Shouldn't Kane be Takers final opponent?


Not another Taker/Streak thread! Shut up! Go away!

The Kane Taker story is over! No it's not, you can rewrite or resurrect anything if written right. Go away!

I would bring the whole Kane Taker story full circle and end it at a Mania of their choice. It would be their retirement match.

They would have to be prepared to give their most brutal physical match of their careers.

Taker goes though the main announce table.
Kane through the Spanish announce table.
They both get choke slammed and tombstoned multiple times.
We get the top rope walk, the over the top rope dive.
They gives us it all but neither man gives in.

As they encounter each other for the final time both completely dead on their feet Kane takes a swing and connects.
Taker rebounds and take his swing. His punch knocks Kane down but the momentum of the punch knocks Taker down as well. It took everything he had to throw it.
Both men down the crowd rises and counts with the ref.

Neither man answers the bell. Crowd goes quiet.
Announcers talk softly about what we've just witnessed.
The crowd begins to chant.
Kane stirs.
Taker stirs.
They make it to their feet.
They stare at one another and the crowd.
They embrace.
Taker does his one knee, tongue out thing as Kane lights the corners for the final time.

No one not even his own DNA was able to stop the streak.

The End.
I would say no to this and not because it would be the third time we saw this. I say this because its not like it was Takers first opponent so its not like coming full circle. Two without Paul Bearer alive now it doesn't make the feud special like it did when Taker returned at 20, so Kane and Taker don't have anything to feud over to make this special either. Finally I think if Kane still had years left and he was more relevant like he was a few years ago when he had a good run with the world heavyweight championship and not one of those guys who helps make other superstars he'd be the one to end the streak, but honestly the WWE needs a star player or someone they want to be the next top star to have that kind of power IMO
I've less than zero interest in seeing Taker vs. Kane III for WrestleMania, nor do I think most people would either. They've long since gone as far as they can with Taker vs. Kane feuds and seeing it pulled out again just doesn't hold a lot of appeal, in my opinion.

If Taker makes it through this WM and is still physically able & willing to keep going, his matches at WrestleMania should be against someone on a higher level than Kane is. As I said, they've long since done all they can with Taker vs. Kane and, as a result, there's no real money there to be made. The past 5 years especially have seen the streak as a big money maker for WrestleMania. Kane's only a couple of years younger than Taker and while he seems to have been much more fortunate when it comes to injuries, I think Kane has still risen as high as he's going to. For Taker's last match, in my personal opinion, it needs to be against someone that's much younger and is really over. I feel his last match should be against a big star with a good deal of accomplishments, but not so big of a star that ending the streak would come off as little more than just another accomplishment; another notch on his belt, if you will. If the streak ever comes to an end via Taker losing at WrestleMania rather than just walking away, I feel it should be against someone that it'll be a HUGE deal for and will really benefit from it. Kane's just not that guy.
I couldn't agree with you more; I agree that Taker's last match should be against his "brother". This is how I would plan it:

Kane continues the Authority gimmick, acting as a fraction of his old self. As time goes by, he continues to be the one sent to screw over talent in the name of the Authority. Finally, the lights go out, and Taker + Kane have their stare down in the ring. In the following weeks, Taker questions Kane's motives, while Kane is told by the Authority to take care of/eliminate the "Deadman". Kane refuses to fight his brother (reversal from years past), but after Taker provokes him enough, Kane finally flips, and tells his brother that he better be ready for the fight of his life.

At WrestleMania, Taker + Kane have a Casket Match. Kane comes out as his old persona (mask, demonic music, flames), and Taker comes out accompanied by the minions, lining the entrance way with flaming torches. Both men get their spots in, with Taker eventually placing Kane in the casket and winning the match. Taker's music hits, he drops to a knee and does his pose. Then, the music stops. Paul Bearer's (R.I.P.) voice comes over the arena, calling his "Sons" home. Taker's casket opens, and he climbs into it. The lid closes, and the minions push both caskets down the aisle.

Taker's streak stays in tact, Kane gets a well-deserved sendoff match, and the crowd is treated to a true WrestleMania moment. Thoughts?
My first thought is that Taker's opponent's should be high tier ones so the match is a huge deal, which Kane simply isn't. But after some further thinking it could actually be really great if the two men made it their last match. Like against any other opponent, no matter how big of a star they are, would be just another Taker match. But with Kane we get to see the legendary Brothers of Destruction ride off into the sunset together after doing so much in such amazing careers, and I don't think any other star can top that.

