked up the hard fought victory, but their is so many guys that want that deserve a shot I don't know who should be number one contender.

Tazz: This is one of those rare time's I agree with you Cole, the US division is stacked and everybody is gunnin for the champ, but you gotta believe that maybe Carlito and Booker just went down in the race for a title shot.

Cole: Probably so Tazz, Mr.McMahon is always looking for somebody to step up their game and that's what Jeff did tonite with that victory, .... wait a minute i'm just now getting word that Petey Williams and Tajiri have now been taken to a local hospital because of the injuries substained in that brutal Cruiserweight Free-for-all match they tell me that Yang and Low-Ki seem to be fine but Williams and Tajiri needed further attention and care, leading to them being sent to the hospital.

Tazz: That's always sad to hear Cole but they didn't say what injuries they might have so it might just be a procaution at least I hope the crusierweight's are the backbone of Smackdown! and i'd hate for anyone of them to go down.

Cole: Me to partner, we will try to keep you updated if we get anymore news on their condition.

(backstage Joey Styles is standing with Cryme Tyme members Ron Killings, Monty Brown, J.T.G. and Shad)

Joey: Hello Cryme Tyme next week you face the N.O.D in a match where if you lose you will recive some form of punishment from Smackdown! GM Shane McMahon on top of that you guys have been accused of stealing the last spot the WM tag match from the very men you will face N.O.D, so what are thoughts on this matter?

Killings: Well first and foremost I want to talk about that little sissy Elijah Burke he cost me my match at WM versus that sick bastard Dinsmore and more importantly he accused my homies of a serious crime so next week that punk gonna pay the piper.

Joey: So you mean to tell me that these guys didn't steal N.O.D's spot in the match at WM?

J.T.G: Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo homie you is askin qustions to stuff you don't want to hear the answer to, but i'm goin answer it anyway of course we didn't steal no spot from those sold out busters N.O.D, they must have had some kind of mis-read on their piece of paper becuz we won the shit fair and square and i'm insulted that you or anybody else would even attempt to accuse us of such a vicious crime.

(Shad looks at J.T.G trying to hold back laughter but he can't and all the Cryme Tyme members bust out laughing)

J.T.G: Aight, aight, what the hell you think man?, yea we took that shit, I mean look at the title of our group we is Cryme Tyme boy, we take what we want when we want it.

Shad: Yea we took they little spot but they should have brung that shit to us and not my boy Ronnie over there who had nuthin to do wit it, so all I got to say is man up bitches next week we anit gonna steal the match we simply gonna whup ya'll asses.

(Monty Brown steps up to Styles and bucks him scaring the daylights out of him, but Killings stops him and they walk off together, J.T.G and Shad walk up to Joey and give him a big group hug Shad takes his wallet and tosses it to J.T.G who lets go of the hug and jets off, Styles almost catches on to what they're doing but Shad gives him another hug as J.T.G escapes, then he pats him on the back and walks off, moments later Shad mets up with J.T.G)

Shad: What it is homie? what we get?

(J.T.G shows him what's was in the wallet)

Shad: Oh I see (in sing-along-style) We got his Cash.
J.T.G: Money.
Shad: And bank account numbers.
J.T.G: Just a little info and his credit's goin under.
Together:Money money, yea yea, money money, yea yea, more money money, yea yea.....( they countine on with their chant until they catch up with Ron and Monty they all exit the arena)

Tazz: What the hell is wrong with those guys?, I grew up in red hook and even I find them crazy.

Cole: Cryme Tyme cracks me up, but i'd have to agree with you they're pretty out there partner.

Tazz: Whatever, it's time for RVD and CM Punk versus Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles all these guys are incredible in the ring and their all in that highly competitive US title hunt.

Cole: Your right Tazz, all of these guys want a shot and just like the last match this match might help two superstars move up the rankings.

Tazz: It's time Cole here we go.

Chimel: The next match will be a tag match for one fall first introducing "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels!!!!

(Daniels music starts and the fans shower him with Boo's as he makes his way to the ring before he gets all the way to the ring the music shift's to AJ's and the crowd also shift's and begin to cheer uncontrolibly AJ appears and heads to the ring to join his partner)

Chimel: And his partner "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles!!!!

(CM Punk's music begin's and the crowd damn there Boo him out of the arena but Punk is focused only on his Competition in the ring)

Chimel: And their opponents first on his way the the ring CM Punk!!!!

(just like before the crowd immediatly shift's when the first note of RVD's music begin's to play as he appears he is greeted by the fans wild cheers as he heads to the ring)

Chimel: And his partner "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam!!!!

4th Match:Tag Team Match: CM Punk and RVD versus Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles​

The Start​

Each man talks to their respective partner and set to begin the match much to the crowd's delight RVD and AJ start things off they lock up in the middle of the ring, RVD breaks the lock and goes for a high spinkick but misses AJ counters with a Sweep but RVD jumps, RVD clutches AJ's body with his legs and rolls him up 1....2.....but AJ slither's out and flips RVD for a pin of his own 1....2.....but RVD kicksout, both men jump to their feet and stand face-to-face in a fight pose as the crowd cheers them on, RVD seems to be impressed by his new rival and exstends his hand AJ shakes it and they go back to the fight, they lock up again but AJ nails him in the gut with a hard mid-kick then forces him to the corner, AJ starts hammering RVD with punches and uppercuts, he then begin's to shoulder thrust RVD in the gut he does two steps back preforms a cartwheel and runs back in with a hard dropkick to the chest, AJ grabs RVD back up and whips him to the ropes, RVD comes flying back as AJ spins him through the air with a sick tornado backbreaker, AJ then heads to the outer apron and crash lands on RVD with a springboard legdrop he covers 1.....2.....but RVD kicksout, AJ forces him to his feet and to his corner and tags in Daniels,AJ and Daniels stand RVD and then AJ does a spinkick and Daniels a spinning leg sweep at the same time toally wipeing out RVD, Daniels goes for the pin 1.....2......but RVD is able to get his foot on the bottom rope, Daniels is very angry and grabs the ref, the ref warns him not to go to far, Daniels heeds the warnning and runs at RVD and baseball slide kicks him out of the ring.

