Should WWE do away with PPV's named after Gimmick matches ?


Ignatius Sandow Jr.
Ok, so I was recently thinking of WWE and it's PPV's maybe 4 or 5 years ago and you never had any PPV's named after matches well unless you count Royal Rumble. That's when the certain Gimmick matches could be used at any time to end any feud which added a certain spice to the rivalry. Since they brought in the likes of Elimination Chamber, HiaC, TLC and Extreme Rules i feel that the matches used in the titles can only be used at that certain PPV which is sad because i would have liked Ryback and Cena's feud to finish at Payback in a HiaC which would have been brilliant but it looks like those matches are designated for those events.

Anyway after that little tangent, my question is should WWE go back to the normal names like Armageddon or Vengeance or keep it the way it's going.

P.S. Sorry if i haven't titled it very well, this is my first thread :)
i think that they should do away with the gimmick ppvs, except royal rumble, because to me, its a shame for the gimmick matches, like hell in a cell or tlc has to be a ppv, and not a rivalry. bring back the old ppvs, like no mercy, unforgiven, no way out, etc.
There was a report that circulated around various sites sometime last year, including WrestleZone, stating that Vince did indeed plan to do away with the gimmick themed ppvs as he felt that they'd simply gone as far as they were going to go.

However, they do still seem to be in full swing as of right now as Money in the Bank, Hell in a Cell and TLC are all listed for this year. There's been talk of doing away with Money in the Bank since before WrestleMania last year and returning the MITB match to WrestleMania itself. Wade Barrett was, allegedly, penciled in to win the match but his injury put him out for over 6 months, so the plans were scrapped and the MITB ppv was kept on the schedule.

If WWE wants to keep a gimmick ppv, personally, I'd rather they kept the Extreme Rules ppv. Extreme Rules doesn't revolve around any particular gimmick match like the other gimmick ppvs do. As a result, WWE could alternate which matches were used at he event. They could also, I suppose, combine the Night of Champions concept so that every title will be on the line that night in some form of gimmick match. For next year, for instance, they could have the first tag team Elimination Chamber or use the biggest gimmicks, such as the EC & TLC matches, to decide the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship matches. For 2015, perhaps they could alternate and use Hell in a Cell or Falls Count Anywhere for the two World titles, if there are still two World titles by then, and so on & so forth.
Definetly dropped the themed ppvs, they take away from the match. It gets a lil bland every year. HIAC and TLC matches should be used to end fueds, Elimination chamber and MITB could be used to boost PPV buys if your top tier talent is a bit thin or your part timers have gone away till the next wrestlemania payday.

I am in favor of 3 gimmick PPVs though, Royal Rumble, KOTR and Survivor Series IF DONE RIGHT. These should be used to either get talent thats ready for the main event into the main event, or should be used to build solid rivalries that can keep the audience interested long term. Last years Survivor Series was a joke, i honestly think the debuted Dean Ambrose just to keep the IWC from torching it.
Not necessarily.

Of course the Royal Rumble is a gimmick match, but I don't think you were referring to that. The Same goes for Survivor Series.

The Elimination Chamber match should have it's own PPV. Other than going back to the old name of "No Way Out" I have no problem with that PPV existing, and I think its perfectly placed for the WWE to make last minute adjustments. I think in the same way that the Royal Rumble Match works having a PPV dedicated to it, Money in the Bank has been very successful having its own PPV. And I may be in the minority here, but I think the Money in the Bank PPV has done better as its own entity. And while I'm technically opposed to having a PPV around the TLC concept, I have to admit that I look forward to the event every year at this point because they've been pretty consistently very good.

Really the one that causes the most annoyance for me is the Hell in a Cell PPV, only because the mystique of the Cell has been entirely destroyed. And thank God there is no more "Fatal Four Way" PPV.
Im up for dropping them. I loved buying the old VHS tapes and seeing things like Fully Loaded 2000, No Way Out, Armageddon, Backlash and St.Valentines Day Massacre. These were all pretty much big PPV's like they have history.