So while it's really unlikely since it won't draw nearly as much as another big star, man it would make one hell of a WM moment.
I agree. I thought it should go Kane and Taker and at the end of a hard fought battle, the little brother finally beats the older brother Kane beats Taker they're both laid out flat though. Before Paul Bearer died I always thought the gong should hit and the lights go out and when they come back on Kane's original mask and the Urn are in the ring and Paul Bearer comes out all sad looking and picks them up and carries them out and neither are ever seen again save for HOF inductions. Now that he's dead I still like the idea of lights off then back on and the mask and urn are in the ring maybe have the druids come out grab Kane's mask then the corner pyro goes off then grab the urn then the lighting strikes the stage then they all walk back out.
Undertaker Vs Kane has been done to death pardon the pun. I am sure no one is interested in seeing UT vs Kane III! Especially not at WM,these past 5 WMS have been UT's best of his career. UT's matches at WM are the big money maker,more important than any of the title matches. Taker if he ever decides the streak ends,it will have to be against someone who is hugely over.

That someone will possibly have to endure unimaginable heat for the remainder of their career and at the same time,the huge rub they will get will be bigger than any title he will ever win IMO! It will have to be against someone awfully special
Figured I'd make my first ever post meaningful.

I wrote this a few weeks ago before RR, in response to a buddy saying that Sting was going to wrestle Taker. I told him that wouldn't happen, and I thought it should be someone new. Someone with something to offer the commpany long term. Shield is going to split eventually, so just before Mania would be a great time for that to happen to set this up.

Casket Match at Wrestlemania - Taker vs Roman Reigns.
The casket is by the ring where it usually is, but there’s a fresh gravesite off to the side of the entrance ramp just for this match.

Reigns is fresh off a face turn after leaving Shield. He just wants a chance to wrestle the best. Storyline is respect opportunity, blah blah. Fast forward into the match, everyone's loving it. It’s typical Undertaker laying it all on the line. No one knows who's going to win, but they're betting on Taker cuz there's no way he's going to lose to this guy.

This match is going long. 30, maybe 40 minutes at this point. Taker's done all of his signature moves from his career. Finishers are exchanged throughout the match, but they keep kicking out. Undertaker eventually locks in the Devil's Gate and Reigns passes out, but Taker keeps it locked in. Shield runs out and starts beating on Taker. It was a setup! But wait, Reigns gets up and starts fighting off Shield. Everybody's cheering. Yaay!

Taker clotheslines Ambrose over the top rope, turns around, and BAM! Reigns with a spear. Shield comes back in the ring and beat the dogshit out of Taker. I'm talking lifeless, he could possibly be dead. The power flickers. Punk runs in and attacks Reigns (this was before the departure). Ambrose and Rollins double team him and Reigns joins in to beat him down.

Triple H's music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Trips hits the ring with the sledgehammer and Reigns bails from the ring. Rollins gets blasted, Ambrose gets the sledgehammer followed by a pedigree. Crowd is JACKED.

Trips checks on Taker. He's not responsive, so he signals for EMTs. Meanwhile, Reigns sneaks back in the ring and Trips turns around into the sledgehammer. Reigns debuts the Fall from Grace (referencing the Tarpeian Rock), a death valley driver finisher. The rest of Shield is back up at this point. HBK's music hits, and he gets laid out. Edge's music. Laid out. Batista's music. Laid out. They go all the way to Randy Orton on the streak list with the superstars getting beat down. As these guys are coming down the announcers are talking about when Taker fought them at Wrestlemania.

After Orton, all of the older streak victims hit the ring at once. There's a brawl in the ring between Shield and these old school guys. Taker's laid out still. Shield just finishes beating down the last of the old school guys, and tosses them out. The power flickers. Suddenly, the ring posts explode with pyro! Kane's music hits and the crowd's going crazy!

Kane walks out with his original mask and gear on. Shield bails as he climbs into the ring and his music stops. Kane checks on Taker who is finally coming to. He helps Taker up, then turns him upside down for the tombstone. A rumbling noise can be heard and the lights go low as Taker hangs there. Kane brings him down and as Taker's head hits the mat, lighting strikes the gravesite.

Lights are back on a little bit, but not all the way now. Kane rolls Taker into the coffin and Reigns shuts the lid and locks it. They're all standing by the casket staring at it. Reigns says “bury him” and they start wheeling him over to the grave. The power starts to dim and flicker more frequently as they get closer to the grave. As the Undertaker is being lowered into the grave, the power suddenly goes out.

