Should WWE lose Women from RAW?



Over the past year, WWEs storylines with the divas....lets just say havnt been brilliant. They still havnt used Leyla or whatever shes called in any gimmick apart from at Armageddon. The matches on RAW are fairly weak and the crowd really isnt into them.
The loss of Trish and Lita adds to the misery of the Womans Division. Divas are (lets face it) usually used for sexual innuendo (sexyness) and the crowd arent buying it and the Diva search....jesus thats another topic.

I just dont see the Womans Division going anywhere on Raw OR Smackdown right now... Did anybody give two dams about that Lingerie contest? I didnt. Porn was invented for people to look it and I just think that the WOmans Division is more about Sex right now than the actual wrestling.
Whilr the Women's division is'nt at it's best at the moment I think it's just a transitional thing. Every few year's the title turn's into a bra and panties' championship. It wont be long before a really popular woman make's an impact like Trish did and the divison will be back on track.
If Beth Phoenix is ever brought back i think she has the potential to be the next trish stratus. i can count on one hand the nimber of women in the wwe who can wrestle. 1.Mickie james 2.Victoria 3.Beth phoenix 4. Jillian Hall.
I ve never really gotten into women's wrestling.Women involved in wrestling should just be eye candy and dance around a la the Nitro Girls. Women's wrestling usually turns into a bunch of hairpulling and slapping. Not very entertaining to me.
If Beth Phoenix is ever brought back i think she has the potential to be the next trish stratus. i can count on one hand the nimber of women in the wwe who can wrestle. 1.Mickie james 2.Victoria 3.Beth phoenix 4. Jillian Hall.

Beth Phoenix is very tough and masculine looking - she looks like she could easily take some of the male wrestlers in the WWE. The next Trish Stratus? Certainly not in the looks department. That has to be the main reason why she isn't back up on the main roster. I mean, she's no Bull Nakano or Bertha Faye, but she isn't a ravishing beauty in the least. That's the main thing Vinnie Mac cares about.
With the way is going they should just dump it and let Mickie and Victoria go to TNA. Its not a lost cause, move all women are smackdown to raw, get beth phoenix in and you have Mickie James, Victoria, Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall and Ashley, Leyla, Kristal, Candice can learn to wrestle just like Trish did. They could have the strongest womens division ever...Vince just doesn't see it.
I don't have a problem with the Women's Division but I just know that the only reason they're on the screen is to increase ratings by drawing in a male crowd, and personally, I'd rather see a Cruiserweight Division on both brands because most women don't have the best wrestling skills.
They should definitely keep the womens division but we're just gonna have to wait a while till it starts improving again. At the moment it's on a low point, but give it time and it will improve.
I think that the Womens Division at the moment is really lacking entertainment and mic skills from all divas. RAW has the wrestling aspect of Divas while SmackDown has the eye-candy divas. I think that they should put all of the Cruiserweights on SmackDown and all of the divas on RAW so that way both the division can improve for the better.
I'm sorry, with the exception of Victoria, there hasn't been a semi-decent ladies wrestlers in ages. Sable sucked. Chyna was decent. Ivory was passable. Jackie was alright, and Lita was pretty good at moonsaulting. For my money, the only lady wrestlers in the last decade who were worth a damn that were from the U.S. were Madusa, Jazz and Luna...and they're long gone. McMahon needs to keep the eye candy as just that...eye candy. Stop trying to teach potential centerfold porn queens to "attempt" to wrestle. Instead find ladies that can get the job done or keep them out of the goddamn ring altogether. It makes a mockery of the talent and ability the ladies of yesteryear possessed and it pisses away even more airtime that could be used for something worth a damn that would actually elevate the show and not communicate to the audience, in no simpler terms, to get up and take a piss because the impending "match" is going to blow goats. The division needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up with ladies who don't botch every third move and understand more about ring psychology than three chops and a bad bodyslam. Hell, take WCW's old lead and import women if you have to. Whatever the case, what they've been doing for the last few years definitely isn't working.

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