Should TNA push Rhino more?


Dark Match Winner
After seeing No Surrender, his match came as a surprise to me, because I honestly thought it would suck, given the two men's styles. Instead, Rhino got some of the biggest pops of the night and they managed to put on a more than decent show. He has always been way underestimated, and, given the fact that he is in his prime (34 years old), should get a solid upper-midcard role, imho. Rhino can put on great matches, which he has proven on a lot of occasions, whether it be ECW or TNA and can cut an impactful promo if given the chance. Some of his stuff as the leader of The Frontline was pure gold. Should he be elevated? What are your thoughts?
I think Rhino should be elevated and I think in due time he will be elevated but with TNA's packed roster with so many hot and future potential stars, I think they will continue to use him as enhancement talent or use him as a guy who can jump from midcard to main event like how WWE uses guys like Jericho, Big Show and even Kane for years.

Right now: You have Pope, Abyss, Anderson, Hardy, Angle, and RVD in the forefront.
Second:Then you've got Joe, Hernandez and AJ waiting in the wings.
Third: Then you've got guys with so much potential like Wolfe, Morgan, Robert Roode, Kaz, and even Red all waiting for a chance.

There's lots of talent in TNA and with Rhino being a former TNA champion and even winning it at BFG, I think TNA will give him his time in the sun once the air has cleared in TNA a little.
I have always really liked Rhino...

I just kind of think that his ship has sailed... They have jobbed him out to damn near everyone in the company... And with the main event scene the way it is now, I really don't see him being put back into that spotlight again anytime soon...

He does have good mic skills and he is a good worker, he would just need some kind of repackaging or some kind of new found motivation to make him a believable main eventer again...
Rhino and Daniels could make a tag team called WDUWU - Where Do You Want Us?
Both play snakes and ladders with their positions in TNA. One PPV they are main eventing, the next they are jobbing in the midcard.
Rhino, like Daniels, I feel is merely a victim of circumstance. That being said, I think Rhino is right where he needs to be. He excells in the hardcore matches, but unless TNA was to go full time down that route, he is probably best suited to the midcard.
Sure, he won the world title at BFG, but that was years back. On top of that, they did not exactly give him a solid reign, and he has never been consolidated anywhere in the pecking order long enough to remain a credible challenger.
So, while there are aspects to Rhino's character I do like, I don't think he should be pushed much further than he is now. The main event scene is crowded enough, and if EV2.0 is going to go anywhere, he needs to stick to their storyline, which leaves him standing behind Tommy Dreamer.
I have always really liked Rhino...

I just kind of think that his ship has sailed... They have jobbed him out to damn near everyone in the company... And with the main event scene the way it is now, I really don't see him being put back into that spotlight again anytime soon...

He does have good mic skills and he is a good worker, he would just need some kind of repackaging or some kind of new found motivation to make him a believable main eventer again...

Ships never sail. With the right booking, he can be a threat again. Look at Kane! Kane has been jobbing for almost a decade but now he's on top in WWE again. The same could happen for Rhino so long as he stays in TNA.

In addition, I don't think he needs any type of repackaging. The problem is that throughout his TNA run and hell throughout this decade they keep tying Rhino's leg to the dead ECW ship. They need to move him away from that and let him be his own individual.
I think Rhino is a great guy for TNA to have. As far as pushes go, he should never be world champion, but I do like seeing him on the card. I was one of the people wondering where Rhino was before EV2.0 showed up because as you said, he's still relatively young (younger then Doug Williams and a tad older then the rest of Fourtune.)

Also when judging spears, I think it's safe to say aside from Goldberg, Rhino's is the best. His body type fits perfectly with the spear and some of his spears are just plain devastating. He's built like a fucking cannonball.

If nothing else, Rhino is a solid wrestler. He's got a way over finisher, he's got a good wrestling persona, he can handle himself on the mic (anytime he's on ReAction expect a shit load of bleeping) and he can put on decent/exciting matches.

I would not consider him so much an upper mid carder, but more of an upper mid card jobber? I guess I would have to consider him like a Christian/Matt Hardy of TNA.

But he is a valuable member of TNA nonetheless. I can see him competing with Styles for the TV title but not winning it. Also, if their is a drastic change in story lines, Rhino is the type of guy it's important to know what side he's on. He's a force in TNA is what I'm getting at and I find him more convincing then Samoa Joe.

So as for a push, I feel Rhino is fine where he is right now but if he were "pushed" sometime in the future, I don't think I would be disappointed.
I think they should push him. He is believable against any one of TNA's top guys, as well as WWE's for that matter.

He is a tough competitor in the ring. He can hit The Gore out of nowhere. It's usually Lights OUT after that. Except this passed weekend at No Surrender.

The whole time I watched that match though, Rhino seemed like he had a chance to win it. I knew all along that they would give Abyss the win. He is amidst a huge push in TNA. But, it is TNA so I was still kind of guessing to whether or not Rhino would beat him at No Surrender.