I think by having "gimmick" PPV's the WWE limit the match types they can have on the cards. It might make booking easier but it surely makes it more boring.
To me, the gimmick PPV's should only be for their majors, like the Royal Rumble or Survivor Series (Survivor Series Tag Match). They could move the money in the bank match to Summerslam if they really want it later in the year, but there's no need for an event name for it. I would like to see relevancy within the names but not full blown gimmicks. Something like Backlash being the first PPV after Wrestlemania. It was a great name, plus totally made sense as a name. I'd like to see them go back in that direction.
Absolutely. Their ppv lineup needs a huge makeover. Rumble, Mania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series are obviously keepers. I also don't mind MITB and Night of Champions. Other than that, the rest should be scrapped without question. I'd even prefer them bringing back some of the old WCW ppv names than keep the current lineup.

Oh, and King of the Ring should be brought back as the June event.
This will never happen, but this would be my ppv calendar:

late Jan: Royal Rumble
early April: WrestleMania
early June: King of the Ring (winner gets title shot at SS)
mid August: SummerSlam
late Oct: Halloween Havoc
mid Dec: Survivor Series

I'd move the MITB match back to Mania where it belongs. Or at the very least, have it at SummerSlam.

Also, I'd bring back Saturday Night's Main Event 2-3 times a year. Once between the Rumble and Mania, another in the early summer, and another in the fall.
I think it's only really TLC that needs to be done away with.

Money in the Bank is now an established event and one that fans look forward to every year, as is Extreme Rules.

Also, although I didn't like Hell In The Cell PPV to start with, the reduction to just one Cell match last year made it much more bearable. Granted, if there was a more interesting match than CM Punk vs Ryback as the main event, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more.
As the OP inferred, when I say "gimmick PPV's" I'm not including the Royal Rumble.

With that being said, I never even respected gimmick PPV's in the first place. What was the point of them? I honestly don't think there is any benefit to any given gimmick PPV but I do see a lot of harm and I think someone already mentioned it here: the gimmicks mean that much less when they become annual holidays. I think this is most evident with the Hell in a Cell and Elimination Chamber matches. Remember when they first did two Elimination Chamber matches at No Way Out and they were able to talk about the stats? It was a huge deal then because it was so much easier to put over the intensity and brutality of the match when there were only "5 in 6 years" and Triple H was the only 2-time winner and all these interesting facts that are no longer relevant. Think about how insignificant the "Counting the ways the Rumble is exciting" segments would be if there were suddenly 2 Rumbles every year. The chamber isn't even exciting anymore, same with Hell in a Cell. It used to be the devil's playground that only the toughest men could be a part of but now we see at least four random guys fight in there every year and it's not even quality matches!

I may have gone a little bit on a tangent but my point is in bold, I'll reiterate here that the gimmicks mean less when they become mere holidays. Hell in a Cell and Elimination Chamber especially should only be used for special occasions when the right people are involved to make it special both before and after the match happens. Making it an annual ppv just forces people who aren't ready to particpate and it ruins everything because the hype isn't good, and the bad matches start watering down the aura of the good matches and soon the gimmick isn't exciting, which is exactly what happened to the two matches that I've been talking about. As for TLC, Money in the Bank, and whatever other gimmick PPV's there are, it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to them.
I always liked the ppv names before the went to the gimmicks suck as No Mercy, No Way Out, Backlash, etc. Maybe I liked them best because that is what I was used to, but the gimmicks just never did it for me. I never liked Hell in a Cell because that match was always supposed to be the ultimate way to end a feud. TLC never made much sense to me, but I do like Extreme Rules. I wish they would just do Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, King of the Ring, Extreme Rules, Survivor Series and Summerslam. That is never going to happen though so yeah in the short term I wish they would do away with the gimmick ppvs.
Definitely get rid of them. The biggest problem with these PPVs is that the matches they hype are supposed to be feud-ending matches. Think Undertaker Vs. Mankind or Edge/Christan Vs. Hardy Boys Vs. Dudley Boys. When you use something like TLC on The Shield Vs. Ryback and Team Hell No, despite the fact that the match may be good, you lose something. It's really tough to force a feud to peak just in time for TLC or Hell in a Cell. I'd also argue that having Elimination Chamber come on the heels of the Royal Rumble kind of devalues both of those. Having the Wrestlemania main event up for grabs in the fashion has always grated on me.
I think WWE should do away with most gimmick PPVs especially SUrvivor Series and call it Fall Brawl or In Your House. This is a favorite PPV of mine, but in most recent years they don't do any or many actual 4-man elimination tag matches which were gold in the 80s and early 90s. Even if they revamp it to include elimination matches on triple theats and for the tag titles would make sense, but so far those "Bragging Rights" matches don't work becuz there isn't brand distinction anymore.