Mid-Match Notes​

RVD is on the outside and seems to be in a lot of pain just as he tries to stand Daniels jumps over the top with a corkscrew plancha that puts RVD right back on the floor, Daniels gets RVD back to his feet and hoists him up in a stalled vertical suplex he holds him for a couple of seconds then drops him gut frist onto the barricade, RVD kicks his legs and screams in agony, Daniels starts to mock RVD's pose and nails him with some hard fist to the back he then jumps to the apron and mocks RVD again and delivers RVD's corkscrew kick to the back, RVD falls into the crowd as Daniels head in the ring to break the count, he slides back out after a short rest and RVD seems to be getting up Daniels flings his body over the barricade and into the crowd smashing into RVD with a flying clothesline, after he recovers he throws RVD over the barricade back to the arena floor, he stands on the barricade and delivers the arabian press(spilt-legged moonsault) off the barricade hurting his own legs in the process, Daniels is the first to get to his feet and picks RVD up and slams him into the rign steps he gets back in the ring to stop the ref's count then rolls right back out and forces RVD back into the ring, he positions RVD and then delivers the BME(best moonsault ever) and goes for the pin 1.......2.......thre...but Punk breaks up the count, Punk is all fired up and is signaling for the tag, Daniels picks up RVD and whips him hard to the corner but RVD puts on the breaks as Daniels charges in from behind, RVD shows off his amazing flexability by clobbering Daniels with a sharp kick to the head without even turnning around, he slowly slides and crawls to his partner who is ready for the tag, Daniels tags AJ, AJ tries to stop RVD but he gets the tag and Punk enters the ring.

The Finish​

Punk runs over and nails AJ with a clothesline, Daniels tries to help but is hip tossed by Punk, AJ is back to his feet but is met by a front kick to the face, dazed from the move AJ is flinged to the corner hard you could hear the impact ehco through the arena Punk charges in right after AJ with his shinning wizard in the corner he then plants AJ with a bulldog, he's about to go for a pin but Daniels chrages at him only to be backdroped by Punk, Daniels gets back to his feet but Punk comes in with a knee to the gut he clutches the head with a Mui Thai clinch and punishes him with devastating mui thai knees to the body and head, Punk lets him go and blasts him with a high sidekick to the head sending out of the ring, AJ nails Punk from behind with a high knee to the back then he attempts to whip Punk to the corner but Punk reverses and whips AJ, Punk follows him in and hits a shoulder spear in the corner to his gut then he wraps around AJ and locks in his octopus hold in the ropes, the ref begin's his count 1....2...3....4....but Punk releases the hold before the count of five he waits for AJ to stand and nails him with a spinning right handed chop a spinning left headed chop a high sidekick to the head then grabs AJ to try and deliver the uranage, but Daniels returns and nails him from behind then puts him down with the blue thunder driver attempts to run back to his corner but out of nowhere RVD hits his martial atrs kick off the top rope, RVD immediatly bounces off the ropes and does his cartwheel moonsault to Daniels then he dropkicks Daniels out of the ring, he poses and points to AJ he bounces off the ropes again and rains down the rolling thunder on AJ, he then goes back to their corner and calls for the tag, Daniel finally returns to his feet and heads to the other side of the ring with a steel chair in his hands, Punk gets back to his feet and grabs AJ once again in the uranage position and forces him to the mat with it then locks in the vicious submission move the anaconda vice, AJ is fighting with everything he's got to break the hold but he can't seem to, Daniel has been slowly creep toward RVD who happens to turn around just in time to move out of the way of a chair shot as Daniels rises the chair again RVD flings off and nails Daniels with a head spliting Vandaminator knocking him out, in the ring somehow AJ positions himself under the ropes and the ref calls for the break Punk refuses and the ref begin's his count 1.....2....3....4....but Punk rolls toward the middle of the ring and has AJ right where he wants him, RVD climbs to the top rope and points to AJ he jumps off and comes crashing down full force with a brutal five star frog splash right on AJ's body steal locked in the vice AJ passes out to the pain and the ref calls for the bell.

Chimel: and here are your winner by knockout Rob Van Dam and CM Punk!!!!

(After the match RVD exstends his hand to Punk but Punk ignores it and walks out of the ring and heads to the back RVD strugs his shoulders and follows him to the back)

Cole: Well Tazz it looked like RVD wanted to bury the hatchet so to speak but Punk wanted nothing to do with it.

Tazz: There's only one thing Punk cares about Cole and that's beating the best competition in the world, when he retires he wants to be known as one of the greats, as has desire and goals while RVD just wants to chill and be friends, Punk has no time for nothin like that.

Cole: It's a shame because they made a pretty impressive tag combo and I disagree about RVD they are both very competitive men thats the one thing they have in common but anyway they put their problems aside and got the win over another impressive team in the form of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels.

Tazz: I think I know what it's comin to and if it does I can't wait to see these two face off one-on-one.

Cole: You got to believe that Mr. Benjamin is in the back in awe of the the contenders for his highly coveted US title.

