Should WWE go for Desmond Wolfe?

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
Just been released by TNA. Been English I would really like to see him added to the WWE ranks. I know WWE is loaded with mid card heels but this guy has talent and he can talk. His debut in TNA with Kurt Angle was a fantastic programme.

Maybe Daniel Bryan could do him a favour, they had some great battles in ROH. They could easily 'replay' them over on Smackdown! He could even fill the void left by the possible Punk departure, I believe he is that good (well could be with some work).
I don't think TNA cut him just for kicks, rumor has it that he has Hep-C. If that's the case, then I doubt he'll have much more luck in the E than in TNA. So no, I don't see that happening.
If I heard correctly, WWE actually were looking at Austin Aries but passed him over because of his health issues.

So no, I don't think WWE will hire him.
I think Wolfe had a chance to go to the WWE before he went to TNA but the wellness policy in TNA was more relaxed so he could continue his drug addiction. I don't see why they would pick him up at this point, he really didn't do anything worth while in TNA so why would the WWE want to pick up TNA's craps?
I think Wolfe had a chance to go to the WWE before he went to TNA but the wellness policy in TNA was more relaxed so he could continue his drug addiction. I don't see why they would pick him up at this point, he really didn't do anything worth while in TNA so why would the WWE want to pick up TNA's craps?

Another one bites the dust. You seemed to be shit anyway.

Also, indeed, Nigel has Hepatitis C and won't be wrestling for well over two years. He has a secondatry job I believe in the performing arts and he's writing a screenplay.
There is a reason why Desmond Wolfe was made the commissioner of Xplosion or whatever TNA calls it. He can't wrestle for at least two years. He does have Hepatitis C therefore no one is going to wrestle this guy. TNA calls for blood every match anyway, and no one is gonna touch the guy in that situation.
i had heard he had health problems, due to the risk factor, they wont hire him onto wwe, because of the health risk involved. however if this isnt the case, im sure desmond wolf would be a great addition the wwe roster.
Wolfe is an excellent in-ring talent. The WWE would LOVE to have him in their ring, after all, they tried to get him before he signed with TNA... but, like many have already said, Wolfe apparently has Hepatitis-C. It'll take a few years to get treatment and to get it out of his system, but it'll also be very hard for him to get cleared to wrestle again. It's very sad to see his career (apparently) end like this, especially since he could have been an enormous star somewhere, but that's what happens when wrestlers are called upon to blade in every match.

It's wrong that Wolfe's career (might) be over because somebody else had been allowed to wrestle with Hepatitis-C, is it not? There need to be stricter regulations and the wrestlers need to be taken care of.

Back to my main point though, the WWE shouldn't and, in fact, won't go for Desmond Wolfe. It's a shame, but there's just no way.
There's really not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Ever since Wolfe's program with Kurt Angle awhile back, I've always seen him as the total package of an ideal wrestler. No he's not physically jacked but he's got the in-ring mat skills and excellent promo abilities. He's got the tools to become a big success in any wrestling company he becomes a part of. But as we all know, the man does have Hepatitis C so while Wolfe could very well be a tremendous asset to WWE at the same time his condition makes him a liability. Unless he can get it out of his system somehow (which could take years), don't count on him appearing on either WWE or TNA in a wrestling capacity. It's a shame because I genuinely like the guy and I hate to see his career end like this (assuming it's really over as there could always be hope for him). Would've loved to see him work with the current WWE talent and eventually become world champ.
Wolfe is an excellent in-ring talent. The WWE would LOVE to have him in their ring, after all, they tried to get him before he signed with TNA... but, like many have already said, Wolfe apparently has Hepatitis-C. It'll take a few years to get treatment and to get it out of his system, but it'll also be very hard for him to get cleared to wrestle again. It's very sad to see his career (apparently) end like this, especially since he could have been an enormous star somewhere, but that's what happens when wrestlers are called upon to blade in every match.

It's wrong that Wolfe's career (might) be over because somebody else had been allowed to wrestle with Hepatitis-C, is it not? There need to be stricter regulations and the wrestlers need to be taken care of.

Back to my main point though, the WWE shouldn't and, in fact, won't go for Desmond Wolfe. It's a shame, but there's just no way.

The WWE gave him a physical and he failed so they didn't offer him a contract. If they loved him so much he would have been hired when Bryan was hired. He didn't go to TNA because he wanted to.

As far as the WWE hiring him, maybe for a position in the back but he would never be allowed in their ring as a wrestler. There is no way they would take that risk.
Well, the WWE was all poised to sign him before when this mysterious condition or injury or ailment, whatever it is, popped up and the WWE decided to pull out. If I remember correctly, the WWE was unsure of Wolfe's reliability in the long run concerning this condition.