My PPV schedule would include

Jan: Royal Rumble
Feb: Extreme Rules
March: One Night Stand (NOT ECW, but NXT and WWE midcard/tag fueds that WILL NOT be on Wrestlemania AND every year do it OVERSEAS)
April: Wrestlemania
May: Backlash (featuring Elimination Chamber for Smackdown)
June: Night of Champions (featuring Money In The Bank match)
July: Great American Bash (At The Beach; maybe?)
August: Summer Slam (see above)
October: Halloween Havoc (featuring Hell in A Cell for RAW)
November: Survivor Series (Elimination style matches mentioned earlier & ELIMINATION CHAMBER for RAW)
December: Armageddon (featuring Hell In A Cell match for Smackdown)
This will be a little bit of a long post but i'll dual it. First my semi realistic opinion and then an all out pipe dream. This is one for me that once i think about it my answer is different than my gut instinct. My initial instinct was "hell yea, do away with of all of them", but not once I think about. As the original poster and multiple others have said i don't believe any of us are talking about The Royal Rumble or The Survivor Series so i'll go through the small ones. I'm cool with Elimination Chamber either way. I think it should stay where its at but i really dont think No Way Out is really any better or worse than keeping its current name. I would do away with MITB (i liked the one posters idea of having the match at Summer Slam), i would do away with Extreme Rules only because its watered down WWE PG Extreme Rules. If it was legit Extreme Rules i'd be all for it. I am in the minority on this one but I do dig Night of Champions when its actually just every championship (since some of the championships barely ever get on a PPV). but i'd like to see them do a non title champion vs champion every year in the main event for as long as they have both WWE & World Titles and then just every other title be defended. Maybe throw in a #1 contenders match to make up for having the one less match because of the champions match. Do away with HIAC, that once great match has been so diminished and I think should go back to just the biggest of fueds. And do away with TLC. Im always up for some WCW PPV names coming back. Of course Vince would never use the name Starrcade since the first Starrcade was prior to the first WrestleMania but i always liked the Great American Bash.

My pipe dream schedule.
January-The Royal Rumble
February-Elimination Chamber
July-The Great American Bash featuring The King of The Ring (winner gets SS Title shot of their choice)
August-Summer Slam
September-Night of Champions
October-Halloween Havoc
November-The Survivor Series
Yes. I think the company books itself into a corner by doing that at certain events like the Ryback- CM Punk match from last year or the Undertaker- CM Punk from Breaking Point in 09 having to resort to silly booking decisions. Plus I think the Money In The Bank gimmick has run its course and the cashing in has lowered the value of the titles too much when it's generally the same thing.

My PPV calender would be this:

Jan: Royal Rumble

If it's not broke why fix it.

Feb: In Your House- Road to Wrestlemania
I'd do away with the Elimination chamber gimmick for this PPV as I think it runs the risk of some of the main stars getting injured weeks before the grandaddy and the Elimination Chamber can be used at other PPV's if the time is right. It would better resemble No Way Out (without necessary the need for a cage or HITC match) plus the awesome retro In Your House set-up and progress their feuds for Mania.

Mar: Wrestlemania
Keep this of course

Apr: Backlash
I don't necessary think the Mania feuds need to end here if they've been built up right so hence I've put the Extreme Rules back a month.