Tazz: Well, we will see Benjamin in action later tonite, right now it's time for the disappointment of Smackdown! Roderick Strong and he'll go one-on one with Jamie Noble for the Crusierweight title.

Cole: Don't call him that Tazz he fought his heart out at WM and dominated much of the match but when it was all said and done Shane Helms was the better man that night.

Tazz: Don't you ever tell me what to say I said he's the disappointment of Smackdown! and I mean it girl pants.

Cole: Well if you say so partner but you can't deny the incredible ability his has in the ring, the proof is in the title his has around his waist.

Tazz: But for how long, I just lost all confindence in him after his preformence at WM maybe he can redeem himself in my eyes tonite with a win.

Cole: Well were about to find out because that match is next.

Chimel: And the next match will be a single match for one fall and it is for the Cruiserweight Championship first introducing the challenger Jamie Noble!!!!

(Noble comes out to incredible heat from the crowd as he heads to the ring)

Chimel: And on his way to the ring he is "The Messiah of The Backbreaker" and the Crusierweight Champion of the World, Roderick Strong!!!!

(Strong appears on the rampway to incredible cheers from the crowd and heads to the ring to begin the match)

5th Match: Crusierweight Championship Match Jamie Noble versus Roderick Strong​

The Start​

Noble and Strong circle each other trying to feel each other out, then they lock up in the middle of the ring, Noble quickly does a standing reverse switch and locks Strong in a hammerlock he rocks back and forth to increase the pain of the move, Strong counters and locks in a standing high armlock and forces Noble down to the mat, Noble is in the bridge position and powers his way back into a standing position and counters back into his hammerlock, he lowkicks Strong in the back of his leg sending him to the mat still holding the hammerlock until he flips over and wrenches his arm, Noble immediatly stays on the arm and drives his knee into the arm and locks in a weird looking armlock, Strong uses his other hand to grab Noble's hair and reveses into a roll-up 1....2....Noble kicksout, he attempts to hit Strong with a dropkick but Strong moves out of the way and drops an elbow on him on his way down, Strong picks Noble up in the vertical suplex position he holds him there for a couple of seconds then drops him back first on his knee for a verison of the backbreaker he drops down for the pin 1....2....but Noble is able to escape, Strong gets to his feet and whips Noble to the ropes he goes for a clothesline but Noble ducks, Strong drops down as Noble comes charging back and jumps over him Noble comes back again but this time Strong nails him with a tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker, Noble clutches his back and has a look of agony on his face, Strong drops down and puts Noble in a side bow and arrow hold wretching his back, Noble continues to fight but can't break free of the painful move.

Mid-Match Notes​

Strong see that Noble won't tap and lets go of the hold he then stands Noble up and whips him to the corner, Strong follows quickly but Noble hops up making him crash shoulder first into the steel post Noble then drops down rolling him up for the pin1.....2.....but Strong kicksout, Noble begin's to attack the leg with some stomps he then twists his leg up and locks in a side leglock, but Strong is able to fight to the ropes, Noble quickly lets go of the hold then picks Strong up to deliver a gutwrench suplex and locks in a dragon sleeper with scissors, Strong starts hitting him hard in the gut with sharp elbows, Noble breaks the hold but drops a hard knee on the chest of Strong, he picks his opponent back up and hits a side backdrop and floats over for the pin 1.....2.....but Strong kicksout, Noble is starting to show his anger, he yanks Strong up and flings him hard to the corner, Noble follows with a high knee to the gut followed by a bulldog and cover Strong 1.....2.....but Strong counters into a small package 1.....2....but noble rolls it over into a small package of his own 1.....2......they both break free but as soon as he stands Strong flips over and sunset flips Noble 1.....2....but Noble follows though and jackknief pins Strong 1.....2......but Strong clutches his head and positions him back into the sunset flip position 1....2....they both break free again but Noble charges in and clotheslines Strong over the top rope as the action spills to the outside of the ring, Noble waits for Strong to stand and gets a full head of steam and hearls himself through the ropes and smashes into Strong with a sick suicide dive, Noble picks him up and places his knee on the back of Strong's head and drops down crashing him face first to the arena floor, Noble drags his body to the steel steps and begin smashing his head over and over again on the steps he leaves him laying on the stepto the apron he throw's hisself off landing on the back of Strong's head and neck with a legdrop, Strong rolls all over the arena floor trying to ease the pain but Noble is heartless he forces Strong up and tosses him into the announcers table, he walks over cocky as ever and slaps the taste out of Strong's mouth then lays him on the announce table, he hops in the ring and heads to the top rope he signals that it's over for Strong he flings himself through the air to finish off Strong but he somehow gets out of the way and Noble crash lands through the table.

