Should Winter Chase The TNA Knockouts Championship?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Mickie should finish up her business with Madison at Sacrifice. She'll need a new challenger once she moves past Madison, so what about Winter?

Winter has received a nice and steady push since she arrived in TNA, she isn't bad in the ring, and she is one of the more featured Knockout heels in TNA, so why not give her a shot?

Tessmacher is no where near ready, and her in ring work is terrible. Velvet seems to be on the path for a hard push, and she has reminded of us her desire to become the Knockouts Champion, but there's a chance she could continue her quest to free Angelina from the evil clutches of Winter. And Angelina is stuck in zombie mode, so you can count her out.

Winter seems like the most reasonable choice for Mickie's next challenger. She can be a solid heel, she does have a unique gimmick, and the matches between her and Mickie should deliver. I don't think Winter would become the Champion too soon, because Mickie just wrapped up a long journey to defeat Madison at Lockdown, but Mickie is going to need a new challenger, and I wouldn't mind seeing a feud with Winter.

Would you want to see Winter VS Mickie? Could someone else challegne Mickie?

Mickie should finish up her business with Madison at Sacrifice. She'll need a new challenger once she moves past Madison, so what about Winter?

Winter has received a nice and steady push since she arrived in TNA, she isn't bad in the ring, and she is one of the more featured Knockout heels in TNA, so why not give her a shot?

Tessmacher is no where near ready, and her in ring work is terrible. Velvet seems to be on the path for a hard push, and she has reminded of us her desire to become the Knockouts Champion, but there's a chance she could continue her quest to free Angelina from the evil clutches of Winter. And Angelina is stuck in zombie mode, so you can count her out.

Winter seems like the most reasonable choice for Mickie's next challenger. She can be a solid heel, she does have a unique gimmick, and the matches between her and Mickie should deliver. I don't think Winter would become the Champion too soon, because Mickie just wrapped up a long journey to defeat Madison at Lockdown, but Mickie is going to need a new challenger, and I wouldn't mind seeing a feud with Winter.

Would you want to see Winter VS Mickie? Could someone else challegne Mickie?


I agree with you on most of your ideas. I do think Velvet will be pushed, but try and "free" angelina... And if winter is still involved in that, how can she be carrying on two roles at once? I know it has been done, but I mean do you think she can handle "controlling" Angelina, and be facing Mickie, with velvet trying to "free" her slave? I think that it would be to much going on at once... HOWEVER, if the zombie angle is over soon, I would love to see Winter, And Mickie, go at it for the title. Possibly even a 4 way feud. Velvet, Angelina, Mickie, Winter.
I think the current storyline with Winter (for me) is still her introduction to TNA so unless Angelina snaps out of it and goes after Winter... I am guessing once both feuds end we will see Winter step up to Mickie.

Even if not...Zombie Angelina might be the key to winning the Knockout title and then Velvet finally gets Angelina some rehab and they "fake zombie" Angelina so she can turn on Winter and possible feud for that title.

Tara might end up feuding with Madison so she would be covered.
I see the 'Angelina slave' s/l lasting awhile longer so I don't think Winter will be moved on just yet.

I do wonder who will be Mickie's next challenger though (assuming she wins at SACRIFICE). I had thought that they were positioning Sarita as a stronmg heel but she has the KO Tag championship so I don't know.
No Winter's gimmick with Love is kind of interesting and to be honest I want to see how TNA will mess it up or just drop it. Now the match I love to see for the Knockout Title is MJ vs Tara in a ladder match or Iron Woman match either one would be a classic just like their cage match at the start of the year.
I brought this up in my iMPACT! running diary this week. Why does Tara, arguably the toughest Knockout in all of TNA, need someone else to fight her battles for her? Coming out of Lockdown, it would have made way more sense to have Madison and Tara feuding over Tara's "freedom" and then get Mickie involved in the Winter/Beautiful People angle.

With Angelina firmly under her control, Winter sets her sights on the Knockouts Title. We see Velvet try to break Winter's control but constantly come up short. Maybe this week or next, have Winter actually steal the belt from Mickie thanks to a pre-match assault by Angelina and then further interference in the match. This unites Mickie and Velvet against a common enemy, and makes Mickie much more useful as the physical threat Velvet just can't be. Eventually, Mickie gets her belt back and simultaneously "frees" Angelina from Winter somehow. It'd be a much better use of all parties.
I think when Mickie finishes with Madison Rayne I bet she gives Tara a shot at the title and they have a couple matches. Eventually winter will get the belt and I could see Velvet Sky taking it from her.
With the screen time Winter has recieved upon her inception into TNA, the question isn't if she should go after the Knockout's Championship, but when. I believe right after this Mickie James/Madison Rayne feud, Winter will step up. In fact I will go out on a limb here and say Angelina Love may still be all zombified during this time, and possibly help secure Winter's win. I do want to see Mickie James have a longer run than that, but I just seeing TNA play it out that way.
Give it maybe a month or 2 and we will see a Winter Mickie match for the strap, if that be a PPV Match or a Impact match .. their paths are sure to cross very soon
No, I would not. Winter is the worst knockout in terms of in ring work. She botches every damn move. Besides, she'll have her hands full with the terrible love triangle storyline.
After Mickie's done with Maison, next in line is probably gonna be Tara, Mickie can go out and say she fought for her freedom because she wants to be a fighting champion and Tara is the toughest knockout in the locker room...or something along the lines.
i do when she was up north they did nt believe in giving her a shot instead she job to everyone so i think she will be a wonderful knock's champion
I'd say that Winter will eventually go after the Knockouts Championship. For one, there's most definitely a lack of depth in the Knockout Division. The only one in Mickie James' league in TNA right now is Sarita but she's become so watered down in side the ring over the course of the past several months during her devolution into a stereotypical Mexican **** that it's almost like she's completely different.

Personally, I don't have any interest in Winter. She's awful inside the ring, the few matches she's had have been botch fests for the most part and this storyline in which she's obssessed with Angelina Love to the point that she "drugs" her and keeps her in this zombiefied state where she's impervious to pain has been beyond stupid. Winter isn't as bad as Lacey Von Erich was, but at least Lacey was hot if nothing else.

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