Should WWE and TNA Work Some Sort of Program... Together?


i was just reading an article about how fans have lost touch with their wrestling company's like World Wrestling Entertainment and Total Non Stop Action Wrestling. So i was thinking why do WWE and TNA have to be against or competing each other. because at the end of the day it's not about WWE and it's not about TNA..IT"S ABOUT PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. I mean Both WWE and TNA have lost a lot of fans during these past 5-10 years

so what im asking is would it be a good idea for WWE and TNA do work some programs with each other like having a pay-per-view every year about WWE vs TNA, or have an invasion angle about TNA being in the shadow of WWE how TNA wants to get out of it. while in the story line WWE and TNA can put some of their superstars over, example: john cena putting bobby roode over, or sting putting someone like john cena over. Or even better we can finally see our dream matches like undertaker vs sting, or AJ styles vs CM punk, or CM punk in Samoa Joe in WWE/TNA. Or maybe they can do some type of reality show about TNA and WWE on WWE's new network.

so what im trying to say is, would it be a good idea for WWE and TNA to work together with some sort of programs?
It would be sooooooooo interesting too me, because i enjoy both company's.
I think WWE has nothing to gain from an angle like this, except a few good feuds or matches.
TNA however would gain a HUGE fanbase!
WWE= no gain
TNA= nothing but gain.

SO, will it happen, Never, Would i like it to happen, With out a doubt.
yes i agree with odisho. If they do a program/storyline together with TNA vs WWE i see it happening in 2014 heading into WM 30 i see it happening with TNA Invading the WWE's royal rumble and leading amazing matches into wm and little minni matches at elimination chamber something like roode vs miz, styles vs d bryan and for WM 30 could possibly be the greates WM in history with matches like CM punk vs Aj Styles, HHH vs bobby roode, vince vs hogan II, orton vs morgan, crimson and sheamus and many more. I posted a thread about this seems like no one cares or wants to here it because some people think it might not happen. but i do see it happening in the near future. It is every wrestlers dream to compete at WM even the guys in TNA its a good time for guys on TNA to show there talent infront of 70,000 people rather than 5,000 or w/e there buildings build up to in TNA
I can see an invasion angle by wrestlers from tna trying to make a name for themselves on live wwe programming... but a legit crossover...not until the wwe buys tna or if wwe and tna have some sort of a talent development deal going, but tna should focus on making themselves better and not worry about the competition thats what makes wwe so successful.
The only way I see this happening is given the outcome of Bound for Glory and the increasing dissapointment in the TNA product given the what was rumored in Hulk throwing his weight around with the TNA title match last night and if thing do not change the following will happen:

Styles, Storm, Roode and Storm will form a faction and will invade WWE in the future but TNA is so far inferior to WWE right now it isn't even funny. When your company cannot even draw a sellout or even a decent ECW crowd. If 2500 is an accurate number for the draw they had last night they couldn't even beat out ECW on it's worst PPV night. That is pathetic!!!

TNA=Out of business in the next few years and Vince will just buy the tape library.
Theirs no need for this it would only benefit tna. Theirs no way this would benefit wwe. This would give tna more exposure but again it does nothing for wwe. Tna is nowhere near close to competing with the wwe. Again it would only benefit tna.
OK, Wrestlemania is owned by a company, WWE, it has nothing to do with TNA/Impact Wrestling, ROH, or any Indy Fed. Next, WWE (as was already said) would gain very little to nothing from an Impact Wrestling/TNA invasion. When WCW/ECW were bought, they were hugh companiesin the eyes of many fans. Fans still chanted, loudly E-C-W and WCW almost put WWE out of business, so a invasion angle made since. But the companies (WCW/ECW) had such a black eye in the business world that WWE did not even use either companies initals together they were known as "The Alliance" TNA is no where near the company WCW once was and ROH is not ECW. It is a different time and most casual wrestling fans don't evenknow about TNA or ROH, so have an invasion would not make any since.
Theirs no need for this it would only benefit tna. Theirs no way this would benefit wwe. This would give tna more exposure but again it does nothing for wwe. Tna is nowhere near close to competing with the wwe. Again it would only benefit tna.

Not only would it benefit TNA and not benefit WWE it would not benefit the business it would make WWE look weak. That's part of the reason Jim Crockett JR wanted Vince off of TBS back in the 80's because it made NWA look weak when they already had a strong product
Vince McMahon Sr. created WWWF, for the NorthEastern part of the United States.