The Finish​

Strong gets back in the ring to break the count then heads back outside to attack a fallen Noble, he yanks Noble up and places half of his body on the other announce table he then jumps to the barricade as the crowd cheers him on wildly, he jumps very high and lands both knees into Noble's lower back with a vicious double kneedrop, he drags a limp Noble off of the table and tosses him back in the ring, he picks him up and forces his head between his legs then hoist him for a crule Strongwreak(a train wreak backbreaker), Strong doesn't even attempt the pin and seems to be enjoying every second of disecting the back of his opponent he picks him back up and delivers a uranage backbreaker, he pulls him back up without breaking the hold and does another one, he pulls himup again but this time switches to a rib breaker, then he goes for the pin 1.....2.....but Strong yanks his head up stopping the count himself, he then puts Noble in the fireman's carry position and does a sick looking gutbuster that has a already hurt Noble screming in pain, he waits and stalks Noble waiting for him to get to his knee's and blasts him with a hard punt like kick to the gut then drops down to his lower back and starts driving in knee shot after knee shot, he then picks him up and puts him in a reverse fireman's carry also known as a torture rack but before Noble can even think of tapping he tosses him up and nails him in the back with both knee's for another vicious verison of the back breacker, Noble is in a huge ammount of pain but the now angered Strong doesn't seem to care as he walks over and rab's him foot acrossed Noble's face he the begin's to paintbrushes him with a flurry of slaps, he forces him to his feet again only to send him right back down with his increible finisher the CX20(a powerbomb into a diamond cutter)he immediatly covers Noble again 1.....2.....thre...but Strong doesn't seem to be done with his pray as once again he lifts his head off of the mat, he whips Noble to the corner and follows in with a sick clothesline that shakes the turnbuckle but he doesn't let Noble fall as he position's him on the top turnbuckle backwards, Strong heads to the second turnbuckle and detroys Noble with a devastating and breathtaking back breaker off the turnbuckle, he walks around Noble's limp body for a couple of seconds then locks in his sick submission hold the stronghold(elevated boston crab)Strong barely gets it locked all the way in before a hurt Noble taps out from the hold, the ref calls for the bell but Strong refuses to break the hold he continues to wretch the back of his opponent until more officials charge the ring and force him off of Noble.

Chimel: Here is your winner by submission and still Crusierweight Champion of the world Roderick Strong!!!!

(the crowd has grown silent after watching what just happened, Strong picks up a mic to address the fans)

Strong: All this week people have qustioned my ability because I lost one little match at WM, well I think I just proved with my preformence that i'm still the top Crusierweight in this company, and if anybody in the back wants to prove me wrong then bring it because i'm ready for any of you, Shane you can be angry all you want about that lost but getting this title off of me will be your greatest challenge, because I refuse to lose again!!!!

(Strong leaves the ring and head back to the locker room,as Jamie Noble can't leave the ring on his own power and is helped to the back by the officials)

Tazz: I think Strong just changed my mind Cole, he had a killer instinct towards the end of that match and you know what Cole? I think I like it.

Cole: It looked like Noble was going to get the win and the title but Strong turned into a animal and vicious attacked Noble until he submitted, then had some strong words for the GM, I don't like the fact that he tried to cripple one of our competitor's but I guess I can see were he's coming from.

Tazz: It's not about what you like Cole it's about what gets the job done and he dominated a world class superstar as he made a statement to his critic's and the GM.

(Backstage Joey Styles is standing with US champ Shelton Benjamin and his lovely Manager Kristal Marshall)

Joey: What the hell!!!!, I can't find it anywhere!!!!, has anybody seen my wallet?

Benjamin: Can we get on with this?

Joey: Yes, sorry about that, well Shelton at WM you defeated the other Mr. in the WWE Mr. Ken Kennedy and next you have a big match with one of your rival's from the red-hot US title division Paul Birchill so what are your thoughs at this point?

Benjamin: First I want to say that nobody respects Mr. Benjamin, I am the single most talented and athleticly gifted individual to ever step foot in a WWE ring, I took that want-a-be Kennedy through one hell of a match at Maina and when it came down to it I just couldn't be beaten, he fell to my feet just like everyone else I face and still I get no respect, as far as tonite goes i'm going to do what I do best and that's beat the hell out of my opponent and retain my championship, but now I want to talk about the future like you said the US title division is on fire and everybody wants a shot at Mr. Benjamin well I say this any man in the back who thinks they have a chance against a superior athlete like me then all's you gotta do is say the word because every week i'm will put my title on the line against anybody on the WWE roster, you people may not respect me yet but after I destroy the roster you guys won't have a choise, that's right Mr.Benjamin said he will make you respect him!!!!

(Shelton walks away as Kristal stands there looking shocked at Styles)

Joey: Is he serious?

Kristal: No!!!!, don't quote him on that, let me try and talk some sense into him.

(Kristal charges off to catch up with Shelton as Styles begin's the search for his wallet again)

Tazz: Did you hear that Cole, Mr.Benjamin has promise to beat every wrestler in the US title hunt week after week he will put his title on the line against the best Smackdown has to offer.

Cole: I can't believe it partner, Shelton not only basicly challanged every superstar in the back but he told the fans he will make them respect him.

Tazz: I think he's right after he beat's all comers trying to take his title then the fans will have no choise but to give the man his proper respect.

Cole: I don't know Tazz the fans have a mind of their own but it would be an impressive feet no less and I guess he's about to start his challenge right now as he and Birchill will get it on next.

Chimel: the next match is for one fall and it is for the United States Championship first introducing the challenger Paul Birchill!!!!

(Birchill's music begin's to play and the fan's give him a mixed reaction of mostly Boo's on his way to the ring)

Chimel: And now on his way to the ring acompanied by his Manager Kristal Marshall The United States Champion of The World Mr. Shelton Benjamin!!!!!