I think Rhino needs to separate from this EV2 thing and go his own way. At this point, he is being grouped in with and defined by a group of has been nobodies basically. Or at least that is how the majority of wrestling fans probably see it.

He is better than all the rest of those guys and is right there with Rob Van Dam.
i think rhino should go back to being a trainer but to be a better one that he was to jessse neal

rhino has done all he can and i think he should pack his boots
I absolutely do not believe that Rhino should be pushed more. I think the key to successs for TNA is to move forward into the future, with a combination of young homegrown talent (MCMG, Styles, etc.,) and stars from elsewhere who are still relevant (Angle, Anderson, Pope, etc.,).

Guys like Rhino and a lot of the other outdated EV2.0 guys probably do have a niche to fill, but that niche should be to put over the younger talent and then step aside. I'm not suggesting that Rhino should be future endeavoured. But he shouldn't be pushed either. Neither should Abyss, or Dreamer, or Sabu, or any of the other fossils.

Granted I of course did not watch last night's PPV, but from what I've read here, Angle/Hardy was good, MCMG/GenMe and Anderson/Pope were decent, the Knockouts were the anticipated eye candy, nothing more, nothing less. Here are the sorts of things that should be the focus of TNA heading forward. Not Kevin Nash, or Sting, or Jeff Jarrett. Not Tommy Dreamer. And certainly not Rhino.
I think Rhino should go for the Legends title, I've always liked him. I think he's very underrated and never has been given the oppurtunitie that he deserves. He won't be World Champ because there is far too many superstars that are in front of him in the line for the World Championship so the next best thing for him is the Legend's Title. AJ doesn't need it, so why not give it to Rhino?
I'd love it if they did, always been a fan of his and was disappointed when TNA only gave him a short run with the world title a few years ago (I think he lost it to Jarrett within 3 weeks of winning the belt).
To all the people who think rhino puts on good matches, what are you people on right now? A push for him is one of the most ignorant ideas. He has never been any good an never will be. If he wants a push try the indy scene cause the best place for him he's and the same goes for just about all his friends from old ecw except rvd and sabu
Like Abyss, I feel that Rhino was perfect as a 'monster' heel (see his time in ECW). And like Aybss, I don't believe that he's suited for much else outside that role. Unfortunately, he was misused in WWE, and during his title run in TNA he was booked more as a blue-collar working man's face and later as a sympathetic recovering alcoholic, neither of which suited his character.

Rhino's intensity level both in and out of the ring lend themselves well to a dominant wrecking-ball type of heel, and he could do well paired with a charismatic manager (much like Cyrus in ECW). If he had received the 'Samoa Joe/Goldberg' push in TNA, he could be sitting comfortably in the main event right now. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be.

As it is, I believe that he still has the greatest potential out of the EV2 candidates (with Stevie Richards close behind). He can wrestle both hardcore and non-hardcore matches, he is decent enough on the mic, and he has some degree of credibility as both the last ECW TV/World champion and as a former NWA/TNA world champion. He's also still relatively healthy, and is still young enough to re-establish himself in the industry.

Personally, I would like to see him get a shot at the main event as a heel. But I doubt it will happen given TNA's currently crowded main event scene, with more established wrestlers already waiting for their turn.
I think people are forgetting that Rhino overall has been pretty mediocre throughout his career. Managing to have a passable match last night against Abyss doesn't automatically qualify anyone for a push. Given the rather odd booking decision of having Abyss job to Stevie Richards in a standard match on iMPACT! this past Thursday, I don't really see how TNA could've booked the Abyss/Rhino match any differently last night with a straight face.

I know that Rhino has his supporters but the guy's time has ultimately passed. If Rhino was going to be a huge star, it would have happened by now. I've got no problem with Rhino being used, but I think he needs to be used to help put over new and young talent rather than be at the forefront of the company.
The big problem is he is credible and a former champion and very over. I mean very over, and always has been. Plus he loves the business you can just tell. That does not fly to well with the IWC if your not a spot monkey or technical genius. Also most require stars to have to have the minimum of the rocks level of mic skills.

If we were being realistic there is no reason Rhyno could not become TV champ at least.
I think if Rhyno stays with TNA then he will never really go much further than he currently is. He will finish the EV2 fued, then go back to fighting hardcore matches against random opponents to fill time in at PPVs.