Pitch black for like 10 seconds, no one knows what's going on. Then a bell tolls. No lights. Bell tolls again. Still no lights. Taker’s music old music starts playing really slow. ( and the lights on the floor that highlight the fog come on around the grave. The Shield and Kane are nowhere to be seen. More lights come on one by one leading from the ring to the grave. His music stops and the druids theme begins. ( The druids make their way from the ring (how did they get there!) and stand around the grave.

Lights go out again for a few seconds, Taker’s music still playing. Paul Bearer’s voice goes over the Sound system. (this audio would be edited to take the stuff out about a challenge and just talk about him being tricked, buried, day of reckoning, stuff like that) When it talks about Kane destroying him in all those matches, they would appear on the TitanTron. When it gets to the part about Kane standing over him, a spotlight would turn on directly over the grave, and we see Kane’s silhouette shoveling dirt into the hole, with a man whose silhouette looks like Paul Bearer standing next to him. Lights go out again, and this clip comes up on the TitanTron . After the video, lightning hits the grave again and the lights stay off while the PPV ends for viewers.
Figured I'd make my first ever post meaningful.

I wrote this a few weeks ago before RR, in response to a buddy saying that Sting was going to wrestle Taker. I told him that wouldn't happen, and I thought it should be someone new. Someone with something to offer the commpany long term. Shield is going to split eventually, so just before Mania would be a great time for that to happen to set this up.

Casket Match at Wrestlemania - Taker vs Roman Reigns.
The casket is by the ring where it usually is, but there’s a fresh gravesite off to the side of the entrance ramp just for this match.

Reigns is fresh off a face turn after leaving Shield. He just wants a chance to wrestle the best. Storyline is respect opportunity, blah blah. Fast forward into the match, everyone's loving it. It’s typical Undertaker laying it all on the line. No one knows who's going to win, but they're betting on Taker cuz there's no way he's going to lose to this guy.

This match is going long. 30, maybe 40 minutes at this point. Taker's done all of his signature moves from his career. Finishers are exchanged throughout the match, but they keep kicking out. Undertaker eventually locks in the Devil's Gate and Reigns passes out, but Taker keeps it locked in. Shield runs out and starts beating on Taker. It was a setup! But wait, Reigns gets up and starts fighting off Shield. Everybody's cheering. Yaay!

Taker clotheslines Ambrose over the top rope, turns around, and BAM! Reigns with a spear. Shield comes back in the ring and beat the dogshit out of Taker. I'm talking lifeless, he could possibly be dead. The power flickers. Punk runs in and attacks Reigns (this was before the departure). Ambrose and Rollins double team him and Reigns joins in to beat him down.

Triple H's music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Trips hits the ring with the sledgehammer and Reigns bails from the ring. Rollins gets blasted, Ambrose gets the sledgehammer followed by a pedigree. Crowd is JACKED.

Trips checks on Taker. He's not responsive, so he signals for EMTs. Meanwhile, Reigns sneaks back in the ring and Trips turns around into the sledgehammer. Reigns debuts the Fall from Grace (referencing the Tarpeian Rock), a death valley driver finisher. The rest of Shield is back up at this point. HBK's music hits, and he gets laid out. Edge's music. Laid out. Batista's music. Laid out. They go all the way to Randy Orton on the streak list with the superstars getting beat down. As these guys are coming down the announcers are talking about when Taker fought them at Wrestlemania.

After Orton, all of the older streak victims hit the ring at once. There's a brawl in the ring between Shield and these old school guys. Taker's laid out still. Shield just finishes beating down the last of the old school guys, and tosses them out. The power flickers. Suddenly, the ring posts explode with pyro! Kane's music hits and the crowd's going crazy!

Kane walks out with his original mask and gear on. Shield bails as he climbs into the ring and his music stops. Kane checks on Taker who is finally coming to. He helps Taker up, then turns him upside down for the tombstone. A rumbling noise can be heard and the lights go low as Taker hangs there. Kane brings him down and as Taker's head hits the mat, lighting strikes the gravesite.

Lights are back on a little bit, but not all the way now. Kane rolls Taker into the coffin and Reigns shuts the lid and locks it. They're all standing by the casket staring at it. Reigns says “bury him” and they start wheeling him over to the grave. The power starts to dim and flicker more frequently as they get closer to the grave. As the Undertaker is being lowered into the grave, the power suddenly goes out.

Pitch black for like 10 seconds, no one knows what's going on. Then a bell tolls. No lights. Bell tolls again. Still no lights. Taker’s music old music starts playing really slow. ( and the lights on the floor that highlight the fog come on around the grave. The Shield and Kane are nowhere to be seen. More lights come on one by one leading from the ring to the grave. His music stops and the druids theme begins. ( The druids make their way from the ring (how did they get there!) and stand around the grave.

