Should TNA revolutionize wrestling?

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Hardcore Revolutionist
WWE, WCW and ECW. In the 1990's the three biggest promotions on wrestling, they all had one thing in common each one of them revolutionized pro wrestling and evolved it into what we know now. WWE with nationwide exposure in the 80's, WCW with compelling storylines and historic NWO stable. ECW with hardcore wrestling and no limits. Each promotion the fans loved for that they did to pro wrestling they loved them for being so diff from each other and giving the fans something they had never seen in pro wrestling.

So I simply ask should TNA try and do the same? Should TNA try and evolve wrestling and if so, how? I know they are the first to use the 6 sixed ring, they have some new matches fans had never seen before, Ultimate X and Elevation X. But where could TNA evolve wrestling? Surely by evolving it and offering something diff from WWE like WCW and ECW did in the 90's they could gain more fans perhaps?

So just to get your thoughts on whether TNA shouldn try and evolve wrestling and if so how?
whether or not tna should change wrestling, it seems ridiculous to attempt to affect this change intentionally. wwf, wcw, and ecw may have all, in their own way, changed wrestling forever. with the possible exception of vince, nobody was trying to change the business, just to earn their share of it. vince tried to change football. it was a failure. i think it is better to try to find something that works, and maybe it will make an impact down the line. the best you can do is notice it coming, and plan around it.
Personally, I don't see the problem with having those sort of false MMA matches that Joe and Kurt had last night - I thought it was actually pretty good, but could use some perfecting. It's still wrestling underneath, and you can still employ different styles into it, just the transitions between the moves were different - i.e. something new. It's pretty much the same as fake mat-wrestling, except you're employing a fighting style that's pretty hot at the moment. At the very least, it'd be something fresh.
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