(Shelton and Kristal seem to be arguing on their way to the ring the fans greet the US champ with another mixed reaction but mostly cheers)

Part Three under Part Two....
6th Match: United States Championship Match Paul Birchill versus Shelton Benjamin​

The Start​

Birchill doesn't even wait for the bell to ring as he charges over and attacks Benjamin as soon as he enters the ring, he's all over him with hard punches to the face, he backs Benjamin into the corner and nails him with a clothesline, he then flings him across the ring with a huge hip toss, he slinds down and locks in a neck wretch on Benjamin, Birchill lets go of the hold only to blast Benjamin in the back with a low kick, he picks Benjamin up and slams him with a double underhook float over into a pin 1.....2.....but Benjamin is able to break free, Birchill jumps back to his feet and lays stomps all over Benjamin's body then he uses the ropes for leverage to stand on Benjamin's upper back, the ref begin's his count 1....2.....3....4...Birchill lets go then puts him in a camel clutch useing the ropes the ref starts his count again 1...2....3....4....Birchill breaks the count and lifts Benjamin to his feet, he clobbers him with some brutal chest chops then whips Benjamin to the ropes, Birchill goes for the backbody but Benjamin leapfrog's over rebounds off the ropes and nails Birchill with a sick clothesline, he follow through with a elbow, he stands and hits another one, he then bounces off the ropes and nails a senton, he gets back up and starts hammering him with elevated stomps to the chest then forces Birchill to his feet to deliver a spine tingleing overhead belly-to-belly suplex, he drops down and locks Birchill in a sleeper with scissors, but Birchill refuses to tap and begin's to roll toward the ropes, Benjamin quickly releases the hold and rains down a low dropkick to his head, he then yanks Birchill back to his feet and puts him in the vertical suplex position he walks over to the ropes and slams him down hard on the top rope, he then looks like he is about to sunset flip him to the outside but Birchill counters with hard shoulder shots to the gut then he smacks Benjamin right acrossed the face and begin's to laugh, Benjamin has a huge smile on his face as he heads over and blasts Birchill with a vicious sidekick sending him flying into the barricade and the arena floor, Benjamin waits then bounces off the ropes and hearls himself over the top with a spinning side plancha knocking a dazed Birchill back to the ground, Benjamin walks around poseing and slapping hands with the fans as Birchill once again tries to get to his feet, Benjamin the hopd up to the barricade runs along it and hits Birchill with a jumping hurricanrana Birchill is down and out as a confindent Benjamin returns to the ring to break the refs count.

Mid-Match Notes​

Benjamin heads back to the outside to get Birchill, but Birchill rakes his eyes then rams him head first into the steel stairs then whips him hard to the barricade, he follows up with some stiff european uppercuts then yanks him by the hair and slams him to the arena floor, Birchill then returns to the ring, Kristal runs to Benjamin's side to see if he's all right as Birchill stands ready in the ring, Benjamin finally gets to his feet and heads to the apron but Birchill starts lighting him up with a flurry of punches, he then hooks the tights and plans to bring Benjamin in the hard way with a vertical suplex but Benjamin shows off his incredible flexiblity as he flip's out to his feet and holds on for a counter neckbreaker, Benjamin is first to his feet and forces Birchill into the corner and places him on the top turnbuckle, he then starts his climb but Birchill gives him some counter punches to the face, he then grabs Benjamin by the head and attempts a torando ddt, they spin through the air but Benjamin shows off incredible strength and holds on and set's him right back on the top turnbuckle, then he bounces off the ropes and nails Birchill with a kick to the head, Benjamin starts his climb again to try and deliver a superplex but Birchill knocks him off and he lands on the mat, Birchill climbs all the way to the top but Benjamin gets up hops all the way to the top turnbuckle and delivers the same superplex he had just attempted he then floats over into a pinning position 1.....2......but Birchill kicksout, Benjamin walks over and starts complaining to the ref, that gives Birchill enough time to recover when Benjamin turns around he is met with a sharp kick to the gut Birchill then mounts him from behind clutching both of Benjamin's arms and putting his foot on his back for a standing surfboard, Benjamin tries to escape but before he can Birchill drives him to the mat hard still holding on to the move(surfboard slam this is his OVW finisher right now) and rolls him up for the pin 1......2......thre...but Benjamin is able to get his foot on the ropes, Birchill can't believe it he is in shock that he's not the new US champion, Birchill then raises him to his feet and hooks him in the vertical position he nails him with a snap suplex but he holds of and delivers another snap suplex he yanks him up one more time but this time lays him out with a vertical facebuster slam then goes right in for the pin 1......2......but somehow Benjamin is able to kickout yet again, Birchill is extremely angery he yanks Benjamin back up and forces him back to the groung with a vicious front backbreaker but he leaves Benjamin on his knee to turn it into a subbmission like move, the ref is asking Benjamin to quick but he rufuses, Birchill then forces him back into the air and nails a ribbreaker and covers him Benjamin kicksout, and Birchill looks like he's completely lost it he snaps on the ref then heads to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair.