Personally, I think he is one of the, if not the only guy who would be better suited to WWE right now. Get him away from the hardcore style, but keep his high intensity. Stick him on SmackDown, he could easily win their World Title, and be believable with it
I don't have a problem with Rhino, its just that before like the whole EV2, they couldn't find anything for him to do, i would say he is lucky now because he at least the fans get to see him, my problem is what is going to happen afterward?? after the whole feud with EV2 and Fortune is done, what they going to do with him??
Rhino has been relatively impressive to me lately. He definitely could be an asset in that veteran who puts people over on the upper midcard role. TNA has always been short on those type guys. He is limited in the personality department sometimes because he is not that versatile but you can work around that.
Well, I for one hope they let him have a little run,,.. I liked his feud with Storm. It was good with the end of AMW, and "Wildcat" Chris Harris. It was one of the few times TNA followed through with a story line. Storm looking in bars, because he turned him back into a drunk and we had the 8 mile street fight ppv.
You know, there's a reason he's fallen into obscurity. One being that he doesn't want it, and the second, he ain't really that good. If Rhino should get pushed then Eric Young and Homicide should've been World Champions by now. Rhino is just another worker who really lost all of his steam with ECW dying days. Same case with a guy like Jerry Lynn. Rhino is more for putting over talent at this point than anything. Every time TNA actually gives him a push, it goes sour in a hurry. He was pushed to the main event in 2008 to face Sting for the title all the way to the moon. The match they had, a total mess. It's been the case his entire career. He can't step up. Plain and simple.
I think Rhino should go for the Legends title

The Legends title doesnt exist anymore, its now the TV Title....but I agree it would be a perfect title for Rhino to hold!

I have always rated Rhino, back from his original ECW days, through his WWE run and was very happy to see him in TNA, especially when he won the world title. Rhino is always entertaining in the ring, had a great finisher- which is still super-over, has decent mic skills and is a believable tough-guy.

Maybe his time has gone as a world champion, with all the new talent TNA is pushing right now, but as a TV champion...hell yeah!
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2405075]You know, there's a reason he's fallen into obscurity. One being that he doesn't want it, and the second, he ain't really that good. If Rhino should get pushed then Eric Young and Homicide should've been World Champions by now. Rhino is just another worker who really lost all of his steam with ECW dying days. Same case with a guy like Jerry Lynn. Rhino is more for putting over talent at this point than anything. Every time TNA actually gives him a push, it goes sour in a hurry. He was pushed to the main event in 2008 to face Sting for the title all the way to the moon. The match they had, a total mess. It's been the case his entire career. He can't step up. Plain and simple.[/QUOTE]

i remember he only held the world title in TNA only one time which i think he won from Jarrett and lost it back to him, so what you are saying is that it looks as if the company was to give him a push and notice right away its not working well as they expected, they just take him off television till they find a proper storyline right?
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2405075]You know, there's a reason he's fallen into obscurity. One being that he doesn't want it, and the second, he ain't really that good. If Rhino should get pushed then Eric Young and Homicide should've been World Champions by now. Rhino is just another worker who really lost all of his steam with ECW dying days. Same case with a guy like Jerry Lynn. Rhino is more for putting over talent at this point than anything. Every time TNA actually gives him a push, it goes sour in a hurry. He was pushed to the main event in 2008 to face Sting for the title all the way to the moon. The match they had, a total mess. It's been the case his entire career. He can't step up. Plain and simple.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more with this.

Rhino is shit, has always been shit, and will forever be shit. He has less than average mic skills, a limited in-ring moveset, an average look, and one move that hypes a crowd... The Gore. And it's just a spear, at that. He runs full speed ahead at an opponent, barely touches them with his shoulder, and they jump almost clear out of the ring to sell the move. If it weren't for his opponents' fantastic examples of selling throughout the years he never would've achieved any memorable moments. Not to mention the fact that his biggest push came from the voice of Joey Styles in the form of his unique "GORE! GORE!!"

My point is that Rhino should be thanking his commentators and opponents throughout the years because he is nothing more than a product of their selling. Therein lies his biggest problem. He has nothing to offer an audience that hasn't been elevated by some outside source. What does he have in his arsenal that he's given directly to his audience that people can remember besides his Gore? Exactly my point.

I could never understand his appeal.
Rhino is a great worker, but his biggest issue has always been the ability to make fans care about him when he's not performing a Gore (Gore Gore!), which is a difficult task for him, because his character depth is seriously lacking. What do we know of Rhino other than the fact he's from Detroit, at one point had a drinking problem that Christian Cage exposed and took advantage of a few years back and that he's "intense"?

He has a very niche character that only appeals to momentary intensity and the "pop" factor, which unfortunately hinders his ability to really carry any weight in title pictures or in any main event programs.

No, I don't think TNA should really be pushing him at all, at least not as a means of making him an impact player (no pun intended). If they want to use him as elevating talent, by all means, he's a great worker in that respect.
Rhino is probably the best of the ECW guys at this point but he's just ok. He's perfect in the role he's in at the moment: as a guy you can throw into a midcard feud to put someone over, which he's done with Lashley, Abyss and Sting in the past two years. He's nothing special but with his finishing move he creates a threat since at any given second he could beat you. That's a valuable thing to have and him staying where he is is the best thing for him. No, he shouldn't be elevated or used more because it would start to hurt the credibility he has.

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