no I do not think Ziggler should of broke character, only time I think wrestlers have broken character is when they other person was seriously hurt, can not remember if triple H helped orton when orton broke his collar bone when he got thrown over the ropes and landed the wrong way, they are out there to perform and to make sure each other is safe at the end of the day.
I watched Tommy Dreamer break Character when a fan touched I think it was Francine at an ECW show and everyone basically stopped what they were doing and went after the guy in the crowd.
Right now Ziggler is a bad guy with Vickie for him to help ryder would change the story line so much and hurt his character cause his thing is a show off, he would not be able to sell being a show off as a good guy face cause it would not work as good, Mr. Perfect and MVP was the same, both were flawless or made us think they were, Ziggler right now is arragant and cocky so him stopping Cena was what he needed to do, look at it this way, now it can be Cena and ryder vs kane and Ziggler, I see Cena turning on ryder soon cause ryder is relying on cena help and cena keeps getting beat down because of it, cena might ended up snapping and telling him to look after himself
so far he has given up a title shot and help ryder several times, can you not see a possible cena change, the fans a lot boo him, plus kane telling him he will feel the hate or something like that, give it time.