May: Extreme Rules
See above the final showdowns of some of the Mania feuds.

Jun: King Of The Ring
This needs to come back as I said MITB has lost it's appeal. The winner gets a title shot at the next PPV.

Jul: Night Of Champions
The main event features The Champ v The King

Aug: Summerslam
I'd make this a huge event, smaller only than Mania, change it to 4 hours, try and get some of the bigger names on the card, have bigger matches, and set it in a bigger arena. Maybe even take it oversea's like Mania 92.

Sep: Cyber Sunday

Similar to Extreme Rules with the WWE Universe picking the gimmick.

Oct: Halloween Havoc
Another one to bring back a bit of nostalgia, with the fancy sets. This keeps things ticking over between Summerslam and the next huge event.

Nov: Survivor Series
Keep this and keep the team formats, it doesn't sell as a big 4 anymore but it useful to advance feuds/ create new ones.

Dec: Starcade
This is a Summerslam event, huge arena, big stars, 4 hours and would give the WWE 3 big PPVs to build around throughout the year.
I do not want to see the older PPV brands come back. With the gimmick themed PPV brands you know what to expect. TLC has 4 gimmicks in one: Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and TLC. Elimination Chamber, Hell In a Cell, and Money In the Bank feature matches containing their gimmick namesake match type. Night of Champions has every belt on the line. Over the Limit is more open, but has featured types such as the I Quit match. Brands such as Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Backlash all need to stay in the past. None of them stood out from the other. There was literally nothing separating an Unforgiven card from a No Mercy card, and the Big 4 were always made to be superior, so my mindset was often why bother with these lesser shows? I'd rather know what's coming, and with the gimmick themed shows we get just that.

The current PPV lineup is just fine other than two little things I would change. Chances are Payback is just going to be about as pointless as No Way Out or Capitol Punishment, although it is still worth giving a chance. I'd put it where Extreme Rules is and get rid of that brand. Extreme Rules continues to be my least favorite PPV brand and I doubt that will change this year. If Payback is moved to April then that also frees up a summer slot for Over the Limit, which I would move there. That makes Hell In a Cell the only October PPV event. That's where Over the Limit used to be anyhow, I don't understand why it got moved to October where it is doomed to likely have the lowest buy rate of the year. Why do they keep insisting on having two October PPV's and then get upset when they don't get the desired number of PPV buys? It's not rocket science, WWE. There's absolutely no reason to do 2 PPV's in October. NONE.

So, yes, I am in favor of keeping the gimmick themed PPV brands. Why bring back the old names and have 8 shows per year that are interchangeable other than their name when they can continue to make the lesser shows stand out from each other regardless of how far away they are from the Big 4 in historical value? I hope the old PPV brands never come back and that they continue to build on the importance of the brands they currently have. They struggle enough with convincing fans to purchase the shows as it is. If the fans know what type of match is coming, the WWE can focus more on the storyline leading into the match to help make them want to buy it as opposed to worrying about what type of card to make when they have enough to be concerned about with promos and building up to each PPV.
Yes. It's really a shame to have them. Here's what should happen. Royal Rumble in January. no pay per views between mania and rumble. someone mentioned Saturday nights main event in between the two events. I can respect that coming from an IWC guy or girl. Makes sense and I agree with it. After mania bring back King of the ring in June, with the full tournament and not some bullshit tournament with a match on raw or smack down each week until the event. make it a full tournament for the ppv with the main event being the finals match (and not some stupid ass cena match). the winner gets a title match at Summerslam. Saturday Nights main event maybe in between king of the ring and summerslam. Survivor Series in November. Ok, now for the gimmicks? for survivor series I would maybe have the traditional match, maybe wargames, but my main thing would be to have the elimination chamber match at this event, as in "Can you Survive the Chamber?" some crap like that. As for Money in the Bank match? wrestlemania because it was always the match I looked forward to the most at Mania. the first year they didn't have it made Mania seem like something was missing. Hell in a cell? that could be at any pay per view. Hell in a cell matches are NOT what they once were, it seems like its just a cage match with weapons now and with no blood in wwe any more its not relevant. Maybe a hell in a cell match at mania, or a Saturday nights main event. well that's all for now you cheap jabronis (and IWC, Zach ryder STILL sucks!)
As I have now read through the posts i have seen that people have added a PPV schedule and i really liked the idea so heres my schedule.