When Vince McMahon Jr. took over the WWF, he made it Worldwide.

I believe when Stephanie McMahon and Triple H gain control of the WWE, I would like to think they will have more of an open mind to have some kind of working relationship with not only TNA / IW and ROH, but to all other Indy Promotions all around the World.

It could obviously benefit TNA and ROH, but it could also benefit the WWE to broadcast them on their Network. A Reality show about Legends and Divas?? What’s up?? Really?? Name it the "Wrestling Chanel" or "WTV" and show…Wrestling!!

Anyway, yes, the Dream matches would be incredible. Think about having 112 different regional promotions with WWE SuperStars showing up everywhere.
You guys have got to be kidding me! Why in the name of God would WWE ever want to consider doing this? Sure, it would be tremendously interesting for fans, but from a business perspective, how would this benefit WWE at all? If I was affiliated with TNA, obviously I'd be all over it. Ride the WWE machine to bigger numbers than they could ever dream of achieving on their own. But does anyone really believe that a TNA presence would impact positively on the WWE's bottom line?

That would be like combining the CFL and the NFL, claiming that this would really boost the bottom line for the NFL.
Vince doesn't need nor want to advertise TNA.

Any publicity to them is subtracting from WWE.

and at the WTV comment, WTV would be like wrestling, as MTV is to music. AKA Crap.
Vince doesn't need nor want to advertise TNA.

Any publicity to them is subtracting from WWE.

and at the WTV comment, WTV would be like wrestling, as MTV is to music. AKA Crap.

Agreed, the WTV has already been done in the UK and was a big failure... then again when you lose TNA and never had WWE you can see why,

People bang on about TNA needing to succeed to give WWE competition, so what on earth would a business relationship achieve and under one channel? You kill any competition there ever is... in fact you might as well have WWE buy TNA and air it on the WWE network as a replacement for NxT.

When WWF did deals with ECW, it wasn't as big as it is now. ECW offered a different product, TNA is offering the same. Hence why Vince bankrolled ECW, it allowed to show his company in a different light to a different audience. There was a gain for WWF and it paid off. Now what is the gain, AJ Styles? because thats about it. Hell I doubt if the likes of Anderson, Bully Ray etc would want to be apart of it, so TNA would actually lose doing such a deal too.

TNA should follow WWF's path and team up with companies that offer something different, they use to do that with the X Division and is still the best they have offered.
no no no no no. They are ciompetition. What TNA should do is forget about WWE and concentrate on strengthening their own product, stop using 50+ year old guys in matches, have better backstage skits instead of the stupid rioving camera that the talent supposedly cannot see. Hogan vs Sting was embarrassing for the company, Sting pleading with Hogan to "save him"...god that was pooor. There direction is rubbish, their politics worse. WWE do not need to stoop to the crumby TNA level to make money, they gain nothing about helping TNA
can't see it happening if i'm honest. You look at both companies and you have the 2 biggest ego's in wrestling in control with Vince vs Hogan...and we know it takes a miracle for these two to agree to do anything together. Hogan is too up his own ass beleiving he's the best that ever lived (he's just the most popular, his in ring ability sucked) and Vince who believes (sometimes rightly) that he's god to this business...they couldn't do it. I'd love it if they did as seeing a program between Anderson and Orton would definately look likely due to the way Anderson left (or was fired from) the WWE. Like i said however, i don't see it.
I can't see it happening at all, but I did want to point out one huge benefit that it would give WWE....competition. Let's face it: WWE was at it's best when it had to compete with WCW & ECW to a lesser extent. Creating a legitimate threat would be the best thing to happen to the wrestling business as a whole.
Simply Never in a million years but I would like to see WWE scrap smackdown and make an over 18 show you could even call it WCW and have what the older fans want, i.e. blood, boobs, sexual innuendo, more wrestling and Vince should stay the hell away from it and let Trips, Undertaker, JR and Heyman have Carte blanche over it. Have there own PPV every 3 months and let storylines and characters build and build. Bet that would put asses in seats..
Fantasy booking, plain and simple. Yes, fans talk all the time about how it would be cool if there were dream matches or whatever between the two companies, and idealistically it's a nice thought. But when you think about it practically, WWE would have no reason to agree to this. All it would do is help out their competition and make things more difficult for them. A lot of fans don't even have any idea that TNA exists, so why let them now and risk losing some? WWE isn't going to gain any fans from it, either, because every TNA fan knows that WWE exists, and has chosen either to watch or not to watch for a reason.
There's really nothing more to be said when you think on it. I've probably seen this exact same topic pop up in a thread 3, maybe 4 times over the course of the past year and the answer is the same now as it was then: it's just simply not realistically feesible.

