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Shouldn't Tag Team Wrestling be about teamwork?

Karaoke Superstar

Pre-Show Stalwart
The title match for the tag team belts at Bragging rights saw John Cena practically beat the former champions by himself. From my point of view this does the belts no bit of good. Why have tag teams and tag team champions when a "team" that is divided and consists of one or two good wrestlers can beat them? This has happened quite a bit over the years and it really makes no sense at all. It just goes to show that no matter how good two wrestlers are as a team, how well they work as a team any good wrestler can form a team and come and take them down while not working as a team at all.

This, along with a lack of actual tag teams and no focus on the division at all is why the tag team division has kinda been crap in WWE for a while now, in my opinion of course.
The tag division really is nothing more than a vehicle for more important storylines/wrestlers at this point. Really, who cared about Drew and Cody as a team anyway? Not I, certainly.

WWE has abandoned any sembelence of a tag division long ago. That isn't where the stars are made. It's all aobut the main event guys, and if the tension between Cena and Barrett can be enchanced via a tag title reign, then so be it.

They've shown that they view actually tag wrestling in the tag division to be rather pointless, mostly because they put little to no effort into it and just throw out random matches like Hart Dynasty and the Usos.

If you want some real tag wrestling, you're searching in the wrong place. You should be looking at these guys:

That's WWE for you. The team of Rhodes and Drew ( WTF anyway ) was put together in the last fucking second at Night of Champions and got the belts for NO reason whatsoever. What do Drew fucking McIntyre and Cody Freaking Rhodes have in common? Cody is some half-witted HBK knock off and Drew is a narcisist. No storyline to tag, no nothing. Way to fuck with my brain again. Some WWE fan boys thought it was a push -- well ha fucking ha.

In WWE -- Tag Team wrestling is not about teamwork. It's not about tag teams. It's not about the art of tag team wrestling, nor is it about excitement. It's just ... there, because WWE doesn't have the balls to admit that their tag division is deader than Elvis and just pull the plug.

The day belts are thrown around as storyline prop is the funeral of these same belts.
Just goes to show how hollow the Tag Team Division is in WWE. Every other company in the WORLD actually care about my favorite division in wresting some more than others, But the #1 company in the land can give to shits about it. When they unified the belts last year, I had a gut feeling it was the beginning of the end of a tag teams being a important factor in the company and the beginning of makeshift teams and the belts just being used for storyline. It's just depressing to watch so I think I'll take Disarray's advice and look at "Those guys".
this is just another shining example of Vince McMahon thinking he knows what's best for the wrestling fans.

It's sad considering the fact that once upon a time, WWE had a top notch tag team division, look at all the legends of pro wrestling they had, LOD, Hart foundation, DX, Steiners, shit! they even had anderson and blanchard for a while.

nowadays tag team wrestling in the WWE is the biggest joke in the business.

Cena and Otunga? i mean WTF?!!!! all this is for is advancement of storyline. nothing else. who are the next 2 clowns going to be to wear the belts? not a credible tag team, thats for sure. they turned the hart dynasty into a joke and now they are breaking them up.

this fucking company sucks ass
This is not surprising whatsoever. WWE had a history of very crappy tag teams. I didn`t see real contenders in a long time. Hart Dynasty proved to be very talented, but not that serious of contenders. Their mic skills were very dim, and they have not been giving good people to work with. Every time they fought the Uso`s, it seemed as if they were rushing it. There only good match was with Jericho and Miz. Even than, they weren`t a real tag team. Now you have Drew and Cody. This was one of the worst tag teams I have ever seen. They didn`t have good chemistry together, because they`re styles were different. Also, they couldn`t get a good crowd reaction. They weren`t even that much of friends for Christ sakes. They just hated the same people, and than they teamed up. As for Nexus, Cena and Otunga is the worst tag team I`ve seen, with McIntyre and Rhodes. They don`t even like each other. And why the hell would Barrett choose Cena anyway? He AA`d Otunga in the ending. I mean, WTF????????? Why can`t Justin Gabriel, (and even Slater) team up. And I thought Cena wasn`t aloud to attack Nexus, yet he attacked Otunga? Is this just something to get more Cena fans to watch? Honestly, there are some serious plot holes. WWE doesn`t give a shit about the tag team division. Who cares that Cena and Otunga have it, they both suck ass. Why can`t younger, and better teams have it. Dudebusters? Gatecrashers? Usos? Hell, why not even add Kozlov and Marella, there a real tag team. Not the sorry excuse I saw in Nexus or Cody and Drew
Look, tag team wrestling isn't coming back, at least not for a while. With that in mind, is it really that bad to use the tag belts to further a story? At least it means they're being featured on TV. And as for the people complaining about "thrown together" tag teams - get over it. Thrown together teams have been in wrestling since the beginning. You've heard the names Bob Backlund and Bruno Sammartino, right? Two great singles wrestlers, right? Well they both were part of separate thrown together tag teams that won tag team gold. And weren't we all claiming JeriShow was one of the best things to happen to the division when they won the belts? That was a thrown-together team.

I'm interested in how this CenTunga thing is working out. Otunga seems to want to undermine Barrett's authority, something I'm sure Cena can relate to. Let's just wait and see where it goes - it could be somewhere great.
Posting threads about tag teams in the WWE section is almost pointless. The tag team divsion in the WWE is dead almost non-existant, i'd rather use them to further and interesting storyline and get them featured on television a little rather have them not defended and hardly seen at all. Only interesting things can come out of this JohnTunga partnership and i am looking forward to where it is headed.
I do miss quality tag team action, that's part of the reason I mainly watch TNA. The Tag division there although not as strong as it could be, stands on it's own and has true tag teams. I will admit the WWE has had some good teams that were thrown together ( The Rock & Sock Connection). It kinda started in the attitude era when they threw some main eventers who were feuding each other in to a tag mach and gave them the titles. and slowly from there the division started to fade. I've been seeing rumors and hints all over the net about a Cena heel turn, so lets see they "force him to be a member of nexus and he claims hes going to destroy them from within but come a month or two from now he's going to be revealed as the mastermind of nexus.
I think this might have buried Rhodes and McIntyres crdibility, they were tag team champs and quite honestly just got beaten vs one "Super-Cena". Maybe Vince wanted the belts off them so he can push them as singles wrestlers in SD! which would make sense but they also are splitting up the Hart Dynasty? I seriously think McMahon might just end the Tag Team Division in the WWE and send it over to FCW so the belt keeps it's credibility on that show...

To be perfectly honest I hope this happens if the Tag Team Division is nothing but a waste of space why keep it from taking time from the singles wrestlers from having long promos/matches. I am a big fan of Tag Team wrestling but I gotta admit WWE has to seriously consider dropping the belts--> TNA seems to absolutely "whoop-WWE's-ass" in the Tag Team Division and I'd probably say so does ROH's Tag Team Division... WWE just drop the belts if it's so "un-important" that you bury your tag champs vs Cena and split up *or begin to atleast* the best tag team in WWE (Hart Dynasty, atm... ¬.¬).
The Cena thing at Bragging Rights was done to further the p1ssed-off-he-is-in-Nexus storyline, not to benefit the tag-team division (if one even exists anymore). If Cena and Otunga had worked as a team it would not have helped the storyline at all.

It didnt help the credibility McIntyre and Rhodes as a team though, or as individuals as they both got owned by SuperCena, basically making them look weak.

In normal tag-team wrestling, I always prefer to see 2 wrestlers working together, rather than 1 guy coming in and dominating, but it seems that the days of cohesive specialised tag-teams in the WWE is behind us, sadly. I hope those days return soon

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