January: Royal Rumble, It really is a PPV mainstay now and i think everyone enjoys it
February: Pit Stop, Really based around the Road to Wrestlemania, the last real big build towards Wrestlemania
March/April: Wrestlemania Will always be there
May: One Night Only The concept of having a PPV abroad again like Insurexxtion or Rebellion
June: Hardcore Heaven A night like Extreme Rules really
July: King of the Ring I really enjoyed the KotR PPV's when i was a child especially Taker vs Mankind in the Hell in a Cell
August: Summerslam Like Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble its a PPV mainstay
September: Night of Champions It's great because everything is on the line
October: Halloween Havoc The trick is in the name a PPV based around the event
November: Survivor Series As stated before with the other Big 3 its a mainstay
December: In Your House:payback A night were all feuds, old and new, are settled going into the new year
Really the one that causes the most annoyance for me is the Hell in a Cell PPV, only because the mystique of the Cell has been entirely destroyed.

This ^

That was what I loved about Cell matches, when a feud was so heated there was nothing like HIAC to end the feud and take it to the next level. Plus the promos for the Cell alone of it's history of brutality and suspense was absolutely awe inspiring. But over the years, WWE sucked the mystique and excitement out it by making it a marketing tool for buyrates. Not mention some of the low quality feuds we've seen inside the cell. The only two I will exclude are Punk/Ryback and HHH/Taker.
You know what the real problem with these gimmick PPV's is? The names. Naming a PPV after the gimmick match is just dull.

Money in the Bank and TLC are fine because the first is actually a good PPV name and I can't think of anything better than TLC for TLC. Maybe something along the line of Household Objects [/sarcasm].

I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted Elimination Chamber back to No Way Out (with the same gimmick). However, if we absolutely need a Hell in the Cell themed PPV, I'd make that No Way Out or maybe something like Devil's Playground.
This will never happen, but this would be my ppv calendar:

late Jan: Royal Rumble
early April: WrestleMania
early June: King of the Ring (winner gets title shot at SS)
mid August: SummerSlam
late Oct: Halloween Havoc
mid Dec: Survivor Series

I'd move the MITB match back to Mania where it belongs. Or at the very least, have it at SummerSlam.

Also, I'd bring back Saturday Night's Main Event 2-3 times a year. Once between the Rumble and Mania, another in the early summer, and another in the fall.

I was always a fan of Halloween Havoc... Great filler from the summer to winter. With the PG rating and WWE not wanting the guys blading, Hell In A Cell really does not fit ... This was a match advertised as ending guys careers and promos always had wrestlers wearing the crimson mask. KOTR was a great PPV wish they would bring it back. I do think Survivor Series in the traditional sense has become outdated... Or they could do Survivor Series with the main event being a WarGames match...I think wrestling purists and us thirty year olds would love to re-watch some old school matches (Dangerous Alliance) But WWE is about appealing to their audience and the kids love the gimmick matches...until people stop buying I do not anticipate a change to the format.
Maybe WWE should try In Your House theme again for the names of these pay per views. Then they can use generic names attached to them. For example, WWE In Your House: Tag Team Turmoil, WWE In Your House: Best In The World

Plus it would be easier for them if they dropped 2 ppv's so there is a small break in the year from them. So then they can work on building storylines and have better buyrates spread for the other ppv's in the year.
Pay-per-views such as Elimination Chamber, TLC and Hell in a Cell are simply bad for booking purposes. How so, you ask? Imagine this. You end the big summer feud with a blow-off at Summerslam. You rush into the fall with the champion finishing his summer feud, catapult him into a feud with a new challenger, and within a month or two; bam! You have to a HiaC match for a feud that probably doesn't deserve it. Not only does it take away from the mystique and and danger factor of big-time gimmick matches (knowing when they're coming) but you have to force feed feuds into these matches that sometimes would be better off in a regular match, or nothing more than a NO DQ match at most. And why? Because you have to have the gimmick match for the sake of the fact the PPV is named after it. It ruins the prestige of match types that used to be a MUCH bigger deal, which also diminishes the amount of match types you can use to blow off a big feud, because all of a sudden, HiaC and TLC matches aren't a big deal anymore.