When it comes to fantasy booking, it's harmless as long as one doesn't allow his/her enjoyment of wrestling to be based upon exactly what they want to see happen, feel should happen or exactly how something should take place. This is a harmless question really but this won't happen because, as others have pointed out, there's absolutely nothing for the WWE to gain from this. They're not going to benefit from it. They're already over, they're already the biggest wrestling company in the world. TNA would gain something out of it in terms of further exposure and working a program with said biggest wrestling company in the world that could, potentially, increase the size of their audience. WWE guys would be the draw of the event. They're the wrestlers that would draw the viewers on television and the majority of the viewers into the arena.

TNA & WWE are competitors. TNA might not be a threat in terms of sheer numbers, but they're still competitors. If a rival isn't able to grow on their own, it's just not realistic or generally good business to help them.

Is it possible that this could happen? Sure, anything's possible, but it's just not likely. In order for it to happen in the current climate, a LOT of egos would have to be pushed to the side on both sides of the fence. When you've got egos involved that are on the level of Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff it almost certainly wouldn't work. I have no doubt that both sides would feel that their company should come out winning more matches or should be made to look more dominant and all that. The only other way I could see it happening would be if Vince owned TNA and then the egos of those on the side of the TNA fence wouldn't matter. They'd be employees of Vince McMahon, which means they'd do as they're told to do or they could hit the bricks.
The only possible argument for this was that the competition from WCW in the late nineties led to the WWF's most successful boom period ever, so making TNA viable competition in kayfabe might bring back the massive viewing figures.

However, what would be forgotten is that, before this happened, said competition nearly put the WWF out of business and, ultimately, DID put WCW out of business.

Short term, if done right, this could benefit WWe but the risk is there that long term it could be extremely dangerous.

Coupled with Vince's well known disregard for his competitors, I could never see this happening.
It COULD benefit WWE for several reasons.

1. WWE needs competition to thrive.

2. They could have a relationship similar to the one they had with the old ECW.

3. WWE could gain a "developmental" sort of territory, where some of their greener wrestlers went to gain experience in front of an audience. If they got popular, WWE would have the option to bring them up.

4. A crossover would be good for all business. It could be an NXT crossover, boost the ratings for that show.

5. TNA can't hurt the WWE at all, not now. Everyone knows this. So why not create a partnership? In exchange, WWE gets first crack at their tape library.
Haha, WHAT?! You have got to be kidding me. What would WWE possibly gain from it? TNA are their rivals - their rivals who are inferior and not nearly as well-known. Why would WWE give them the exposure? WWE doesn't even allow their talent to reference TNA, they would never work with them (and with good reason). It wouldn't help WWE's business in any long-term or sustainable way. It would help TNA a lot. I just don't see the rationale.

This is fantasy booking at it's best. No wait, worst. Yeah, worst.
It would never look alright for the two companies to have an inter-promotional show or story of sorts. When WWE brought ECW in, while it did help ECW gain publicity it also told you that they weren't big enough to work on their own. Same as when the InVasion happened. If WWE and TNA worked to give us some of the imposed fantasy matches people believe in, most casual WWE fans would be scratching their head wondering why this AJ Styles fellow thinks he's good enough to hang with John Cena. That costs WWE money while TNA gains publicity. Meaning only TNA would benefit from it all.
YES!! And you know what's cool? It's possible now with WWE getting a new network.

Both fanbase's would go up because people want to see these companies together and see matches like Angle vs Swagger or something like that.

And now I drop my line.

Let's wait and see how it works out
From a personal standpoint, yes. from a realistic and business standpoint, no.

It would be very hard to convince people that the TNA guys are "better than you thought and as good as the WWE" than "wow the current generation of WWE guys can't even hang with these minor leaguers'. That's what the perception would likely be.

It would pretty much only benefit TNA and not WWE.

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