The Finish​

He returns to the ring with the chair in hand ready to blast Benjamin as soon as he can return to his feet, the ref continue's to talk to him trying to clam him down but it doesn't look like it's working, Benjamin starts to raise to his feet but at that very moment Kristal hops on to the apron trying to distract Birchill from nailing Benjamin with the chair, Birchill walks over to the ropes and attemps to hit Kristal with the chair but she is able to get off the apron just in time then the ref yanks away Birchill's chair, Birchill is yelling at the ref until he notices Benjamin is back to his feet he charges over as Benjamin attempts kick to the gut but Birchill catches his foot and tosses it away only to be blindsided by the dragon whip he goes for the pin 1.....2.....thre...but Birchill escapes, Benjamin stands him up and goes for a decapatating superkick but Birchill moves out the way and destroys him with that beautiful flipping uranage, Brichill clutches both leg tight for the pin 1.....2....thre.....but somehow Benjamin kicksout of the pin, Birchill begin's to yell and scream as he trying to figure out just what is going to take to finish Benjamin off, he starts laying the boots to him hard shot after shot the locks in a half legged crab he has it locked in tight as Benjamin bites his skin to stop from tapping, Benjamin slowly begin's to crawl towards the ropes but as soon as he gets close Birchill drags him back to the center of the ring he then steps over and changes it up to a STF, Benjamin won't tap but it looks like he is going out, you can hear Birchill yell over and over again "TAP!!!!,TAP!!!!,TAP!!!!" but the crowd is starting to get behind Benjamin and it's almost like a new life as Benjamin begin's to power out of the hold, but just when it's almost broken Brichill lets go and clobbers him with asome sick crossface punches, Birchill then picks Benjamin up and nails him with more vicious chops to the chest but Benjamin wakes up and fires back just when it looked like Benjamin would regain control Birchill hit him in the gut with a brutal kitchen sink Birchill then sets him up for a pumphandle throw but Benjamin is able to counter into his quick backbreaker move, both men are down trying to get back to their feet, Birchill is able to get up first as he tries to pick up Benjamin he nails Birchill in the gut with hammering shots, Benjamin does a hard straight kick to the face Birchill still stands holding and rubbing his face, Benjamin bounces off the ropes and attempts a bulldog but Birchill counters with a northern lights suplex pin 1....2.....but Benjamin escapes, Birchill yanks him up but Benjamin breaks free and devastates Birchill with a vicious sidekick that could be heard through the arena then Benjamin hooks him in and delivers the exploder suplex pin(the verison of the T-bone he does) 1.....2......3!!!! the ref calls for the bell.

Chimel: And here is your winner by pin fall and still The United States Champion of the World Mr. Shelton Benjamin!!!!!

(Benjamin looks at a fallen Birchill and loudly says "One down everybody else to go!!!!" he hugs Kristal as she raises his hand and they head to the back full of newfound confindence)

Tazz: What a match Cole Shelton is one of the best I have ever seen in the ring and it's a damn shame these people won't give him his proper respect.

Cole: What the hell are you talking about Tazz the fans really got behind Benjamin and the only reason they didn't respect him before is because of his qustionable actions and all the help from Kristal he needed to win the US title from CM Punk, now he's showing us a different Benjamin one that competitively defeats his opponents with out the help of his lovely manager Kristal and follows the rules of the match.

Tazz: Why did you have to bring that up Cole all I said was Benjamin is truly one of the greatest athletes I have ever seen and that the match was incredible, can you at least admit that then shut your hole.

Cole: Yes partner is was a great match but i'm looking forward to our next match even more it will be WWE World Heavyweight Champion "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot teaming with Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar to face the WM battle royal winner and number one contender Kurt Angle teaming with Edge and John Cena.

Tazz: All these guys hate each other to Angle is the number one contender and wants to make a statement against the champ Beniot, Edge has cost Jericho match after match recently and i'd bet he's lookin for some revenge, and last John Cena snapped at WM after being thrown out by Lesnar then he viciously attacked him and caused him to be eliminated from the match and you got to believe Brock won't take that layin down.

Cole: I agree all these guys want to kill each other, but i'm sure whatever the result none of these guys will solve anything tonite.

Tazz: Well that is yet to be seen Cole but we are about to find out if anybody can get over their hard feelin's right now because the main event is next!!!!

(Backstage Beniot is getting ready to come out for his match when Kurt suddenly appears and gets Beniot's attention with a hard slap to the back)

Beniot: What the hell?!!!!

(Beniot turns around ready to fight but Angle quickly tries to explain)

Angle: Whoa Whoa Whoa Chris I was just trying to say hello.

Beniot: If you ever try something like that again i'll break ya in half Angle!!!!

Angle: Where is all this anger and hate commin from Chris I though we were friends?

Beniot: What the hell are you talkin bout?, we made a career beatin the hell outta each other and we were never exactly friendly to each other.

Angle: Alright, alright you got me, I just wanted to get reaquinted with my old rival and I wanted to imform you that at WM I won the biggest Battle Royal ever in the WWE and that means that sooner rather then later I will be facein you for what I love most the WWE World Heavyweight Title and when I do you will tapout to the most devastating hold in this business today the Ankle Lock it's True it's DAMN True!!!!

Beniot: Your forgetin one thing Kurt it's me and not you who is the best damn technicial wrestler in the world today and if anybody's gonna tap in our upcommin match it's the man wareing red white and blue because i'm goin to prove one more time that I am the greatest World Champ in the history of this business, and all's ya gotta do Kurt is prove me wrong, see tonite buddy.

(Beniot returns the favor with a hard slap of his own then walks off as Angle stands there looking very angry)

Chimel: And this next match is the main event and it is a six-man tag match for one fall first representing the first team "The Rated R Superstar" Edge!!!!

(The Crowd stands to their feet to shower Edge with the loudest Boo's of the night as he heads to the ring)

Chimel: And his partner the only Olympic Gold Meddlest ever in the WWE "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle!!!!

(Kurt appears on the rampway to his normal very loud chant from the crowd singing along to his theme "YOU SUCK!!!" "YOU SUCK!!!" mixed with echoing Boo's)

Chimel: And their partner The former WWE Champion John Cena!!!!!