Money in the Bank I can see as an exception. It's not a match type that was used a feud blow off, or a marquee match such as EC was. It was already only done once a year, at Mania. It's also been the most successful of the gimmick match PPV's and has become a lesser version of the RR, or a KotR replacement to me. It's becoming the little brother of the Big 4 quickly, and the show is great year in, year out, and it's getting to the point that you know you're gonna see a great show, and missing who wins the case could be missing out on the match/moment that creates the next big superstar.

I do not want to see the older PPV brands come back. With the gimmick themed PPV brands you know what to expect. TLC has 4 gimmicks in one: Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and TLC. Elimination Chamber, Hell In a Cell, and Money In the Bank feature matches containing their gimmick namesake match type. Night of Champions has every belt on the line. Over the Limit is more open, but has featured types such as the I Quit match. Brands such as Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Backlash all need to stay in the past. None of them stood out from the other. There was literally nothing separating an Unforgiven card from a No Mercy card, and the Big 4 were always made to be superior, so my mindset was often why bother with these lesser shows? I'd rather know what's coming, and with the gimmick themed shows we get just that.

The current PPV lineup is just fine other than two little things I would change. Chances are Payback is just going to be about as pointless as No Way Out or Capitol Punishment, although it is still worth giving a chance. I'd put it where Extreme Rules is and get rid of that brand. Extreme Rules continues to be my least favorite PPV brand and I doubt that will change this year. If Payback is moved to April then that also frees up a summer slot for Over the Limit, which I would move there. That makes Hell In a Cell the only October PPV event. That's where Over the Limit used to be anyhow, I don't understand why it got moved to October where it is doomed to likely have the lowest buy rate of the year. Why do they keep insisting on having two October PPV's and then get upset when they don't get the desired number of PPV buys? It's not rocket science, WWE. There's absolutely no reason to do 2 PPV's in October. NONE.

So, yes, I am in favor of keeping the gimmick themed PPV brands. Why bring back the old names and have 8 shows per year that are interchangeable other than their name when they can continue to make the lesser shows stand out from each other regardless of how far away they are from the Big 4 in historical value? I hope the old PPV brands never come back and that they continue to build on the importance of the brands they currently have. They struggle enough with convincing fans to purchase the shows as it is. If the fans know what type of match is coming, the WWE can focus more on the storyline leading into the match to help make them want to buy it as opposed to worrying about what type of card to make when they have enough to be concerned about with promos and building up to each PPV.

Here is where I think you're wrong, my friend. Yeah, the cards were usually no different, but each PPV was still it's own distinctive event with it's own distinctive name. Plus, it's not like anything has changed. Instead of No Mercy and Judgement Day being B-shows with the focus on the big 4, now HiaC and TLC are B-shows with the focus where it was before. That's never gonna change unless they reduce the number of PPV's to 5 or 6 with every show being a big one, which will never happen, and in today's business shouldn't.

To be frank, I'd rather see an underwhelming undercard with a main event of a month long feud culminating in a regular match, than the same card with the same feud ending in a very forced Hell in a Cell or TLC match. Plus, it isn't like WWE has to go back to the old PPV names. They just need to generate names that sound like they weren't thought up by a elementary student. Payback? Capitol Punishment? Bragging Rights? They had Breaking Point and still have Over The Limit, both acceptable. How about some more? Retribution, Cross Roads, Guerrilla Warfare, Fahrenheit Rising, etc.. all sound better than anything the WWE has created in recent times.

I will agree with you on one point, though; Extreme Rules needs to go.

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