If he does have Hep-C, then it's definitely too much of a risk. If he has something else wrong with him, some other illness or chronic injury of some kind, then concern about him for the long haul is valid. He's been out of the ring for forever it seems in TNA so it looks like WWE initially made the right call in deciding not to sign the guy.

When he first showed up in TNA, I really liked the guy. I became a fan quickly and was into what he was doing. Then, here came Hogan & Bischoff. After they showed up, Wolfe's push was not only brought to a screeching halt, the guy was pretty much buried. He went from wrestling clinics with Kurt Angle to jobbing out to Abyss in 90 seconds.

It's just rotten luck for the guy. He has all the tools to be a major player and it's just too bad that this might ultimately wind up screwing up what could have been an extremely bright career.
The short answer is fuck no. The long answer is fuck no because he failed a physical the last time he was on the market, and now he's been suspended and subsequently fired for having an undisclosed medical condition. Why would WWE hire him now, when they already considered him broken beyond the point of usefullness before he (allegedly) got fired for having Hep-C?
I didn't know this even happened. Shows how much TNA I watch/follow.

I liked the look of him in RoH and his early TNA stuff. That really sucks if he does have Hep-C. Its not like its Aids but its still gonna keep anyone from working with him.

I wonder if RoH will bring him in regardless?
He failed WWE's physical tests. It was apparently because of his severe concussions in ROH. So dont get your hopes up of ever seeing Wolfe in a WWE ring. Not that Id want that anyway. His in ring prowess would be wasted there anyway.

As much as everyone loves Desmond Wolfe, hes just not able to be hired.
I Actually say yes. Let Him manage somebody like Mason Ryan. Wolfe has great mic skills and imo would make a great manager.
If Desmond has Hep-C, he won't be hired, end of story.

If he doesn't, and he's interested, I would say go for it. I think he was one of the two or three most talented natural heels in TNA. No reason he couldn't become a star with WWE.

He has it on the mic and in the ring. That's not as common today as it was, say, ten-twenty years ago. A lot of guys have one or the other, but not both. He's the total package. Not sure he'd be a big deal in Vince's world, but the talent is there.

I hope this guy is health. It would be a damn shame for it to end like this for him.
If he is healthy I say definitely, they already tried to sign him but failed the drug test. Since they were already interested I would assume they would still consider signing the guy as it is.

I heard he had a bad injury which is why he hasn't wrestled for a long time so if he is doing well he would be a good pickup for the WWE, he is just as good as Daniel Bryan in the ring but also has a good look and could be a very marketable superstar if pushed correctly. Even if he has hep C that wont matter as long as he doesn't bleed, Hawk and Bob Orton wrestled for years with Hepatitis and there was never much of an issue, you just got to be smart about it and everything will be good and since WWE doesn't bleed these days anyways I don't see that being a big deal.

Since he failed the drug test I would just keep an eye on him, maybe put him on good behaviour but he can definitely go in the ring and could be a very big asset to the WWE.
only way he is ever hired by WWE while he has HepC is gonna be as either an announcer or manager. Ever since the Bob Orton/Undertaker fiasco a few years back....WWE won't risk letting someone with Hep C in the ring...because even an accidental bump causing blood could be disasterous and lead to numerous lawsuits
If health issues are a problem for Desmond Wolfe, then he shouldn't be hired in the WWE in a wrestling capacity. However, he could be hired in a non wrestling role such as the Raw GM. That would be cool to see Wolfe as Raw GM.
What is the Bob Orton and Undertaker situation? Just wondering?

When Randy was feuding with Taker and had his father by his side as his manager...during their Hell In A Cell match Bob Orton and Taker bled.

A few days or weeks was revealed that Bob Orton had Hep C or at least previously had it and never alerted WWE regarding it. So Taker was, rightfully, fuming over this. Taker went to take tests and it was revealed he did not have the virus. But still...Taker was angry and refused to work with Orton again due to that. So Ace Orton was quickly taken off WWE television to resume the Randy/Taker feud
I remember reading when WWE signed Danielson that they signed him too, then the next day I read he was going to TNA. If not for the Hep C, I would hope the WWE would sign him. He is a great in ring talent and he is better than 90% of the current WWE roster on the mic. I would love to see him on Smack Down and rehash a program with Daniel Bryan. I think he would be good on commentary too, but WWE is not about to sign him for that.
If hes injured, WWE wont hire him untill they know he can work the schedule. I agree with SinCityBlitz in that if WWE hired him, it would be for a positon in the back, not in the ring. If they did put him in the ring, it would most likel be with daniel bryan, and yes there matches would be exciting because of the stuff they did in ROH, but beyond that, he wouldnt make it very far.
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