Should Wrestlers Use Real or Fake Names?

no one cares how "the Arnold" spells his last name, its all in how its said. Bobby Roode reminds me of a root beer float, Robert Rude is serious and traditional. Goldberg has the word berg in it.. I dont think Whoopi or sum cliche jew with curly side burns I think of an ice berg. If he stuck with Bill Goldberg instead of just Goldberg he would had looked like a clown.

WWE - Razor Ramon
WCW- Scott Hall

WWE - Diesel
WCW - Kevin Nash

WWE - Mr Perfect
WCW - Curt Hening
Fansince those names were based on persona, ethnicity, and profession.. Razor was a tough guy nick name. Ramon is spanish. He was supposed to be a Cuban gangster like Scarface. Scott Hall was just a regular ol white guy.. Diesel was a trucker, Kevin Nash was just an athlete who played the role of a cool jock. Thats also the reason why one had black hair and his second persona had charming blonde hair. Hennig in WCW did not do the same things as Mr. pERFECT And as a member of the NWO he couldn't try to upstage Hogan or the Outsiders. He didn't show off in the AWA like he did in the WWF either.
So Chris Jericho's dad was a former NHL player named Ted Irvine but his name is Jericho? That doesn't make any sense. Except that Jericho isn't his real last name.

Shawn was an army brat, being a white christian from a military family makes you about as Texan as it gets IMO. He's a Texan.

I think the style of names comes and goes with the times. You don't ever want too much of one or the other.
Does Husky Harris have the same name as Black Jack Mulligan? Was Rock really a Maivia and if so how was his dad a johnson..? Eitherway hes a immigrant who cant speak English so give wrestlemania 20-0 a break.. And I dont even understand your last part.. Do I strip Booker T and Mark Henry of Texas citizenship now or give them a chance to appeal ur ruling?
These days WWE tends to give the majority of their performers character names anyway, so if they leave the company WWE still have the copyright on the character, so that performer can't use it.
I think with John Cena, it helped that it was short, catchy, and he was easy to identify with. However, almost all who have come into the WWE since don't use their real names.

And I'm sure Joe Hennig is thinking, good, WWE can keep Michael McGillicutty if I ever leave this place. :)

Anyway, the thing about names is that you're so used to Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Undertaker, etc. If Hogan would have actually used Terry Bollea all these years, it would be a household name now. When Undertaker became the American Badass, I actually thought it would have been better for him to use his real name during that time, because when i think of Undertaker, I think of the deadman, caskets, lightening, spooky lights, whatever. I didn't think of a red headed dude with a doorag, riding a motorcycle. :)

I miss the days of actual gimmick names, like Ultimate Warrior, Sting, Razor Ramon, Diesel. Nowadays, everyone's stage names are made up to sound like real names, like Michael McGillicutty, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Heath Slater, etc. I want gimmick names of old to make a come back. If they can't come up with a better name than your real name *cough*Michael McGillicutty*cough* then just let them use their names. :)

At least Shawn Michaels is a much better name than Michael Hickenbottom. :)
sorry for not reading everyone's responses here, but regardless of what you guys feel (and if no one has brought up michael Mcgillicuty I'll be upset) but no one is going to be going by their "real" name's in WWE at least for a while... You may get the occaisional CM Punk (ie a gimmick name that continues into WWE) but you will not get a real name, or a gimmick name used in the indies in WWE ever again... The reason for this is clear, WWE wants to trademark and own whatever name their performers use and I don't blame them entirely for it.. If they own the name, (whether it be gimmicky or "real") they can market it and make all the money off it... If they don't own the name (CM Punk, John Cena) Anyone can make an " I LOVE CM PUNK" or "I LOVE JOHN CENA" shirt and they can't be sued for it.. So while yes in theory people should be able to go by their real names, there is a reason why they aren't really allowed to except in certain circumstances.... (anyways i don't see many people getting behind the cerebral assassin Jean-paul levesque and his best buddy the heart break kid michael hickenbottom doo you?)
Every wrestler using their real name would be so boring. Cena though was BORN with a wrestling name. His name is perfect. How many wrestlers can do a "Hulkamania" thing with their last name? Cenation.......John has the most iconic last name in years.
The Harts didnt have to use a stage name, they were already made when they were wrestling for the family business, Rhodes, DBiase, Henning (Mcgillicutty - his mothers madian name) Orton ... all names of the business already, their fathers is what started the pavement in the road, or in Henning case both is mother and father started.
it depends actually.. for people like John Cena that have a nice short catchy real name, they don't need to go for a seperate ring name. For people with a name like mine, going for a ring name would be a better option. It is also worth noting that companies tend to copyright the names as their own, so that the talents won't be as famous immediately if they go elsewhere. That is also one reason wrestlers opt for ring names instead of real ones.
Randy Orton is also his real name if no one's pointed that out yet.

But it really depends on if the name fits the gimmick. If it does, then yes, keep the name. If not, find something more creative.

Sometimes the 'E literally comes up with the dumbest names I've ever heard.
I think if a real name has history and sounds good then why not use it. Micheal Mcguilicuty is ridiculous. I think if he used his Hennig name quite possibly he could be in a better position in the company than he is now. Not saying for sure, but he may have gained popularity as the son of Mr. Perfect. I think for the most part though a stage name is needed. Something to sound catchy, and something that will make people remember the name. Kids buy into the stage name to. I know I was shocked to find out that Hulk Hogan wasn't his real name when I was a kid. So besides a few exceptions I think alternate names are a good thing.

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