Should The Undertaker move to Raw?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Personally, I think the time is just about up for the undertaker on smackdown. Don't get me wrong as I would love to see a taker/triple H feud but besides hunter, jeff hardy and a few others, the undertaker has faced everyone else on smackdown and I can't really see him in a title match with triple h if the spinner belt is still in play. So the best thing is for taker to move to raw after a few more smackdown tv shows. Maybe vickie guererro will draft him to raw. Just as triple h has been on raw for half a decade, taker has been on smackdown for just as long so in my opinion, the time is definitely right for taker to move to raw. Also there are some fresh opponents that taker could face on raw but I hope they don't push him too hard for the world heavyweight championship as I think punk is doing a decent job as champ. What do you guys think?
I think Edge would benefit better with a move to Raw. He feuded with everyone on Smackdown. I see Undertaker going for Triple H so that would put Edge out of the title picture. He could have some solid feuds with CM Punk, Cena, Kofi, Micheals, etc. He needs to get away from Vickie and all of that.
Undertaker can "re-wrestle" old feuds like no other, and is pretty much SD's top guy. As njperfection said, Edge would benefit more from a move to Raw than Taker - plus, there's already a whole bunch of main event talent on Raw, and SD admittedly has little (which I'm loving by the way - finally some fresh faces in the ME!) so keep Taker on SmackDown for the time being.
I would like Taker on Raw. I would like too see him feud with the likes of Orton, Jericho and HBK. Him and Kane could prolly wrestle agin if it was the right match and situation. I could see Taker turning heel alot easier to face top faces on Raw or just staying face and wrestling Orton and so on but with Edge you cant really make him face, you could but that would suck. So that leaves Edge Cena, no thanks, Edge Batista, Pass on that too, Edge HBK could work but thats about all I find intersting at the moment
No. Taker should stay on Smackdown. Smackdown is lacking main event talent, there's only three, and he is one of them. There's plenty of up and coming stars on Smackdown, and having Taker there to help them up and put them over when it's the right time is essential. Plus, Taker can act as a counterbalance to Triple H's politicking backstage, as he is one of the few (if not the only) person in a position equal to his.

Plus from what I've heard, he likes the Smackdown schedule and does not want to move, which is why he's stayed there for so long. So it's extremely doubtful that he would ever make the jump.
I think Undertaker rather than Edge needs to go to RAW.....Edge has faced most of the top faces there (Cena, Batista, CM Punk).....I would love to see a Taker v. Cena feud...I believe he can help Cena just like he did Batista....The match I've been wanting to see the most is Taker v. Y2J....The only way I can see Taker moving is maybe when Edge comes back they can have a Loser Leaves Smackdown match.
Taker moving to RAW would be a fresh move for the WWE, but it will only work if SmackDown gets Cena or Michaels in return, and I don't see either man going to the blue Brand anytime soon. Taker was SmackDown's King for 6years now, a change in Brands would definitely give him a breath of fresh air, but I think he is comfortable where he is at right now. In the past six years the WWE has been sending opponents to Taker from other Brands to be his next victim, they come to him, not the other way around, and it looks like it is going to stay that way for the rest of his career. If Taker will ever move to RAW, then it will be at the next Draft, he will probably be "the big one" that gets drafted next year.
Shocky has said that you can't move Taker to Raw on account of how long his entrance is. I don't agree myself. With no 20 minute Triple H promo each Monday there's now plenty of time for him to take his time getting to the ring. One might even suggest a new entrance, my pick is skateboard.

Taker shouldn't move though. People should move for him. The problem with the Draft is that, well, moves people. To Smackdown from Raw you got Umaga, HHH, Jeff Hardy & Kennedy. So really it doesn't change the roster much at all. It just gives you the impression it does.