(The Crowd is somehow able to Boo loud then they have before as Cena heads to the ring with a mic in his hand)

Cena: You think these Boo's hurt me?, You think I care what you think?, Well i'm about to tell you a secret right now, everybody take your tone down to a whisper.......I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT ANY OF YOU ASSHOLES THINK ABOUT ME!!!!!(Wild Boo's from the crowd they are beginning a "Shut the f*ck up" chant) but i'm going to share with you what I do care about, I care about my title that Beniot is wareing around his waist, I care about me who is the baddest man to ever step in a WWE ring, and lastly I care about beating the holy hell outta sad what-a-be's that couldn't hack it in the first place and if you happen to be brain dead i'm talkin about Brock Lesnar, everybody's so scared of big bad Lesnar, well I got news for all of you if ya didn't see it at WM I made Brock my bitch and that's exactly what I plain on doin tonite, but first I have a little something special for Lesnar(he begin's to clear his throat) bare with me now I haven't done this in a while, Brock this one's for you(in a rap style)"Brock while you was in japan doin mixed martial arts I was in a WWE ring rippin out my competitors hearts, to tell the truth at WM Brock you just got in my way but fact of the matter is your lucky your alive today and I know my harsh words might not be to your likeing but if you mess with me again i'll cut you faster then the Minnisota Vikings, tonite I know the only thing on your mind is to beat me but how you gonna do that if you can't see me?"(Cena drops the mic and stands ready as the crowd continue's to uncontrolibly Boo all the competitor's in the ring)

Chimel: Now introducing their competitors first on his way to the ring the first ever Undisputed Champion "Y2J" Chris Jericho!!!!

(The crowd suddenly shift's and begin's to cheer wildly for Jericho as he heads to the ringside area to wait for his partners)

Chimel: And his partner "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar!!!!!

(Brock charges to the ring to uncontrolible cheers he hops in and tries to catch Cena but Angle and Edge back him up and allows him to get away from Brock as he stands in the ring arguing with Cena's teammate's Jericho comes in to back him up)

Chimel: And their partner now on his way to the ring The Heavyweight Champion of the World "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot!!!!

(Beniot quickly heads to the ring to incredible cheers from the crowd and gets in the ring to start the match)

7th Match: Six Man Tag Team Match Lesnar, Beniot and Jericho versus Cena, Angle and Edge​

The Start​

All the men begin to brawl in the ring, Lesnar chases Cena out of the ring as he narowly escapes from the rampageing manster, Benoit forces Edge from the and heads to his corner leaving Jericho and Angle in the ring to start the ref rings for the bell and the match is now officially underway, Jericho and Angle lockup Kurt does a standing reverse switch and sends Jericho to the mat with a belly-to-back he floats over and locks in a front chinlock, he then slips up and begin's to nail Jericho with hard knee's to the shoulder, he spins over and locks Jericho in a hammerlock he position's the arm and comes crashing down with sick knee shots to the arm, he then picks Jericho up and tosses him acrossed the ring with a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex, he then tags in Edge, as Angle holds him Edge lays sharp kicks to his gut, as Angle exit's Edge tosses Jericho hard to the turnbuckle and changes in for a corner spear driving the air out of Jericho, Edge then takes him arm and locks it in the ropes as the ref tries to get him to break the hold, but Edge rufuses so the ref starts his count 1....2....3...Edge releases the hold then nails Jericho with a wicked knief edge chop, he then tosses him back to the corner with his partners and lands another big corner spear to the gut of Jericho then tags in Cena, Cena gets in the ring very cocky andf begin's to paintbush the back of Jericho's head, Cena then locks his arms around Jericho and slams him to the mat with a side belly-to-belly suplex, Cena then puts him on the middle ropes and runs and nails him with a knee shot over the back but Cena isn't done as he mounts Jericho's back and forces him down useing the ring ropes, Cena still in complete control flatten's him with a big backdrop, Edge is begging for the tag Cena walks over and puts out his hand but quickly pulls it back shaking his finger saying not just yet, Edge looks very angry about what his partner just did, Cena walks back over to Jericho and drops a knee right into his back and locks in a back wrench hold, Jericho is twisting and moving trying to break free they both stand and Jericho turns around and kicks Cena in the gut he immediatly jumps acrossed the ring and tags in a already angry Brock Lesnar but Cena wants no part of him and runs to his corner and tags in Edge, Edge also doesn't look to happy about Cena tagging him in at this time but he gets in the ring anyway and charges at Lesnar.

Mid-Match Notes​

Edge attempts a clothesline but Lesnar blocks it and turns it into a STO, Brock hops back to his feet and yanks Edge high in the air then nails him with a high cradle fisherman's clutch suplex, Brock doesn't seem to be done as he hoist Edge up again in a stalling vertical suplex finally he crash lands to the mat and Brock tags in Beniot, Brock holds him from behind as Beniot hits him with sharp hard front kicks to the body, Beniot then slaps him in a vertical of his own he hits it but holds on and nails another one he goes for one more but this time Beniot bounces Edge off the top rope and suplexs him to the middle of the ring and tags Jericho, Jericho immediatly bounces off the ropes and rain's down a beautiful lionsault and goes for the pin 1....2.....thre...but Angle makes the save with a hard shot to the back, Jericho dosen't let that distract him from getting a messure of revenge on Edge he locks him in a double underhook and blast him with a vicious double underhook backbreaker, he picks him back up and forces him into the nearby corner and tries break the skinof Edge with brutal chops to the chest he then bounces off the middle rope and destroys Edge with a sick corner dropkick, Edge can barely regain air to his lungs before Jericho rams him shoulder first into the steel ring post, Jericho then whips him back to his corner and tags back in Lesnar who jumps in the ring and grabs and throws Edge acrossed the ring with a overhead belly-to-belly suplex he then grabs Edge by the arm and walks to his opponents corner holding Edge's hand out trying to get Cena to tag in, Cena steps off of the apron and refuses to tag, so now Brock asks Angle to tag in and Angle shakes his head No, so Lesnar whips Edge to the corner and follers in with a hard shoulder charge, he then slightly backs up and blasts him with a sick clothesline, Edge drops down but Brock grabs his legs and pulls him out of the corner hard, Brock then stalks Edge and lightly kicks him in the back of his head, Lesnar picks him up and delivers a powerbomb, Edge seems to be out but Brock takes him up again for yet another powerbomb, he yanks him up one more time and tosses him to the side of the ring and tags back in Beniot.Beniot walks over and light's him up with devastating chop after chop he then hit's Edge so hard he flies over the top and to the outside apron he attempts to suplex Edge in but he pokes Beniot in the eye and then drops down holdind on to Beniot' head slingshoting him and falling to the outside, as Beniot rolls around the ring Cena drags Edge along the outside and forces him into the ring and tags himself in, Beniot walks over and light's him up with devastating chop after chop he then hit's Edge so hard he flies over the top and to the outside apron he attempts to suplex Edge in but he pokes Beniot in the eye and then drops down holdind on to Beniot' head slingshoting him and falling to the outside, as Beniot rolls around the ring Cena drags Edge along the outside and forces him into the ring and tags himself in, Cena charges over to Beniot but he's just a little to late as Beniot is able to tag in Lesnar.

