
Getting Noticed By Management
Like a lot of people, I really think brand only PPV's are once again needed in the WWE for the sake of not having nearly every mid-carder in the WWE left off of every PPV.

I was thinking that they can bring back brand only shows with moderation. I know they took the brand only shows away because the joint shows have had more success in terms of the buy rates, but, I honestly don't think having a brand only show now and then would hurt buy rates at all.

Look at the PPV's for WWE. You have PPV's such as Backlash, Judgement Day, The Great American Bash, Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Armageddon that really have no unique theme. I honestly think WWE has done a great job at creating distinct themes and identities for most of their PPV's, but the aforementioned really don't have anything that stands out about them. You can easily turn them into 3 Raw PPV's and 3 Smackdown! PPV's. Where does that leave ECW you ask? We all know ECW can't carry a PPV. So, why not just have Tiffany work out an agreement that ECW can have one match featured on every PPV. Thus, you can have 6 or 7 matches from Raw, and then an ECW match.

I know it's probably a moot point, but after watching so many WWE PPV's over the last two years, I can honestly say that having 14 PPV's a year, especially when you have a stretch where there's Judgement Day, then two weeks later Extreme Rules, and then 3 weeks later Night of Champions. That's 3 PPV's in about 5 weeks, it's overkill and those 3 shows almost always have the same cards, just with different stips for the matches. It's ridiculous.

Just by changing one of them, Judgement Day, to a brand only Smackdown! show, you might have a fresh show with 7 matches, and maybe only 2 of those carry over to Extreme Rules while you have 4 new, unseen Raw matches, etc. Thoughts?
I think it's too late for that. The people who buy ppv's want to be able to see their favorite superstars every night. I guarantee you, there's a huge chunk of kids who won't get their parents to shell out for the ppv if Cena isn't on the card, just like a bunch of people won't bother buying it if they can't see Taker. People have grown too accustomed to getting it all the big names in one night, and there's no turning back now. I do agree with you though, the WWE has to work more midcard matches into the ppv's.
I totally agree with you. At first I wanted to see all the "wrestlers" on the same show and ppv like back in the day. Now all I want is for them to be brand only again. There is no point in having brands if everyone is on every show. WTF was the point in having the draft then? Stupid ass ppl. Everyone knows the reason they split it into brands in the first place was to keep all the titles they could. Why would you then take away most of them and make the ones you do have worthless? The only titles that actually mean anything don't. These storielines are decent, but they are all personal and don't focus on the titles. They just throw them in at the last minute. Why not have the personal storylines seperate and have some that are actually about the gold?
I would love to see each brand have one big brand only PPV, like a personal Wrestlemania for each brand. I always like the seperate ppv and hated when the WWE combine the shows as storylines seemed to be rush when back when they were brand only, a good storyline could get two months of a push on TV.
I think you miss the point on why brand only PPV's sucked so bad in the 1st place. It all has nothing to do with mid-card guys getting face time, because they get more then enough with WWE having shows on TV 4 nights a week.

Brand only PPV's are not needed, because who wants to watch these type of matches, and I'm quoting past Brand only shows

Val Venis vs Rob Conway
Funaki vs Siman Dean
Finlay vs William Regal
Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy
Chavo Guerrero vs Gene Snitsky
Bra and Panties Gauntlet Match after Divas match already happened
The Mexicools vs the Blue World Order

Those are just some of the pure crap jobber vs jobber matches THAT WE MUST WATCH for Brand only PPV's because thats how bad Raw & SD's rosters are once it gets down to having 6-8 matches. I mean really, the rosters are not built to have 8 good matches, just wait until Raw goes back to only Raw wrestlers, there will then be some crap to watch.

I'd just like to hear one person here say they want to watch a 3hr PPV that cost $60 to see a match "like" Funaki vs Simon Dean
Val Venis vs Rob Conway
Funaki vs Siman Dean
Finlay vs William Regal
Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy
Chavo Guerrero vs Gene Snitsky
Bra and Panties Gauntlet Match after Divas match already happened
The Mexicools vs the Blue World Order

Those are just some of the pure crap jobber vs jobber matches THAT WE MUST WATCH for Brand only PPV's because thats how bad Raw & SD's rosters are once it gets down to having 6-8 matches. I mean really, the rosters are not built to have 8 good matches, just wait until Raw goes back to only Raw wrestlers, there will then be some crap to watch.

those are probably some matches that many people don't want to see but when you talk about giving mid-carders a chance to get a push, having them wrestle on a ppv can be a very good start. I think brand only ppv's, as mentioned before, let storylines develop and gives the less popular a chance at stealing the show. It could also give time slots to the smaller titles and give them back the prestiege they once had (i.e. the IC and Tag Titles). I've read many times here that people are bored of seeing the same guys in the main event hunt and this could be a way to get some new talent there.
Look at the PPV's for WWE. You have PPV's such as Backlash, Judgement Day, The Great American Bash, Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Armageddon that really have no unique theme.
I disagree.

Backlash is the Wrestlemania backlash PPV, The Great American Bash is the Old Glory summer blowout PPV, and Unforgiven has made its mark as one of the most entertaining PPVs, with help from Summerslam the PPV before. So, I'd say those are out. That leaves Judgment Day, No Mercy and Armageddon. Judgment Day is awful close to Wrestlemania, and No Mercy and Armageddon are very close to each other as well.

I like the idea of having ONE brand only PPV. It could kind of be a special thing, and if it was marketed correctly, then it could do as good of buys as shows like No Mercy do. Just promote a really good main-event matchup, and then put matches on the undercard that work a little faster and a little more free than what you'd normally see on PPV. Give fans their money's worth. There's only ONE thing you'd have to change:

I'd just like to hear one person here say they want to watch a 3hr PPV that cost $60 to see a match "like" Funaki vs Simon Dean

This would be what you'd have to change. Currently, I think the price of a PPV is $40. Drop the price to about $30 for the brand only PPV. And really SELL the fact that you're dropping the price, even before the PPV starts getting booked. Make it seem like it is a service the WWE is providing to you, the fans. Put a decent card on, give the undercard workers a little more freedom in their matches, mark the price down, and make it seem like you are providing a service to the fans, then I think that a brand only PPV could work.
Granted, yeah single brand PPV's have often in the past left a lot to be desired, but I feel like the talent in the WWE is actually pretty deep right now and with the right booking, any single brand PPV could be a success.

Just using Smackdown! as an example, let's say they ran with Edge against the Undertaker for the title, CM Punk against Kane for the Money in the Bank Briefcase, Chris Jericho against Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio against Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title, John Morrison against Shelton Benjamin, Melina against whoever for the Women's title and they can add an ECW match.

This is just an example. I'm not trying to come up with new interesting feuds, just an example of how you can easily get a decent card out of a single brand PPV, with the idea that ECW can get a match on every show.

For arguments sake, we all know, for instance if Smackdown! was running these feuds you'd get Edge/Taker, Punk/Kane, and Jericho/Hardy on the card. However, you wind up missing out on guys like Rey, and especially guys like Morrison, Benjamin, and Ziggler, and other mid-carders who could severely use the extra push and extra exposure that being a part of PPV's and feuds on a routine basis would give them.
I love the idea of brand only PPV since WWE has already too much talent. Doing things they are now only a hand full of talent can be pushed at any given time. With brand only ppv each brand can choose their own stars to push on their own ppv events. Newer stars could get over much easier than if they are all crammed together into one show.

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