But with Undertaker staying put each year he's got more than enough feuds on Smackdown. Umaga, Big Show, MVP, Triple H, Jeff Hardy. The list is endless for him. Well not endless, it finishes there, but you get the point. Each year he'll have lots of fresh feuds if he stays put.
I think he should move to Raw,That's where the big contenders are ,Triple H has no comp on smackdown they should move the dead man to Raw,Edge and The Undertaker are the only reason i watch Smackdown ,the game is my dude but he has no comp right now!We Want the World Heavyweight Championship
I'd have to say no. Like Jake said there's a big list of people for him to face. On Raw, the title picture is already complicated enough. On SD there are a ton of guys that are in the upper midcard but haven't quite reached the main event yet. A feud with Taker and a good rub from him could be just the springboard he needs. There's no one more over on SD period so a feud with one of them could be jsut what they need. On Raw, he'd get lost in the mix with everyone else, which isn't his style. COuld work if done right, but just not somethign that I think would be the best move.
Like I said before, the problem with a taker/triple h feud is the damn wwe title. Its a spinner and it just doesn't go right with the current taker gimmick so if wwe are planning to make a feud between taker and triple h then the spinner belt has got to go.
I don't think Undertaker should move to RAW. He is Smackdown!. He has plently of feuds that can keep him busy. The Triple H fued, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, maybe even the ending of Edge and La Familia. There's plenty for him to do and he'll do a damn good job at them too.

The problem I have is that damn spinner belt. There's no way that the spinner belt will fit the Undertaker, it doesn't even fit HHH. Who knows though, maybe the Undertaker wins the belt and brings in a new one, but I can't see him doing that.
I think Undertaker should stay on smackdown. He hasn't really been on the show since the draft so I wouldn't consider moving him to raw until he has fueds with the new talent there. I'd actually be interested in a Undertaker/Kendrick fued, although both of them are face.. Also, It seems as though Smackdown is a bit lacking in ME wrestlers. As you can see from the scramble, there is only one long-term main eventer in there, Triple H. The rest are more "up and comers". I could see why people would want Taker to move to Raw, as it would seem like a fresh move for him, but with new wrestlers for him to have fueds with on Smackdown, there isn't much need for him to move to Raw.
I think Undertaker should stay on smackdown. He hasn't really been on the show since the draft so I wouldn't consider moving him to raw until he has fueds with the new talent there. I'd actually be interested in a Undertaker/Kendrick fued, although both of them are face.. Also, It seems as though Smackdown is a bit lacking in ME wrestlers. As you can see from the scramble, there is only one long-term main eventer in there, Triple H. The rest are more "up and comers". I could see why people would want Taker to move to Raw, as it would seem like a fresh move for him, but with new wrestlers for him to have fueds with on Smackdown, there isn't much need for him to move to Raw.

First of all kendrick is heel not face. Secondly he would not work well against Undertaker. He would get pummeled and look like garbage because he is too small. He also isn't ready for that kind of push. Unless Taker is gonna feud with Heel Triple H he should go to Raw. Otherwise move Edge over there because both can't stay on Smackdown.
personally i think he should go because Raw needs more maineventers. Sure smackdown needs helps with upcomin midcarders(hardy,umaga,kennedy etc.) but pretty soon smackdown gonna be clouded just like raw. if they get rid of rey,jericho,and cm punk exchange for taker they cud have more to work with . rey is midcarder point blank so he fit perfectly over dere jericho wud be good slot for another heel over dere cm punk if given some good fued (edge,hardy,bwenjamin,show) he cud be dere as well .They havent rereally used punk very well on raw n he be better off ova dere so he develop well.Taker on raw could battle cena, orton, michaels , and maybe morrison if dey actually move him dere it cud work out . raw could become great . just an idea
No No No Cena Is Out Injury And Orton We Cant Tell When He Is Coming Back There Is Only Hbk And Y2j. Taker Needs To Stay On Smackdown Where He Can Help Build Umaga Into The Main Event And Win The Tittle. Big Show Is There. Kennedy, Mvp, Etc There Is Talent There He Needs To Help. Hhh Cnt Be The Only One To Help Them Taker Has To Step Up His Game For The Future Of The Wwe.
personally i think he should go because Raw needs more maineventers.