The Finish​

Cena backs up and begs Brock not to hurt him, but when Brock doesn't back off he attempts the kick him in the gut but Brock catches his leg and does a capture suplex (one of Tazz's suplex's) heraling Cena through the air and to the mat, Brock then grab's Cena's leg and puts it over his massive neck he then locks in his deadly submission hold the brocklock(leg over neck followed by sitting on the back) Cena raises his hand to tap but Angle charges in and nails Brock from behind with a low shoulderblock, but then Beniot and Jericho enter the ring and all hell breaks loose, Jericho charges at Edge knocking them both over the top rope and to the arena floor, Beniot runs over and lays Kurt out with a clothesline, Angle gets back up but is popped with a savage headbutt, Beniot then locks in his arms and delivers even more hard headbutts to the face, Lesnar drags Cena to his feet and gives him a rib breaker he holds on and gives him another one he holds on one last time and sends him flying acrossed the ring with a fallaway slam, Lesnar is feeling it and calls for the F-5 he puts Cena on his shoulders but Cena counters into the protoplex(spin out powerbomb) Cena fires up and poses and hits the five knuckle shuffle he then calls for the F-U, but Beniot nails him from behind sending him over the top rope and heads to the outside and tags himself in, he goes right back on the attack on Angle he hits a quick backdrop and heads to the top rope, he soars through the air and smashes Angle with a flying headbutt, Brock finally gets back to his feet but Cena grabs him from behind and forces him over the top rope sending him crashing hard to the arena floor, on the other side of the arena floor Jericho is all over Edge nailing him with hard punches, but Edge knee's him in the gut and bounces his head hard off the steel stairs a dazed Jericho walks away from the stairs only to be speared by Edge, Cena continue's his assault on Lesnar ramming him into the barricade then laying stihh kicks into his chest, in the ring Beniot is completely dominating he now has Angle in the german suplex he nails the first one he holds on and hit the second one he holds on one more time but this time switches to the crippler crossface he has it locked in tight in the middle of the ring, but Angle counters and switches into the ankle lock he drags Beniot to the middle of the ring but Beniot is able to reverse it back into the crossface Kurt raises his hand to tap but rolls through again and locks in the ankle lock, Cena takes Brock and send him flying into the ring steps as he continues to dominate on the outside, Edge has Y2J tapping on the floor as he has him, locked in the Edgecator, Beniot in the ring tries to shake Angle loose but Kurt holds on like a pitbull he then fully locks it in as he clutches the leg and Beniot has no choise but to tap, the ref calls for the bell.

Chimel: And here are your winners by submission Kurt Angle, John Cena, and Edge!!!!

(The match ends but the assault has just begun, Angle refuses to let go of the ankle lock on Beniot, Edge still has Jericho in the edgecator, and Cena has positioned the steps in front of the announcers table he hoist Brock to his shoulders and does the you can't see me pose he slowly walks up the stairs and when he gets to the top he sends Brock crashing hard through the table he stands over Brock proudly poseing over a beaten Lesnar, officials run out to stop the assaults on the wrestlers)

Cole: Not again Tazz John Cena has left Brock laying on the ground for the second time this week, Angle has made Beniot tap to the ankle lock and Edge just plain beat the hell out of Jericho and even as we speak they are still trying to inflict more pain on their competitors.

Tazz: Well Cole all I have to see is these men will have hell to pay next week they had already won the match but even I think they might have taken this one a little to far.

Cole: Look at them three world class superstars laid out around the ring physically dissected by the three men with their hands raised in the ring Angle, Edge, and Cena.

Tazz: What a way to end the show, never in a million year would I have though this could have happened to those three men.

Cole: Your right Tazz but were out of time don't forget to join us next week to see if these cold hearted bastards finally get what they deserve.

Tazz: Well Cole on that note.....

Together: Thank you and goodnight see you next week everybody!!!!

(Angle, Edge, and Cena stand in the ring holding their hands high as the Smackdown! fans give them the loudest Boo's of the night as Smackdown goes off the air)

Next Weeks announced matches:

1)Samoa Joe versus Batista for Hardcore Championship
2)N.O.D versus Cryme Tyme
3)Shelton Benjamin versus ??? for United States Championship

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For those of you that tried to read my show I don't know how it happened but a part of my show was deleted, I have now fixed the problem and it's ready for a full review sorry I really don't know how it happened.
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