Lights go out again for a few seconds, Taker’s music still playing. Paul Bearer’s voice goes over the Sound system. (this audio would be edited to take the stuff out about a challenge and just talk about him being tricked, buried, day of reckoning, stuff like that) When it talks about Kane destroying him in all those matches, they would appear on the TitanTron. When it gets to the part about Kane standing over him, a spotlight would turn on directly over the grave, and we see Kane’s silhouette shoveling dirt into the hole, with a man whose silhouette looks like Paul Bearer standing next to him. Lights go out again, and this clip comes up on the TitanTron . After the video, lightning hits the grave again and the lights stay off while the PPV ends for viewers.

Awesome. I like it a lot. Has such a 'bad a#$" feel to it, taking us back to how intense the undertaker and kane really were back in the attitude/ruthless aggression era.

Taker needs to go out like this- it can't be some 'farewell match' where he just walks up the ramp and waves goodbye. He needs to go out buried at the hands of kane.
Its absolutly been done to death but i love the kane taker rivalry with the charecters involved and the backstory i think its one of the best ongoing storylines wwe has ever come up with.i like the idea of takers last match been against kane it makes sense but they would have to spend some time building kane up as a completly unstoppable psycho at least somewhat resembling the monster he once was as there last mania match involved taker destroying kane and theres no point in repeating that.the idea of them retiring together sound good it could be a seriously epic moment but i dont think theres much chance of them deciding to retire at the same time.takers almost retired now but im sure hes happy with his current deal so wont make it official till he has to.kane has said that as long as he feels healthy enough hel stick around although he hasnt actually wrestled in a while so who knows.
I disagree. I have seen Undertaker vs Kane so many times, I just don't have any interest in watching another match between the two, that too in WrestleMania.
In my opinion, the streak should never end. But if it does, it should be to a loyal WWE superstar with lots of potential. And Taker's Wrestlemania opponents too should either be younger superstars like Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan- who have a lot to gain from a head-to-head match (despite in a losing effort) against Undertaker at Mania, OR dream opponents like John Cena or Sting... Not someone that has already faced him multiple times or have nothing to gain from it, like Triple-H and Kane.
Or just have them put on flaming mittens and have a slap fight.

You left out a VERY important part of your plan for this to ever work. The prologue to your eloquent description of how the match would successfully take place.

You're suggesting that "you can rewrite or resurrect anything if written right." Oh, no shit. We should be investing our creative mojo into brainstorming how a Kane vs Undertaker match wouldn't nearly bankrupt a Wrestlemania card.

Here's the thing, Kane was pitted against the Undertaker when the story suggesting that they were really brothers was somewhat plausible. It was built to a match that consisted of every spot you suggested of them, save for the fucking stupid ending you proposed. I honestly think the crowd would riot if they were forced to watch Undie and Kane stumble through their old spots only to have Undie knock himself out by punching Kane. It's been done, their second encounter was a bland attempt to re-introduce Undie which ended up just being an example of how badly his gimmick has been beaten to death with redundant pageantry.

Kane isn't a very good performer. There, I said it. He's strong as an ox and half as graceful. You don't let Kane be the last Wrestlemania opponent for Undie after the Undie vs Shawn Michaels matches. Fans expect more, and the only way the WWE can deliver on our expectations is to give us Sting vs Undertaker at a Wrestlemania.

Is Sting much better than Kane in his old age? On a one for one scale, probably not. The main difference is that Sting is a hell of a lot more over than Kane ever was. Sting's history in pro-wrestling reads like an HG Wells classic played live by AC/DC as compared to Kane's Dr. Seuss version of a Greek tragedy.

If the WWE did what you're suggesting, it would undermine the fame of Undie's streak.
I dont know why but when I read this title all I could hear is JR going:

The truth of the matter is Taker/Kane can no longer have a good match with each other. Remember the brief feud they had in late 2010? It essentially ended Taker as a performer outside of Wrestlemania, but at the same time it featured two large men with eroding mobilities and for the most part very similar moves brawling. If you bought into it, then it was for the old storyline of brother vs. brother, which was ALSO beaten to death over the years because Kane has betrayed Taker HOW many times in his career?'s not to say a Final Confrontation couldn't work, it just wouldn't be Taker's last match. It would have to be Kane's, because ultimately the final bout between these two should either end in Salvation(Kane is forgiven, again, and retires in Hell with their parents) or Destruction(Kane is finally put down for good and cast into Hell for his transgressions). Neither outcome sees Taker also leave the WWE, if only because his true last match demands a Higher Quality opponent.

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