No, Raw has a lot of main eventers, in fact, it has too many. Just look at their championship scramble. That is how complicated the title picture is there right now. Cena is out, but it still has Punk, Kane, JBL, Batista, and to a lesser extent I suppose Mysterio. Let's also not forget that HBK is about to come back and Jericho will probably move up soon. Randy Orton is also going to come back hopefully before the rumble.

Who has Smackdown got? Just look at its championship scramble. Triple H is the only true main event player in there. There are only three true main eventers on Smackdown now: Taker, Trips, and Edge. And with Edge probably taking some time off for a month or so, Taker needs to be there more than ever.

Hopefully MVP will come out of this as a true main event player. But I don't see Triple H losing the title right now.
At the current status wwe is in, I can't see taker moving to raw yet. With edge going out of the picture and umaga still not recovered from his surgery, taker is needed on smackdown to bring the show some light. Apart from taker, smackdown has only triple h, big show, jeff hardy and to a certain extent MVP. So in the current position that smackdown is in, taker would be the last person they want to lose.
Taker could really be on either RAW or doesnt really matter.if the WWE wants consistenly high ratings, sure he can go on RAW, feud with Kane, Cena, even Punk, another Orton feud, (no more Batista though)..him and HBK would be great for WM 25..but I like him on SD too cuz he could feud with HHH, Edge some more maybe, The Big Show, Umaga

I think its Edge that needs to move..he was awesome on RAW and was great with Orton..he could go straight into a feud with Punk who took his title, a fight with Cena..etc..
Naa. Undertaker going to RAW will make SD! miss a huge chunk of its roster. If the Undertaker does however go to RAW it would be awesome to see him. I mean when the last you actually got to say: I SAW UNDETAKER ON RAW!. There are a lot of fresh faces he can face on RAW as well. CM Punk, Cena, HBK (AWESOME!), Orton etc.
If anybody need's to move to RAW it's Edge. I was never happy about him leaving in the first place. Undertaker still has a few good feud's on SD left to go before he can move to RAW, although I'd like him to finish his career up on RAW as he hasn't been a part of RAW in 6 years now. Triple H has made the switch so Undertaker should too someday down the line.
I don't think The Undertaker should move to raw. Taker has already feuded with Batista & Kane too much, and I don't think anybody want's to see a Taker-JBL feud. I think he should stay on Smackdown for a while so he can feud with HHH, Benjamin, Big Show, and a Hardy/Taker rematch from the ladder match they had long ago would be amazing(my personal favorite match ever). I think Taker is still useful for Smackdown for a while and he shouldn't move...yet anyways.
Firstly like most people I would love to see Taker/HHH again, but i think the brands are quite unbalanced smackdown has the 2 ultimate names taker/HHH but with the exception of edge there isn't many other guys for them to fued with I would love to see taker traded to raw for 2 other main eventers so raw gets its ultimate draw and smackdown gets its feuds.
That's the beauty of being a face. Taker being a face can feud with anyone. Latley WWE has been doing pretty good in their face vs face feuds. Heel vs heel feuds never really seem to work out too well. So by saying that Taker is running out of people to feud with... I really don't think that's too accurate. Once his feud with Vickie is over he can face anyone that everyone else listed plus people that he's already faced. At the rate things are going we could see Taker face Kendrick. Imagine what that could do for Kendrick's carrer. With the push he's getting now, I wouldn't be surprised if him and Ezekiel went after him. There's a new feud for him right there. Then there of course is always guys like Big Show, Umaga, and the other big guys. Also lets not forget that Taker holds his own pretty well in gimmick matches. So a ladder match against Hardy would even work. If anyone needs a move from Smackdown, it's Edge. If WWE wants to keep him as a top heel he needs to get away from HHH and Taker. So in conclusion... No I don't think Taker needs to move to Raw
i don't think he need move personally. If HBK isn't swapping shows then Taker won't either. They want one of their two legends on each show, not both. I personally am waiting for Taker to turn heel. It's been a good while since we had a heel Taker and his promos are a lot better than when he's face (well let's face it, he barely ever speaks when he's a face), however we're more likely to see HHH turn heel than Taker.

There are only 2 people on Raw that Taker could fued with and that's HBK again or Jericho who apparently he has never wrestled.

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